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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    I Cant Wait.....

    Yup, like lissa says, it depends on things. I had my initial appt in November and had my surgery 3 weeks later. BUT that was because I was self pay and didn't have to jump through hoops with insurance. That takes forever. .
  2. Absolutely brillant! Keep up the excellent work Don!
  3. thinoneday

    Is This For Real!?!

    I'm 2 years out and still motor around like a crazy woman. . .hubbie is always telling me to sit down, I'm always jumping up doing stuff. . . it's for real and it's great. . . now if only i could be THAT motivated to get to the gym. . .
  4. Good for you! And many congratulations. It's amazing how we still think fat when in fact we're really not. . . I still can't believe at times I now wear a 16/18 depending on the make. . .amazing huh? Keep up the great work!
  5. In the beginning i was good and took all the vitamins the doctor wanted me too. . . now at 2 years out I take ZERO. . . don't feel any difference. . . good/bad, I don't know.
  6. I definately packed on the weight this christmas! But i'm not going to beat myself up about it, cause i'm the cause of it. . . so i know very well what to do and will do it. . i did this to myself, therefore i can undo it to myself as well. . . thank goodness for this great tool. . . today i've had a pear and banana and will have a wee bit of dinner later on. . loads of water and a good walk this evening.
  7. I'm 2 years out and would love to participate if you still need volunteers! PM me with the info
  8. thinoneday

    I Need To Get Back On Track

    Don't feel too badly about this, I really think the majority of us need to get back into it! We'll be here all together supporting each other and kicking butt if need be (some people don't like that but oh well, better honest then not) I've put on quite a bit of weight over the holidays and hey I'm human, life happens, but now i'm going to get back into it (I hope ) My only real plan is to stop with the snacking and get into that gym. . .I think that is going to be harder then dieting, I have to completely turn around with how I feel about the gym. . . but I will give it a good attempt. . my goal is to go every Tues, Thurs, and Friday for 30 - 45 minutes. . . good luck to all of you!
  9. thinoneday

    Valentine's Day Challenge!

    ME TOO!!!! I'm in. . . during the holidays I, of course, gained a bunch of weight and now it's time to behave and get into the groove of things again! Surgery Weight: 350 lbs Current Weight: 225 lbs Goal Weight: 212 lbs reached once Personal Goal Weight: 170 lbs I may not get to 170 lbs in 7 weeks but at least the attempt will be there right? Thanks and good luck to all of y'all
  10. Welcome and congratulations on your weight loss, your doing great! Keep up the excellent work. . . together we can overcome obsesity!
  11. I definately went overboard and could too. . . i didn't feel guilty at all. . . i know i have a great tool here and all i really have to do is have the guts and willpower to get out of this bad eating and get back to normal and the gym. . . then all will be fine. . . ugh now if only i had the willpower! hehehe. . . it'll be ok, together we can get through this ! Have a blessed New Years All !!!! \
  12. i was back to work, exercising, doing all that i usually did at 1 1/2 weeks after surgery. Sorry you are feeling so badly! Get better soon!
  13. thinoneday

    Only At 194

    Well, maybe the surgery will help you. I've heard of many co-morbities get fixed after the surgery . As far as exercising, I really haven't exercised since my surgery 2 years ago and still lost 150+ lbs. . . but it has stopped now. . so for my new years resolution i will be returning to the gym to help kick start the weight loss again . . . if you could do it yourself, it would have worked already right? Good luck to you and have a Merry Christmas and a blessed new year!
  14. In the beginning it was pure hell to get used to the journey mentally. . . you really need to get your head into what is happening. . . you really have to get ready to accept what has happened cause there is no turning back. . . now at 2 years out it's second nature. . . no problem, i can even eyeball portions now. . . freaks me out when i go out to eat and they serve me these hugh portions! Amazing how much people really eat. . . good luck you'll get there. . just think positively! Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year!
  15. thinoneday

    Merry Christmas Vertical Sleeve Talk!

    You too LiLDiva! Your a darlin', you've helped me in more ways then you know! Blessings your way in the coming New Year!
  16. thinoneday

    So Frustrating!

    That damn scale!!!! I didn't weigh myself except for when i had doctor appt's. It was really exciting to see the weight drop off. . . at 2 weeks 20lbs was gone, at 7 weeks 53lbs was gone then at 1 year 150 lbs was gone. . . it's more fun not weighing and gettng a surprise, then weighing everyday and getting frustrated. . . good luck!
  17. Week 4, I could eat chicken, turkey, and fish. All cooked well though
  18. Good for you! Same here, I could have eatten the whole baking in one or two sittings now I have one or two here and there but thats all. . . yes I eat whatever, but it's not as horrible as before surgery. . . i'm glad i had this surgery and will never look back again!
  19. liquids go right on through, once you start on solids, especially dense proteins, you'll find you can't eat hardly anything. Your doing fine. . . at 2 years out i still can only eat 1 chicken leg and a few veggies. . . but you give me slider foods and i can eat everythng without a problem. . . especially chips and cakes and such. . . Christmas has not been kind to me this year, heheheh but thank goodness it comes but once a year and i have that whole of next year to "fix" myself again! Life if good. . . .
  20. thinoneday

    Am I At Fault?

    I've lost 150+ lbs and my plastics doctor will not even look at me until I've reached my personal goal of 170. He says he doesn't want to do surgery and then I lose more and he'll need to do it again. He says it's safer for me just to lose all the weight and then look him up. At least he's honest and not money grubby. . . As far as your weight loss, well you seem to know your problem. . . good luck!
  21. thinoneday

    So What Is Your Resolution?

    Hahahah, used to be i'd say "loose weight" well now its, get back into the gym at least 3 x per week. I totally have to do this cause I'm so out of shape. I did a stress test last week by treadmill and even though i completed 10 minutes of very strenous walking, I was huffing and puffing like an obese person again! Couldn't believe it! So it's off to the gym for me! How about you???
  22. thinoneday

    Chest Pain Wtf?

    So here I am, lost 150+ lbs and thought for sure all my problems were gone. . . WRONG. . . started getting these painful chestpains, hardball thingy in the throat, back pain and a really irratating pain in the left elbow. . . oooohhhhh "heart attack symptoms" ya'll say. . . me too. . . off i ran to the cardiologist. . he did tons of not so pleasant testing (stress tests, echos, angiograms, etc) and guess what? All normal, except for some wall thickening. . .nothing to worry about. . . ummmmmmm ok then. . . I asked him what he thinks it may be? he is baffled. . .he mentioned "stomach problems" ummmmm I don't have one of those? hehehehe. . . has anyone else had this happen? what did you or your doctor do? Nexium and prilosec don't work. . a good pain reliever is aspirin. . . nitro didn't work either (guess cause it's not heart related) . . . anyone????
  23. thinoneday

    Chest Pain Wtf?

    thanks everyone. I really was thinking anxiety attacks too, but the weird thing is it will wake me up a deep comfy sleep or just happen while i'm talking on the phone. Just random. a pinched nerve i do believe is in the elbow. . .could be tendonitis for sure. . but only pinches every now and then, not consistent. . . I'm am very relieved that it's not something that can kill me, so for now I'll ignore it and next time i head to the doctor then i'll mention that the cardiologist didn't believe it was cardiac, but maybe GI related. . then i'll let her (doctor) figure it out. Thanks again everyone for your thoughts and may you all have a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year! (I'm allowed to say that on this forum right?)
  24. thinoneday

    Unable To Exercise O:(

    Hi, let me tell you that I've lost 150+lbs in the past 2 years and I don't exercise to the extent of madness. I do it all naturally. . .for example, at work, they make us park 1/2 mile away from work so I am forced to walk that 1/2 mile every day. . .oh sure i could park right behind the building, but the cost of parking is $12/day. . . where I park now is only $2.50/day. . . ummmmm I'll walk! then at home i putter about doing this and that, I walk to mailbox which is way down a hill, so going is great, coming up not so great. . that's ok, every bit counts right. . . . but i wasn't going to the gym. . .so at 1 year out i noticed that i had lost all this weight, I thought great! I reached my doctors goal of 212lbs plus more. . . but then it stopped dead! No more weight loss. . actually gained a few lbs over the course of another year, not much (up and down between 15lbs) so wanting to get to my own personal goal of 170 lbs I am going to tighten the buckle and get to the damn gym this coming year. . . .yum I'm going to become a gym rat on the wheel of life. . . starting January 3rd I'm going to attempt 3x per week. . . not going to change my diet (cause I like it how it is now) just going to increase my exercise and see if i can't lose this extra 30lbs. . . .if I do, good for me, if not, well good for me. . . I'm not 350lbs anymore right? Good luck to you in all you do! Keep us posted of your progress!
  25. Well hello there! I'm on the same boat as you are. . . do I love myself at 200 - 210 lbs or do I fight to get to 170lb? Well I love myself at 200-210lbs. . I mean, I've reached my doctors goal of 212lbs. . . so that in itself is a success. . . I can do everything i've always wanted to do ESPECIALLY ride horses and fit into the airplane seats. . . (those 2 things were the most important to me) I'm 6 feet tall and wear 16/18 now versus 28/32. . . i'm not much into clothing so i really don't care about that. . . but i feel and look good now and as my hubbie says, I look healthy. . . my only thing is i don't exercise, sure i walk about 1/2 mile every day and putter around the house etc., but really gut busting exercise? nope. . . so for my new years resolution, I'm going to get back into the gym and do it. . . i'm not going to change my eating habits at all, just exercise and see what happens after 1 month. I'll not weigh myself for that one month and just see if it matters any. . . if i loose, good for me, if not, well good for me too! You have done excellent thusfar! Good luck and no matter what you decide, you'll do well. . .

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