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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    Little black dress

    Yup and the next time you try it on, you'll have missed the size and it's going to be too big! That has happened with me sooooo often! ugh
  2. thinoneday

    High Protien and super yummy

    never heard of this, where do you get it?
  3. thinoneday

    Tired and Week

    Hope you feel better soon. . . just know that this too shall pass. . . it sucks right now, but the things we do for thinness.
  4. thinoneday

    Breakfast Meatballs

    Yuuuuummmmmm, these sound excellant! Am trying them this weekend! Thanks settebee!
  5. thinoneday

    embarrassing but i need help

    As a public health nurse, I would strongly suggest that you go to your local STD health dept. They can usually freeze these off without a problem. Call ahead first though, cause some health dept's don't do this cause of funding. . .good luck!
  6. Fabulous post! I love it and it is SO RIGHT! Not only IF IT IS TO BE - IT IS UP TO ME. . . but also YOU MUST BELIEVE IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE. . . .this sleeve is not easy, you have to make it work. . . you have to work, not as hard, but just like before. . . you have to relearn and retrain. . . it's tough especially when you reach your goal. . . love you post and keep posting these very very inspirational posts!
  7. thinoneday

    Kids say the darndest things

    That is soooo cute! My daughter did a simular thing only not as cute. . . I hadn't seen her for 3 - 4 weeks ( shes 21) and upon opening the door, her first words that popped out of her mouth was "God mom, you look like a starved orphan!" Gotta love her
  8. thinoneday

    The Easy Way Out

    Well KayyBeee your a much better person then I could ever be. . . good for you! Your a saint! You're going to do very well!
  9. thinoneday


    Hi! Thanks Raine for your vote of confidence! tntransplant06, I think personally that those numbers are way to high to be ingesting. I now weigh 200 lbs and maybe have 900 calories, lots of Protein, and lots of water. I've added 2 - 3 fruits a day as well and a small amount of vegatables. But that is just my opinion. Good luck
  10. thinoneday

    Self Pay=Self Help -- HELP!

    Try over here, Dr. Ramiro "Sonny" Cavazos with NE Baptist hospital. At the orientation he said that he and his staff take care of those who went to Mexico. His # is 210-651-0303. Good luck!
  11. thinoneday

    Self Pay=Self Help -- HELP!

    Where in texas are you? I'm in San Antonio and the great physician who did my surgery takes patients who went to mexico. Let me know and I'll give you his name and contact information ok. Thanks
  12. thinoneday

    Stressing over....an EGG!

    I absolutely loved your post. . . stressing over an egg! That is cute, but VERY valid. . . eggs are weird. . .they are allowed on the meal plan but are tough to get used to. . . honey don't boil it just yet, hard on the tummy, but if your going to puree it, it may be good, I had my first egg very soft scrambled and then eat it very slowly, take a bite chew and swallow then wait at least 1 minute before putting in another bite. . . cause if you stuff that egg in there, your tummy may hate you for it. . . good luck and let us know. . .
  13. thinoneday

    I need a secretary!

    life happens huh? It's a cute story though thanks for sharing! I have it happen lately where i go to walmart and once i go through that breezy entrance it's like the wind blows out all my thoughts and i can't remember what i came to walmart for . . . i hate that . . .
  14. thinoneday

    Carbs vs. Protein

    carbs are the enemy, they are what are called slider food and go down really really well and that is why we gain weight even with the sleeve. . . the denser stuff like meat, chicken, fish, cheese, etc is more dense and tougher making it harder to "slide" down. . .that is why we are told to watch the carbs. . .
  15. thinoneday

    Dear Food.... I miss you

    Pulled pork sandwiches???? What is that? Call me dumb but really what is that? is that like shredded pork meat? never had that.
  16. thinoneday

    pre op how big the stomach is

    hahaha, you guys crack me up. . . i love ya'll . . . yes there is 8 oz in 1 normal glass, however, there are glasses that are 32 oz . . . that is too funny! Ya'll made my day!
  17. thinoneday

    one week out

    How great! I'm glad you took that shower. . . you'll find yourself taking A LOT of showers! You'll be very clean! hehehe Keep up the great work. . it's tough and there will be days you'll absolutely hate your sleeve, but be glad you have it . . in the long run you'll be better for it! Good luck and keep it up!
  18. thinoneday

    Wow, Just Wow

    How very excellant! Keep up the great work. . . and don't get too discouraged if you start noticing a bit of a slow down. . . it happens to all of us. . . just keep on a truckin!!!!
  19. thinoneday

    18 Months Out... Getting Tricky!

    Hi there, well your not going to get a lecture, your booty kicked or pity from me. . . cause i've been there and am struggling big time. . so your not alone. . .i was on a 7 month stall from January 2011 to mid July 2011. . . then i kicked myself in the backside (hard to do) and did a reality check. . . I didn't pay $15,500.00 of my hard earned money to NOT get to my own personal goal. . . there was no way. . .so i pulled up my big girl panties and went back to the olden days. . . DIETING. . . yup and charting on myfitnesspal. . . i only allow 800- 950 calories and less then 40 carbs a day. . . those carbs are from veggies and fresh fruits only. . .i dropped all diet soda, alcohol, flour products and sweets, desserts, etc. . . it's really really tough but it's working. . . in the first 2 weeks I dropped 20 lbs and i'm in week 3. . . I'm only doing this in small 6 week increments then taking a break for 1 weekend and off i go again for another 6 weeks. . . as far as exercise, change yourself up a bit, do something different then the bike. . .walk or something else. . . your body tends to get really used to all this business of sameness. . . good luck!
  20. thinoneday

    So when I say I hate the gym...

    LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT HATING THE GYM!!!!! i used to be a diehard bodybuilder many moons ago. . I went to the gym with the trainer 7 days a week for 3-4 hours EVERYDAY! I had no life . . . I did this for about 2 years or so then I stopped. . . I was pregnant and couldn't do that anymore. . . ok so after the kid life changes, i had different responsiblities and didn't go anymore. . . now i'm so gym burned out I hate it more then you probably do . . . I, like you, have tried to go back so often but i step foot into Golds and get instand nausea and the creepy crawlies in the pit of my stomach. . . i've even been approached by trainers to train again and represent the gym. . . NO THANK YOU!!!!! with the weight loss i have loose skin, but the body builder body is definately there still (amazing, thought that would go away with all the years) but i really realllllly, reeeeaaaaallllllyyyyyyy will not do the gym. . . I've bought a Wii and some zumba discs and work out at home. . . have hubbie jumping around with me with his little uncoordinated self, we laugh and have lots of fun. . . I do alot of yard work. . . and walk 20 - 30 minutes everyday. . . ( I have no choice cause work made us park about 1/4 mile away for a discount of $2.00 / day versus $12.00/day to park closer ) Good incentive huh? But the point is just find what you enjoy, and do that, if it's gardening, housework, yardwork, whatever, just stay active . . . no one ever said it had to be the gym or you'd fail. . . . good luck!!!! And thanks for listening to me gripe!
  21. thinoneday

    Rant - old habits die hard

    The cravings are the worst for me. . . i fight everyday against those buggers. . . everyday . . . . i drink tons of water, crystal light, chew gum, keep busy . . . but there it is, especially in the afternoons and at night. . . but i'm fighting and winning the battle slowly!
  22. thinoneday

    Madder than A Wet Hen

    Yippee! I'm so glad you doing better! Yes, we will all remind you about this post when you do this again! Keep up the great work!
  23. I have lost 150 lbs but refuse to get anymore surgery. . . to me i'll do more weight training if i have too, but for now, it's not that bad that i need more surgery. . .
  24. thinoneday

    Rant - old habits die hard

    All I can say is " YOU BETCHA!!! " Old habits have to be tamed to new habits within the 1st year. . . the sleeve won't do it for you, YOU have to do it. . . this is exactly why I'm dieting again. . . just like in the olden days, except its a bit easier cause of the sleeve. . . i didn't learn my lesson and didn't change my old ways, so for 7 months i was at a big stall and even gaining between 10 - 15 lbs. . . Do you know how discouraging that is???? Then finally i realized that I hadn't paid $15,500.00 for this sleeve to remain a porker for the rest of my life. . .i took the bull by the horns and now i'm fighting to get my life back on track. . . i've been on a really strict diet for 2 weeks and have lost 20 lbs. . . i'm very proud, . . .this is my 3rd week (I'm doing this in 6 week increments) then on the weekend of the end of the 6th week I will treat myself to a glass of rum and coke and start again for another 6 weeks til I reach my personal goal of 180! I've reached the doctors goal, but now it has become somewhat personal and come hell or high water, I will get to my goal!!!! You can do it too. . .together we can do this! good luck
  25. thinoneday

    Student Loans

    i used my credit union for a personal loan at 3%. . . student loans offer a higher interest rate. . . good luck

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