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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    My poor hubby......

    Like the gals say, "talk away" we are here for you!
  2. thinoneday

    JUST CURIOUS....6 months out!

    Really can't remember anymore, but in 12 months i lost 150lbs, have been stablized at the same weight for 6 months and would like to lose about 20 - 30 lbs more. . . but if it doesn't happen, it doesn.t happen.
  3. thinoneday

    Young and overweight!

    Your a very smart young lady and you will go far in life. . . well one good thing is getting a little group of friends together and go walking everyday or go to the gym 3 x a week and walk the other 4 days. . . at the gym, start aerobics or join a little class that is doing bodystep, bodypump or zumba (you can learn to dance really good that way too) . . . good luck and your going to do absoluately great! Let us know what your going to do! And as far as the diet thing goes, just watch the junk food. If your going to eat pizza only have 2 slices and no more, do the diet soda but limited and increase the Water. . .drink ALOT of water at least 64 oz a day. . .you can add crystal light or diet koolaid. . . good luck!
  4. thinoneday

    4th of July - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Lets see, what will i weigh by July 4th. . . well all bets are "the same as I've weighed for the last 6months" hehehe. . . good luck all of you! Keep up the fabulous work! Together we can do this!
  5. seriously doc, tell me the truth about this surgery and not just the sugar coated stuff. . . tell me about the deficiencies, hairloss, what will happen if i get ulcers, what may happen to me when i'm older or get sick , tell me about the hypoglycemic episodes even though i'm not a diabetic. . . if i need surgery on my "stomach" for some reason will you be there to do it since other then a bariatric doctor doesn't understand?
  6. thinoneday

    Saying Hi From Texas

    hahaha, do I detect a bit of Canadian? eh? Girl, if I can do it, you definately can do it! You won't be hormonal and crazy. . I wasn't, hubbie thought i had totally improved in mood and so on. . . that was a first! hehehehe. . .
  7. well, from an oldie but goodie here, i am 18 months out now and i can just bearly finish a spa lean cuisine. Can't usually finish a breakfast taco, usually am not hungry at lunch, can just bearly eat a 4oz greek yogurt. . . but i can eat often, just not much. . . i still have lots of restriction here. . .
  8. thinoneday

    Saying Hi From Texas

    Well welcome to the forum. . . you're going to be glad you did this in the long run. . . in the beginning it's a bit weird and no matter how prepared you think you are, you really aren't, but it's a learning thing and once you get the hang of it, away you go. . . one bit of advice here from a oldie but goodie, don't become a slave to the scale. . .i got rid of mine once i came home from the hospital and only weighed at the doctor appts. . . you'll have more out of it and your going to be alot happier then if you weigh yourself every day . . don't do that to yourself. . . it comes off your clothes will tell you that. . . but other then that good luck and keep on a postin! San Antonio gal here. . . you?
  9. thinoneday

    Young and overweight!

    I really don't think a doctor will do a surgery this drastic on someone as young as you are. . . but hopefully you'll find someone. . . good luck !
  10. thinoneday

    I hate to say this but...

    Going back to bad habits like skipping Breakfast, maybe eating maybe not, eating on the run, not exercising, stress eating, cravings, stress drinking, etc, etc, etc,. . . . not much but bad nonetheless. . .
  11. thinoneday

    BMI too low

    Hate to be a downer here but this is happening for a reason. Maybe this isn't your year for surgery. . . with all the problems you listed with hubbie down and out, house lost, etc maybe realistically this isn't the time for you to have this surgery. . . maybe you need to look into something else for now. . . start saving a little here and there and when everything has leveled out then you could try again and get it done. Just my suggestion
  12. thinoneday

    I like this GIRL!

    Yup, I remember one time this kid standing infront of his mother said to me "Your Fat" . . . like you the mom was standing there looking and I said to the kid, "yeah I am, but at least I'm not as ugly as you and your mom" and walked away laughing. . . that must of gotten all over her. . . I loved it. . . some skinny people are really obnoxious and unintelligent! I've lost 150 lbs and am very happy with that . . but due to my bone structure and height I still look like a giant against most people (i live in San Antonio, enough said but I don't care at this point, at 6'0 tall with a very large frame wearing size 16/18 makes me happy and i don't give a flip what anyone else thinks about that ESPECIALLY a skinny person. . . I used to have to ask to have an extension for my seatbelt in the plane, but have never been told anything else ever. . . .now i can fit very comfortably and have 8 inches left over from the seatbelt after fastening it (yes I've actually measured it :0 ) . . . anyhow we are all here for a reason, reasons we'll never know, but maybe it is to make a point that fat people are people too. . . .
  13. keep up the great work!
  14. thinoneday

    3 Days Post Op

    Hi there, pain really sucks, try some GasX for the gas pains, keep walking and sipping. Your doing good for only 3 days out. . it does get better. . . good for you not wanting a scale, that thing will kill you with worry if you have one. . . i never used one either and just depended on my doctor visits. . let me tell you, you will be alot happier without a scale. . . I've never wanted to be super skinny either (won't look good on me anyhow) good luck to you. . you'll do good!
  15. thinoneday

    How in the Heck????

    very doable. . . i'm out now 18 months and can still only get down 4 - 6 oz at each meal. . . i can do Breakfast 1 boiled egg and 1 slice of bacon and then not eat for the rest of the day if i have too. . . (but of course that is not good) and i find 1 spa lean cuisine too much as well.
  16. thinoneday

    I hate to say this but...

    I am so with you every one! I can totally relate. I'm in the exact same boat as everyone else. . . tough as hell to get back up and running. . . but you know what guys? Look at us, we are here, chatting and sharing our experiences with each other, that means we're still in the program with our support system and with this great support system, we are strong enough to do anything. . we might get there slower, but damn it we'll get there! (cheerleader side pops in RRRRAAAHHHHH)
  17. thinoneday

    Bookleen's Plateau

    Hi everyone, well i'm right there with y'all am 18 months out have lost 150 lbs and need to loose about 20-30 lbs more. . . but then i hadn't been exercising either, so i'm starting some new classes today to see if i'll like them. . . the problem is i haven't found something i truly enjoy when it comes to exercise. So wish me luck! . . .
  18. I'm so glad to hear you did well. . . good for you! Go rest and take it easy. . chat soon
  19. thinoneday

    Walking is just not cutting it!!

    Good for you! I'm starting some exercise classes too. Starting with Bodystep on Weds, Bodypump on Thurs, and Zumba on Fridays. . . I still have to find something i really enjoy called exercise. . cause at 18 months out the body has slowed way down and i'm not loosing anymore and now i have to do something . . .
  20. Me too, when I get that feeling, I go for some string cheese or a FiberOne granola bar or some fruit, or a drink of something. I am out 18 months and never lost that hunger thing. It really sucks but i've sorta learned to deal with it. . .good luck
  21. thinoneday

    2 years post op and need advice

    I would LOVE to come in and join y'all, but it won't let me. . . how do you go about it? This new forum is soooo confusing sometimes! thanks
  22. thinoneday

    Am I eating too much?

    I'm sorry this is happening to you. . . but at least you got the craving out of your hair right. . . now no more of that (but that will be up to you of course) . . . I fell into that rut and in the beginning it was great, could eat whatever and still loose the weight. . . then a year was up and guess what? I've stopped loosing. . . yes I hit the doctors goal weight but i personally still want to lose 20 - 30 lbs more. . it's really hard especially since i didn't teach myself properly. . . i don't eat much, but it's what i eat that's bad. . . so i'm back to basics and back to exercise. . . back to the olden days of diet and exercise. . . ugh life is amazing so be careful with your liberal eating and such ok? Good luck
  23. thinoneday

    Which Dr. and where?

    Good for you! I was wondering who won that contest!! Good luck to you and your hubbie!!
  24. Oh definately, you'll be eating like 1 tiny piece of turkey and everyone is going to be "checking" you out. . .that was when my mom came to visit, it was last November. . . she was like "don't you want more" "are you starving yourself" . . . ugh, the questions are enough to drive you crazy. . . it'll be fun though. . . keep us all posted and keep posting during your journey, it's definately an adventure, thats for sure. . . do you have a doctor to help you with your after care?
  25. I know, it's hard not telling. . I didn't tell my mom for about 3 months but then she was coming to visit and I had lost quite a bit by then and knew she'd notice right away. . so i told her before she came to visit. . . and of course i heard nothing but gloom and doom and she had me buried before I was even dead. . . bless her heart. . . good luck, you'll do well. . .

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