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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    Awkward moment

    When this happens to me, I ALWAYS turn it back to them. . . . here is a typical conversation Person: Oh you look great! You lost a lot of weight! Me: Thanks, you look great too. . . what are you doing? How did you do it? Please share the secrets. . . . That usually stops that in it's tracks. . . . and if not, well I change the subject very very quickly. . .
  2. thinoneday


    you literally ate a cupcake at 20 days out?
  3. thinoneday

    Any wine drinkers out there?

    There are two wines that i love. . .they are sweet . . . they are Mechinowitz and Mogan David. . you can get both at HEB grocery store or the liquor store. . . i think you would enjoy these. . . dry wine to me is plain nasty
  4. thinoneday

    Anyone else still "see" themselves at their old weight?!!

    oh my dear how i feel for you. . . (by the way you look cute on both pictures) . . . I'm 2 years outs and still feel obese at times. I have pictures to remind myself that i am not. . . i have kept some really large clothes to remind myself as well. . i'll put them on every now and then to "remind" myself. . . it's tough especially if you've been overweight for ever, but it'll come eventually. . . hang in there my friend and keep up the good work!
  5. thinoneday

    You can Get Dumping Syndrome from the Sleeve

    yup you betcha! i get "dumping syndrome" from having too much sugar from carbs or whatever. . . sweaty, nauseated, diarrhea, etc. . so yup you sure can have the symptoms. . .
  6. thinoneday

    First negative comment

    no wonder i prefer animals over people, at least the critter loves you unconditionally. . . fat or thin. . . and doesn't hurt you with words and gestures. . . ugh
  7. thinoneday


    yes, the sleeve has failed. . .i know first hand of a close friend who had the sleeve and after 1 year she literally regained 50 lbs. Her problem however, she was very stubborn and REFUSED to give up her sweets, pastries, and unfortunately beer. . . she continued with those everyday. . . my problem was quantity as well. I don't eat rubbish but i ate ALOT of food! I had the sleeve and poof the weight is gone! I haven't gotten to movie starlet beauty, but I love the way i look right now. . . the sleeve reminds me EVERYDAY (for the past 2 years) to eat like a lady and not like a glutton! So what i'm trying to say is this, if your not willing to change your habits, don't get the sleeve, but if your willing to give it a go for your health sake, then this will definately work. . . and after you lose the weight, i'm sure you won't want to regain it and will be careful what you put into your mouth. . . but as you've heard, this decision is all yours. . . good luck!
  8. thinoneday

    I'm overweight!!!!

    hahaha, congratulations! isn't it weird what we find great! Keep up the excellent work!
  9. You know EVERYONE says don't use a straw, but my doctor and I had agreed that if I can drink better from a straw and get the fluids down, then do so. . .and that is what i have done this past 2 years without any complications. . . i DONT used "special" knives, forks, spoons, plates, cups, that is a waste, just a straw. . i adjust to what i like without the extra expense. Good luck!
  10. thinoneday

    Salad Anyone!?!?!

    Almost 2 years out and can't do salads. . the lettuce, no matter how much i chew it, causes me so much pain. . .and it's not just a "ouch that hurts" . . . it's a call me ambulance pain. . . so i stay FAR away from salad. . . and i used to love salads pre surgery. . . i can eat cooked leaves, like spinach and calaloo (jamaican greens) but no raw leaves. . . ugh
  11. thinoneday

    Medical NSV

    Isn't that wonderful! I'm glad to see your lab tests within normal! My first time to my doctor was 1 year after surgery. I had lost 150 lbs and he was so shocked. All he kept on saying was "Look at YOU!" I felt awkward because it was time for my ob/gyn exam, and there he was gooing all over the place. . . lol. . . I didn't much know what to say . . .
  12. I NEVER try to convince anyone about something I want for myself. . . it's my body and my life and I'll do with it what I see fit. . . good luck and get your sleeve your going to be so happy. . . and so healthy! Besides you have us for your cyber support. . . we've been there, done that, and let me tell you right now IT'S NOT FLIPPIN EASY! I'm glad your mom came to her senses. . .
  13. thinoneday

    You know you lost weight when

    When your 21 year old daughter answers her apartment door and greets you with "God mom you look like a starved orphan!"
  14. Hi! I'm almost 2 years out so my menu may look a bit different . . . I'm going to use todays menu plan Breakfast : 2 eggs 2 pieces of bacon coffee Lunch : 4 oz crab meat with olive mayo 1 multigrain thin round sandwich bread (those skinny round bread things) Supper : spa lean cuisine (can't usually finish it) Snack : cherrios breakfast bar and cup of tea with real sugar and cream (the snack is eatten when i'm leaving work) I DONT have anything except Water after 8 pm. . . .
  15. Hi brandi, unfortunately this happens. . .all i can say is try the 5 day pouch test (google it and it brings it up) to kickstart your weight loss again and after that go back to basics. . . i'm out 19 months (almost 2 years) and have totally stopped losing weight since January 2011. . .I tetter between 200 - 210 lbs and have surpassed my doctors goal for me which was 212 lbs. . . if i'm to loose more, good for me, if not, good for me, but i KNOW for a fact i will never again weigh 350 lbs! and for that i am grateful! good luck!
  16. thinoneday

    What's with the number 3?

    Diva, any weight or all their weight? Ugh how depressing is that. . . guess some really hard work is coming up huh? Reason I ask is because i tetter between 200 - 210 lbs and have never gotten to my personal goal of 180. . . but I did surpass the doctors goal of 212 ! Yipppee to me!
  17. Me, me, me!!!! I stopped losing weight in January 2011. . right now i tetter between 200 - 210 lbs all the time. . .but i surpassed my doctors goal for me (212lbs) and for that i'm happy. . . if i'm never to get to 180 that is ok for me. . .Lilmissdiva was saying in one of her posts that maybe there is a time the body just gets to a weight and stays there for a long time. . . just like when we were getting fat, our bodies stopped at a weight for a while and then after a while continued to gain. . .i remember my stop gaining weight for a long time was 230lbs then after about 1 year it started to move up until i got to 350lbs! i stayed between 345 - 350 lbs for years. . .so now i'm at 200 - 210 but maybe after a year or so my body will decide what is going to happen, gain, or lose. . . we'll see, but i know for a fact I'll never weigh 350 lbs again. . .
  18. i totally agree with exoticheart, shout it from the rooftops. . .if it makes you that happy that is really really good. . .happiness is a wonderful thing and makes you a better person. . . i love telling people about my WLS and success if they'll listen and not be sarcastic about things, but it has made me happy. . . i'm not depressed anymore and am more "enjoyable" to be around. . .so go ahead and love the time you have with you! Good luck!
  19. thinoneday

    Boob question

    hahaha, I MADE the girls go away back in 2000. I had major breast reduction! Lost 14lbs off each boob and 260 stitches later. . Went from 58FF to a tidy 44DD. . . then after my WLS i lost a wee bit more and now am a perfect 38D. . . love it!
  20. thinoneday

    How do you reward yourself now?

    Well I really don't do anything EXCEPT weigh myself and am so grateful that i don't weigh 350 lbs anymore. I just relish in that glory. I was looking for something the other day and found a hidden picture of myself. . .OMG I could not believe i was THAT huge! It was a picture of me at my heaviest! No wonder I hid it! Now i look at it and that in itself is my reward. . .my health and well being. . and knowing that I could NEVER be THAT huge again!
  21. thinoneday

    Just a question regarding eating

    The amount is normal. . . the water thing, well try not to drink too cold water that tends to cramp the stomach and make you feel nauseated. . .and just sip the fluids over the course of the day. . . drink gatoraid too, because of the electrolytes and it'll help a bit with the nausea. . . discuss with the doctor as well. . . good luck
  22. thinoneday

    Down 110lbs!

    Yahoo! Keep up the great work!!!
  23. thinoneday

    the wife...jealous

    Its jealousy and insecurity. . just reassure her and let her know this is being done for her and your family so you can be around for a long time to come. . .we girls are funny that way you know, a bit weird. . . our brains start to think strange things. . .so forgive us. . my hubbie was weirded out too when i did this, but now since i've lost all my weight and he sees i'm not going anywhere or wearing thongs or nothing at all (lol) he's ok . . . it'll get better i promise, i really don't think she'll leave you over this if the love is strong. . . good luck!
  24. Good for you!!!! Same for me, just got back from my vacation and didn't even gain 1 lb. . . didn't lose, but still i was really happy. . .

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