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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    Vanity Sizing

    I personally hate vanity sizing. . I hate it that you buy something thinking "oh wow, I'm THAT size" and then next time you try on that size it doesn't fit and you feel all fat and obese again. I personally think it's dumb. Just keep all the sizes the same in all stores.
  2. thinoneday

    Struggling with those last few lbs.

    ugh me too!!!! I would LOVE to lose about 30 more but 10-15 would be good too!!! But at last to no avail. . . . sigh. . . well maybe if i stepped up the exercise a bit. . . and stopped snacking. . . and stopped eating. . . and stopped stopped stopped. . . dont we sound like how we did before the surgery?????? ugh!!!! at least we're not as big as we all were before huh? Listen to us. . . only 19 lbs, only 10 lbs. . . . wow we've done so well gals! we've come a long way. . . CONGRATULATIONS to all of you! You worked hard and have done so well!!!! Keep up the great work! Together we can do this!!!
  3. thinoneday


    Congratulations and you'll do fine. . . it'll take a bit to get used to it, but if your determined enough, you will see past all that and loose weight like a champ! Good luck and see you on the other side soon!!!
  4. thinoneday

    Stalling at the worst times!!!

    I understand your frustration. . . try this one. . . I hit 200 lbs and was soooo waiting to hit 199 or less. . . well guess what???? it's been what 5 months and i waver between 200 - 210 all the time, never under. . . i've done everything from starting a new diet, to increase the exercise, to increase Water, cutting out alcohol all together, doing the 5 day pouch test, with no avail. . . . sooooooooooo i asked about this on this forum and what was answered made so much sense. . . Diva said that there comes a time in this journey when the body hits a weight that you were on the longest before you started gaining weight. . .for me it was 210 - 215lbs I weighed that for ever it seemed and then became pregnant and gain a million pounds. . . now i'm back to my pre pregnant weight and have been there for ever (5 months) without loosing anymore. . . ugh. . . maybe it's going to move soon, maybe not . . . we'll see. . . all i need to loose is only 30 or so more pounds! frustrating to say the least
  5. thinoneday

    What is a honeymoon period?

    that is in the beginning when your' losing like crazy and are buying new clothes and loving everything about the sleeve there is to love. people are noticing your loss and you actually get looked at. . things are absolutely wonderful . . then you hit close to or your goal and it's like no one cares anymore, they are used to seeing you as a thin person. . clothes are clothes and you like have a closet full now and don't need anything more. . . life goes on and so do you, it's just like before, only your thinner. Does this help abit?
  6. thinoneday

    I'm Sleeeeeeeved!!!!

    Welcome to the losers bench! now be prepared for your incredible journey. . . it's going to shock you every now and then but for the better not the worst. . . there may be times you'll wish you never did this but hey it's done and your going to eventually love it! Getting used to it is the key and being patient and loving yourself and your successes is what it's all about. . . get better soon, keep on walking sipping and enjoy your new you! good luck!!!!
  7. thinoneday

    Am I eating to much?

    Wow, like they said above, call the nutritionist or doctor. . . i'm 17 months out and still struggle with 1 cup of food. . . 3/4 cups for me is best, but 1 cup is painfully uncomfortable. . .
  8. thinoneday

    Gerber graduate baby food

    First off, sorry to hear about your loss. . . Yes, if you can tolerate baby food go for it. . . just watch the calories and the carbs. The Proteins are good in there. . . Don't worry, this will pass soon. . . right now everything seems miserable, but take it from someone who knows. . . it does get better. . . good luck!
  9. Yup, when i was 2 weeks out i had lost 20 lbs and at 7 weeks out i had lost 53lb. . . all together now at 17months i've lost 150 lbs. . . and now i'm stablized and am between 5 lbs either way. . won't go down anymore. . . but that is ok, cause i'm happy with myself and am happy with how i look. . . .it's tons better then 350lbs!!!! at least now i can breath!
  10. bert, i will be 2 years out and i definately push my limit. I can comfortably eat 1/2 a cup of food without any problems. after that if i shove in more i feel pain and discomfort, like you used to feel at christmas dinner or something. . . just like i'm feeling right now. . . i had 1 cup of fideo noodles and hamburger meat sauce. . . ugh, i shouldn't have done that! but hell it was good!!!!
  11. thinoneday

    7wks- Down 30lbs w/pics!!

    Wow, you can really tell! Keep up the excellant work!
  12. thinoneday

    How do I know if I'm full?

    It's funny, but since I'm out almost 2 years now, I have learned to "eyeball" my portions. I'm at the point that if it's more then 1/2 - 1 cup I just can't do it. . . you will learn how to eyeball the portions, just measure for now. . and you will come to find out when your really done eating. just don't make it hurt, that is not pleasant. . . don't you start to slime? Good luck!
  13. thinoneday

    I found this amusing

    GOOD FOR YOU COOPS!!!! Maybe hubbie needs to be shipped back! What did he have to say for himself after you showed him that they fit?? Men! I'm proud of you COOPS!!!!! (doing the happy dance for Coops!) I'm still too shy (not confident) to shop in a store. I won't do it. . I still order out of the catalogue from Roamans or Lane Bryant. (dumb huh?)
  14. thinoneday

    Whoohooo an unexpected NSV today!!!

    Good for you Diva, I love the "majority of that is booty" . . . I was commenting to a guy who mention how much weight i had lost, I told him thanks and that i would love to lose at least 30 more lbs especially off the hind end. . . he just looked at me like a deer in the headlights and said "Honey, don't you know most of us like major Junk in the Trunk" . . . . I busted out laughing so hard and told him he had just made my day!!!
  15. Hi, KellyL sorry but i beg to differ with you. . . even when I was a 350 lb woman, I didn't want my man big. . . to me they have to be fit and not jiggly, and now that I'm more fit after losing 150 lbs, they better be fit too. . . sorry, just me as a woman who doesn't like bigger men.
  16. Wow that is terrible. Like the previous emails, hugs to you. . .I'm sorry that happened to you as well. . .but you know what (and I know this will probably go all over everyone else, but whatever) I have taught my kids and I myself know that there really isn't such a thing as best friends. . . there are aquaintances but that is it. . . my dad taught me as i taught the kids and as i"ll tell you. . . . " In this world friends have many, but beware, when your friends become your foe, out to the world your secrets go". . . .he taught me many things about people and how hateful and spiteful they can be, and how to be cautious about how you handle them . . this person was definately NOT your friend. . . apparently she used you as her own crutch for some odd reason. . and now that you want to improve on yourself she became more spiteful and vandictive then before . . I wouldn't even worry about her and her well being. . . you sound like a nice person with a good caring heart, but with the surgery and all you will have other things to concentrate yourself on, I'm glad she can do it the "right" way. . . I'm glad you did the proper way! Good luck and sorry if i offended anyone but that is me. . .
  17. LOL Thats sooooo funny! :lol: I understand how you feel. . . my OB/GYN whom I've been seeing for the past 6 years who is my high risk doctor as well. . .saw me for the first time since surgery. . (I had lost 150 lbs by then) his comments where "LOOK AT YOU! " WOW YOU LOOK GREAT! then he did my exam which he has done every 6 months and he asked me about something he "noticed" He asked how long have you had this???? I told him it's been there for the past 30 years. . . he said "Uh, funny I never noticed it before" I told him that maybe I was too fat for him to have noticed before. . . he got the message and apologized. . .
  18. BINGO!!!! You hit the nail right smack dab on the head! Your a threat to them. . keep doing good, keep losing and when they see you aren't going to listen to their discourgements they'll stop. Good luck! Your doing great by the way!!!
  19. thinoneday

    Once Bitten, Twice Shy

    Lakelady, that is my question as well. . .if you have gastric bypass, then your inners are reorganized? So how would that work???? interesting. . .
  20. I believe most of us went through this. . imagine this. . . for years you are accustomed to eating and drinking anyway you want, pigging out at buffets or whatever. . . then we decide to get surgery to help us loose this weight and even though we research our butts off, then we have the surgery going from eating likes piggies to not being able to even drink a good swallow of Water. . . and the restriction is like something we've never experienced before in our lives. . . it's like we have to relearn everything called eating and drinking. . . don't worry Eddie, it does get better, your only out 3 weeks and your tummy is still really swollen, just sip away the best you can and eat popsicles, sf jellos, sips of gatoraid, crystal lite, etc. . . don't stress about it. . . your not going to die of starvation that's for sure. . . your going to be ok. . . I'm out almost 2 years now and can handle almost everything again. . . I promise it gets better, just don't baby yourself over it ok? But if your skin is really dry and your lips are chapped and you feel like you have constant cotton mouth, by all means head over to the ER and see what they can do for you! Good luck
  21. thinoneday

    One week weigh in......WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ALRIGHT!!! You go girl!!!! (happy dancing with you):whoo:
  22. thinoneday


    Sorry ya'll I'm out almost 2 years and have never lost the hunger thing. But i've learned to fight it. to actually live with it. . .i've tried the PPI things, that didn't work, I tried drinking water and fluids instead of eating. . only works for a short period. . .what does help is eating dense proteins once you can. . . i still have my shakes before bed (love my shakes) and for breakfast i have 2 eggs, for lunch tuna, 1oz cheese and 0.23oz of beef stick, then for my afternoon snack which is my ride home from work i have 1 oz of cheese or pork rinds, and then some sort of protein for dinner along with cheese or more pork rinds. Then at bedtime a protein shake. Yes, I'm on adkins I know but i seem to have evened out and can't loose no more so i'm trying to diet now to help myself out.
  23. thinoneday

    Didja ever notice . . .

    Well I was ticking along "thinking" I looked pretty darn good. . I'm 6 feet tall, very large boned and weigh 200lbs and wear 16/18 . . not too bad huh. . . UNTIL!!!! my daughter took a picture of me this past weekend. . I looked at it and couldn't believe how "hugh" I really am. . I was really disqusted with myself. . I couldn't believe it. . . I just stared at that picture. . . so now I'm on Adkins diet totaling maybe 5 carbs a day. . . UGH. . . life sucks I can't imagine how bad I must have looked 150 lbs heavier if I look this way now!
  24. thinoneday

    Embarrasing question

    girdle or spandex tights.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
