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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    I Really Thinknim Gonna Die !

    First off your NOT going to die (eventually but not now) secondly have you tried GasX strips? Keep walking and use hot compresses on the painful areas. If that doesn't work, go to the doctor. Good luck and yes, it does go away eventually. Was this your very first ever surgery? Gas is the most horrible pain there is. . . but be reassured it does go away . . .
  2. thinoneday

    Where do you find motivation?

    WOW HAVE YOU EVER DONE WELL!!!!!!! Good for you! Well at 2 years out, let me tell you about me. . I hate exercise. . . I used to (years ago, and I mean years ago) be a body builder and HAD to work out 4 hours EVERY DAY with my trainer. . . at that time it was great cause i was young and had a goal to win every thing there was regarding bodybuilding. . . then after a couple years i got prego and of course stopped, after the kids, well what can i say. . . i had other priorities. . . stopped bodybuilding for good. . now at 50 I really DONT have the gumchin to do anything called the gym. . .I hate the gym it makes me cringe. . . so what i do is natural stuff. . .at work they make the employees park our cars 1/4 mile away from work so do that 2x per day that is 1/2 mile right there every day. . . at home there is lots to do all the time, yard work, housework. walk to the mailbox for the mail (my house is atop of a hill and the mailboxes are on the bottom of the hill) so that is what i do, i just do natural stuff, swimming, fishing, walks on the coast when we go, ride horses, etc. . . walk downtown to window shop. . . etc. . .you get the picture Good luck, sooner or later you'll get your groove and know what to do. . .
  3. thinoneday


    there you go. . .I love coffee and had a hard time in the beginning, but now at 2 years out am back in the groove of lovin my java. . . even my doctor says it's not too bad as long as it's not like 12 cups a day or something like that. . . .I'm going to try your receipe, sounds yummmm. . . .
  4. thinoneday

    4 weeks post op - is it too early for salad?

    EEEEEKKKKKK!!!!!!! Sorry, I hear the word salad and I cringe. . . at 2 years out I still can not eat lettuce salads. No matter how much i chew or eat slowly, those buggers hurt my tummy so badly. . . and its not just a "oh my I'm uncomfortable" hurt, NOOOOOO, it's call an ambulance cause I'm dying hurt. . . so I tend to stay farrrrrrrrr away from lettuce salads. . . .but others have had them without any problems. . .it's better to hear what others experience are and then try your own, but personally regarding your question, I think 4 weeks is a bit too early UNLESS your doctor has given you the go ahead. . . .good luck and if you try it, let us (me) know how that went. . . .
  5. thinoneday

    Skinny girl issues...WTH!!!!!

    I guess because i'm REALLY tall (6') with REALLY large bones, I don't look skinny, but just right at 200 lbs. What I do get however is when we have a luncheon or something at work, the overweight people who have seen me loose this weight ALWAYS say "are you sure you can eat that?" :"Are you ALLOWED to eat that" Get the F>>K off my a$$ because I sure as heck didn't get here with y'all telling ME what or what not to eat! So today is our thanksgiving luncheon, I won't be able to sit with the group without them all staring at what i'm eating or being questioned about it after 2 years! Get over it. . . yes, I'm having a bad day today. . . sorry but had to get that off my back. . . .
  6. Totally feel you girl! When I hit 1 year out (I had been clipping along at a good pace) I stalled for 7 months. . no matter what i did the weight wouldn't budge, really irked me needless to say. . .then it moved a bit at the 8th month lost about another 10 lbs and then NOTHING no more. . . I'm 2 years out on Dec 29th but i'm thinking my body has had enough. . . so i'm not going to kill myself anymore, i'll just watch so i don't gain tons back. . . good luck to you, hopefully after your back issues you can get back to walking or something. . .it doesn't have to be the gym, walking around helps alot too and is good therapy for the lower back.
  7. You betcha!!!! I'm back to livin my life as well. . . It's damn hard man! Lost my 150 lbs and now at times am like a B___?? out of control. . . thank god however, I have not gained any major weight, up and down between 5 - 10 lbs only. . . I stopped losing at 1 year out and now at 2 years out am happy where i am, look good and feel good. . I am livin my life. . .I watch that i don't overdo my consumption however, but I eat whatever I feel like. . . can't eat lots of anything anyhow cause my sleeve was a tight 28/32F so it doesn't allow much. . .I don't do any gym exercises at all! I walk 1/2 mile everyday, working in my yard and do enough housework to keep busy. . . to me that is good enough. . .good luck!
  8. Good for you cause he doens't seem confident at all. Keep searching, I'm sure you'll find the right doctor!
  9. Same here, I'm 2 years out and can probably answer quite a bit of your concerns. I had my surgery done by Sonny Cavazos at Foundations . . .have been most successful during my 2 years and am maintaining great at this time. Good luck and when is your surgery
  10. thinoneday

    Need to vent - So frustrated

    I am so sorry to hear your struggling, but may i offer one small tidbit of advise. Get rid of the scale and don't weigh except at your doctor appts. I did that and never saw that 3 week stall everyone talks about or anything, just consistent losses. I was very happy about that. Now at 2 years out I am maintaining, going up and down between about 10 lbs, but i've reached my doctors goal for me and that is wonderful. Good luck and try that for about your first year.
  11. thinoneday

    Funny NSV!

    that was cute! thanks for sharing that. . .
  12. thinoneday

    When Did You Add Salad?

    I am 2 years out and still can't tolerate lettuce. . . it hurts so bad even when i chew it to death. . . i can have other salads like coleslaw (go figure) and pasta salads, tuna salad etc, just not lettuce based salads.
  13. interesting, has some consequences, worth it
  14. thinoneday

    New attention from the opposite sex......

    Julie honey, please be very careful. . . he may be sweet and seem "to be getting better" after the talk, I realize you love him and all, but please please be careful. . . i work with a metro health dept in a 2+ million population city and see this everyday. . . unfortunately I also see the outcome and sometimes the woman never sees the light of day the next day. . . please be careful. .
  15. thinoneday

    New attention from the opposite sex......

    Ok, now my fluff is up. . . wants you to quit your job???? That is all part of possible domestic violence acts. . no he's not hitting you, but he seems to want to control you. . . checking up on you at your work? Oh no. . . there is a power and control issue going on here girl. . . BEEEE VERRRRYYY CARRREFFULL HERE. . . . . good luck
  16. thinoneday

    Ashamed of WLS?

    Yup, controversy here. . . it depends really on how you feel about WLS overall. . .but let me tell you one thing. . once you've had your surgery and are about 3 - 4 months out you are going to see something very very surprising. . . not only will you have lost a bunch of weight and feel good, but suddenly there come the stalls and the slight gains. . . you actually have to work at it. . .this isn't a magic cure for obesity, just a tool, like a hammer lets say. . . in order to get the nail into the wall, YOU have to do the work right? Just like that hammer, this sleeve won't work unless YOU make it work, you still have to watch, very carefully, what you put into your mouth and so on. . . it won't just jump up and do it for you, so it's definately NOT the easy way out. . . the lazy way out is stupid, whoever thought of that saying must be really ignorant. . . anyhow what to tell people is definately up to you and how you feel about the surgery. . . I tell people but then I don't care about their reactions either. . .i did this for me and not for them. . . .good luck!
  17. Wow can I totally relate with you. . . yes this happens to me alot and I'm 2 years out. . I guess this is where we have to divert our thoughts to other things. . . after dinner (around 6 pm) I love to sit down with the TV on and my laptop on my lap computering away and listening to the TV all at the same time. . . I play majhong or solitiare and that keeps me very busy. . . at around 7:30 pm or so I have my fluids, still sip with a straw (lol) and finish off 2 glasses of Water by 8:30 pm then at about 9:15 pm I take my shower, come back and have a piece of string cheese or hard chedder, go brush teeth and head for bed. . . the head hunger is always there, it doesn't go away. . . this is where our "addictive" nature is. . . we are the ones who have to battle it. . . it really sucks. . . and this is the part that we can NEVER be ready for no matter how prepared for surgery you are. . . this is the crazy part. . . and so many people don't understand that. . . My moms friend's daughter had surgery and she didn't realize the mental preparedness needed for this surgery, she ended up committing suicide. . . it was so sad, she was only 47. . . but her mom said that she couldn't bear the thought of giving up her food like. . she felt like she was only tasting her meals and not truly eating them. . . poor thing. . . when my mom told me about that i felt bad for her. . . it's hard, it's not easy and when people say "oh you took the easy way out" I want to so slap them into reality. . . hehehe . . . but of course I don't. . . good luck, get into maghong or something interesting to you and work at it with all your might to try to beat that hunger monster. . . we are here for you and know to love yourself enough to overcome this problem. . . good luck
  18. thinoneday

    Interesting news story: Chef Without Stomach

    Yes, also those back in the days that had those complicated ulcer removals. . They had these gastrectomies as well. So when i read stuff like this and how it has "saved" people, then I'm happy to know that my surgery actually "saved" me from a life of misery and heartaches, just like it has medically saved those other people.
  19. thinoneday

    Forum disagreements

    lol, that is good. . . i've run into that problem several times myself. . especially in certain threads (christian) You can't ask a question in there without getting slammed. . . but it all worked out in the end. . . i totally agree with you about that we are all adults and that is what we do . . . it's human nature. . . just like someone told me "I like your no nonscense attitude" It's true, I say it how it is and that makes some people really upset, but you know what? I don't like being a hypocrite and the best friends are those who say it how it is. . . the truth hurts but at least everyone knows where they stand with that person. . .
  20. thinoneday

    Completely F*%King LOST

    Shae, what a beautiful post! I loved that. . and it is all so true. We all suffer from our obesity, I don't care who you are. . if you were obese and had this surgery, I believe on the inside we all are still that person even though we shine on the outside. . we all have pasts and hurts that haunt us and will always haunt us. . .i don't believe there is a psychologist alive that can remove all the hurts etc completely. . . it is only you who can change you. . . how true that is! Thank you for posting this fabulous post. . . Mustangali, i feel for you girl, but like the others have said, you are in control of what you put into your mouth. . . I think you know very well that ice cream, chips, etc is not good for you or your sleeve. . . i really don't think your sitting there saying "really, I didn't know that" you've lost 100+lbs and that is fantastic. . .look where you came from. . . your probably in that area of weight loss where i am now too. . .your body just can't (or won't) do it anymore. . . you have it where your going to be for a while now. . . I've been there for almost 1 year. . . but i love me and i did well. . one of my cyberbuddies here on the forum told me something that has stuck with me. . she said "YOU ARE A SUCESS". . . and yes I am. . . I am a success but I got here not by eating ice cream and chips. . . I got here because i wanted too. . . good luck and hopefully it'll hit you soon and you'll be back on track. . . good luck again.
  21. thinoneday

    Diet plateau from h*ll!!

    Well first off, your tummy has probably healed and therefore is more relaxed. If your noticing that you can get carbs in more, then cut back and put more protein in first. I find that if i eat a piece of chicken first, I usually don't have much room for anything else. If i do, then i'll eat the vegatables, for sure after that i'm very full. If i eat doritos or cheetos, sure i can eat the whole darn bag. . and that is because carbs just slide through, that is why they are called sliders. . fatty, yukky, sliders that make you gain weight. . . As for the stall from hell? Well try stalling for 7 months! Yup you heard right, i was stalled for 7 months! then i started to lose again, but only lost about 10 lbs and ever since then have been maintaining at my current weight. . . I'm happy about that cause at least i don't weight 350lbs anymore and that is great! Good luck!
  22. thinoneday

    How do I talk to my doctor?

    Just tell him that you are interested in WLS and need a referral from him. Don't him and haw around a physician. . don't be passive or submissive. . . he is there for you and you should not have to be afraid to ask. . . so like nikki says "JUST DO IT". . . good luck!
  23. thinoneday

    how was your dr.?

    I tend to totally agree here. . if doctors had any bedside manner, they would have been nurses. . my doctor was very nice however, he checked on me several times during my 3 day stay at the hospital. He is a very gifted surgeon as well and I'm really glad I chose him. . The only problem i had with him, is that with the aftercare, he never once saw me. . his nurse practitioner did. For the entire year, I went to my aftercare appts, not once did he see me or inquire as to how i was doing. . . his NP says that is what he does. It's too bad, because as interested as he was in my having the surgery, you would think he would be interested in how HIS work has effected me as a person and how good i look and feel now. Funny creatures, doctors are, but glad they are here. . .
  24. Yup, I do the same, order a appetizer or a regular meal and just box the left overs and take it home for later. Usually lasts about 1 day. So that works good for me. I don't like eating out of others plates so that would not work for me.
  25. thinoneday

    Anyone live in San Antonio?

    Hi, I'm in SA as well. . . I had Dr. Cavazos from NE Baptist 2 years ago. . .I think I've done wonderfully . . . i've reached his goal for me and then yet surpassed it by 12 lbs. . not too shabby. . .I don't go out to exercise. . i just exercise naturally. . . at work I walk about 1/4 mile each day and at home i do what comes naturally, dance to a good tune, housework, vacuum, yardwork, etc. . . welcome to SA, how long have you lived here? I've been here for the past 6 years. Good luck to you.

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