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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. I don't want to sound mean or anything, but this first post was posted back May, 2011, she hasn't responded since at all. Makes me wonder if it was one of those posts to scare everyone . . . either way, if it's legit, then my apologizes and hope all has gone well and she's ok. . . I had the same question, Mexico or US? I've had my sleeve for almost 2 years and have had absolutely no problems, great weight loss and all. . .
  2. thinoneday

    Is this Normal???

    I guess, i still feel hungry!! Not to sound weird or anything, but this statement you put at the end doesn't sound good. You have to stop and "listen" to your tummy, is it truly hungry or is it head hunger? you will battle head hunger for the rest of your life, it's tough to get rid of, but this is where you'll either fail or pass. . . you must be stronger then the head hunger, you MUST control your body, not your body control you. . good luck and you'll do ok. . . liquid stage is tough, but necessary for healing. . . you'll feel better in mushy stage. . .
  3. thinoneday

    Regretting surgery

    Yesssss, I so hated my sleeve for the first 3 - 4 months. . . wished everyday I hadn't done it. . . but now being almost 2 years out it's the best thing I ever did. . . as far as the nausea, try drinking warm tea, less cold water, broth, etc. . . sometimes our delicate tummies can't handle that cold liquid after surgery. Also, you might want to get suppository phenergen, this works very well for me. . . Good luck! Hope it works. . .
  4. thinoneday

    -Bougie sizes-

    mine is 28/32F. . .as far as what you should do? Honey you are the recipient of this sleeve, your paying for it, as a paying customer, you should receive what you want. Good luck
  5. thinoneday

    How do you see the world?

    Well the last time we went here, I was called a hypocrite and literally told to get off the forum cause it was a place of support and not my opinion, but that's ok. . . here is my opinion anyhow. . .even when I was 350 lbs 18 months ago, I didn't find obese men attractive at all. . .never, i've always thought fat men where "ugly" . . . i was really stuck up towards them, even though there i was fatter then ever myself . . . with the women, well whatever to them, was my opinion. . . now that I am past goal and have lost my poundage, when i see an obese woman i get a instant surge of "disqust" but it goes away as fast as it came. . .it then goes into pity and feeling sorry for them, cause I myself know how they got there. . . they are unhappy and most of them use food as a comforter. . . there are many many unhappy people in the world. . . ugh. . . I haven't changed my views about men, why I don't know always have been like this, could be because of the way I have been treated by men ever since i've been younger, they were so mean and ugly towards me and as I got fatter to "hide" it got burtally worse, but whatever, those days are over now and to me i guess payback is sweet, but I'm getting better. Guess you can call it eye for an eye. . tit for tat, whatever. . .Call me whatever you wish but ya'll asked. . . so am I prejudice? Maybe. . . am I judgemental? Maybe. . . but I am me and will always be. . . what you see here is what you'll see at my house, in the store, in the park. . . I am what sets me apart from everyone else and makes me unique. . .God Bless
  6. be there for her and go to gym with her. . .hug her a bunch (I'm sure you do that already) but just let her know how much she is appreciated and loved. . do stuff together. Maybe doing all of this makes her happy too. . good luck
  7. 1) How long have you been sleeved? 18 months 2) Who was your surgeon? Dr. Ramiro "sonny" Cavazos, San Antonio, TX 3) What were your experiences with your surgeon? Absolutely wonderful 4) Would you recommend your surgeon? definately 5) How much weight have you lost since your sleeve date? 150 lbs 6) What type of sleeve do you have? if you talking about bougie size mine is 28/32F but it's just a normal sleeve 7) Would you recommend the type of sleeve you have? sure 8) Do you find you still have the necessary level of energy to sustain a good workout? I hate working out so i don't do it much, i find doing things like hiking, swimming, etc more fun, but i don't intentionally go to the gym for a workout. 9) Do you find it difficult to keep the weight off once you have lost it? no, but definately have to watch. 10) Do you have trouble eating, such as getting �stuck�? no 11) What is the one things about getting the surgery that you regret? honestly, I don't have any regrets. , or would you have made another choice? nope, this was the best choice.
  8. thinoneday

    scared to death

    EWWWWW salty coffee! Not good. . . guess what? all your feelings are NORMAL! Everyone has gone through this and we are still all here talking to you about it. . . if it's any consolation, this was my 18th major surgery, I'm deathly allergic to narcotics so my only pain meds are tylenols and they helped with this surgery really well. . . gassy yes, but walk alot and sip your liquids and you'll be fine. . .do the warm liquids, they seem to help better. . . i'm out now almost 2 years and have done great. . . nothing went wrong and i've am as happy as a clam
  9. Im out almost 2 years and mine still works like a charm. . . mind you i've hit where my body wants to be and that is good. . . at least if i get sick or anything in the future i have a bit of a cushion. . . and at least i've hit my doctors goal. . . and i feel good. . . good luck!
  10. thinoneday


    Actually I do too but this person didn't even put an effort into it. . .so that is her own fault! I'm out almost 2 years now and am maintaining. . I've reached my doctors goal of 212 lbs and have surpassed it to 200 lbs now i balance between 205 - 215 lbs. . I think that is way better then 350 lbs!!!! Our families are weird that way, they will always be the doomsayers because they know we forgive them in the end and continue to love them. . . they are usually very very insecure (especially husbands, boyfriends, and moms). . . good for your mom doing "it the right way" oh but you didn't mention how many times is this that she is doing it the "right" way?????? good luck to you and keep tracking down your path!
  11. thinoneday

    Sugar Free Chocolate Candy

    Yes and make sure it's dark chocolate as well. . . 97% cocoa or more. . much better for you
  12. thinoneday

    How is everyone doing?

    hey there ! almost 2 years out and doing great! the most important thing . . haven't gained anything, so that is a BIG plus, maintaining excellently and am happy about that too. . .
  13. Just my little opinion here, LEAVE IT ALONE! As a registered nurse, I would advise you to just leave it be. It'll take care of itself. but that is just my opinion, most folks do what they want anyhow. . . good luck!
  14. thinoneday


    Welcome and you sure can learn alot of stuff here. . . even neat receipes and how to alter your shakes to actually taste awesome!
  15. thinoneday

    Glad to see I'm not alone.

    stringbender, you may also want to try Bariatric Advantage Protein Meal Replacement. I lived on those forever. They are really really good and mix very well. Not chalky or pasty tasting at all. They mix really well with peanut butter too. . good luck.
  16. Ugh, I'm soooooo glad those days are over for me! But I understand exactly how you feel. . . you'll be fine. . it's just the jitters. Good luck and as mentioned earlier concentrate on you now and getting this surgery under way.
  17. thinoneday


    Downing a whole bottle! BWHAAAAAA. . . that is funny. . . I had my first drink after 12 weeks (and with the blessing of the doctor) and let me tell you it was sooooo yum. . and since then have been having my good old rum and cokes regularly. . . hasn't hurt me any. . . doctor just said drink within moderation, so that is what i do. . . i don't see the harm in a sip or two of wine, but i would really ask the doctor and honey don't say it's because of the stress of this and that, just say you want a drink! If it was because of the stress, heavens 1 bottle wouldn't cover it and we'd all be alcoholics! hehehehe . . . good luck!
  18. thinoneday

    Sugar Free Chocolate Candy

    Hi there, well you've done great on your weight loss so far, and i feel like Haven't we felt guilty enough in our lives that we need to continue feeling quilty. You did nothing wrong, just don't do it often. . . now to tell you the truth about sugar free. . . the brain can't tell the difference between sugar free or sugar. . to the brain, it's a sweet a carb, which tells the brain to crave more carbs. . . so in all reality it's not any better then real sugar products. That is why people CAN gain weight on diet soda as well. . . best thing is to eat/drink very minimal amounts of these things or none at all. Hope this helps
  19. thinoneday

    An NSV I may never top!

    how cool is that DAD!!!! That must of been the best compliment ever! And from a 13 year old at that! Wow you must of been really proud! Good for you! Keep it up and keep up with sans Tshirt!
  20. thinoneday

    Could use some encouragement

    Hi Rebecca, like you said everyone heals differently, but i don't know if this will help you, just remember that this too shall pass. It's not going to last forever. . try drinking water liquids, like sweetened hot tea or chicken Soup broth. . this may help
  21. thinoneday

    What was your Bougie Size?

    32 but 28 with the oversew. Love it, I'm 18 months out and no problems here.
  22. emmasmom, first off congratulations on being nervous (guess what? your normal) now you can soooooooooooo easy gain weight back girl! Very simple by eating the wrong foods, cakes, Cookies, ice cream, creams, etc go down sooo good and taste soooo yummy. . . mashed tators, take out food, tastes sooooo good and can go down soooo well too. . .eating a bit now, waiting a while, eating again, and again, and again. . . can be soooo good. . . yes you sure can gain weight and alot of weight too. . . sounds weird but you sure can. . . i've had the sleeve short of 2 years. . . i never made it to onderland, just to 200lbs. . i did go past my goal weight of 212 as per the doctor. . . but i just can't get under the 200 mark. . . that is ok with me cause at 200lbs my daughter says i look like a starved orphan and i wear 14/16. . . I started off at 350lbs. . . so i'm happy. . . i've had no complications to speak of really, and i feel great. . .you can go check out my gallery if you want to see the progress. . . good luck!
  23. thinoneday

    eating too much!!! what do I do to stop?

    Well, everyone is different and everyone did get a different sized sleeve. Im out 18 months and can only eat 1 cup of food at a sitting too, if that at times. Now if your afraid you may have stretched the sleeve then do the 5 day pouch test and let me tell you it is really tough, but if you are serious about it, you can do this. So google it as it sounds 5 day pouch test. . and good luck!
  24. Hi Sharon, I wasn't 400 lbs but very close to it. . i was 350 lbs and in the first 1 year lost 150 lbs. I reached my doctors goal of 212 lbs (I am very big boned and 6'0 tall) and lost about 10 more after that. . never reached onederland, and now at 18 months out probably never will unless i get really sick. But i am very happy fluctuating between 205 - 215 lbs. . . wear size 16/18 and look pretty good. . . anything is way better then 350lbs! good luck!

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