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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    Hard day today

    It really depends on each person, but i found that the more i moved around and stretched and so on and took the Gas X it really helped. . I'm going to say that it should be lessening each day and soon be gone, just move more so that it can absorb ok. . . keep drinking and you'll be ok. . . don't let your pee get dark, make sure it stays a clearish color. . . cyberhugs to you! you'll be ok
  2. thinoneday

    Hard day today

    Your not being negative, your hurting and need some advice. . the pain is gas. . .walking and some Gas-X can help that. . . if you don't feel like eating, don't, just make sure you sip water and stuff because you don't want to dehydrate. . . nice hot tea will help (it does me) . . . but don't dehydrate and take your allergy meds. . . good luck. . this too shall pass
  3. how great! keep up the excellent work! yes you are very right, it's not easy. . lots of "other" people think we took the easy way out, but we didn't . . we took the smart way! Hard work yes it is. . . easy? NOOOOO
  4. thinoneday

    is your pouch to big???

    have you discussed this with your surgeon? what size did he use? i made darn sure i asked all these questions before the surgery and that we both came to a mutual agreement. Mine was 32F with an oversew making it roughly 28F
  5. thinoneday

    OOPS! I forgot I was sleeved!

    Nooo, I'm reminded EVERYDAY i've been sleeved. My restriction doesn't allow me too much. . but i sure do enjoy a sweet treat every now and then thats for sure!!! Your doing great! Keep up the great work!
  6. :lol: I've done that for years! Used to be i could drink any man under the table, get up and walk away without a swerve. . . now it's only 2 of those on weekends only and i'm done! I know I blow peoples minds when i tell them that. . .
  7. thinoneday

    Am I Crazy???

    how we see ourselves is how we see ourselves. i am 6 feet tall and at my heaviest weighed 350lbs i was a very big girl. . .when i got the surgery people would tell me that they never saw me as big . . . but i sure did. . . even now after losing 150 lbs i see myself as a big person. . you have to be happy with your choice, i'm so happy i did this surgery even though I still see myself as large there are so many things that don't . . like fitting comfortably on a plane seat, crossing my legs, being able to shop in a regular store and not in a women's plus store, bending over without feeling like my eyeballs are going to fall out from the pressure and so on. . so these surgery decision are for you to make, no one can make them for you. . . but make sure you research everything, go to the seminars and talk to the surgeon in length. . . good luck
  8. thinoneday

    Two weeks

    Good for you! yeah i did 2 weeks too, and I was so glad i did. . . glad your doing so well! Keep up the great work!
  9. thinoneday

    Net carbs vs total carbs....confused

    HUH?????? there is a difference in carbs? Ok lets get filled in here. . .
  10. thinoneday

    Just excited!

    how exciting! keep up the great work! in no time flat you'll be skinny mini!
  11. I have been stalled even gaining weight over 6 months. . . well this is heartbreaking and very maddening especially after spending so much money. . . but i didn't give up, i maintained my 1 time per week weigh in and continued to do what i do. . . guess what this weekend i just did my every day thing, and today i came to work and weighed myself. . . i had lost 6 lbs over the weekend. . . want to hear about a high! I am so happy . . . maybe i'm back to losing now again after 6 months. . . wow what a relief!
  12. thinoneday

    Full vs. Satisfied?

    yup totally understand that shanny, i still make very sure i have my meals over 30 minutes too. after 15 months out its a habit so thinking about it isn't hard . . .plus it's better that way. . .the losing interest part gets better. . . just hang in there. . . you'll do fine
  13. Ok older sleevers, I'm not sure what this is but maybe you can help. . . I'm 15 months out and was ticking along just fine! About 2 weeks ago I've noticed that when I eat something (anything including vitamins) I'll have about 1 tblspn of food, or 2 or so of my vitamins, or even 1/2 c of liquids, I get this horrible throbbing ( heartbeat ) in my stomach (like when you bang yourself really hard and have that throbbing sensation) It's really really bad and I HAVE to stop eating, drinking whatever I'm doing and walk about for about 20 minutes and then it's gone, but it leaves me very scared to try again. . . anyone else experience this feeling? Good thing about it, i'm back to losing . . . I don't want to call the doctor (Nurse here, I don't call doctors ) so anyone else??? I've even tried the prilosac, no go. . . the restriction lately is totally amazing! I mean 1 bite of a chicken leg, or 1/2 poached egg and here comes the throbbing. . . no pain, just throbbing and PVC's out of the gassoo. . . ideas???
  14. sounds like allergies to me (dry eyes) if your dehydrated, you'd feel like you have no spit and really dry in your mouth as well as needing lots of lotion for extra dry skin. . . your sadness is hormonal. . you say your home alone for several hours. . . get out and do stuff, gardening, shopping, go to the GYM, go for a WALK, go to the park. . . enjoy yourself. . . not just stay at home staring at the 4 walls. . . alot of folks apparently go through this. . . if you notice it gets worse you may want to talk to someone about it more . . . good luck!
  15. thinoneday

    Full vs. Satisfied?

    Excellent question! This is one of those things you will need to relearn. . . after eating and you feel full, your brain will be telling you that its so good you need more. . . this is where you will have to do a lot of self talk. . .no you don't need more. . .you get up and start doing other things other then eating. . . after your 30 minutes you drink something and continue to do something. . this is where your part of the job comes in. . . this is where the sleeve is the tool and you have to do the work . . . good luck! You can do this and with some hard work and determination you'll be successful too!
  16. thinoneday

    heartbeat #2!!!!!

    I tend to agree with you seniorsleever. . . i'm under the impression that maybe i'm not chewing good enough either, or eating too fast again. . so i'm trying all things. . . kinky, thanks for your concern as well. . .if it doesn't resolve within a week or 2 I'll bite the bullet and go to the doctor. . .
  17. Ear Wax! I love that too! actually i love Root Beer especially diet! Guess me and dishwater would get along really well! But not ear wax!
  18. thinoneday

    heartbeat #2!!!!!

    nope, had that taken care of years ago. . .
  19. :lol: I love the comparison to wallpaper paste! that is so funny! I love the Dannon Greek yogurts, my favorite is the vanilla! I also mix my vanilla Protein powder into it . . . this is my favorite thing to eat. . . but that is just me. . . you may not like it. . . good luck
  20. thinoneday

    should I go on a diet

    here is my loss after 15 months
  21. thinoneday

    Whatcha eating today!!! Monday

    I'm on a total high today. . . got onto the scales and lost 6 pounds over the weekend! I'm back to losing! I'm so happy. . . . soooooooooooooo here is the menu of the day B - greek yogurt with 1 scoop Protein powder L - portabella mushroom 1/2 with 1 oz chicken breast D - spa lean cuisine S - 1 - 2 oz sharp chedder cheese
  22. Yup the 3 week stall is a real downer. . I remember getting rid of my scales and only weighing at the doctor appts. . . this was such a great thing for me. . . i was always so happy to get to the doctor appts and then the high it put me on for the rest of the day was always so great. . . now that i'm 15 months out and am done with the WLS doctor, I weigh myself and still only do that once a week. . . of course after losing 150 lbs it is alot slower (I MEAN A LOT SLOWER) but i reached the doctors weight loss goal and now am working on my own personal one. . . so I've got the rest of my life to do that. . . .it'll come off, slow is better then zippy fast too. . . good luck! and like they say, mix it up. . . one day add a bit more calories the next day lower it, stick in a exercise routine too
  23. thinoneday


    Wow, thats amazing (maybe there isn't as many problems with the sleeve as with other WLS). . . with the sleeve the death rate isn't that big, head hunger of course but then you would get that with ordinary dieting as well. . . that is the reason most folks are not very successful doing it the traditional way. . .the weight gain, sure if your not careful and eat everything your not supposed to. . . this is JUST a tool, not a miracle thing! As with a hammer, it won't bang the nail into the post without you doing the work. . . the sleeve is the same, it won't MAKE you lose the weight, it helps you lose the weight but you MUST work on it. . . you have to watch your intake all the time! it's just easier having restriction to HELP you not overeat. . . my DH is an occupational therapist and hasn't seen the problems with all your sister says. . . so this must be different areas. . . I am out 15 months and the only problems i battle with at times is head hunger. . . but who isn't. . .you have to be able to combat it. . . obesity is a health problem as well as a psychological problem, you need to work very hard to help yourself with it. . . and the other is a problem that may have already been there but was never tested prior to the WLS is Vitamin D deficency. . . we're working on that now. . . but other than that, I've lost 150 lbs of fat that i will never gain back UNLESS I will it and don't work on it . . good luck to you on your future endeavors
  24. Good for you! Yes, I'm 15 months out and can only take in 2 drinks. . .however, my drinks are mixed 4 - 6 oz alcohol and 2 - 4 oz diet coke. . . i feel the drink very fast, but as soon as i drink it about 1 or 1 1/2 hours later it's gone. . .like nothing ever happened, But I don't want another drink after that feeling wears off either. . . just do like your doing, sip your drink and make it last, your doing good. . . I love the idea of no headaches, no hangovers, or anything. . .
  25. thinoneday

    What can happen if....

    I really don't know about that cause I had my protein EVERYDAY up until now and still have all the funky little problems that they said would happen if I didn't have my protein. . .UGH life is so cool!

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