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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    What made you pick VSG instead of DS?

    Well just check out my weight loss. . . I have about 30 more to lose and have done it all without the DS. So based on that statistic I don't believe you NEED to have the DS, RNY. Sleeve worked just fine for me. But the decision is yours. Good luck!
  2. Hi Wendy, well it really depends on how much weight you have to lose and what their limits are in order to get onto a roller coaster. Good luck to you and let us know
  3. Of course they are going to tell you that. . . they don't want you to have the surgery. . . doomsayers is what i call them. . . but anyone whose gone to Mexico on this forum has definately not been killed by the drug cartel have they? Shheeeesh your family is something else girl! Good luck to you and you'll be fine. . . just remember if you let fear rule you, how will you ever come out on top on win this obesity battle???
  4. thinoneday

    What do I do???

    Yup definately do the 5 day pouch test, it's a pain, but sure does work. . it'll make you feel so much better too. I've started it on Tuesday and love it, so what i'm planning to do is this shake for breakfast, shake for lunch, and lean cuisine for dinner. . absolutely no snacking especially at night. . drink tons of liquids especially water and cut out sodas. . . those will kill you. . . good luck! P.S. I'm 18 months out, so if i can do this so can you!
  5. thinoneday

    Bridgford Turkey Sausage Bites

    and tons of sodium, but they are definately yummmmmm. . . i also like the jerky that bridgford has, minus the sodium. . .but then you will drink more water right?
  6. thinoneday

    15 flights

    How Great! Congratulations! Keep up the excellent work!!!!
  7. thinoneday

    Now I did it

    Unfortunately many medical places have lost that sensativity toward the patient. Now it's all about quotas and getting money. Its really sad, I work as a nursing supervisor in a local clinic and always make time for my patients, I will listen and definately help them any way I can if it's by referral or by going an extra mile and just being there for them as they cry or tell me their story. . . it's really sad the care has been thrown to the wayside in many cases. I'm glad your better physically, but emotionally you'll be ok, I always say "what goes around, comes around" Those folks who did you wrong like that will one day be on the other side and get someone just like how they treated you. . . good luck. . know that we are here for you!
  8. EEEKKK what a ????? Be the strong one, dont say anything and just smile and nod. . . love on your niece and enjoy her special day with her. . .afterall it's your niece your there for, not that soapbox preacher. . . if she starts, you could always say, "how lovely, how great" and wander off somewhere else, if she follows again, "how lovely, how great" wander off, if she does it again, just tell her to back off. . . but whatever you do, don't tell her nothing about the surgery. . . YOU CAN DO IT. . . . good luck
  9. thinoneday

    Now I did it

    Oh dear that sucks! Literally. . . bet cheese is off your list now for a bit (no pun intended) . . . how are you feeling?
  10. thinoneday

    Some Serious Complaints!

    Yup and that is one of my main reasons for not shopping, but i go through my 21 year old daughters stuff that doesn't fit her anymore instead. . just as annoying too. . . ugh. . . but it's better then 4XL shirts and 48 pants right???? Now it's either L shirts or 16/18 pants. . . depending on the maker of course. . . old navy fits better then wet seal and American Eagle fits about the same as Abercombie and Fitch , but i still like Torrid and Roamans the best! Old habits die hard
  11. thinoneday

    Potassium Deficiency

    Yes, potassium and calcium affect the working of the heart and other vital organs as well as the muscles. So you AFib could have possibly been linked to a low potassium or calcium or both. . .
  12. thinoneday

    Now I did it

    Oh my! I'm so sorry that happened to you! Goodness if you were that hungry you should have chosen cheese or something! LOL Just joking, hope all goes well for you and no complications happen. . .good luck and keep us posted!
  13. thinoneday

    Exercise, yes that..

    The change in weight hasn't changed me whatsoever, but that is just me. . . I've hated exercise all my life and i continue to hate it. . . I do fit it in though, our workplace has a fit for life thing going on that goes like this. . . if you park around work, you pay the full parking rate $10/day however if you park under the bridge 1/4 mile away from work you only pay $2.00/day. . . soooooo I park under the bridge and walk every day it takes about 10 - 15 minutes each way depending on the weather and so on. . . I also do lots of housework and yard work. . . but that is about it, I won't do the gym or do extra walking or anything like that. . . I just find it an inconvenience, but again, that is just me. I do stuff i like to do and if it involves physicial fitness good for me. . . for example not only my yardwork, but i like to horseback ride, swim, do nature walks (at my pace) go to the coast, go tubing, canoeing, etc. . . but i'm sure as heck not looking to exercise. . .
  14. Bariatric Advantage is excellent. . ( I like it ) . . . they have different flavors too, vanilla and chocolate are my main ones, they have banana, orange cream and mocha (so so, won't buy again). Also, for the RTD variety I like the chocolate fudge Adkins, but the BA is my favorite.
  15. thinoneday

    Potassium Deficiency

    Oh yeah, mine has gone as low as 1.9 . . I'm in the hospital getting potassium infusion at least once every other month (have you started to cramp up yet?) . but my problem is i don't hold potassium (I have a very weird body) . . . so mine isn't from the surgery. . . but you definately can fix yours by eating the right foods and taking supplements unless your body just doesn't metabolise correctly due to genetic deficiencies. . . or your taking diuretics. . . good luck! I have a problem with D too, but that is getting under control. . . .
  16. thinoneday

    A very nice NSV for me.

    That was a major thing for me too. . . and it is a very important NSV! Congratulations and keep up the excellent work! For me now it's that the booth is too big, the seat is too far from the table . . ugh can I never be happy!
  17. Hi there, i joined the san antonio group. . .don't know how to navigate around the site, so thought i'd just write. . .i'm from san antonio and had my sleeve done on Dec 29, 2009 . . to date i've lost 150 lbs. . how about you?

  18. thinoneday

    The Male Ego

    First off, your brother is not acting like a "real" man, the reason is of his stubborness and belittling of you. A real man will recognize he has a problem and will help himself to fix that problem. . . a non-real man will just figure the problem will take care of itself. . your the real man here. . . and the best advice i can give you to give to your brother is get the surgery, show him how you exercise and loose the weight, smile and be there for your brother. . . god only know he is going to need the support when the dialysis can't help him anymore. . . i feel sorry for your brother. . . I,as a woman, have selfish pride, probably more than any guy does, but i definately will listen to any good advice given. . I may not take the advice, but hell i'll listen to it, kick it around and probably give it a go. . . if it's not for me, then so be it. . . brother is just being a jacka$$ until he mulls it over and sees how great your doing. . . good luck and i wish your bro all the luck in the world.
  19. thinoneday

    Spouse not supportive?

    Men are incredibly insecure about things. . he probably knows this will work for you and is trying to sabatoge it. He probably thinks once you loose the weight you are going to leave or something, they are nutty like that. . . hubbie was like that with me. . . wouldn't support me at all. . .but he got over it. . . just do what you do, leave it alone but let him know your' getting it done with or without his support but that you love him no matter what . . . it worked for my hubbie and now he loves the new me. . . good luck!
  20. thinoneday

    Hospital stay

    I was in for 3 days, but i was self pay and the 3 days came with the deal. . . sooooo i took advantage of it.
  21. thinoneday

    A silly nsv

    that is definately not silly. . . that is a great NSV!!! Congratulations!
  22. thinoneday

    Notice for Work!

    Hi New, I told my job 1 month in advance, just because. Then I went back to work 2 weeks after the surgery.
  23. thinoneday

    Slow weight loss is getting me down

    to be thin 2011, you are so right! I've been on a stall for the past 6 months!! Go figure, but then check out how much i lost in 1 year before the stall. . . i don't blame my body for stopping right now. . it's going to start up again once it's ready. . . and keepaloozin' just have patience, rome wasn't built in one day and you didn't get overweight over night either. . . it took time as will loosing. Good luck you'll do fine!
  24. yup me too, I had to give $10,000.00 up front and $5,500.00 to the surgeon up front. Yup this is common practice for self pay.
  25. Ugh, here I've lost 150lbs and want to lose about 35 - 40 more. . . of course the going is really slow and I've started literally dieting . . . following a 1000 calorie ADA meal plan but now guess what satan is doing to me. . . HEAD HUNGER This is really bad now, guess cause the diet has me eating carbs or something. . . but i stop everytime it happens and "listen" if my gut is really hungry or not. . .if not good. I used to be able to say "deal with it" but now it's so bad that if i don't get the food i'm craving (usually black licorice) I feel like i'm going to die! Literally! I drink TONS (not ounces) of water to help combat this with no relief. . . I am so blessed that i haven't gained weight but i haven't lost either anymore and that is a sign of things to come for me and it's usually not on the good side. I try to stay busy by crocheting, vacuuming, housework or going to the gym when I'm home, and typing and patient care at work. . . but the minute i stop there it goes. . . even in my dreams it's there. . . errrrrrr it's really irratating. . . any suggestions?

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