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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    I could really use some help :S

    Well hello there! The best advice i can give to you is this. . . do as your doctor says, he/she is the best source of advice, they know what they want you to do and i'm sure they have done this many times. . . different countries, different strategies, even here we follow what OUR doctors say, so must you . . . as far as exercise, when you go to your appointments, just ask the doctor when and if you can start exercise and start out with walking. . . i'm sure you can walk now, after all they did surgery on your tummy not your legs. . . so walk. . . you'll have more energy once you start moving about, but it's up to you . . . good luck and just follow the doctors advise and you'll be ok. . .
  2. thinoneday

    Thoughts on Surgery Today

    Mythreechildren and Bryn, your at the hospital by now and probably the nerves have started, but you'll be just fine. . . in a few hours you'll be out and doing ok. . pretty sore, but you'll be ok. . . JUST remember walk! walk, walk, walk, or the gas will kill you and sip sip sip once your allowed ok. . your going to find this really weird, but be patient and just do what your doctor says for you to do. . . and like the rest of us, soon you'll be here giving advice to nervous newbies too. . . good luck and God bless. . . it's a great journey!
  3. thinoneday

    Any horse people on this site?

    When we went riding on June 18th I took my daughter, who unfortunately has never ridden a horse, and she absolutely loved it AFTER she got over the fact horses are sooooo big! It was for her 21st birthday and she too is ready to go again. . . Amazing what a person can do with less weight on the bones huh? There is a pic in my gallery of me riding if anyone cares to look. . .
  4. thinoneday

    Attention Scale Addicts!

    Wow I don't even weigh anywhere near 155lb and look better then the kiddo on the left! hehehehehe. . . i feel better now! thanks!
  5. thinoneday

    Oh My HAIR!!!

    Hi, sorry this is happening to you. My surgery was Dec 29, 2009 and my hair started falling out March 2010 and has not stopped. My braid is the thickness of my pinkie. . .I tried EVERYTHING available (biotin, Protein increase, Vitamins, shampoos, etc) and nothing helped. . . oh well at least i don't have bald spots, only thinning. . . ugh the sacrifices just for thinness and then there is the possibility you could gain weight after a few years??? Ugh . . . sorry I'm a doom sayer this morning, haven't had coffee yet!
  6. hope you get better soon! blessings your way!
  7. thinoneday

    Any horse people on this site?

    Yup, I'm right there with ya'll, i don't own horses now, last time i rode was when i was 16 years old and then became way too obese to even get up onto one. . . then i got on a horse here on June 18th of this year after losing 150lbs and let me tell you it was so nice to be back in the saddle! sore, but nice! so now i'm back and loving it!!!
  8. These are good, however, they give me the biggest problem with gas and bloat. . actually to me, they are worse then beans! Good luck!
  9. thinoneday

    X-box at Almater Hospital

    Hahahah, I wonder what YOUR answer is going to be when someone new asks you the same question "are you people real patients?"
  10. thinoneday

    My body is saying REALLY???

    LOL I know huh? it's not like your a sack of potatoes slung over the saddle, you actually have to do something in order to stay on that creature! It's a lot of muscle work! and your definately right, if your riding correctly, you'll definately feel the burn! But I love it and am so happy i can do it now! Keep working your sleeve and you'll be out there in no time flat! Good luck
  11. thinoneday

    So...sad :(

    now then, don't give up on self pay. . .i was self pay and here is the deal according to my physician. . . i asked him the question about what if problems happen after surgery, no they are not covered as a bariatric complication, however they are covered as a emergency basis. . . he said as long as you go to the ER they are covered under the insurance as an emergency. . . thank goodness i've not had complications in this past 2 years. . . my WLSurgeon is also the medical director of the hospital and as long as i request him all will be taken care of. . . soooooo this could be the case in your case. . . ask your doctor about complications if your self pay. . . i'm sure he'll tell you something simular. . . good luck and don't lose hope on this one. . .
  12. thinoneday

    Being Treated Differently

    yeah i've noticed that and yeah it is sad. . . but you know what? I've been sleeved now almost 2 years and i notice that i have changed too. . . how i'm not sure, but they (work) tell me I've gotten more "stuck up since I've lost weight" Mind you these are overweight people who used to love me at my heaviest and now don't even as much as say hi anymore. . . so whatever, i wonder who really changed????
  13. sure, I just now drank 9oz of water without stopping, mind you my stomach hurts and is telling me that was dumb, but i can! I'm almost 2 years out!
  14. thinoneday

    New here

    Hi there, surgery was on Dec 29, 2009, as of January 2011 weight came to a screeching halt and i teeter between 200 - 210lbs. . I'm pretty happy where i am now and will eventually get a going again. . . but for now am content and happy. . .at 6'0 tall i wear size 16/18 looks pretty good on me. . . and I weigh less now at 50 then what I weighed at 12!
  15. thinoneday

    My surgery was June 18...

    Welcome and i'm so glad all well good with you . . . your doing great! Keep up the good work and in no time flat you'll be wearing those 14s you want to slide into!
  16. thinoneday

    My body is saying REALLY???

    HONEY my body is always saying REALLY?????? I haven't jogged in forever and don't think my body would even allow such a thing! hahahahaha. . . went horseback riding for the first time since I was 16 (I'm 50 now) on June 18th and let me tell you something. . . even though you "just sit there" the next day every muscle in my body was screaming out for help! It's amazing how "just sitting" there can take it out of you! hehehe. . . i've been back since and it didn't hurt as much this time. . . will continue to go til the old body stops being so whimpy. . . hehehehe
  17. Hi there! I'm right there with you. . .I had my surgery on Dec 29, 2009 and have lost an incredible 150 lbs . . . however since January 2011 it slowed down and came to a screeching halt. . . I've teeter between 200 - 210 lbs all the time. . . i have found what my problem is has been night eating. . . ugh that was my big problem before surgery too. . . so i've tried to decrease that bad habit. . .as with sodas, i drink diet, but limit them to 2 a day. . . instead of potatoe chips I eat pork rinds, instead of chocolate at night i eat those whipped chocolate mousse yogurt things (only 1 though) and/or some yummy fruit. . . and of course TONS of Water splashed with lime juice and lots of ice. . . for my alcoholic beverages, I use a little diet soda, splash of lime juice and rum and limit it to Friday and Saturday only. . . never beer or malt beverages. it's the little changes that could help. . . i haven't lost any weight by doing this but I haven't gained either and to me that is the most important. . . you could throw in extra exercise as well to help boost your metabolism a bit. . . good luck, i hope this helps you. . . some folks will think this is totally dumb, but it works for me. . .
  18. Thank goodness! Your lucky stars worked in your favor! I am really happy for you too, cause I'm not sure about your mom's midlife crisis going on there. . .
  19. thinoneday

    Your New Food Motto

    Your are what you eat. . . choose wisely
  20. hey i was a full blown body builder back in my day and then let myself go big time! I stayed like that forever and then had the surgery, now i've lost quite a bit of the weight and have the body builder body there but my umph to go work out isn't there anymore. . .i've lost the weight and can do so much more now but i'm a lot older too and it's just not there. . . i've been approached to come back to body building by trainers but i don't think i can devote 4 - 5 hours to the gym after working 8 - 9 hours during the day. . . ugh the joys of life! but you know i'm glad just to be there and enjoy myself and enjoy my new life! Hubbie thinks i'm doing great and thats all that really matters. . . Your going to do very well and keep posting!
  21. WELCOME!!!!! Your going to like us in here. . . we are a great support team and can at times, get on each others nerves, but then that is what families do right? any questions you may have are more then welcome and no question is dumb! the only dumb question is the one not asked. . . so again, welcome!
  22. thinoneday

    What Did Ya Name your Sleeve?

    Where we supposed to name our tummies???? OOOOPPPPSSSS i didn't ! Well lets see, ummmm i'm gona call it "gurgle"
  23. wow, and this is YOUR MOM???? she is kinda acting like a young dumb school girl isn't she? Wow amazing. . .do you have any close friends that could help out for a while? just while your in the hospital or something? amazing. . . I'm mad at your mom too and I don't even know y'all !!! how irratating. . .
  24. thinoneday

    Well this is weird... and a little bit shocking!

    oh my, you go June13sleever! I'm not that brave, actually i am very very shy. . . you'd never know to look at me that i'm THAT shy. . . so shy that i can pass out. . . at work, i'm a "nip it in the bud" supervisor who "gets stuff done . . . i work in a rough place and can put a rowdy patient in their place in two seconds flat, but put me out there by myself. . . nope i would pee on myself . . . i'm really really shy ! could never do what you want to do. . . but you go for it! You go and rock on and be a girl of the world! Good luck!
  25. and for me, i'm 18 months out and as with tiffy i eat whatever i want. . . but this is how today looks Breakfast 2 eggs and 2 oz cheese coffee snack either fruit, or pork rinds lunch: bagel thin with tuna snack: light and fit yogurt diet soda dinner: spa lean cuisine bedtime snack: 2 oz cheese fruit juice sometimes if the carb monster is really bad i'll indulge in a yummy, but very seldom . . .

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