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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    feeling sad ... :(

    Hi, I'm not sure you want to hear from an old foogy like me, I'm almost 2 years out and let me tell you what it sounds like your feeling is separation anxiety. I think most of us have gone through this at some point of our journey. Yes, you will be able to eat pizza and burgers again but not til your in the maintainence portion of your weight loss or until you learn what your body can handle or can't handle. For example I would love to eat a burger (I haven't had a take out burger in 2 years! ) but not because I can't, it's because #1. I know it's a waste of money cause i'll never finish the whole thing, amd #2. bread. lettuce and I don't get along at all, so for me that is a big waste. . . so I just don't bother. You will get back to normal eventually. . but be prepared to relearn everything there is about eating and drinking stuff. . . I promise you that it will get easier with time and that you must be patient. . . don't expect to come out of surgery a thin model that takes time too. . . Rome wasn't built in a day either. . . patience my friend and love for yourself is the key. . . rejoice with each success and be kind to your body. . don't expect to loose as others do, you may go faster or you may go slower, just be happy you are loosing. . your going to do ok. . . and honey you may not have your biological family with you, but you have your cyber family with you. . .take your computer and as soon as you can, get onto the forum and chatter to us. . . tell us about your experiences, your cute doctor, your fears, that weird feeling when you try to drink something the first time. . . you know just talk to us. . we are hear for you. . . good luck! Your going to do fine!
  2. thinoneday

    Oh Dear, Oh My

    Please be careful about this one all. . . yesterday i was at work just caring on like normal and all of a sudden I felt very very drunk and like i was going to pass out. . . then i got so very sweaty that i literally soaked my uniform clothes. . . i don't remember much of anything after that but got home somehow, my hubbie took one look at me and right away took my blood sugar. . . 47 !!!! He said all i was doing was going in and out of conscienousness. . . after the blood sugar was stablized i tried to rethink (which is really hard to do) what i all ate over the day, plain bagel for breakfast, 4 oz of macaroni salad for lunch, pork rinds for snack. . . good enough for me. . . but apparently not good enough for the blood sugar. . . . be careful ya'll spread out the food and have snacks and from now on I'm carrying a glucose drink with me just in case. . . .
  3. Well, I took out a loan. . . yes it's the price of a small new car, but it's worth the money. . . best investment I ever did. . . good luck!
  4. thinoneday

    Oh Dear, Oh My

    Thank you everyone! Yes, yesterday I still felt like i had been hit by a bus, but functionable. . today i'm good. . . just please be careful. . . autumnLily, it's 2.6 in Canada/Europe conversion. . .
  5. thinoneday

    Why must I finish it? WHY????

    That took me a long time to get over too. . . I'm almost 2 years out and still find it tough to throw out food. . . but i do it, just get up and do it. . . . it's tough and always will be but together we'll get through this. . . apple-saucy, my mom was from the "waste not want not" club . . . you don't finish whats on your plate, you don't get the next meal. . . . ugh memories
  6. thinoneday

    How to deal with stress...

    Well my dear friend, life is a bowl of cherries and all your left with is the pits. . . lol. . . no seriously now, what i do is this Take it one day at a time. . . . my old addage of "this too shall pass" is what comforts me. . since you have 400 papers to mark within 14 day or so, if you can squeeze in 25 - 28 of those per day everyday you'll be done with the time alloted. . . depending on the age of the kids, they should understand your crunch time and should be able to assist you with things, like household duties and entertaining themselves. . . hubbie will need the help, but not every single minute of your day, get him comfy with whatever it is, have the urinal or bedpan nearby for him to reach, his pain pills, Snacks, fluids, etc and he should understand as well. . . life is a funny thing but sometimes we have to do what we have to do. . . you'll be ok, and let me tell you that chocolate bar will NOT help you through this, (coffee will ) your smarts and know how and organizational skill is what will get you through this. . . . good luck! You'll be fine!
  7. thinoneday

    The POSITIVITY thread:

    i must say my 3 top satisfactions are 3. fitting into a plane seat with 8 inches of seatbelt to spare 2. riding a horse without killing it first 1. not being stared at by people anymore while i eat
  8. thinoneday

    New Addiction?

    I'm weird, I hate sex, to me it's a big boring job. . . but my new addiction is yard work, planting, tending to my flowers and my saltwater aquarium. . . I keep myself busy at work and then at home. . . my darlin hubbie says "can't you sit still, your worse then me now" . . . so cute. . .
  9. thinoneday

    bikini/two piece

    Hi Coops!!!! Go to the store and try one on and see if you approve! If you feel comfortable in it, go for it, if you feel any way "I don't know" then don't. . . no one else will see you in the change room. . . good luck!
  10. thinoneday

    Will it ever end?

    God I'm so happy i had that hysterectomy 17 years ago!!! I feel for all of you who have Auntie Flo comin to visit. . . I got rid of that pain in the . . . . biotch once and for all and threw her clothes out at the same time. . . that demon of a "woman" is NEVER coming back in my "house". . . :lol:
  11. At almost 2 years out, girl i've put those vitamins down and only look at them every now and then. . . other then Vitamin D deficiency everything else is just fine!
  12. Yup its amazing isn't it. . . i used to hate that myself, but it will go away and you'll become just one of the girls. . . the one thing that still p.o's me is that the overweights at work still watch EVERYTHING i eat, drink, chew, etc. . . i hear crap like this "are you allowed that?" "isn't that bad for you", "should you eat that" . . . I got so irked with one that I told her . . . well I didn't get this way with you helping me along now did I? Oh and honey, maybe you should take your own advice on what to eat". . . I was so upset that I didn't care what flew out of my pie hole that day. . .so yes, I understand your frustration as well. . . but trust me it does go away eventually. Hang in there. . . they are just really jealous right now. . .
  13. thinoneday

    Introduction 275 to lose

    Love your blog! Its really tough and once you have the sleeve it's a bit easier but you will still have to work at it. . . funny thing is you learn how to eat around the sleeve and that sucks! I didn't need to lose over 200 lbs but close to it. . . i've lost 150 so far and would love to loose about another 30lbs or so. . . yup, it's diet time for me now. . . i'm almost 2 years out and have stablized at 200 - 210 depending on the day. . . the sleeve has helped me lose this monster of a woman i used to be and now the last of it, is up to me. . . it's not easy and you really have to work at it. . . good luck you are off to a wonderful start and you are going to be successful. . .you have to be . . your a woman and we are winners in everything we do!!!
  14. thinoneday

    I want to scream!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I would ding her car so badly with your door. . . what she is doing is totally wrong (so is dinging it, but revenge is sweet) First off she should park properly and not be a lane hog! Can't the campus police (if you have those) give her a ticket or something for that?
  15. It really depends on your own body. You really can't expect to be the same as anyone else. Maybe look at 10 - 20 lbs in 3 weeks. I lost 25 in 3 weeks, 53 lbs in 7 weeks, and 150 lbs in 12 months. But that is me. . some folks won't do that at all. . . my BMI was 47 or something like that. . higher BMI loose faster then lower ones.
  16. thinoneday


    How I can relate to you! Well my story isn't quite as yours is, a bit different but very simular. . .i had the sleeve about 2 years ago. . . .i haven't had any complications really to talk about however at almost 2 years out i now wonder "couldnt i have done this by just restricting my food intake?" Like you, couldn't i just have moved my butt off the couch more often? Couldn't I, couldn't i , couldn't i???? . . . now i regret the sleeve. . . not because i'm hurting or anything, but because i still have tons of restriction (1 egg causes me to slime, never mind adding 1 slice of bacon) I had a 28/32 F bougie. . . I'm happy to have lost 150lb and that i can do everything possible now, I satisfied my doctors weight goal. . .would like to loose about 20 more but hey whatever at this point. . . i would love to be able to go out with my hubbie to a nice restaurant and not just order an appetizer and then ask for a take out box because i couldn't finish the 3 little food that was brought out. . . hubbie now has stopped going out with me cause he says "it's too expensive especially since i can't eat anything and the plates cost so much" . . . i can't be upset with him at all cause he is so very right. . . I would love to have my Vitamin D deficency turn around again. . would love to stop thinking what should i have first, food or liquids. . . could i have done this by myself????? if i could have i would have a long time ago right??? Desperate things mean desperate measures. . . ugh. . . it's ok though, it's done and I'll be fine as will you. . . good luck
  17. thinoneday

    It's the Little Things...

    glad we're here for you! P.S. I LOVE plain greek yogurt by oikos. . . reminds me of when i was a little kid living on the ranch and my mom would make it. . . yummmmmmmmm
  18. thinoneday


    Well, I'm not going to stand here and tell you this and that either. . . the ultimate decision is yours after all. . . you are a grown woman who has to make this decision yourself. . . however, let me tell you my story. . . i was 350lbs at my heaviest and continued to be this weight for years. . .it bothered me that i couldn't sit comfortably in a plane seat or had to always ask for an extension. . . never mind that i couldn't climb a flight of stairs without killing myself. . . i fought with the WLS thought alot. . . then on Dec 29th 2009 i had it. . . it was the weirdest surgery ever, and you really have to relearn how to drink, eat, and think. . . it's tough, cause one day you can do whatever and then like overnight it's gone and you have to relearn. . . very weird. . .I'm out now almost 2 years and have lost 150lbs. . . i'm happy i lost the weight (Ive stablized at 200 - 205) i'm happy i fit into a plane seat with 8" of seatbelt to spare, I'm happy i can ride a horse again. . . but now i really wish i never had that surgery. . . not that i hurt or anything like that, but i would love to be able to go to a nice restaurant and actually be able to order a meal and not just an appetizer and then yet have to ask for a stupid take out box cause i could only eat 1 or 2 mini raviole or 1 1/2 cheese stick. i would really like to be able to drink something with a meal and not start sliming. . to be able to eat a piece of bread would be nice but oh no. . . i am really used to thinking i can have 1 egg this morning, but i'll have to wait about 30 minutes for coffee, so do i want the coffee first then and then 30 minutes later the egg? Never together cause you'll start sliming. . . it's just petty things i know, but that is my story and just how i feel. . some of us have really good luck and love their sleeves endlessly, some of us don't however . . good luck with your decision
  19. thinoneday

    WooHoo! Got back to swimming

  20. What an excellent story! Love the pictures! you are looking good. . .keep up the excellant work and get that other boxer!
  21. thinoneday

    I am in Puberty Hell

    hahaha and i was just the opposite. . . i was a miserable, grouchy, menopausal biotch when i was really huge and during my weight loss period i was like a purring kitty. . . quiet, content, actually loving. . . my hubbie would say "I like you this way, your much easier to get along with" . . . even now, after losing 150 lbs i just sit, cross my legs and look at the person who is getting all crazy stupid on me and looking for an arguement. . . i don't say anything, and it makes them look really silly. . . . . . good luck, hope this passes for you soon!
  22. thinoneday

    Mushies too Soon?

    You'll be fine. As long as your doc is experienced and like you say he has had success with this then have faith in him. . . we are all different, and each doc likes to do their own thing, so just i did it one way and so and so did it another, doesn't mean it's cookie cutter. . . the main thing is we all end up with the same goal "getting rid of the obesity" . . . good luck and continue to follow your doctors advice. . .
  23. no complications here ! (I'm very grateful for that) but now at almost 2 years out, I'm questioning myself if i really couldn't of done it on my own. . . all I had to do was limit my intake. . funny thing is I know i couldn't of had done it on my own. . .what a crazy battle I've got going on. . .
  24. thinoneday

    Are these things Normal??

    Bless your heart. . . I understand your concern and well yeah it does go away eventually, or you just get used to it. . . I'm out now about 2 years and still have the growlies and the hunger has always been there. . I was one of the unfortunates that the hunger never went away. . . so I learned to deal with it by using the restriction to the best of my ability. The diarrhea goes away and that is good. . .you'll be ok, you'll probably not like the sleeve too much for a while, but then after you get used to what to do, it'll be ok. . . this is a learning stage and you'll do fine. . just follow the doctors advice and don't stray. . . good luck!
  25. Wow, I saw your heading and I said . . "I KNOW ABOUT VALUE VILLAGE!!!! ( lived in canada for 14 years) and i loved value village! Good for you! Keep up the excellant work!

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