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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    What Do You Mean It Can't Go Lower? Nsv

    What I love is when I take my car for an oil change or something and the mechanic (who is, in my eyes, a skinny guy) has to adjust the seat backwards in order for him to fit! I love that! Always makes me smile! Now if I could only get him to put it back when he's through. . . . hehehehe
  2. thinoneday

    Eating & Drinking At The Same Time?

    I drink with my meals as well. Hasn't killed me any. But of course, the choice is yours and like you say if you start noticing a stall or weight gain, well drop the drinking. Good luck
  3. Wow anyone who is still up feeling guilty and typing about it at 2:15 am must be feeling guilty! Girl, it's not like you ate the WHOLE pizza. Just think where you came from. . .from eating the whole pizza to eating a couple of pieces. . . shoot that is really good. . . what do i do when i get the craving? Nothing, i eat my craving. . . my sleeve prevents me from eating the whole thing, but heck, i'll eat my cravings or i'll go crazy and probably hurt myself with overstuffing if i'm not careful. . i went through years of secret eating and hiding food and bingeing. . . not anymore! those days are over and i'm going to live my life. . good luck and live your live and love yourself!
  4. Hi, at first I wasn't going to reply to this thread because the "nurse" really p'oed me more then she did you! It's people like her that make a bad name for nurses like me. . .errrrrrrrrrrrrrr. . . anyhow, 94 lbs is excellant in 5 months. This isn't a flippin race to see who gets to where first. . .god I hate that! Now my second po was when I heard that YOU would actually let a stupid bi. . .ch A$$ person like that so called nurse make YOU go back to bingeing! Why would you hurt yourself like that? It's not going to hurt her or anyone else, just you. . . don't do that to yourself. . . yes you have the sleeve to stop all that major hurt, but girl why would you do that? And don't say it's because that is how you cope. . because we all have the same problem. now is the time to stand up, pull up those big girl panties and fight. Fight against that addiction and come out a winner. . . you have done so damn well these past 5 months, and to stop the fight now would be ludicrus. . don't do that to yourself. . . sorry if i sound harsh, that is just how i am with my san antonio, texas self. . . .have you seen the new lighting downtown at the riverwalk? Absolutely beautiful. . instead of eating or thinking of self destruction, go down there and check out the lights. . . good luck!
  5. How wonderful you have done. Don't feel badly about not being on here, I really think we all get to that point someway or another. Your bathroom moments sound just like mine. 2xper week and i'm happy. . . no prune juice or anything here please. . it's the way my body likes it. . . You have done so well this past 11 months! Keep up the fabulous job and keep on lovin yourself! Glad your back on the forum!
  6. thinoneday

    Am I Just Being Greedy?

    no it's not being greedy. . . but all i want to say is be mentally prepared. . . this isn't easy, seems easy, but you'll see. good luck
  7. It really does get better. This is the weirdest surgery I have ever had (and I'm 2 years out) but trust me it does get better. Like the rest of them said Hang In There! The mental preparedness is the hardest, but be strong and keep posting. . . how did the dr appt go today?
  8. thinoneday

    Not Enough Restriction?

    I tend to agree with Shae, an orange is also considered a type of slider food, so it'll go down really well. If you want to "test" your restriction, try it with a dense protein, like chicken, fish, egg, cheese, tuna etc. . . you should feel some sort of restriction after a few bites. . .
  9. thinoneday

    Lost 201 Pounds

    how wonderful! keep up the excellant work! it's tough, but together we can get through it!
  10. all I can say is that i'm glad i got this done here in the US with a very good doctor who knew what he was doing and has been there if i need him for the past 2 years. after care was great and continues to be great if i need them. they still see me every year for follow up and call every now and then to see if i'm doing well. I'm sorry to hear about those with problems and am very very grateful i didn't have any complications to talk about. Blessings to each and everyone of you.
  11. thinoneday

    Cravings Killing

    Well if you don't want to jeopardize anything, then do as the doctor says. If your to be on 2 weeks of liquids then be on 2 weeks of liquids. Honey the food will always be there. . allow your stomach to heal and for you to get better. . . don't jeopardize a possible complications just because you want to eat. . .good luck
  12. Hi, this was one of my mom's caregivers friends daughter. She couldn't handle the VSG apparently and from what mom said, she committed sucide. This is why it's important to get the psych eval. It's the mental aspect that NO ONE is really ready for. It's a complete turn around to thinking and some folks just can't handle it.
  13. thinoneday

    Anybody Else Feel Guilty?

    Didn't we do this crap enough when we where fatter? Didn't we beat ourselves up enough? Why should we feel so guilty over everything we do? We have this wonderful tool and helps with restriction. We will never again eat like we used too. Never again will we be 100 lbs, 150 lbs, 200lbs, overweight. . . aren't we allowed to live our lives finally? I can tell you something. . I love me, I am a success, and I will never again feel guilty because I ate something I truly enjoyed. . . good luck ! And enjoy YOU!
  14. Wow that is amazing. I was in the hospital for 3 days! But of course, being pay out of pocket it came with the package and I was going to get EVERYTHING for my $15,500.00! LOL. . . but i had a bit of discomfort for about 1 week, nothing serious, nothing that tylenol couldn't handle. You're amazing, had your surgery as an outpatient! That is wild. . .never heard of that before. Didn't you have a JP drain? didn't you feel like you got hit by a locomotive going about 100 mph when you woke up? Wow, once again, your amazing. . . wish all my previous surgeries had been that good. . . do you have restriction? Do you know what size bougie your surgeon used? keep us posted and the best of luck to you!
  15. Yup, this part of the surgery, I don't think anyone is ever ready for it. You'll find the holidays really tough, you'll actually have a major pity party with yourself cause you can't eat as hearty as you used to. You'll cry and feel sorry for yourself over that too. . but you'll do ok, just remember that the holidays are for family and friends and how we are blessed to have them in our lives. It's not about the food and how much we can stuff into ourselves. We had our surgeries because we needed help in a big way and our wishes were answered, but with wishes come consequences and now we can't do anything about that. Now we have to eat to live, not live to eat. You will do ok and the first year is the toughest. You'll be fine, just be thankful for all you have been given and love yourself enough to be grateful. Good luck and a very blessed holiday season to you and your family!
  16. thinoneday

    Thanksgiving And Gastric Sleeve

    Thats EXACTLY how i deal with my holidays! After 2 years out, it's amazing how you learn what to actually do with yourself! And, the other thing i do is use a really small bread and butter plate. I don't drink anything during the meal, but have my glass of whatever, about 30-45 minutes later. I'll always know if i take one bite too many! I still slime very badly after 2 years! Good luck to all and have a blessed Thanksgiving!
  17. thinoneday

    Body chemistry changes with weight loss

    Yup Vitamin D deficient and B12 as well. I take 2 sublingual B12 dots and a prescription vitamin D every day. That may help a bit too. Good luck
  18. Oh my dear friend! How i can relate with you! Does your pharmacy carry a natural herb called Black Cohash? This can definately help with the menopausal symptoms of the sweats. If you can get it there, then get it. I think you may like it. It's really tough to get the mojo back once it runs off. . . the only really way to do it is just DO IT. The first few days will be really hard, you'll be tired and miserable and don't want to do anything called exercise, but the more you prod onwards, the easier it'll become. . .you have to do alot of self talk, alot of telling yourself you can do this, alot of showing your body that YOU are stronger then it is and that in the end you are going to WIN and not the body. . .it is so hard, whoever says this sleeve thing is easy, needs to be bottled in the next available cooler. . . Good luck my dear, and try the Black Cohash, it's in the natural Vitamin section of the pharmacy. Keep us posted.
  19. Sure did! I'm 2 years out now and am still hungry. . I never was lucky enough to have the hunger disappear. But I dealt with it and thank god for the restriction was able to lose my weight. i'm really proud of my accomplishment up until today. my body is in relax mode right now and that is ok with me! I love me for once in my life . . .good luck
  20. thinoneday

    At Goal...for Now.

    Wow how incredible! You have done absolutely marvelous! You can get to 192lbs if that is what you want! You must believe in order to achieve, and you have proven that you believe in your ability! Keep up the excellent work, you look fantastic!
  21. Well, exercise does work great on depression, but to answer your question. . is the depression so bad that you can't handle it, or could you handle it 1 day without exercise? That would have to be your choice. I am 2 years out and exercise makes me feel so much better, but i sure don't go to the gym to exercise. I do natural exercises, walk to the mailbox, park the car far away and walk to where ever i have to go to, lots of housework, yardwork, etc. . . hubbie gets on my case every now and then about getting to the gym, but i just DONT want to cause I really don't like it anymore. . . good luck, hope this helps a bit.
  22. thinoneday

    Please Do Not Ignore Signs From Your Body!

    Hugs to you! I'm so sorry this has happened to you! Hope you get to feeling better and stronger with every day from hereon forward! Keep us posted!
  23. thinoneday

    Questions for sleevers further out

    Hi, I'm 50 and 2 years out now. I have loose skin, but it's not that bad. . .not bad enough for me to worry about it. . . I figure I'll never be runway material or wear a bikini ever again, so whatever. . . as long as i look good in my clothing and my hubbie and kids love me that is all that really matters to me. Good luck!
  24. Wow, either your superwoman or you're doing extremely well. . . that is amazing! At 2 years out I still have to sip my fluids, can't drink more then 2 oz before i feel restriction and still get the slimes if i eat more then 6 oz of food at a time. . . .how big is your bougie? Sounds pretty big. . . take it easy with the plopping down onto the recliner though. . . and be careful with the decorating. . . good luck and keep us updated on your progress. . .
  25. thinoneday

    Christmas Challenge!!!

    Loves Christmas!!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
