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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    4.5 Months Out From Surgery

    N2B8R, congratulations! Your doing fabulous! I remember right after my surgery I was dropping weight like mad too. . . I felt so proud of myself! Its so worth it, itsn't it? Keep up the great job!
  2. thinoneday

    I Just Don't Get This!

    First off, let me say WOW! What a fantastic accomplishment! That is amazing! Your an inspiration girl!!! Keep it up. . . After a while the body gets "used:" to stuff, so like Pdxman said mix it up some. Confuse your body, get out of the routine. . . take your Vitamins if your on any, and just live your life! Your doing absolutely wonderful!
  3. I'll probably get slammed for this but whatever, no food is forbidden ever. . . it's how you use that food to your advantage. If you over indulge, well you'll gain weight of course. . . moderation is the key and as someone who is out going into my 3rd year, I have hit my doctors goal, surpassed it, and am maintaining beautifully. I eat my 3 meals a day with healthy snacks and yes on the occasion i do indulge in yummies. I'm livin my life now and totally lovin it! Good luck !
  4. The first 2 weeks I lost 22 lbs. Then at my 6 week visit I had lost 53lbs. Then all i remember is my 1 year visit with a total of 150lbs. I'm now entering my 3rd year and still have tons of restriction with my sleeve. Only thing is that my body has settled in very comfortably at getting about 850 - 1000 calories a day. So my weight is maintaining at 200 - 205 lbs, which is fine with me!
  5. thinoneday

    How Was Your Experience With You Sleeve Md?

    Loved my doc. . . highly recommend him to anyone thinking about getting their surgery done in San Antonio, TX. . . His name is Ramiro "Sonny" Cavazos
  6. thinoneday

    A Moment On Your Lips....

    Excellent reminders! thanks!
  7. Thank god for microwaves huh?
  8. I am going into my 3rd year out now and can eat EVERYTHING except lettuce. For some strange reason, lettuce really hurts me. . . and when i say hurt, I mean "call me an ambulance type of pain" So I stay far away from it! But every other kind of veggie, fruit, etc is great!
  9. thinoneday

    Alcohol After The Sleeve

    Let me tell you! I had my first drink 3 mos after surgery. . .it was so yum and I'm not a wine person, I'm a good old rum and coke girl. . . and i don't mean a small 1 oz shot either. . . i'm out now going into my 3rd year and have my drinks every Friday and Saturday. Hasn't hurt me a bit. . . good luck!
  10. Nope, I never had to go on any sort of "liquid diet" until the day before surgery. Then I could only have clear liquids and some form of colon cleanser thing. But that was it! I was very happy i didn't have to do that 2 week thing most folks have to do now.
  11. I'm as jiggly as jiggly gets! Loose skin everywhere, but you know what? At least I'm not 350 lbs anymore! At least I can breath when i climb stairs or walk long distances. Yes, I look a fright, but I don't really mind. My hubbie doesn't mind and says I look as beautiful as the day he met me (34 years ago and about 3 pairs of glasses later! :aureola: ) He is soooo very sweet. . .I've talked about getting the loose skin removed, which would probably put me to my 170 lbs, but we have decided that after 18 major surgeries, I don't need anymore. . . after all, I've never been a beauty queen and never will be . . . . as long as I'm loved and love myself, that is all that matters right now.
  12. hi, well you sure do know what is going on and what you need to do, but i'll answer the other question, yes it had happened to me. First off, I got rid of that scale as soon as i came home from surgery and only weighed myself at the doctors office on appt days. This helped me a lot and i didn't notice stalls or any negative things. After my first year, i had lost 150 lbs. Now i brought the scale back in because the doctor appts would only be yearly. Well for the next year I didn't lose anything. Nothing, Nada, Net, Nix, So I left the scale alone and just carried on being me, weighing in every week with no losses. Good for me cause i did reach the doctors goal after all but really wanted to get to my own personal goal. So during the 2nd year, I lost nothing, actually gaining 2-3 lbs here and there but losing them right away as well, not going below 200 however. Ok, that is fine with me. I looked at it this way, at least i didn't weigh 350 lbs anymore, and could do so much more and "felt" healthier. So why kill myself now to get to 170? Now I've started year 3 and am just living my life. I weigh myself every now and then, just to make sure I don't creep up. Other then that, I'm happy where I've been plopped at, and if i'm to loose more, good for me, if not, well good for me. It's tough, even with this great tool we have been given, unfortunately however, if we didn't train ourselves to eat and live more healthier during our first year, it's going to be tough to reteach ourselves that. So you have 6 months left before your one year anniversary, I would highly suggest you get into a healthier routine of 3 meals a day, no snacks, drink lots of water, and some form of exercise. Get rid of that scale for now and try really hard. The high sugary things are just in your head. When this happens, take a moment to reflect, go somewhere quiet, like the bathroom and listen to your stomach. Is it truly growling? Are you hungry from you stomach? If not, that is head hunger and that is the toughest to compete with. . . if that should happen, chew gum, or drink more fluids, you may be thirsty and not really hungry. . . good luck and don't worry we are all in this together, its tough and not easy, but remember too, only you can change what is not good. . . hope this helps a bit.
  13. thinoneday

    Im Feeling So Disappointed...

    Don't know if you want this advice or not, but here it is. . get rid of the scale and only weigh yourself at the doctor appointments. The scale is your biggest enemy. I got rid of my scale the minute i came home from the hospital and didn't get another for 1 year. I only weighed at the doctor visits and was very happy with each visit. Good luck!
  14. thinoneday

    I Still Want My "beyonce"

    Hated both of those assets. So in 2000 I chopped off the boobs and with the WLS they lost more (thank God) but the booty remains a nightmare. . . Not as nightmarish as it was at 350lbs though. . . .lol Good luck!
  15. I'm right there with you hon. . . my husband is my best and only friend. I wouldn't trade him for anything. I had friends but soon learned that they really weren't friends. They would love to hear the bad and ugly, but didn't want to hear the good and great. Those people come and go very easily. My husband didn't understand my reasons for doing this drastic thing either. He thought that it was so simple to just diet and exercise. I went through this by myself as well. But I had / have this forum. There are lots of good people here to help support and understand. Some of them are irratating as all get out and really get under your skin, but those are angry people who are miserable and want others to be miserable with them, those folks you learn to ignore. . . I, like you, blame myself for not having friends at this time, but i have come to not trust people much anymore and would rather not be hurt by someone who claims to be my friend. . . I'm going on my 3rd year post surgery and let me tell you, I am happier and healthier. I take myself for lunches and coffee, sometimes my hubbie comes along and then we have a good time. I've noticed I enjoy doing stuff by myself including the gym, swimming, shopping, horseback riding etc and with him too sometimes if he wishes. It'll be ok, you'll be ok. . you have come this far, come a bit further and embrace it. . . good luck to you! You are strong and together we'll get through this. . . peace and love to you while you walk your path of life
  16. Wow, wish the wife was right! i want to be paid! maybe then I could hurry and pay off my loan which i took out to get this surgery! if she finds where it says we are paid off, let us know so we can apply ! Thanks!
  17. hi! I'm just now heading into year 3. My surgery has been a great success for me. I reached my doctors goal of 212 and even surpassed that. Now it's time for my own personal goal, 170. . . (I think I weighed that when I was in 3rd grade! ) Anyhow after the first year I had lost all my weight and then it stopped dead! No more weight loss. So I "took off" this past year. Never gained more then 5 lbs but lost it right away. I never exercised or anything, so I was very lucky. Going into year 3, I've made a new commitment to myself. To get back into the swing of exercise. I've started to go to the gym, but don't go for long periods, only 30 minutes of treadmilling. 10 minutes of warmup, 10 minutes of heavy cardio (level 8 incline and at 4.2 mph speed) then 10 minutes of cool down. I make sure my heartrate gets to 150 or 160 during the cardio workout. At work, employees are given the option of parking right behind the building for $10.00 a day or park for $2.50 per day about 1/4 mile away. So I choose to do the $2.50 a day parking and walk an extra 1/2 mile every day. When I go to the store I park way the heck at the farthest place and walk. Every bit counts they say. I'm not changing the way I eat (I still can only fit 6 - 7 oz at every meal. I had a very small bougie placed 28/32F) but I'm not going to snack unhealthy. Instead of a candy bar or something weird, I've started eating fresh fruits. I realize that these are sometimes filled with more carbs and sugars then the candy bar, but at least the calories are benefical, and as long as it's in moderation. I eat my 3 meals like normal. For example, today I had Sonic BMT breakfast sandwich 3" on flatbread. Lunch will be a cup of soup; Dinner: 1 egg with 1 slice of cheese and 1 cup of tea. Snacks include 1 orange around 3:30 or so. I'll throw in a couple of diet sodas during the day and probably a rum and coke this evening. But that is about it. My calories run anywhere from 750 - 1500 depending on the day. Good luck and I hope this helps you a bit.
  18. thinoneday


    Been drinking sodas since I've been about 3 months out. I'm out now heading into 3 years. They are diet sodas of course and in the beginning I would always defizz mine and take it really slow. . now i don't defizz but still take it really slow. I also have my coffee, alcohol drinks and everything else. . . I'm living my life and am lovin it. . AND LOOK GOOD AT THE SAME TIME! yAHOO!!!! Good luck!
  19. I'm out going onto 3 years now and haven't taken a vitamin in about 2 years! Nothing has happened to me. I didn't grow a funny beard or and extra eye (lol). If your eating properly, I don't think there is a problem. It depends on which surgery you had I guess. If she had the roux-y then yes she needs vitamins or could have a problem with malabsorption. Good luck and i hope "she'll" be ok. .
  20. thinoneday

    The Scale Stopped Moving

    All I can tell you my dear cyber friend, is get rid of that scale. When I had my surgery, the first thing I did was come home and throw out the scale. Thats right, I refused to be a slave to that thing. It was NOT going to dictate to me my successes. . . I only weighed at my doctors appts and boy am I ever glad I did that. Why? Because I never had to deal with the stalls. Every appt I went to I had great losses and was so happy. I went at 2 weeks, 7 weeks, 12 weeks, 6 months, 1 year. Never once was there dissappointment. Now, heading into 3 years out, I weigh at the gym once a week if that. Good luck !
  21. Yahoo!!!! Doing the happy dance for Paola!
  22. thinoneday

    Self-pay: Is It Worth It?

    Wow that is an excellant price! I paid $15,500.00 for my surgery. To me, it was very worth it and i would spend that same amount again if i had to. With my cost, I got excellent care and a very caring doctor. A private hospital, 1 year of after care and yearly after care after that. I have never regretted spending this amount of money.
  23. thinoneday

    Faster Weight Loss With Exercise?

    Hi, well I'm 2 years out and for the past 2 years I've not really exercised at all. . . just doing my own thing. I reached my doctors goal weight and even surpassed that without crazy workouts. . . but then it all stopped. . . dead stop! So now, as I head into my 3rd year out, I have started the gym. I go 3 x per week for only 30 minutes. What I do however, is this. . . treadmilling. I'll do a warmup for 10 minutes, then 10 minutes of heavy cardio by increasing the incline to 8 (highest level is 12) and the speed to 4.5mph, then after that, for the next 10 minutes, i slow it down gradually, until it's back to 0 incline and my heart rate is back into the 90's. I try to get the heartrate to get to 160 during the cardio walk. So i'm going to do this for about 7 weeks and see what happens. i really want to get to my own personal goal which is 170 lbs or so. I'm a complete success because i have met my doctors goal but i want to go a bit further and meet my own goals. . . I wish everyone the best of luck with their journeys.
  24. thinoneday

    Can We Talk About Underwear?

    I love Just My Size no ride ups cotton panties from Walmart! Size 8
  25. Hi Coops! I'm so there with you, I had taken Nov and Dec off and didn't do too much damage. But now in the new year, I am definately going to get exercise back in. . . the gym it is! UGH. . . I was a body builder many years ago and was glued to the gym daily for 4 hours every day! Needless to say I really don't like the gym now. . . but I know I need to get back to exercise and I won't do it by myself. SOOOOO on Tuesday, January 3rd I went back and started. I'm really sore, but I did it, and today and tomorrow I will go as well. I will continue this Tues, Thurs, and Fri routine for this year. Hopefully I can stick to it and maybe lose a bit more or tone up. . . one or the other! Good luck to you as well as we battle our demons!

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