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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    Got sleeved 6/28!!

    Hi , I had dr cavazos as well. . . loved him . . reminded me of a little doogie howzer! hehehehe. . . were you at NE baptist or Foundations? You are going to love your sleeve . . . i lost fast too, 20 lbs in 2 weeks, 53 lbs in 7 weeks and 150 lbs in 1 year. . not too shabby. . . that hunger your talking about, well mine never left either. . now at 18 months out, i still have it. . . but now is the time to tame it and train your tummy right! Good luck, you're going to do fine!
  2. i was self pay and had to pay the hospital $10,000 up front and $5,500 to the surgeon up front. . .
  3. thinoneday

    hcg diet

    how about full bar? has anyone tried those? if they expand in the tummy, would it hurt in ours?
  4. thinoneday

    Cabin Fever

    Yup getting out of the house is going to do you a heap of good! You're going to love it. . . and yeah i think the Price is Right is fixed too! hahahaha. . . yeah those vitamins can do some games on your body. . . especially the calcium ones! good luck!
  5. yes, i'd like to see it as well. . . thanks!
  6. thinoneday

    Do you have drive?

    Hi there. . . not it didn't leave. .
  7. who died now? I heard about the gal whose artery was nicked but what happened now? jeesh this is not good. . .
  8. thinoneday

    Help - I'm still hungry

    hi there! go ahead and try the acid reducer and see if that works, but just to let you know A LOT of us are hungry and never lose that feeling. . unfortunately I had to sit it out, drink alot of water, crystal lite etc . . I'm 18 months out and NEVER lost that hungry feeling. . but if you start now, you can "tame" it and get used to it. . . good luck and hopefully its only acid. . .
  9. hi there, hey you might not be cranky and miserable at all after surgery. . . i thought i would have been miserable and cranky but surprisingly i was not, my hubbie even told me that i was so much easier to live with after surgery. . . go figure and here i thought i was easy to get along with ! hahahahaha. . . so it really depends, the outcome may surprise you!
  10. I'm sorry but i had to laugh at your quote "never again being able to enjoy the buffet at Golden Corral or my favorite Chinese place". . that was really priceless cause that was my exact same thing too. . . but you know what? My hubbie loves Golden Corral and chinese, we still go and yup I spend $11.00 on a piece of chicken leg and a small bowl of clam chowder. . . at the chinese we do take out and it will last me for days on end! By the time i'm done all that chinese food, I don't care to see chinese again for months. . i do lunch with friends and when i order my food, I automatically ask for a take out box and carry it home for another time. . . usually works very well. . . it's amazing how we adjust after a while. . . in the beginning it's pure hell and i totally sympathize with Tamz cause i was like that too at her time out, but it does get better and you feel so light and great when you order/eat such a small amount and everyone else around you is pigging out. . . good luck to all. . . TOGETHER we'll get there
  11. thinoneday

    Feelig Remorseful

    No it shouldn't hurt you at all. . . it was refried beans and that is on the list of mushies. . . however, go back to your full liquids. . .it's a bit safer just cause your tummy is still healing. . .HEY, you could add some broth to those refried beans and make them a full liquid and it wouldn't hurt at all! I know people who ate after 1 week post op. . . but again it depends on what your doctor wants you to do. . it's temporary and you'll be eating soon. . . just hang in there ! Good luck!
  12. hi there, personally i think you would be more selfish NOT getting the surgery. . in the end you wouldn't be able to play with your kid or anything like you want now. . . "no son, mommy doesn't feel well" who would be selfish then? Who would be losing out on true bonding time? definately not the kid. . . so you make the decision and good luck on that . . .
  13. I'm sorry your having this problem, I'm sure there is a county hospital around where you are and they can't deny you any services for your inability to pay. . so get yourself over to the doctor at the county hospital. . if you could get the surgery, honey you can get thyself to the hospital. good luck and that is my insight and advice.
  14. yup sure did for over 3 mos after surgery. . there are days when i really hate this sleeve even now (18 months out) but now it's only a temporary thought, i have really gotten used to the sleeve and how much i'm allowed to eat. . .i no longer miss pigging out and going wild at the buffet. . . actually i stay away from buffets cause it's a waste of money for me to eat there unless it's take out and then it lasts for days on end. . . lol. . . but yes I had really bad hatred for this thing but that was mostly because i was forced to change bad habits and i couldn't "enjoy" massive eating habits. . . people don't like change, but would i do it again? YOU BETCHA! I'm even trying to get my daughter to think about it. . . good luck!
  15. Lil Diva, AMEN!!!!! I have been at this point since January 2011. . . I am really happy with myself, and am so very grateful I have this sleeve. . .I know in my heart I will never again weigh 350 lbs. . . I know i will never again let myself get so out of control that i have to resort to drastic measures. . . I am happy and I am healthy! I love life and all that comes with it now (except the ohhs and ahhs of men lol!!!) but i now am done with my journey and know good habits and put those into play as needed. . . good luck
  16. Hi there. . . well at my first dr consult we just talked about the surgery itself and what questions I had. . I had made very sure to write everything i wanted to ask down so that i wouldn't miss anything. . . i even started on this forum about 4 - 5 months before my surgery. . . i wanted to know everything. . . so at the inital consult, doc and i chatted and then he just asked when i wanted the surgery done. . .i told him in December and he took it from there. . . but remember I didn't have to jump through hoops and such with insurance, i was completely self pay. . . he would have done the surgery the next day if i wanted him to. . . thats the pleasure of self pay. . . good luck, and remember this waiting game is only temporary, pretty soon you will be able to look at DH and say "finally it's over" . . . . cheer up it's only hormones. . . lol
  17. thinoneday

    Needing some encouragement

    yeah and "what if" you don't get the surgery, and "what if" you chicken out, and "what if" you don't . . . . that could go on and on and on. . . bless your heart. . .it's just the jitters, i believe everyone gets those. . . can you imagine if we all listened to our "what ifs" I'd never had lost my weight and feel this good ever. . . now the question really should be "what if" i didn't get this surgery?. . . you'll be fine and you'll do great with the surgery! Just hang in there, you've come this far, just a few more steps and you'll make it! Good luck!
  18. thinoneday

    NSV 4 me!

    Good for you! Time for some pictures huh???
  19. thinoneday

    Well this is weird... and a little bit shocking!

    I am right there with you! Just on the weekend I went to see my daughter and was wearing a cute skort and sleeveless t shirt. . well we went to get gas for her car, she asked if i could go and get her a soda, so out of the car i went thinking nothing but about the soda when this carload of young men honked from the street. . . i looked and notice them waving, i just continued along to the soda . . well didn't they turn the car around and come over to the gas station to "check out" the chick! ERRRRGG it made me furious but at the same time i was very amuzed to know how young people are now a days. . .don't care who they check out anymore. . .heavens i could be their mother! Then off to the grocery store daughter and I went, well there the men were googling too and smiling, so i just kept my eyes on the cart and didn't look anywhere. . .i checked out myself several times to make sure nothing was showing, or unbuttoned or something. . .god I was uncomfortable. . . i don't like it at all and like you Diva, i really felt naked and like i was being scouted out as a hoe or something. . . i told my daughter i would never wear this outfit ever again . . . she felt bad for me and told me i should feel proud of myself cause she felt proud to be my daughter. . . awwww she is so sweet. . . . ugh
  20. I am 18 months out and can eat just about anything and like you say in small portions. HOWEVER, yes always however, I can't eat salads, raw spinach, and now bread (unless i toast the heck out of it almost burnt) . . it just doesn't agree with me. . causes me alot of pain. . .go figure. . . cheers!
  21. thinoneday

    fear of the mushies??

    i was really scared to start mushies too. but it was ok, it was weird getting used to it but it will go away. Just keep trying and don't over fill yourself, you'll be ok. . . good luck
  22. thinoneday


    I waited a full 3 months post op before starting alcohol and now have it weekly (but then I'm 18 months out)
  23. my doctor put in 30/32 F . that was his standard. I trusted him with that and didn't question him. make sure you discuss all this with the doctor and are happy with the explainations he/she gives. . ask a lot of questions.
  24. thinoneday


    How i can relate to you coops! I hit my drs goal of 212, which was great, then i went to 200, good for me. Now you must understand i have a very atheletic build (no womanly shape, no hips, no curves) large bone structure and very tall for a woman (6 feet) . . . well to me I wanted to get to 180 or 175lb (which is recommended by the American Heart Association) but since January i swayed between 200 and 210lbs. . and have been swaying between those two numbers ever since (thank goodness it's not more.) So I was, like you, wondering what to do. . and as your nurse said, it's what your comfortable and happy with, not the dress size or the scale number. . so i am not telling you to stop. . . but i am now enjoying my life, it's a good quality of life and i can do things i haven't been able to do for a very long time. I'm happy and comfortable and if i'm to loose more weight, good for me, but if not, and as long as i don't gain, i'll be happy too. . . I know i have a great tool here which will be with me forever and that i'll never go back to eating or looking how i used to before my surgery, so i'm not worried. I check my weight weekly to make sure all is ok and if the scale tips a bit, i do the 5 day pouch test to the best of my ability and go on. . . . good luck in your decision and in the end you'll be glad you did. . . . cheers!
  25. thinoneday

    HELP...Would you re-schedule?

    first off, I'm sorry this has happened to your sister and your family, however, being that he is your ex-brother-in-law, i would go ahead and remain with your surgery. Send your condolenscense and a card, maybe flowers, but thats about it. . . good luck! Your going to do great with the surgery.

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