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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. After 7 grueling months of stalling I'm finally moving again! Lost 10lbs in 1 week! Can't believe it! This stall is FINALLY OVER!!!! Maybe now I can head for onederland!!!!
  2. thinoneday


    Thank you EVERYONE! it's your kind words of encouragement that keep me going. . . it's tough but it's working. . . together we can all do this. . . EVERYONE here is doing so great! Y'all keep up the excellant work! Coops . . yes, for the first week it was the induction diet, then in week 2 i added fresh fruits. . 2 - 3 pieces a day only though (was getting rather constipated) or you can eat prunes instead of the fresh fruit. . .now with week 3 I'm dropping the eggs in the morning and adding 2/3 cup of any Fiber Cereal. . like Fiber One Original or Bran Flakes. . . .make sure the cereal is unsweetened though. . I also have included Benefiber powder (strawberry and kiwi) to my Water. . . it's really good, isn't clumpy or messy and it doesn't swell me up or give me major gas. . . good stuff. . . So this is week 3 (I'm half way there) we'll see how this goes. . . I've given myself a bit of a slow down this week, pulled my back muscles and am having a lot of pain. . (more pain then surgery itself) so i was going to start the gym 3 x per week this week, but guess that will be for next week. . . anyhow good luck to you all! and remember "WE ARE THE PRODUCTS OF OUR ACTIONS'
  3. thinoneday

    Risks vs. Rewards

    Thanks for your post. . . here is all I have to say about this. . . what's more of a risk. . . your OBESITY and you risking heart attack, stroke, diabetes, etc and maybe making it to your kids' graduation . . . or surgery with minimal pain upon surgery and a lifelong reward of being able to be there to see your kid get married and enjoy YOUR grandkids. . . . The decision is yours, I've been out 2 years and have not once had a major problem. . . therefore choose wisely with your doctor and do your research. . . good luck
  4. thinoneday

    Can someone help with a low carb diet?

    Here is my menu for the day Breakfast: 2 eggs and 1 slice bacon Snack at 10 : fresh peach lunch : 1 can (5oz) white chicken breast in Water 1 tblspn mayo sprinkle of Mrs Dash Snack @ 3: fresh plum Dinner: 3 oz cooked pork tenderloin 3 - 4 oz brussel sprouts bedtime snack : 1 string cheese (frigo light) All of that is 38 grams of carbs for the day. . . you can also use myfitnesspal.com to help track your carbs. . . Drink tons of water as well. . . . good luck
  5. thinoneday

    We are all getting younger!!

    my mom, bless her heart, came to visit me when i was almost 1 year out. . . she confessed way later that her only intention of the visit was to see how wrinkled the surgery had left me . . . she stated that she was shocked to see that i looked younger then when i was in my 20's . . . MOTHERS. . . .
  6. thinoneday

    Attention Scale Addicts!

    And get rid of your scale! It will drive you crazy if not madder then mad! Good luck!
  7. thinoneday


    mp8btpc you made me laugh! thank you! well here is my delimma, I didn't pay $15,500 of my hard earned money NOT to get to my own personal goal. . . come hell or high Water I WILL GET TO MY PERSONAL GOAL!!!!!!
  8. thinoneday

    Down right discouraged!

    You probably have heard of this already, but it does get better. . . I promise. . . i hated my sleeve for many many months and now at almost 2 years out am so glad I have it. . . I had the worst stall ever and had to actually start to diet in order to move the stall. . . well without the sleeve this diet would be impossible. it really helps alot. so for right now you may hate the bugger, but eventually you will be glad you got it done. . . you'll be ok, keep doing what you do and good luck!
  9. thinoneday


    Hi group, well as promised i'm happy to annouce that i lost another 10 lbs this week. . . so since i've been on this "diet" the last 2 weeks without any cheating or anything (I am so proud of myself) 20 lbs have dropped off. . . it's really tough, but i'll get through this ONLY 4 more weeks left before increment #1 is done! I CAN DO THIS. . . . I AM THE PRODUCT OF MY ACTIONS
  10. thinoneday

    Labor Day - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Thankyou Diva! That means alot to me. . . Well been on the "diet" now for 2 solid weeks. . . todays weigh in was 10 more lbs. . . so all together its' 20 in 2 weeks. . . reminds me of my weight loss when i first had the surgery. . . it's really tough but it's really working!
  11. thinoneday

    Loan trouble

    Hi I got a great loan from my credit union at 3%. May want to try that
  12. thinoneday

    Madder than A Wet Hen

    Yes, I agree but have labeled it a "diet" but since I started it last Monday, I've shocked the scale and finally am moving again. . . lost 10 lbs the first week, 2 lbs over the weekend and will post what i've lost this week on friday. . . I'm doing this in little 6 week increments to lose the last 30 lbs that i want so desperately want to lose. . . and it's working absolutely beautifully. . . .
  13. thinoneday

    Labor Day - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    At the rate my "diet" is going I definately be in onderland by labor day!!!!! I will keep everyone posted each week of my success. . .so far i've lost 10 lbs since starting last Monday. . .
  14. thinoneday


    And if you ever do Nancy, don't be discouraged, just know that it does happen. . . . i lost really fast, faster then most and my body was paying for it near the end. . . but if you do get stuck, just remember to go to back to basics and remember where you started and how hard you have worked to get where you are. . . then kick a$ and kick start that stupid stall and WIN the battle!!!! together we can overcome this evil fat. . . good luck everyone!
  15. thinoneday


    coops - I started my "diet" last monday. . and it took 1 week to lose the 10 lbs. . the handy hint i can give you is don't give up. . do your best ever.and always remember "you are the product of your success". . . you can do this! wondering1 - the stall was 7 MONTHS. . . I'm past calling the WLS people. I was self pay and only rec'd 1 year of counsel. . my PCP is not into bariatric surgery, so i cant talk to her, the only real help i have is this forum and myself. . . i see the bariatric surgeon now only 1 time per year with out cost except for my copay and unless something happens on an emergency basis. . . sunnyd - thank you! yes when i first had my surgery done i had lost 25 lbs in 2 weeks and 53 lbs in 7 weeks. So yes, i'll be in onderland in no time flat as long as i keep this up. . . and thank goodness it's a might easier this time around because of the sleeve. . . alot of head hunger but that is combatable with Water and crystal lite. . . thank you all for the well wishes I'll definately let ya'll know each week how it's going ok!
  16. thinoneday


    Thank you, unfortunately however i had to start a very strict diet . . . i'm glad i have the sleeve cause it helps with the hunger, I don't feel it anymore. . . i do only about 900 calories or less a day and no more then 30-40 g of carbs a day, less if possible, and tons of water. . . i've cut all diet sodas, alcohol, sweets, flour products, fruit, etc. . . reminds me of my olden days before the sleeve, only this time it's easier cause again, the sleeve helps combat the hunger. . . good luck to you and i'll let you know when i hit onderland in hopefully 5 weeks!
  17. thinoneday

    Madder than A Wet Hen

    Hi Mini, well darlin' I'm sorry to say the honeymoon is over and you may have to go on a diet. . .here is my depressing story . . . I've been stalled and gaining slowly over 7 months. I stopped dead in my tracks in January and 2 weeks ago i weighed myself and realized i had GAINED 15 lbs over the 7 months. . . WTF was my inital statement, then realization struck. . . i have to go back and do what i've been doing ALL MY LIFE. . . I have to go back on a diet. . . so out came adkins and make sure that i don't go over 900 calories and have less then 40grams of carbs everyday for the next 6 weeks (I'm doing this in little 6 week increments until i reach well below my goal) . . . well my 1st week was a total success I lost 10 lbs. . . I cut out all diet sodas, all alcohol, all breads, no flour products, no fruits, no sweets at all, i drink only water and crystal lite and coffee. . . a basic meal for me now is 2 eggs in the morning, 1 can of tuna or chicken breast mixed with mayo (1 tblspn) for lunch, and some sort of meat, be it fish, chicken, turkey, or shellfish 1/2 cup for supper. . then water water water until i go to bed and start all over the next day. . . ugh i'm glad i have the sleeve cause it really does help with the hunger and mostly it's head hunger, so the water kills that. . . be strong and fight! This isn't for everyone, but it's working for me. . . good luck to you all and i'll definately herald my success when i hit onederland in about 5 weeks! Wish me luck
  18. Hi Tamz! No your not eating too much. . . just keep following the advise given to you by your doctor. . .your going to be fine. . . do you feel like your eating too much? If not that is good than keep it up. . . if your uncomfortably full then cut back a bit. . . good luck!!!!
  19. Looouu, thank you so much for this post. . . i was this victim for a long time. . i had the sleeve done Dec 29, 2009 and on January 2011 my weight loss stopped dead in it's tracks. . . here came June, then July and still never losing, it was heartbreaking to me. . . i felt that this was the end of my journey and there were MANY reasons. . . many reasons but never one which included ME. . . then i read your post and it turned me around 360 degrees! Now I've started dieting for the next 6 weeks. . . I told myself that it is ME who controls what I put into my mouth. . . it is ME who controls whether I lose, gain, or stay the same. . . it's definately NOT the stress that work causes, or the bad day that the patients gave me, or the sadness because my hubbie is upset with me. . . IT IS ME. . . and because of these words, I have the ability and the will to change MYSELF. . . Thank you so much for those very very wise words "YES I AM A SUCESS cause I chose to be" How wonderful and how very true. . . I'll let you all know how much I've lost each and every Friday. . . thanks again Louu you are a total inspiration. . you have changed my way of thinking in more way then you can ever know
  20. thinoneday

    So Long, Farewell, Auf Weidersehen...

    you look really good! keep up the excellant work!
  21. thinoneday

    Oh My HAIR!!!

    Reading and what really happens are two totally different things. . . sure wish my hair would have read the book! Funny, you may say this about reading and what should happen, brings back memories of my sister who claimed she "read the book and now knew how to swim" . . . needless to say when she jumped in, she needed total assistance to prevent her from drowning!
  22. thinoneday

    How to eat at McDonald's after the sleeve....

    Starygirl, thanks for the post, it was a good resource. . . i went to McD's one morning thinking i would "give it a try" (this was last week) I'm out now almost 2 years (I've not had a ordered hamburger in almost 2 years!) . . i ordered a breakfast mcmuffin with sausage and egg. . . took a bit, chewed, swallowed, and puked so violently i thought for sure my tummy came out with that . . . i think quite honestly, I would rather be starving then eat McD's ever again. . . but thanks for the info!
  23. thinoneday

    the dreaded question.....

    I'm sure there have been deaths in the US from this surgery and/or any other surgery. . . things happen and when it's your turn, it's your turn no matter what they do. . . good luck!
  24. thinoneday


    And then there is me, who takes Ibuprofen whenever i need it, doctor said it shouldn't bother me as long as it wasn't taken daily. . . i'm almost 2 years out and it hasn't bothered me at all. . . best thing is to ask your doctor
  25. thinoneday

    liquids with meals

    OOHHHH MY DEAR, you will know not to drink anything with meals. . . at least with me, I'm out now almost 2 years and still don't drink 15 - 30 minutes after meals cause if I do I'll puke! Very simple, you have a choice here, either eat your meal or have something to drink. . . you'll learn the routine! Good luck!

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