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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. wow you look fabulosa!!!!! Good for you!
  2. thinoneday

    Almost 8 months

    I'm so glad your doing well and your mom too! Keep up the great work
  3. thinoneday

    Update on Husband Drama and lots more!!!

    I am so sorry this has happened to you both! To you kaitlynn and to you italianlady. Divorce is so painful but at the same time can be a blessing. You have both done wonderfully with your weightloss! Keep up the excellent work. . . now is the time to do for yourselves! You've done for them, now it's time for you and the kiddos. . . good luck and good things will come your way. . . blessings!
  4. Yup your normal. . . i am like that too, would LOVE to lose about 20 - 30 lbs more, but know that it is very hard at this point. I've surpassed my doctors goal for me, which was 212lbs and teeter anywhere from 200 - 215 lbs give or take. . . i look really healthy, and feel really great. . so why would i want to lose more? BECAUSE I just do. . . but for right now it's not going to happen and as long as i'm not 350 lbs that is all that i care about right now. . . i don't care if i don't hot in a bikini (never wore one ever anyhow ) Dont' care if i'm not runway model material (never have been anyhow) I just love how i look right now today. . . and to me that is all that matters. . . if i lose more, good for me . . . if not, then good for me too. . . as long as i don't gain back all 150 lbs lost! That is the most important right now.
  5. thinoneday

    Am I alone

    wow, that is not good. Yes i agree opsiedaisy, you should go and get it checked. if your surgery was here in the US, then your doctor should be able to talk to you about it. Either way, whoever did the surgery should be able to answer that question and your concerns. . . why not call. I went to my doctor to find out too, he sat down and read me the entire procedure. . . including that he placed a 28/32F. So it may be to your benefit to call the doctor. Good luck!
  6. thinoneday

    Drinking So Fast

    Just be grateful you got that down. . . also, the warmer the liquid the easier it's to tolerate them. . . so if warm tea is working well for you, then drink that. . . cold liquids tend to cramp the "stomach" and cause you to have discomfort and slight pain. . . good luck!
  7. Hi there! You've done very well. . . congratulations and keep up the great work!
  8. thinoneday

    Surgery today!

    Best of luck to you! And like Alexer, this one was my easiest as well . . . and let me tell I've a quite a few
  9. thinoneday

    Spouses feelings

    I can truly testify that after having lost 150 lbs I am definately NOT flabby or droopy! I look very healthy and love the way i feel. Just last night i was telling my mom the exact same thing cause she thinks I've been "starving" myself. . . i laughed so hard! Made her feel kinda dumb, but they just don't understand. You'll be ok and so will he. . right now its just a worried thing and spouses are very insecure and intimadated by this surgery for some dumb reason. . . just be yourself, don't argue with him over pettiness and just live your life like normal. . . give hugs, kisses and love and soon you'll see everything is normal. . . who knows, if he's overweight, he may even lose a few himself. . . . good luck!
  10. thinoneday

    Sleeved and........

    Oh my, that was definately not nice of her. . .maybe for real you two need a break from each other. Maybe after she gets her surgery she'll get more in tune with you. Sometimes a little break is all you need and not a full fledged divorce. But if after a while that doesn't work, then maybe moving forward is the best thing. You both surely don't need ulcers with no stomaches! Where would they cut? Good luck and hopefully you find your peace soon. . . it's time to look out for number 1.
  11. thinoneday

    Extra Attention

    Good for you treequeen! Usually people like those women, are intimadated by your success. . . something is scaring them so they compensate by being b_t__es about everything. . . . keep your head up high and be the best you can! Always look out for number 1. . .good luck and keep up the great work!
  12. Great question! Would make sense huh? Unfortunately for me, I've been 6' tall every since I've been a teenager and have never gotten any shorter. . . ugh. . maybe i should start jumping out of aircraft too! hehehe. . .
  13. thinoneday

    I almost blew away!

    Yahoo! No more meds for you! How exciting. . . I understand the wind issue! Had the same wind here in San Antonio, yup makes you really have to fight against it if your walking! Wait til a fridge door won't open right away cause the pressure has it stuck a bit and lifts you off the floor a bit. . that is really weird! Love the chair in a bag story!
  14. thinoneday

    Sleeved and........

    As the others say, I am sorry to hear that your having these problems. . i was told by one of my patients, that you never really know the other person. You can live with them for years and never know them. . again, I'm sorry, but we are never given more then we can bear and the path is a rough one. . . why things happen is not known, all we know is that they happen and we must walk it. Know you have your "cyberfamily" here and Good luck !
  15. thinoneday

    Extra Attention

    this is going to really sound mean and some will not understand it. . . but since i've lost 150 lbs give or take a pound or two, yes I get more attention from men (more then i care to admit to). . however, i now treat them how i was treated as a fat person. . . i know it's not good to do tit for tat, but all those painful years of being teased, left out, sneered at etc by men has made me really dislike the majority of them. .minus my wonderful hubbie who has been there for me for the past 33 years. it was mostly the guys that hurt me deeply throughout my entire life and now it's my own revenge i guess. . .i don't bother the overweight ones and can totally sympathize with them, but it's those ones that think they are god's gift to women or think they are better then anyone else that make me sooooo sick to my stomach and yes, i'll probably get it in the end. . but that is ok for me.
  16. thinoneday

    I hate SUGAR FREE

    and not only that, the body can't tell the difference between sugar free or the real thing. either one makes the body still crave carbs after you have it. . . go figure??? makes you wonder whats really good for you huh?
  17. thinoneday

    Avoiding the subject.....

    Good for you! And remember this is for YOU, not them, they can go fly kites or whatever they want to fly. . .they are gossiping because they are feeling intimated by you now. . something inside of them is scaring them about you. . . and that is good. . . people are weird that way. . .if something frightens them they try to rationalize by gossiping to make themselves feel better. . . let them, you only work with them, you don't live with them. . . I have the same thing going on here at my work. . . but whatever. . . just look at the source and that in itself should make you feel sooooo much better! Good luck and keep walking the path!
  18. thinoneday

    It is what it is

    Wow, I'm so sorry to hear about your experience. Sounds like the guy (??? nurse) was taking the pills for himself and then acting dumb (confused) about it. Probably having some good nights sleep himself while you were hurting. Did you tell Dr. alamanza about this? that is not good. I hope your ok now. Did you find a good doctor to help you now? I would definately write a letter not only to Dr. Alamanza but to the Mexician board of physicians/nursing association as well. . . if they even have controls like that there.
  19. thinoneday

    wow really??

    I haven't tried the store clothes yet! Isn't that weird. I was so used to buying everything from Lane Bryant or Roamans catalogues. All these years of catalogue shopping. I still have the mindset that nothing is going to fit me in the store! hehehe. . . Now I use what doesn't fit my daughter anymore or the smaller clothes I had saved as I was getting fatter. . and that does pretty good. . . i did buy 1 new uniform from the uniform store though and that was neat. . . PS: I hate shopping and try by all means to avoid it! Ugh
  20. thinoneday

    Women Only Question

    I had a boob reduction in 2000, got rid of 14 lbs off each breast. Was then wearing 44DD and now after WLS and 2 years later a nice 38 D
  21. thinoneday

    Did you keep it a secret??

    My work and husband knew, my mom and family did not know. I told my mom about 1 year later because she was coming to visit. I still haven't told my family after 2 years but i'm sure my mom has. She can't keep her yap shut (hehehe) but my family hasn't asked me about it ever.
  22. thinoneday

    how much can you eat?

    2 years out and can still only have about 6 oz at a time. 1/2 to 3/4 of a breakfast taco (never finish the whole thing) AND if i do eat these days it's either one or the other but not both. . .for example, if there is chicken, mashed potatoes and vegatables for dinner, I have to make the choice of what i really want, so I'll usually pick the chicken, then after that if i have room and am not sliming yet, i'll go for a tablespoon of veggies. Usually i don't finish that. As far as sandwiches. . . well I can only use those 100 calorie orowheat thin things and that is only 1/2 - 3/4 of it. i've noticed they now have even smaller orowheat thins at 50 calories each. . . ummm maybe i'll try those. . . good luck!
  23. First off you don't want to push the issue of "feasting" . The idea of this surgery is to help him loose weight and not make him eat. After his surgery, it is really important to follow the doctors rules and regulations. I don't think you want to be the reason if he has a leak or other type of problem because you felt he should "enjoy" thanksgiving. It's not about the food, it's about family (new way of thinking now). As long as he is with his family that should be all that matters. If he is just starting on mushies that week, then mushies is what he'll have (the doctor will give him a plan to follow). But follow the doctors advise. . .that is most important for his health. However, again, the choice is yours. . . Good luck
  24. thinoneday

    Embarrasing Sweat

    how far out are you from surgery? your hormones could be adjusting and causing this. eat less carbs and more Proteins. with all the sweating make VERY sure you are drinking a lot of Water and/or gatoraid. . .you need to replenish this lose or you'll get bad headaches and feel fainty. . . i had that problem too in the beginning, but it slowed down after about a month out. . . now i freeze all the time. hehehe. . . good luck and hope it resolves itself soon. . . nothing is more irratating then sweating up a storm! I definately feel for you. . .
  25. What a dumba$$ ! Well I'm sure his surgery didn't work for him either. . probably got out of the hospital and ate himself back to stupidness. . .my friends wife did the same thing. she had the surgery lost about 80lbs and then started to eat like mad again. He says that at 6 months out she can drink 3 beers, eat 1/2 pizza and hamburgers etc without any problems. He says he wishes she never did the surgery because she eats and drinks worse then she did before. . . amazing she didn't bust open her incisions as well. . . amazing. . .at 2 years out, I still get the slimies if i go over 6 oz of food at one sitting. . .

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