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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    Thinoneday's Journey

  2. Get you some Miralax, this stuff will get you moving. . . wow your doing really great. . . keep up the fabulous work. . and like previous posters have said your lacking fiber. . . your not doing anything wrong, increase your Water and get some miralax (in the pharmacy dept of walmart)
  3. For all those buddies here who are struggling, lets grab the bull by the horns and get with the program and get this sleeve rocking again. . . . READY, I'm starting my 5 day pouch test (you can type it into the browers and it pops up with the plan) Day Dreamer posted this absolutely beautiful receipe for a protein shake with coffee that is to die for and will definately get me through the first 2 days. . . if we can get through this 5 days guys we can do anything! Come on and follow me. . . lets see how strong we are, WE CAN DO THIS . . . . READY, SET, GOOOOO Good luck
  4. I agree with anonynurse, it really shouldn't affect the surgery HOWEVER, it may effect you post op. . . after i had my surgery my vitamin D levels diminished really badly, I was told if i didn't get them back to normal the doctor might have to consider hospitalization. . . i was on prescription vitamin D for 13 weeks then a blood test, low, then another 13 weeks, blood test and again low but not as badly, then another 13 weeks, and finally it was within normal limits. . . now i take Vitamin D3 everyday and do everything humanly possibly to get the D by going outside ALOT and enjoying our San Antonio 100+ F days. . at the last blood test it was dropping again, but we kicked it up with a prescription for the next 13 weeks and the vitamin D3. . . so just be careful, maybe start taking a D3 supplement as per your doctors orders of course. . . .
  5. thinoneday

    Starbucks on full liquids?

    OMG day dreamer I made this concoction this morning and OMG it is absolutely delish!!!!!!! And darn filling too. . . I made 4 x the receipe to last me for the day as i'm doing the 5 day pouch test and on day 1 you can only have liquids . . . sooooooooooooooo guess what i'm having all day long! What a brillant drink! I love it. . . coffee lovers this is the best thing and gives you that wonderful coffee taste! Thanks again for the best receipe for the protein shake!
  6. thinoneday

    Is this head hunger?

    bless your heart . . when you feel this way, just stop and listen to your tummy and ask yourself is it really hunger? Or do you just want to eat something. . . if you don't know, then drink alot of water and see what happens in about 15 minutes, but i bet it's head hunger and not real hunger. . . good luck!
  7. thinoneday

    OUCH!!! HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!

    yeah, i agree with the folks above. . . lack of potassium, calcium, vitamin D etc could cause cramping. . . this might sound stupid, but try drinking a glass of milk or eating some yogurt or cheese just before bedtime. . . may help you! let us know.
  8. thinoneday

    what about scars???

    guess i've been pretty darn lucky, you can't even tell i had any sort of surgery. My puncture wounds are gone, no scars nothing. . . thank goodness for good healing. . . i never used anything on them, just let them do their thing. . . however, to answer your question, from what i hear mederma is a pretty good product.
  9. thinoneday

    Miracle Noodles...0 carbs, 0 cal

    Thanks apple-saucy, that is exactly what i thought, sounded to me like someone was trying to sell something here. . . they are extremely expensive on amazon and on that website they had posted.
  10. thinoneday

    What if?

    Well you definately DONT want to give up food, and with this surgery that is one thing you might have to consider in order to be successful. You said you did it once before and were successful which says you can do it by yourself. Its hard with the sleeve too you know, it's not the easy way out. The sleeve is only a restrictive tool and you are the one to make it work. . . you won't just lose weight like that. . you have to do the work, diet and exercise just like normal, only in this case you can't eat huge amounts like what your used to. . you limit it. . . but you know, you are the one who has to make the decision, good luck and sorry i'm not much of any help or what you want to hear. . .
  11. thinoneday

    Oh my goodness!

    Doing the happy dance for Kelly!!!!!! You go girl! Keep up the excellant work!!
  12. thinoneday

    New Guy in Town

    Hi Pete and welcome. . . your going to find alot of support and encouragement here. . I think you'll like it, I've been a member since August 09 and have had good success with the sleeve. Keep up the excellent work, and pretty soon you'll be on this side with the rest of us. . . and in no time flat, you'll be helping the newbies too. . . good luck to you and keep posting
  13. thinoneday

    Hot Date - 4 days pre op HELP

    Sounds good to me. . and your friend is probably quite right, just don't over indulge and get right back on track and you should be just fine! Good luck!
  14. thinoneday


    Hi there Kelly, yup I was right there with you. . . never lost the hunger issues with or without the nexium or whatever. . . soooooo I just learned to deal with it. . . there are times that if i eat a really good Protein Breakfast (egg bacon) and then keep very very busy that day that hunger won't bother me. . . but then i get light headed and know i need to eat. . . by the way i'm 18 months out and some of us never lost the hunger issues. Some did, some didn't . . . I never did
  15. thinoneday

    Miracle Noodles...0 carbs, 0 cal

    Ok, here I hear alot of advertising, and talk about texture. What kind of texture are you talking about Valentina, like a rice noodle? Ramen noodle? what kind of texture? Compare it to something please.
  16. thinoneday

    Asked my Hubby

    Well we did ask right? So their answers I guess are important, hurtful or not. . . mine doesn't want me smaller then 200lbs, says I'll look too anorexic . . . oh well. whatever happens happens right
  17. thinoneday

    I hate to say this but...

    Yeah Chilo, at least you didn't eat the whole blasted cake and the entire box of ice cream! I slice and 1 scoop is so normal compared to how we used to eat. . . you did good girl! Keep up the good work! I went horseback riding with the family for fathers day and daughter's 21st birthday and then to Texas Roadhouse for a western dinner. . . yummmmm then came home and had drinks and desserts. . . i loved it, it was loads of fun and now i can worry about the weight later. . . hehehe
  18. Odd question, but a question nonethesame, it will look the same way it does now.
  19. thinoneday

    Are you Sure you don't want??

    they have to do that. . . some of them work off commission i think. . . silly folks
  20. thinoneday

    Fitness NSV

    Alright! You rock! Keep up the excellant work!!!!
  21. thinoneday

    Vacation and Family Reunion

    GOOD FOR HUBBIE! YOU ADDICT YOU! They have probably noticed, but from shear jealousy they won't mention it. . . i've noticed people do that, they are nutty that way. . . enjoy your vacation! And you'll probably love your new weight when you get home. . I can just see obsessive you galloping to the scale the minute you hit the door!
  22. thinoneday

    When did you know...

    I've always known it was time, the problem was the money and the courage to do it. . . then finally i convinced hubbie to come to a seminar after many years of him saying nope he wasn't coming to seminars or supporting me with WLS and at the seminar he was the one who picked the sleeve. . . Lucky for me, i didn't even wait for him to change his mind, i took out a loan against my daughter's new car and there we go, the rest is history. . . i'm glad i did it, there are days i really hate the sleeve, but more days then not, I'm really glad i did this. . . i went horseback riding for the first time in many years on Saturday and it sure was fun (except for the extremely sore butt now) . It's nice to be able to do things and not worry if you'll kill the animal. . . hehehe
  23. thinoneday

    Not telling family about surgery?

    I didn't tell my mom/family until about 3/4 months later. My mom is a nay sayer and she would have had me dead and buried before the surgery already, so i didn't tell her at all. . . then she made plans to come visit, well by then i would have lost tons of weight, so i told her then, and of course she buried me. . . hehehe. . . no if your family is like that I agree with Tiffy and wouldn't tell them, just do it and done. . . it's great that hubbie is supportive. . hope he's doing ok now. . . good luck and keep us posted.
  24. Wait until your OB/GYN sees you for the first time after the weight loss and goes on like a fool about how "Great" you look . . then does the exam and asks you "oh, how long have you had this??? " and you say to him "about 30 years or so" and he says "funny, I never saw that before" I just said "Well doc' maybe I was way too fat before for you to even notice". . . . . ugh

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
