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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. Hospital gown and panties. My thing is, as a RN, if there would have been an emergency at least the hospital gown is pull apart for electrodes etc. I wouldn't want my own personal clothing to be cut away, wasting time to save me. . . there is a reason they give you these. . . but of course, the choice is yours.
  2. thinoneday

    When is enough, enough?

    First off, good for you! You did/are doing great! if you want to keep going is really your own personal choice. No one should make that choice for you. I know for myself, I reached my doctors goal which was 212. I surpassed that and now weigh anywhere from 200 - 210lbs . I personally feel great at this weight. And I love how i look in my clothes. I look healthy, not anorexic or starved (although my daughter thinks I look like a starved orphan! hahaha) anyhow, i had a personal goal to get to 170lb. My doctor said, as with you, that my frame is too large for a weight like that, but i could try. . . nope, my body (not me) likes where it is at. . .won't budge, so i leave it alone. . i'm not going to force the issue. Like one of my forum buddies said, I did meet my goal which was set out for me. . . therefore I am a success. . .and I'm glad i did. If i'm to lose more, good for me. . if not, then good for me too. . . good luck!
  3. Hi, I feel your pain. but just know that you don't/won't have to give up all your favorite things. . . you'll only eat less of it. . . i have been out 2 years and eat whatever the heck i want, in small amounts though. . .i haven't had the pleasure of ordering a hamburger yet though cause i know i'll never finish it and don't like wasting money. . . so i stay away from it . . . i eat fries and cheese sticks and chips, but in moderation of course. . . you will be able to enjoy all your favorites soon enough, you just have to be patient. . . lose all your weight first and then fool around with food. . . you'll probably become like me and not have favorites anymore and even not like food too much. . .my husband and i are such poor eaters now it's pathetic. . for excample i cooked 1 1/2 curried chicken breasts, 1/2 cup of rice for supper and after we ate, there is so much left over. . . enough for another couple of meals i'm sure. . . we just don't eat much, but we eat whatever. . . later on this evening i had cheetos and he had dark chocolate. . .it's not like we do this every day, but do indulge every now and then. . . does this help a bit? Don't be sad, it'll get better. . . good luck
  4. thinoneday

    emotional/stress eating

    TOTALLY! Not only about your stress eating but also with your child. Mine went AWOL from the marine corps and was missing for nearly 2 years (he was 22 then) . We rec'd no call from him in 2 years. . . the military kept calling us threatening that we were harboring a fugitive . . they were so stupid, finally i threatened back with lawyers as we didn't know where he was. They backed off. . . finally they caught up to him and he was arrested and spent 1 year in jail in Camp Pendelton CA. after that he paid restitution and was handed over to me. He rec'd a bad conduct discharge and i drove to CA to pick him up. For those 2 years I was a total emotional wreck. . . every time the phone rang I thought it was the Mp's or civilian police calling to let me know they found his body. . . it was horrible. After he came home, he lived with me for about 1 year and then disaapeared again in the night. I ballooned up to over 350lbs. . . another year or so passed and no calls, not from the police or him. . then we started to recieve orders for his arrest from the civilian police. . he was wanted for a variety of reasons, domestic violence, dwi, speeding, etc. . .he was in and out of jail. . . that was then. . . . Now I had the sleeve 2 years ago. . I've lost 150 lbs and am very proud of that. . . work is now my stress point and i noticed that when i was stressed out, like you, my stomach burns something horrible. . . i make very sure i keep really busy because i was depending on junk and alcohol a lot. . . lots of black licorice pieces and pretzels. . . i gained about 10 lbs. . . i had to stop so i did and lost that plus a couple more. . . i am a emotional eater and alcohol drinker. . . i had to stop both for a while. . . it was getting bad. . . So yes, i can totally relate with you and what you are going through. . . by the way, my son (is 30 now) has straighten out his life (for the past 1 1/2 years). he works, but has a record He has a nice wife and they are expecting their first kid. . . it is very very tough when your kid gets into trouble and has legal things against them. . . but know this. . .you have done your job, you have shown him the right way and guided him to know right from wrong. . . he needs to walk his path of life and stumble and fall, then get back up, shake it off, and continue. . . they all learn from their mistakes and hopefully this scared him enough so that he'll walk the straight and narrow now. . . good luck and know that you are not alone in this. . . alot of us have gone through problems and we are here to help you, even if it's just to listen and talk. . .
  5. Would I do it again? Good question, i love that i have a normal BMI, that I can do normal things again. That i fit into small spaces and small plane seats and that the seat belt actually has more left over belt then not. . . that i can ride horses again and so on. . . would i do it again. . . I'm not sure. It was very expensive and some of the side effects are interesting. I haven't had any major problems, just little minor ones. . . nothing to bring me to the doctor. But i couldn't have done it on my own either and i know that . . . i don't know the answer here . . .
  6. thinoneday

    Need Urgent Advice regarding my Sleeve!

    Hello, I don't know how much i can help but here is my story and maybe it'll help. i'm 2 years out, i started at 350 lbs, I was very heavy. I rec'd my sleeve on Dec 29th 2009 and at first i thought what have i done. . but i continued just like my doctor told me and at 7 weeks out had lost 53lbs and continued to lose at a good rate (a little too good) well January 2011 came around and boom my weight loss stopped dead. I didn't lose anything anymore for over 7 -8 months (talk about a major stall) and like you i did everything. Well i got upset and frustrated and kept trying different things. . then Little Miss Diva said something to me that hit a thought. . she said that when the body was gaining weight, it hit a weight where you stayed for a long period of time, and now that your losing weight, it got to that weight and it stays there for a long time as well. Well for me i stayed at 215 lbs for years before gaining all my weight. Now my body is stuck between 200 - 210lbs. Maybe my body is finally catching up and healing. I still have a bit to go (like you) but am in stuck world too. I've stopped worrying about it now and just live my life.(wish my loan was in stuck world too! ) I watch what i eat, i eat normally but keep my amounts 6 - 7 oz nothing more.(I still have restriction and slime when i go over 6 oz) I try really hard not to snack at all, drink tons of Water, and stay far away from fast food or restaurants. I do have treats at least once a week so i don't feel deprived. i weigh once a week and either have lost a lb or two or haven't lost anything. it's really slow now but at least i'm not gaining. The honeymoon is definately over so now we must adjust to what we have and love ourselves for who we are. We have come a very far way and we will never go back to how we were. Don't be upset, look where you have come to and be glad in that. I hope i've helped a bit. Good luck and hold your head up high.
  7. thinoneday

    I'm the fat one

    You said you want to have a good time for your daughter. . then do that. Who cares about who else is around. . it's your child who is important, it's the memory of your mom. . this is not to impress anyone else. . .you are not there to do as the Joneses do, you are there because you care about your mom's memory and because you love your child. . . You are strong and your a woman, we endure alot in life and you've come this far, you can continue to walk the path. . hold your head up high and enjoy your day! Good luck and be the best you can be !!
  8. thinoneday


    I'm sure you've heard don't base your loss against another person's loss. That is definately setting yourself up for frustration. We all lose at different rates at different times. I was fortunate to be a very fast loser, but now i'm just sitting there maintaining. I'd love to lose another 15 - 20 lbs, but it just isn't happening. . . but oh well, whatever. Yours will come off, just be patient. this isn't a race to see who can lose the most. Good luck!
  9. thinoneday

    Hair Loss Finish Line?

    sorry to throw a wrench into the cog, but i'm 2 years out and still losing lots of hair every day. . I really should post a picture of this. My hair is thin, but heck so am I!!!! and to me that is more important right now. Hahahah, at least my hair goes with my body and doesn't "weigh" me down! Gotta see the good with the bad. . . good luck
  10. thinoneday

    B12 tablet (not sub-lingual)

    I'm reading my B12 vitamin bottle right now and it says Vitamin B12 500mcg (as cyanocobalamin) so i'm assuming it's the same thing. Mine are swallow pills too. No problems with mine. Good luck
  11. thinoneday

    What Was I Thinking???

    isn't that an absolutely wonderful great feeling! I love when that happens. Good for you! Keep up the fabulous work! Keep doing your happy dance all day long! (then you don't have to go to the gym today hahahaha)
  12. I'm sorry this is happening to you. Funny thing is today i had a syncope/pass out period. This is the 2nd time this year. these episodes make me feel very tired, weak, nauseated, shaky, and pale for the rest of the day. I don't have any other problems with anything, just this. . i don't want to see a doctor cause i don't have time and i don't want to be told i'm imagining things or nothing is wrong, etc. . . makes me feel stupid. . I don't like feeling stupid. . .
  13. You could try that route, heck why not. . insurance companies are all about power and control and they know they can do it. I don't know what to tell you, but give it whirl. . what do you have to lose?
  14. thinoneday

    One Fascinating Experience

    hey! I thought San Antonio TX was the fattest! hahaha. . . anyhow yes you are so right meg, people get really comfortable with themselves and worry about what will happen if they change. . . for example, there was a poster here that was wondering what would they do with their anger etc now that food wouldn't be there. . . i didn't post anything because i'm known to say the truth. . . but what a question that was to me. . . hope she/he gets the answer and help they are looking for. . . .
  15. thinoneday

    I ate a cheeseburger and I like it!!!! 3 weeks out

    Wow (tongue hanging out and drewling) I haven't had a hamburger for 2 years! I would LOVE to eat one, but know I'd never even get 2 bites in (waste of money) secondly, after 2 years of eating such small amounts, my mouth has shrunken so I couldn't even get my mouth around it! hahahaha. . .
  16. unfortunately for alot of us, the hunger center (gherlin) doesn't go away with the surgery. my doctor explained to me that alot of the gherlin is in the pancreas as well. . . soooooooooooo with that being said, alot of us have to do the best we can with our "diets" and just know that we have a great TOOL here to help us along. . . I've been fighting the hunger monster since day 1 and it's been 2 years now. . . i've had ups and downs but i am never going to see 350 lbs again and that makes me happy! good luck!
  17. thinoneday

    Carbonation Question -

    I am so with Rootman! cheers man! I will not/have not given up my diet soda in 2 years and ummmm sorry but it surely hasn't affected me any. . . . but well we're all different huh????? do what feels right for you!
  18. thinoneday

    Gastric Sleeve Nightmare V.2.0

    My doctor told me that if i should have any complications at all, that he has a way to code it so that it is covered by my insurance. Ummm maybe have a talk with the doctor??? Good luck
  19. thinoneday

    Starting stage 2 options neone??

    Good morning to you! Well being 2 years out, all i can really suggest to you is this . . . please follow the advise of what your doctor has recommended to you. That way you're going to do it right, keep him/her happy, and have a successful weight loss. I don't believe you should be eating solid meat in stage 2 but then who am i. . . things could have changed since 2 years ago. . . but just follow what your doctor says and you'll be fine.
  20. Good morning! Hope everyone is doing good this morning!
  21. thinoneday

    Gastric Sleeve Nightmare V.2.0

    Wow is all i can really say. Hope you get well soon.
  22. thinoneday

    Eating Out - Embarrasing???

    You know what embarrasses me now when i go out to eat? The fact that people eat so much. I look around and notice how gross people really look when they eat massive amounts of food. It really turns me off big time, so badly in fact that i just ask for a take out box and leave. And of course, after seeing the movie Contagion, I don't think i'll be eating out anymore either. . . hehehehe. . . stopped that huh??? hehe
  23. change protein drinks. some of them just are not tolerable. i used bariatric advantage (online) and had absolutely no problems with them. good luck
  24. thinoneday

    Wishing For A Money Tree

    I got my loan for 3% at a credit union. Try that. Good luck
  25. thinoneday

    Bariatric Surgery Do's And Don'ts

    thanks LMD, that was a really nice post. sometimes we forget how far we really have come and get down on ourselves. we must always remember where we started from and where we are now. self pats on our backs are really nice every now and then.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
