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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. I ditto the folks on here, and like you, this was my biggest worry as well. But you know what, it isn't the matter at all. Once you lose the weight and are eating "normal" again, you'll see that this was not really that big of an issue. It's hard to explain, but it's ok and life is good. Good luck and hopefully you'll work through your fear as I did and have your surgery and enjoy your life as a happy, thinner, and healthier person! Good luck!
  2. It really depends how busy i am. If I'm really busy I can go a whole day without eating. But if i'm just bored and watching tv or thinking about it, i can get hungry (head hunger of course) within 30 minutes of my meals. So busy is good!
  3. thinoneday


    You look really nice. I love the fall too, here in San Antonio TX we have very very hot weather during the summer months. So now that the temps are falling into the 80s during the day and into the low 60s for the night, it's really nice. Last night i actually had to put blankets onto the bed, it got down to a cold 57F! Burrrrrrrrr (winter is on it's way) No more A/C on here for a while! Save on bills!
  4. thinoneday

    after goal eating

    At 2 years out I can comfortably eat 6 oz of food per meal, over that it's a tight squeeze and I feel very uncomfortable. i don't care if i go to a party or social event and only eat a pickle, I'm not there for the food anyhow, i'm there for the people and the company. Those days of "the food" are over for me now . . and i like it. When I go to a resturant with my hubbie, i look around and am appauled at the amount of food people eat. I always think to myself "And I used to be like that:" . . I get soooooooooooo embarrassed at that thought, that most times I'll push away the food I have infront of me. My doctor was really really good, he knew the agony I was going through with my weight issues and he came through for me 100% I'm really glad i chose him to do this surgery, he listened and had empathy with my feelings. I don't have any regrets now and am very glad i did this surgery when i did.
  5. thinoneday

    Weight Loss Competition

    definately dishonest and cheating, and very embarrassing to you when they found out you had surgery. You'd have to give back the money.
  6. thinoneday

    Frustrated with a captial F

    My dear friend Coops, I feel your pain and frustration. I don't know what to say other then maybe get rid of the scale for a while and don't weigh right now. Your doing everything right, increase the water and the Proteins, lower the carbs. maybe a bit of at home exercises, easy and light like ladies pushups, side bends, situps, etc. . . just nothing too rough. . . don't beat your self up honey, look where you have come from. . . you have done wonderfully! You have a wonderful tool to help you, i can really really tell you that you will never get back to how you were. . . you may gain a few pounds during your down and out period, but girl once your healed and better, you can kick that demon in the behind and get back to normal. Don't fret so much right now, just put the scale away ok. . don't weigh for a bit. . can you do that? Don't weigh at least for 2 weeks after you recoup and have been back in the game ok? Just some advice from me. . . good luck!
  7. thinoneday

    my first nsv!

    How fabulous that must of felt! Good for you! Keep up the excellent work. . . its the best feeling when you can actually DO something you haven't done in a very very long time!
  8. thinoneday

    Why would you say that?

    Wow girl I'm so sorry this has happened to you, but you know what? Families are weird in that they know they can hurt you and be mean to you because they will always be forgiven. . .your mom sounds like she is trying to sabotage your efforts cause she CAN see that your doing well, so there might be some jealousy there. Don't take it personal (although that is hard) but you are doing excellent! Your right on track! I had my surgery and went back to work 2 weeks thereafter, and there was one lady in the clinic who literally came up to me and said "I thought you had surgery?" I told her I did and her comment just blew my mind. . . she said "so why aren't you skinny?" She was as serious as a heart attack. . . I just looked at her and laughed, she didn't laugh she was looking at me with all seriousness, i just walked away shaking my head . . some people just don't get it, some people are just down right mean and nasty. . . be patient with your mom, she is ignorant on this topic and probably hasn't researched it, educate her, give her literature about the sleeve and of course maybe at your next doctors appt, take her with you, . . at the doctors appt announce to the doctor that your mom (with her sitting there of course) feels you aren't losing fast enough and that she feels that biggest loser people are doing so much better . . . . see what the doctor says to her and see if she'll ever do that again to you. Good luck and keep up the excellent work. .
  9. thinoneday

    Get it off my Chest!

    Ugh what a horrible month, first off the economy really sucks with lay offs and increasing taxes and all. . but "SOMEONE" keeps taking vacation and using money from the country like it grows on trees. . . what a dumba$$ . . anyhow then there is our company who downsized alot, of my 8 staff we lost the 2 front clerical staff, and 1 nurse, the physician and the program manager. . however we continue to keep the 70 patients who demand service everyday and the city has cut the clinic hours from a 40 hour week to a 28 hour week for patient care. . . so now that the front clerical staff is gone, who will register the clients? Who will help translate? Who will collect the fees answer phones? Now that the nurse is gone, yes i can continue to see the clients, but she was the one who helped with the monthly inventory, patient care, etc. . . then i have 1 PA and 1 NP who are good workers but the clinic hours are also changing (of course they are) from 8 - 5 to 4pm to 8pm (to give working people a chance to come to the clinic) Well the NP and PA don't and won't stay until 8PM, they say they are contracted and can do whatever they want . . (ugh, my little defiant group) the physician used to come down and help when these two little chickens of mine didn't want to. . but now he's been eliminated as well. . . SOOOOO that leave me. . . good old me the stupid a$$ supervisor . . . they (city) are "trying" to get me help. . . yeah right. . . well whatever happens happens huh? I'm only one person. . . i've never been in this type of situation before and it's really stressful, to the point where I'm doing alot of stress eating. . . and my crutch??? licorice. . . I get 1 box (6oz) of licorice pieces and chew on this all day long. . . and diet coke????? (go figure) I have normal Breakfast, very small lunch (probably cause I'm too full or sick feeling from the damn licorice and stress) and maybe dinner (mostly not thought). . . I have resorted to taking benedryl to help me sleep sometimes cause after so many nights of horrible nightmares and more awake then asleep one must do something. . . thank god for hubbie, he's my sounding board and he understands. . . All this goes into affect on October 3rd. . . wish me luck. . .and if anyone needs a contracted postion (28 hours/week with Wednesday from 3 - 8pm) as clerical or a NP/RN in a super busy heavy duty public health clinic in lovely San Antonio, TX, let me know! I'll put ya'll to the proper people. . . Thanks for letting me gripe and complain. . . at least the weight hasn't climbed up. . . but i sure as heck don't need an ulcer right now, my bougie was 28/32F and there is totally NO room for another surgery for ulcers. . . . ugh. . . .
  10. thinoneday

    Get it off my Chest!

    awwww skcunningham, I could just hug you! your so sweet. . . problem with beef jerky is the incredible amount of sodium it has in it. Swells me up like a big balloon and i already have problems with swelling. I take 80 mg of lasix and 20 mg of amiloride to help with swelling and retention. . . but thanks for the tip! If i could i surely would! love ya all. . . . p.s. we're coming closer to the end of the week. . . the stress levels are very high at work. . but once it's over, hopefully in the next 2 weeks, life should go back to normal. thanks to all who answered my post and gave me hope. . . you are all great!
  11. thinoneday

    Sip, Sip, Sip ... forever???

    oh no, I'm out now 22 months and gulp my liquids like a champ. Mind you it's only 1/2 a glass at a time and then your sleeve will definately let you know your over doing it. . but now i can drink things like no ones business. . .so for now it's sip, after a while you'll be back to normal. . . good luck
  12. thinoneday

    Get it off my Chest!

    thank you feedyoureye . . it's the best i can do is to hang in there. . no point in getting gray over it i guess. Yup i tell myself that everyday "at least I have a job" but its the damnest thing to get up and come to it. . . thanks for listening and responding. . .
  13. RIBS! DID SOMEONE SAY RIBS! SWEET OR SOUR?? HEHEHEHE. . . . yeah can't wait for that to happen one day! That will really blow my mind. . .
  14. thinoneday

    I just noticed . . .

    The better to hear us with! That is cute! Thanks for sharing
  15. thinoneday

    Get it off my Chest!

    thank you for your post Jane, i really thought for a minute no one really cared anymore. . . hahaha how funny that is, but yes you are right the ones that actually do all the work are the ones that lose their positions first. . . it's so sad, now we have 2 contracted staff who have to learn EVERYTHING there is to know about the front desk in 1 week. . . gosh I hope they are quick learners. . .oh well all I can do is sit back and take check of the situation. . . after all I am not the program manager right? or the city manager who will receive all the complaints. . . then we'll see what happens. . . . Whatever, how are you doing? you have done fantastic on your weight loss! Good for you! I bet you feel so much better! Well take of your dear self and chat soon again!
  16. I feel your pain. But you have our support. I know we are just cyber buddies but having someone to talk to helps. your family is probably just "concerned" and show it in strange ways. My hubbie gets mad and upset when he is worried about me or one of the kids. . people show concern in different ways. Only you know if you need the surgery or not. And they will get over it eventually. Just bear with them for now and soon all will be forgotten. . . good luck and may the path you walk lead you in the right direction.
  17. thinoneday

    Husband Drama

    Wow, I'm so sorry this is happening to you. . . I read your post and didn't read anyone elses (therefore I will give you my honest opinion without knowing others answers) It seems to me you guys got married for all the wrong reasons and it's just getting worse. You sure don't need the abuse be it emotional, physical, or sexual. . .I can clearly see, from what you write, that both of you are very unhappy. . .you say you don't want the kids to go through what you went through with your weight so your' more careful in what you give them. . .honey, the kids are living your life right before your eyes. . . you may be protecting them from obesity, but how about the emotional distress seeing their parents always at each other? This distress will/can lead to obesity or unhealthy lives. . . you know as well as everyone on this forum that emotional eating from stress is a real bad thing. . . a situation like this is not good for kids or you. . . I understand that being alone with 2 kids is tough, but what is tougher? Being completely unhappy and fighting all the time or being content and trying the best you can to make those 2 kids the best they can be? I am not going to tell you what to do, that choice will have to be yours to make. . but just think about what i've said. . . do you really want the cycle to continue through your children? It's starting already, he is coaching them what to say to you and how to make you feel lousy. . .Good luck and may the path you walk guide you in the right direction. . .
  18. thinoneday

    Why am I not excited?

    Trust me, your not alone in this. . . I've only been excited 1 time and that was when i got my first weigh in after 7 weeks post op and had lost 53 lbs! I was beside myself. . after that the attitude is whatever. . . now i've lost 150 lbs and it's still "meh" . . . i think it's cause we've tried so hard all our lives that this isn't that exciting anymore, we're tired and i know for me that there are other things in life now to be focused on and happy about OTHER then my weight. . . Oh mind you, I would get pretty darn excited and frustrated if the scale should go the other way. . . want to hear about that! EEEKKK i'd be shreeking everywhere and I'm sure you folks in England and all over Europe would hear me at that! (and I'm from San Antonio TX) LOL. . . . no seriously now, i think it's just wore off after all this. . . . good luck and keep up the great work. . .
  19. thinoneday

    Frustrated that the Sleeve is "just another diet"

    I feel your frustration, it is very frustrating when you do something so drastic and then it takes forever. I am out now 21 months and at 1 year out, i hit a stall that stayed for 7 MONTHS (yup you heard right) . . .then i lost about 10 more pounds and now nothing! I hit my doctors goal for me to weigh 212 lbs but my personal goal was never reached 170 lbs. . . and no matter what i do/did, the body won't move. . . it's like i have hit a spot in my weight that the body is comfortable with and will NOT budge! It's sooooo frustrating. . . I don't weigh, measure, watch anything. I eat 3 meals a day (mind you they are about 1 cup servings only) and i snack, and i eat junk. . . i've maintained my weight between 200 - 210 lbs for 8 months, and no less, but no more either. . . i'm pretty happy at my current weight and if i'm going to lose more i will, but if not, then so be it. I'm 50 years old myself and definately know where your coming from. . .but maybe don't try soooo darn hard. . the sleeve will work for you (or so they say) : ) Look where you came from and look where you are at. . . at least your not gaining right. . . good luck and together we can do this!
  20. thinoneday

    Eating too fast

    What I used to do is time myself. . . take a bite, swallow, wait 1 - 2 minutes, take another bite, swallow . . . and so on. . . but now at 21 months out i'm back to eating normal. I don't time myself anymore either. . . good luck and just take it easy, it'll come to you.
  21. $15,500.00 here in San Antonio
  22. Don't mean to be a pooper here, but mine is still falling out at 21 months out. And I don't mean little bit either. . amazingly however, it's very thin but i'm not balding . . .
  23. Hi, well from a medical aspect, it is safe to say that every body is different, what was great for me, may not be great for you. My recovery will definately not be your recovery. . . it's all individual. . .so just play it by ear and see how you feel. . just remember the soon you start your recovery after surgery, the sooner you'll be up and about doing your own thing. . so make sure you don't feel sorry for yourself and get up as soon as possible after surgery and walk A LOT!!!! also sip a lot to get rehydrated. . . these two things are the most important thing to remember to your recovery. . . Good Luck and congratulations on your upcoming surgery!
  24. thinoneday

    What is your favorite Crock Pot Recipe?

    Yes, everything except for lettuce and some breads, sits very well with me. But remember i am 21 months out. If I eat something that is a bit too sugary or fatty I do get a type of dumping syndrome as well. . . but yes it does sit with me very well
  25. thinoneday

    Can hardly eat a thing

    Well here comes "pain in the pattooty thinoneday" with her usual advice. . . lol. . . I'm sorry this is happening to ya'll, however, be assured that this too shall pass. . . i'm out 21 months and am so happy i have major restriction still. . . otherwise i'd be as big as a house again. . . 3 tblspns is not too much, I have anywhere from 5 - 6 tbspn of food (which i believe equals almost 1 cup loosely) for each meal depending on what it is. . I can still only eat 1 piece of chicken, but not the breast, thats too big. . . in the beginning i really hated the sleeve, i felt it was cheating me of everything i ever knew (silly huh?) but then after about 6 months i got used to it and had lost a lot of weight and began to "live with it and not fight it" At 1 year out I had lost 150 lbs and hit a major 7 MONTH stall. . . but at least i wasn't gaining and that was the most important. . then i lost about 10 more lbs and now i am maintaining. I don't kill myself with exercise, it comes naturally, and i eat most everything (in tiny amounts of course) i keep a close eye on the scales now and weigh myself at least once every 2 weeks. If i see the scale go up (even 1 lb) I cut back and watch for about 1 week. then go back to normal. . . It's tough and this is a battle we are going to have to fight for the rest of our lives. It's an addiction and we need food to live, old habits are so easy to fall back onto. . . but together we can overcome this monster. . . how many times have i said "ah to hell with this all" but then i look back and see what it took to get me here and the drastic measures i took just to lose weight and then i pull up my big girl panties and fight like crazy. . . hope this helps some of you, for some/most it's just me ranting and causing a bunch of eye rolls, but if i can help just one realize that it's a constant battle and this wonderful tool we have been blessed with is here to help and it's all normal what we are experiencing and going through,(but please call the doctor if it doesn't feel right to you) then i'm happy. . good luck to all of you and please remember we have this tool and it'll be with us forever to make sure (if we want it to) that we never again are hugh and unhappy as we were . . . thanks for listening

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