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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    When I was at my heaviest I used to say . . .

    i was like iegal, i used to say sooooo many things but tomorrow never came for me. . . until December 29th, 2009. . . . then it finally came. . . now i've lost all my weight minus about 20 lbs and i don't have that much loose skin (not enough for surgery anyhow) no wrinkles (and at 50 that is a plus) no problems at all. . . but now i wish i didn't have the sleeve. The sliming has gotten the best of me after almost 2 years. . . it's really sickening. . . can't even eat 1 egg without the slimies starting never mind a nice meal out. . . . . . ugh I know i'm only having a pitty party with myself and i should just get over it, but i'm allowed as a person. . . . thanks for listening. . .
  2. thinoneday

    Am I becoming bulemic?

    hey, i'm feeling your mood girl! I'm almost 2 years out and let me tell you. . . in the beginning man this was the best thing ever, I was happy that i was losing so much weight and feeling so in control. . . then after the 13th month i think things started to change. My weight loss stopped and stabled out. I now wear a 16 and at 6.0 tall I look pretty good, hardly any loose skin, no wrinkles, no troubles. . . you would think i should be happier then a looney toon. . . nope, now i resent my sleeve. Now i would like to be able to go out to eat and not just order a stupid appetizer and then yet ask for a dumb take out box cause i can't finish it. . . . i would love to enjoy a nice sunday Breakfast with my hubbie, but on no I can eat maybe 1/2 egg and 1 strip of bacon (if that) then have to wait 30 minutes before the coffee cause otherwise the sliming starts. . . errrrkkkkkk. . . .I was telling hubbie that and he said, you could have done it by yourself you know. . . i told him very calmly that that was not going to happen cause otherwise i would of been able to do that and not weigh 350lbs. . . we both laughed it off and i will just carry on. . . but i totally understand how you feel. . . i really feel that way too. . . but oh well. . . we will just carry on and do the best we can right???
  3. thinoneday

    Prickly People

    I'm just going to get this off my chest. . .i've noticed that some of the newer people that are coming onboard this forum are rude! They are so prickly and condesending. . . I really don't like that at all. . .this is supposed to be a "support" group and not "lets beat down the next person in line" . . . this could be why so many of the old group has left and gone elsewhere. . . I'm really dissappointed in some of the folks that get on . . . thanks for listening. . . feel better now. . . have a good day!
  4. Sorry to hear that happened to you. . but you know what honey, he was going to end up being an abuser if he isn't already. . . I see he loves to use mental abuse on you. . . your going to be ok, he is very insecure and hateful , . . he has some serious jealousy issues he needs to work out. . hope he gets the help he needs. . . good luck!
  5. thinoneday

    I threw away my scale

    All I can say Renee is GOOD FOR YOU!!!!! that was exactely what i was talking about years ago when i first started posting here. . . get rid of that darn demon! It just likes to sabatoge everything you work so hard at. . . i had my surgery on December 29, 2009 and when i got home that was the first thing i did, threw that blasted thing out. . . and i'm glad i did!!!! YOU GO!!! You'll do very well!
  6. how exciting! good luck to you! let us know the outcome!
  7. thinoneday

    Hair Loss

    this is just another one of those things we have decide on. . . loss of hair and be thinner, or keep our hair and stay fat. However, it doesn't happen to everyone. I'm out almost 2 years now and my hair started falling out March of last year, (I was out 3 months at that time) it continued to fall out until this year and now it's slowed down and it's growning back, it looks weird though, coming in like a chia pet. . . sprouty. . . but i was fortunate that it didn't go bald spotty. . . just very very thin. . . now it's growing back, so thats good. some folks are going to give you this shampoo works, this Vitamin works, but for me none of that worked at all, so I just let nature take its course and dealt with whatever came my way. . .now i'm being rewarded again. . . good luck!
  8. :lol: I just may take you up on that offer one day! Take care and all the best to you my friend! Take care of that wife of yours!
  9. thinoneday

    A little discouraged

    Hi, I haven't had to loose over 200lbs but have lost 150 lbs with about 20 or so more to go. But let me tell you something, for me it was not the way i looked it was more the way i feel and how people see me. I wanted so badly to be able to actually fit into a plane sit and be able to buckle that seatbelt comfortably without always being embarrassed. Those things that you want are so attainable, but along with this surgery comes some downs too. . . loose skin, more wrinkles etc. . . you have to choose what is important to you at this time. loose the weight or look nice (if you have the money, plastics can help alot too) I have been extremely fortunate and I thank God and my genetics everyday. I did not get too much loose skin, no turkey neck, no wrinkles, no baldness (however I did loose a lot of hair) . the only thing i have really bad is cellulite on my legs, but i don't care, I lost weight and i fit into the plane seat with 8in to spare after i buckle up. . and on June 18th I am taking my daughter horse back riding for her 21st birthday. This is the first time for me in many years! I'll probably cry when i get up there! But nonetheless, I would rather give up on looks then be morbidly obese for the rest of my life.
  10. Thank you! You've done amazing yourself! I started out at 350 lbs too. . . it's hard and always will be hard for us. . I compare it to an addict only ours is harder cause we NEED food to survive. . I'm so happy you have a great and loving wife that helps alot! I'll be ok with my life, I don't know anything other then what I've been handed. . but thanks a lot, that was very nice. I am active too, I love to do outdoor things, weeding (yes yes, I know! But I love it ,good stress reliever) planting, beach, camping and fishing! We're active and that is what is important. . we live but once, enjoy all you've been given and love the ones you love and in the end you'll get your blessings! Good luck!
  11. thinoneday

    I am officially freaking out!

    WOW! Good luck! I'm scared and excited for you too! Let us know how that turns out!
  12. thinoneday

    Has someone commented on your weight loss?

    I hear a lot of different comments, but I don't like any of them. The reason is that my brain is not caught up to my body or I just plainly refuse to believe any of them cause to me I'm still huge. (wow almost 2 years out and I still don't get it ! Amazing) but none the less, I worked with this tiny, tiny, tiny, Mexican girl named Iris. . she wasn't particularly cute or anything but she was tiny! I'll have to say about 4'9" and about 75lbs if not less. . .she looked like a walking skelaton. Now with the 150 lbs gone on me, I hear alot of this. . . "oh look, its IRIS! I really hate that!!!! Cause I'm not Iris. . .I'm no where near IRIS!!!! My legs still join up top and my butt still sticks out and I'm 200 lbs for heavens sake!!!!! Oh well life goes on!
  13. I can soooo feel your pain. I'm sorry this has happened to you and so sorry to see you leave. but you know I can relate. Fortunately, however I had reached my doctors expectation of me but now he wants me to lose about 20 more lbs. . DO YOU THINK I CAN????? Oh NO! I'm so stuck at this weight and it won't budge. . . hasn't for 4 months! I'm sure if I gave it a good kick start it would work, but I've come to the conclusion that at 6 feet tall and an incredible large bone structure this is the weight for me. . . I've excepted that and now I am not going to kill myself with dieting. . . I did enough of that for the last 45 years of my life and am done with it. I'm ok with who I am now and am just grateful I can fit comfortably into a plane seat and get that stupid seat belt buckled! LOL. . . . Honey, you'll be ok. . . it's going to happen for you, slower maybe, but it'll happen. . . just keep doing what your doing, throw out that scale and live your life. . .like you say, you have an amazing life, I'm jealous cause I have just the opposite, but then I don't know anything better anyhow, so I guess mine is amazing too but in a different sense of the word. . . know that we are always here for you! Check in and let us know your successes. . . They will be there! Good Luck and may the path of life be good to you and to all you do!!!
  14. thinoneday


    Oh My GOD! That brings back major night mares for me!!!!!! I am almost 2 years out and had some coconut at about 1 year out. . . OMG it nearly killed me. . . the darn stuff wouldn't digest, it just sat there in a lump for the WHOLE day giving me severe grief. . . then i couldn't poop for about 3 days thereafter. . . let me tell you, it's definately not worth it. . . . lettuce, raw spinach and any raw leafy vegatables and beef does the same thing to me. . . it's like call me an ambulance! But that is me, you might be different. . . . good luck to you!
  15. thinoneday

    Alcohol after surgery

    Quite personally hon, I wouldn't do it. Your tummy is still trying to heal and alcohol is very harsh. It won't do anything to your staples, but could irratate your suture line. Alcohol and birthdays will always be there. Just take care of yourself and heal first. Your hubbie should understand. I'm out nearly 2 years now, I took my first alcoholic drink after 3 months. You do get tipsy very quickly. I don't know if it would cause complications but i wouldn't attempt it. Good Luck!
  16. thinoneday

    Bariatric Advantage Meal Replacement

    I personally LOVE these. The Bariatric Advantage Protein Shakes to me are the best ever. I love to get the vanilla and mix the powder with yogurt or puddings. . and add extracts into it when i use it as a drink. . . the chocolate is great too with Peanut Butter mixed into it . . tastes like reeses peanutbutter cups. . . and if you mix cherry extract into it as a drink it taste like cherry covered chocolates. . . yummmmm. . . . It's not chalky and mixes really well. . . but that is just my opinion. . . others may absolutely hate it. . . . good luck! I'm almost 2 years out and still use them faithfully
  17. thinoneday

    You have got to be kidding me!!!

    :lol: You are too weird! Love to hate those scales that dicate our lives!! Great story
  18. thinoneday

    Tired of water

    So drink something else for heaven sakes . . . it's not etched in stone you have to drink all those things you don't want too.
  19. thinoneday

    Happy Being Fat

    Emily, what a nice post this is. . . it is so true. . . people can be happy and sad all at the same time. I was huge at 350 lbs but even though I was not happy as to how I looked, I was happy with my life. . . now at 200 and size 16/18 I no longer unhappy with the way i look, but i'm not happy either. I can enjoy the "healthful" things, yeah that is great, but i'm not mentally happy. So to all of those newbies who think that losing the weight will make you happy, you are SO WRONG. But oh well, it's almost over right! Chow
  20. thinoneday

    Cash payers...

    federal credit union at 3%
  21. 32F with oversew to reach 28F. . . pretty small here and grateful i am except when i'm depressed. . then sometimes i wish it was bigger. . .
  22. thinoneday

    The best NSV thus far ! ! !

    Hooray for Tiffy and DH! I'm so happy for the two of you! Little sprout couldn't have wished for better parents. . . keep your appts and do everything your told! In no time Sprout will be peeing on daddy!
  23. thinoneday

    Should I ???

    I told my mom about 2-3 months after surgery. . . when i was getting it done i just told her we would be gone on vacation for about 1 week. . .so if i didn't call that was why. . . but you see my mom is a major drama queen. . .if she would have known, she would have picked out my coffin and had me dead and buried before surgery. . . so i just spared the drama and didn't tell her, . . now that she knows, I'm still dead and buried, but i just tell her "did you prefer me fat mother and i'm not dead am i? " that usually shuts her up. . . good luck
  24. thinoneday

    Quick Intro

    welcome and the best of luck to you!
  25. thinoneday

    So frustrated

    Can you afford self pay? to get a loan and do this by yourself? This jumping through hoops thing is very irratating and then in the end they could deny you. . . this is why i just did self pay and yes i'm paying back like as if i bought a luxury car. . . but i got my surgery without playing the puppet. . . good luck

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