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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    8 months out and need help!

    Head hunger is a real BIT>CH. . . it is just not fair. . . I was stalled for 7 MONTHS, then it decided to move a bit again. . . I'm out now 2 years and the journey hasn't been a bed of roses for me either. . . head hunger and snacking has been my downfall as well. . . guess we just didn't learn how to discipline ourselves when we should have. . . oh well. . would of, could of, should of. . . . it's in the past now and we have to move forward. . . what i typically have for the day goes like this. . . breakfast: either 1 egg or a 3/4 of a Breakfast taco and coffee; Lunch: orawheat thin with either a slice of hard salami and 1 slice of cheese or orawheat with 2 oz tuna; dinner: whatever there is but about 2/3 cup of it. . if the head hunger is killing me, i'll have one or two zero peppermint patties (small bitesized one), or some kind of fruit like a baby orange or a banana. . . there are times I'll have a small bag of doritos, or cheetos. . .sometimes, if there is any, I'll have cake or a cookie. . . but of course these things are all in moderation and only sometimes. . . I have made it a habit NOT to eat anything after 8 pm. . . if it's going to be a late night for some odd reason, i make sure i have something to eat BEFORE 8 pm and then after that "OH WELL, TOO BAD, SO SAD" I don't eat after 8 pm period. . . helps you sleep better too. . . I have reached my doctors goal for me and surpassed it by 12 lbs and am maintaining that weight. . i bounce up and down by about 3-5 lbs but never more. . . I don't force myself to exercise at all (never have after my body building career about 28 years ago) I do whatever grabs me that day. . except at work. . . there the employees can park under the bridge for $2.50/day and walk about 1/4 mile to work or they have the option to park closer to work but that costs $12/day. . . so guess where i park?? I walk 1/2 mile every day and then do all the required stuff at home like yard work, housework, etc. . . so for me that is good enough. . . For me, I'm just livin my life and lovin it. . . . Hope this helps a bit. . . good luck!
  2. thinoneday

    Anyone heard of a WLS "card"

    yup, i was given one as well. . but never used it because i'm not a go out to eat much of a person anyhow. So for me it wasn't used at all. . but they do give them so that you can order the kids meals.
  3. thinoneday

    Can I ever again have a beer?

    I don't drink beer, so i can't answer this question, however, i do enjoy my sodas daily. . .diet of course. . so why can't you have carbonation ever? makes no sense. . . anyhow, i drink sodas, and alcohol with soda mix. . . love it and started drinking such (with doctors approval) at 3 months out. . . yes i said with doctors approval. . . and i'm out now 2 years and haven't died yet. . . hehehehe . . . good luck
  4. Wow that is crazy, but from what i hear it's normal. . . i was self pay and did all these tests in one day. . .my process was like this. . . seminar in October, doctor visit, psych eval and dietician visit in November in 1 day. . test like yours in 1 day in early December minus the sleep study. . and surgery in late dec. . . very fast, very easy. . and yup had to have all $15,500.00 up front in cash, no ifs, buts, or whatevers. . . .now i've lost all the weight and still have a loan to pay. . hehehe that is funny, the weight beat out the loan. . .
  5. thinoneday

    New forum layout

    Of course, here I come, . . . I don't like the new forum at all. . . this is the 3rd time since i've been a member that it has been changed. . . why all the changes. . . it's sorta like Walmart, you just get used to where everything is and bang you have to relearn everything again because they went a changed stuff to make "it easier". . . well it's not and i don't like it. . . . thanks for listening
  6. thinoneday

    Head Hunger vs real hunger

    real hunger is when your tummy is growling and feeling very empty and it's been about 4 - 5 hours since you last ate. . . head hunger is when you know you ate a bit ago but man I could sure eat something. . .i get that ALOT. . . you actually have to stop, listen if your tummy is growling or really hungry, if not then it's head hunger. . drink water or crystal light. . for example, I just now got done eating a orawheat thin sandwich with a slice of hard salami and a slice of cheese, and a baby orange, , , well, its' been 1/2 hour and i'm saying how i would love some chocolate covered raisins right now. . .but my tummy is still squeezing a bit from the sandwich. . . so it's all in my head. . .and as soon as i can, i'll have some water with crystal light. . . right now i can't or i'll slime cause i'm still full. does that make sense? and of course I definately will not have the chocolate raisins.
  7. hate to say this, but i'm 2 years out and still losing alot of hair with every brushing. . alot has grown back but alot falls out too. . . if its the old hair, i'm not sure. . . amazing i'm not bald yet. . .
  8. thinoneday

    Comparison to Fen-Phen

    i was on phentermine for a very long time 1 1/2 years and got the heart valve problems (of course) lost about 90 lbs as well. . .lost the hunger as well and had alot of energy. . . with the surgery I never lost the hunger. . . have always had the hunger pangs since surgery day 1. . . don't have the energy, but make myself do stuff. . . so in comparison????? However, i regained all my weight plus more when i stopped the phentermine and with the sleeve i have not (i'm 2 years out). I can still eat whatever, but in smaller portions (alot smaller) So in all, I prefer the sleeve over the drugs anyday. . . thank goodness the mitral valve prolapse was only mild. . . didn't need surgery to repair it. . . whewwww
  9. thinoneday

    Sleeve regret?

    I'm 2 years out now and can fully atest that in the first 3 months I totally regretted having done the surgery. . .but it was because i couldn't eat like before, now i had to change my habits and actually eat like a lady not like food was going out of style. . .it was terrible. . . you have to remember that one day i was eating like a pig and then almost overnight, every thing changed and i couldn't do that anymore. . it's a real life altering surgery. . you have to relearn to eat food (chew slowly, wait between bites, etc) you have to learn to sip and not gulp your liquids, you have to learn to "listen" to your stomach to see if your really hungry or is it just head hunger? You are constently relearning after the surgery and i think this is what most folks are NOT ready for. . .but after a while i got really used to it and now, at 2 years out, am really glad i had this done. . . I can eat, drink, do whatever i want but only in smaller amounts. . i don't really exercise as in the sense of the word. . i don't go to the gym and jump around til i'm dead, i do my own forms of activity like walk, yard work, house work, etc. . . for me, i'm living my life as i want to live it now, cause i can, minus 150 lbs. . . life is so much easier! Good luck
  10. thinoneday

    Operating Table

    good question. . as having worked in the OR I can tell you exactly how that works. . . after they do the surgery, they slide a "slider board" under you and about 4 - 6 folks transfer you onto the "other" stretcher, then off to recovery you go where you recover. . . you are moved by people, you don't do the moving. . .
  11. see, lots of answers here. . . good luck to you and never think your asking a dumb question. . the only dumb question is the one not asked. . . so please ask away!
  12. thinoneday


    Well what can i say, it really depends on how strong the relationship with hubbie/wife really is. . my hubbie was really worried about the outcome of the surgery. . he wasn't worrying about how thin i would get. . his problem was what if the weight loss can't be stopped and i would die of starvation or something like that. . . i and the doctor consoled his fears and now at 2 years out, i have stopped loosing weight and maintaining pretty well. . . he can see that i'm eating "normally" (small amounts but eat everything) and that I'm not going to die from starvation. . . he is ok with things now and all it took was love, reassurance, and a gentle voice. . . They may get all jealous cause they think the minute you lose the weight your going to run off with some hunk whose all lean, mean, jellin' machine. . . but heck you can tell them, why would you go through all that re-training all over again??? hehehe. . . men are so insecure. . . As far as friends are concerned, does that aspect really matter? Who really gives a flip if the friends are happy with you or not? They don't live with you, they don't love you. . so who really cares about that? Family, well family is family, they are always going to be there and no matter what they love you for who you are. . . they will get all krunk with you about this and tell you this and that, but always remember they love you and will always be there for you no matter what. . . Good luck! Your' going to do ok!
  13. thinoneday

    Cant get motivated

    and thats' ok, cause we all lose at our own pace. . . always remember this isn't a race to see who gets down the first. . .that would drive us all to drink! hehehe. . . slow and steady wins the race. . . always remember that,. . and also, remember you have a great tool working with you. . .all you need to do is help along. . . sorta like a hammer is a great tool to drive a nail, but it can't do it by itself, you have to be the driving force behind it. . . same goes for this sleeve thing. . . you must be the driving force behind it. . . . exercise will come to you and then watch how you'll enjoy it. . . good luck!
  14. thinoneday

    Seeing is Believing

    you have done wonderfully!!! congratulations! yes seeing is believing, sometimes i see myself still as i was at 350lbs but then i see a picture of me how i look now and i'm like, "hey that's not too shabby". . . . keep up the good work!
  15. hi, i was the exact same way, but the secret here is to not stress over it. . . sure it looks like your going to starve to death, but trust me your not going to die by not eating that much. . . do the best you can and just follow the doctors orders to the T. . . if you can't get in all your Protein, do the best you can, if you can't drink 64 oz Water a day, do the best you can. . . you don't want to injure yourself. . these are guidelines and everyone is different. . . good luck and don't forget some exercise. Oh tuna fish works great, but only about 1/4 cup (2oz if that) and so does the canned chicken. . .bushes fat free refried Beans are good, but again only about 2 tblspn at a time if that. . . Soups are good, but watch the sodium count in them. . . eggs didn't sit well with me at all either, so leave those for a while nor did bread. . . . . you'll find your foods, just experiment and you'll do fine. . .
  16. Sounds to me like you may have to strenghten your core and back muscles. . . I have that problem and have to be really careful that i don't pull my back. . .it's injuries that occured since my obesity and now that i've lost weight i feel them a bit more. . . strenghten you back muscles and core muscles could help. . . good luck
  17. thinoneday

    Cant get motivated

    Hi! Well i'm out 2 years and am the QUEEN of HATE THE GYM or exercise period. . . I feel that you will get motivated eventually but I don't force the issue cause then you'll really hate everything. . . i do what i can during the day. . . for example. . .at our work (I work downtown in a 2+ million people metropolitan city) employees have to park "under the bridge" The parking there is very cheap $2.50 for the whole day, compared to $12/day anywhere else downtown. . . the thing is if you park under the bridge the walk to work is 1/4 mile each way. . . excellant in the morning to wake you up and excellant in the evening to shake off those irratating work blues. . .so each day i walk 1/2 mile within 15 - 20 minutes. . . at home, of course, there is cleaning, laundry, vacuuming, yard work, walk down to the mail box which is about 5 minutes away. . ( I swear the addition did this on purpose ) . . . so you see I do get some exercise in every day. . . it doesn't have to be jumping around in the gym or killing yourself with DVD exercise tapes, just do what you enjoy. . . if you like dancing, turn on the music at home while your cooking or cleaning and jam out to that. . . if you like walking to the park or whatever, do that . . . walk the dog, the cat, the rabbit, hamster, whatever. . . just do what you enjoy . . . good luck!
  18. Let her be, . .she is the one making a A$$ of herself. . . just let her go on. . . be the "more grown up one" "turn the other cheek" , keep on doing your thing though, your doing great. . . and yes she will be very annoying for a while, basically sounds like she is really competing with you. . . feel sorry for her and just whatever. . . .good luck. . .
  19. Wow, lucky you!!! I'd wait til i lost all my weight and then get it resized. you could get something cheap for now if you don't want that naked feeling. . . good luck! Goodness, I have lost 150 lbs and wear a size 10 ring! Yes, very very large framed woman I am. . . : 0
  20. thinoneday

    Scared about what he might think

    Honey, in my 50 years of life i have found that the best thing is honesty. Especially to those you love. Yes, you run into the area of him probably saying "you look fine how you are" but that is his opinion. . . YOU have to be fine with the way you are. . . YOU are the one who has to be fine with how you feel and look. . . if there is love, there will be understanding. . . and with love there comes honesty. . . good luck, i'm sure it'll all work out . . . whatever the path you walk, it will lead you the right way. . .
  21. thinoneday

    OMG I want a beer!

    Bless ya'lls hearts. . . but you know what, I tried a beer and had 1 swallow and thought i was going to die. the carbonation in those are soooo bad. . . i started sliming and feeling really bad. . . but that was my experience and I'm 2 years out. . . i'll stick to my rum and defizzed coke and lemon. . . if your going to try it, try it very very very slowly. . . good luck!
  22. thinoneday

    Confession Time

    EVERYTHING!! I love everything. . . only in smaller amounts of course!
  23. thinoneday

    I'm not crazy!!

    you are so lucky. . . my psych eval was 3 hours long! a really long fill in the bubbles report and then a really long talk to the psych doctor. . . it was horrible but bearable and EXPENSIVE . . . you are lucky it was only $80 for you! Mine was $350
  24. Wow, I sure minded being the fat girl! Especially when it came to seats in the planes or not being able to ride horses. . . yup i sure did mind. . . have you thought about speaking to a councelor about your self esteem issues? I'm glad to see your health issues are clearing up. . . i'm 2 years out and can only eat 1/2 potatoe, and 1 ounce piece of brisket at dinner. . i never go to eat at buffets anymore because that is a waste of money for me since i eat much more normal now. i still go out to eat at restaurants, but always take back home. Those meals will usually last me 2 days or so. . . i still eat junk food, only in smaller amounts. . .i still drink alcohol only 1 glass verus 3-4 . Our grocery bill is basically non existent and that is good for me!!! it does get better, only now i eat like a lady and not like something else . . good luck
  25. thinoneday

    Update on Husband Drama and lots more!!!

    My hubbie (bless his heart) told me that about my loose skin. . .he said you are flabby, you need to go to the gym to workout. . .I looked at him and said, sure my darling after you please??? hugs and kisses baby. . . he told me he does go to the gym. . .i told him with a big smile. . .Good for you my baby. . .at least i'll have you around for a while longer! and then we left it at that. . . NO ONE tells ME what to do anymore. . . NO ONE!!! Good luck to ya'll

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