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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. Oooohhhhh do I understand that feeling! 5 years ago, before my WLS, I was walking out to the trash can to bring the trash to the curb for pickup, well i slipped and fell right onto the driveway. . .and at 350 lbs you can imagine the crash down. . .well up until now I still have no feeling in my left knee because of the nerves damage that happened with that fall. I have been to several doctors and each says that there is nothing that can be done, that it will heal in time. . . yup they are right, slowly but surely the feeling is coming back. . but it feels consistently asleep and of course I can not go down on that knee anymore even since i've lost 150lbs. . . it's terrible when we fall, both thin or overweight. . . so i can totally relate. . be glad you didn't tumble down those stairs! that would take you straight to the hospital i'm sure. . . let us know about your news with the surgery! i'll keep my fingers, toes, and everything else crossed for you! good luck!
  2. thinoneday

    Are You Feeling Deprived?

    hi suzanne! i'm going into my 3rd year as well and like you, i don't feel deprived at all. . . i can eat whatever i feel like only in tiny amounts. i still have tons of restriction with my 28/32f bougie (start sliming at 7+ oz) and the only thing i can't do without feeling like i'm going to die is lettuce, but that is ok, never did like lettuce anyhow, so that is not a great loss to me. . . i've lost a great amount of weight and feel so much better now. . i've added a few more years onto my life i'm sure. . . i can do so many things now that i could never do before at 350lbs. . . people don't stare and comment under their breath anymore. . . i'm just an "ordinary" person now in a "ordinary world. . . lovin my life and proud of it!
  3. thinoneday

    Ever Wonder Why Life Is So Hard

    I'm so sorry to hear about this. I don't know what to say. Again, I'm so sorry to hear.
  4. thinoneday

    First Week At Work

    Good for you! Isn't this fun? Just wait til you start "missing" sizes. . now there is a NSV if you ever had one! Keep up the excellent work!
  5. thinoneday

    Second Thoughts

    I'm so sorry your having such conflicts with yourself. . but you know what you have to be completely prepared for this surgery. . not just the physical aspect but more so the mental aspect and unless you don't have the preparedness, then maybe your not ready at this point. Let me tell you though, at 3 years out I am very happy i had this surgery done. . . in the beginning i really hated it, i resented the surgery so much, why? cause I was a food addict and the surgery didn't allow me to indulge in my addiction anymore. . . i had to relearn how to eat, when to eat, when to drink liquids etc. . . it's tough, really tough, but soon i overcame my addiction. . . there are days even now i wish i hadn't done it, but those are just fleeting seconds, i have shed 150 lbs and will never look back. . .i think i may have put on several more years onto my existing life by losing weight. . . i'm proud of myself. . . you must be ready though, if your not ready now, you will be eventually. . . good luck to you!
  6. thinoneday

    Need Some Advice - Don't Know What To Do Or Say..

    Lovinghusband1979 - - my hubbie felt exactly like you do before my WLS. He would tell you too that I never tried, that I was lazy and didn't want to exercise, and that my diets only lasted for maybe a week or so. . . For about 2 1/2 years before surgery we used to haggle the subject til i was green in the face. . .(I initially wanted the lapband) then finally I asked him just to come to the orientation with me. . . he agreed to that. During the orientation he asked TONS of questions (poor other people never got a chance hehehe) but when we left that evening, he told me that he does not support me with the band at all. . . but he does support me with the sleeve because it seems the safest. . . I almost fell over. I couldn't say anything except, "thanks hon" . . . from there, because I was self pay, my surgery was 1 month later. He worried so much about the decision we had made, he saw how fast the weight was coming off and he worried it wouldn't stop and i would die or something. . . well I'm going into my 3rd year post op now and have surpassed my surgeons weight goal for me by 12 lbs. I remain at 200 - 210 lbs and at 6' tall, look and feel awesome. . .I don't have to be embarrassed waddling down the aisle of a plane and asking the stewardess for the extension belt to make the seatbelt fit, I can now feel comfortable and "normal" sitting in that 17" seat. . . I have more energy to do things and don't feel like i need a breathing aparatise just to climb a few steps. . . my sleeve prevents me from overeating! Yes, I do like my alcohol and the occasional treats, but can't do the whole thing only a bit. . . at 3 years out i still can't eat more then my 7oz lean cuisine or 6 oz hormel dinner. . .the sleeve has given me back my life and that is something NO ONE should ever be denied. . . we are all different inside and we all feel, hurt, and cry differently. I made a big difference in myself and once where i was that "lazy can't diet girl" now am a good looking chick! I still don't go to gym and kill myself because why should I? I do natural exercises, I walk 1/4 mile x 2 every day to my car because i park far away from work. . I walk to my mailbox which is down a very steep hill and walk back up EVERYDAY. . .I do yard work, house work, go swimming, horseback riding and hiking when I want to. . not when I'm forced to do it. . . you may be pleasantly surprised at your wife and her success. . . what your doing at this time is assuming she is going to fail because of what you've seen previously, but we don't know the future. . don't deny her life back, she is fat because there may be an underlying problem. . . help her live her life, however, if she is wanting to do this because her sisters have it and that is all, then that is a very poor reason to get this surgery. . . one needs to be mentally prepared for this surgery, I know of several people who have successfully committed suicide because they could not handle the mental part of this surgery. . .it's not easy at all, it's a tough surgery and one needs to switch really fast and be prepared to go with it because once it's there, there is no turning back. . . at 3 years out there are still days i regret this but not as much now as in the beginning. . . good luck and the best of luck to the both of you.
  7. thinoneday

    If We Are What We Eat . . .

    If I am what I eat then I'm a well perserved 7 oz lean cuisine!
  8. thinoneday

    6 Week Check Up!

    How wonderful! Keep up the fabulous work!
  9. thinoneday

    Weight Watchers Anyone?

    Hi Susan, no i didn't realize you had problems. . . i'm so sorry to hear that. . however, i'm so glad to hear that you feel better! Just be really careful getting back into the "swing" of things. . . life has a funny way of "debilitating" us if we aren't careful. . . good luck and I know you'll do great as you recoup! Keep us posted of your recovery!
  10. heeyyyy! welcome back, was wondering where you took off too. . . i'm still here and so are some of the other "old" gang. . .I'm entering my 3rd year now (can you believe that) and have had a few of my own challenges. I still want to get to onederland one day, but at 50 years old, I kinda figure (hopefully) I still have about 50 more years :biggrin5: to get there! For me, I've been up and down about the same 10 - 15 lbs. . but mine is more water retention then anything. . . last night i took my diurectics and overnight spilt out 15lbs of water. . . sure was neat, but of course it'll all flood back in soon. . . hehehehe. . . life is grand. . . i'm enjoying myself as a size 16 now and at 6' tall it doesn't look too shabby. . . i've been back into the saddle and love that aspect. . . you have done great ! Look where you came from! Once upon a time we used to wish we could lose all our weight and now we gripe about 30-40 lbs. . . aren't we funny souls. . . i'm glad your back globetrotter. . . keep coming back and don't be a stranger! happy your back!!
  11. apw0 - - - this is where self control comes into play. . . be strong girl, afterall isn't the cookie your enemy? Fight girl, fight. . . goodness hon, a cookie or two aint goina kill you! I don't know bout you, but i'm livin my life really well now. . and lovin every minute of it! good luck! Those nasty little cookies! Guess I'm lucky at this point, don't like GG cookies
  12. thinoneday


    Congratulations to you! Hope all goes great!
  13. thinoneday

    "....you Look Fine"

    Some people really suck at compliments huh? I totally agree with circa's response! I'm exactly like that as well and that comment is definately something that I would say.! Love it! I got to goal and surpassed it, now that people have gotten used to the "thinner" me, now I hear stuff like "your gaining weight on your butt" " are you still losing?" Gosh give it up already. . . I'm not gaining and I'm not losing. . . heavens can't people just shut up and leave me alone!
  14. thinoneday

    11 Days Post Op And Regretting Decision.

    Good old buyers remorse. . . it happens to all of us I assume, I know it sure did to me in the beginning. . that "oh god what did i do" feeling was there with me for about 3-4 months. . .now i'm out going onto 3 years and there are days that I still have a fleeting moment of "awww shucks" but that moment is just fleeting. . . I am really happy I have this tool, especially when the goodies seem too good! Good luck!
  15. thinoneday

    Alcohol After 6 Weeks Out?

    I had my first alcoholic beverage at 3 mos out and haven't stopped since (i'm now into year 3) and I haven't died yet. I don't think one small vodka is going to kill you, just be prepared for that intoxicated feeling right away. . . it's really weird. . . good luck
  16. Im out now going into year 3 and my brain still is deciding things about the body. Of course my clothes fit better and I look not to bad, i fit comfortably into the 17" plane seat, have about 6" of seat belt left over after buckling and can cross my legs while sitting there WITH the tray down. I can ride horses without thinking I'm going to kill them and run up several flights of stairs without needing an oxygen tank. But there are times that I still see that fat girl staring back. It didn't help yesterday when one of my employees said, "Ma'am, all due respect, but my dad has always told me to say whats on my mind and just say it, so ma'am your losing weight and that's great but your really gaining alot on your butt! " And I just looked at her and said Thank you hon. . . but have you noticed your rear end lately?" She told me your like Kim Kardasian with her butt, but you want curves anyhow . . . i went to my office and started to "check out" my back side. . . my pants hung loosely and didn't look any different. . .my 18's are loose but 16s are snug (I don't wear those to work) . . . went home and asked my hubbie if my butt is gaining weight? He laughed and told me I've always had the butt from hell, but it's definately not as big as before. . .ummmm so what are they saying? Well now I'm back to long hide the butt shirts and baggier pants. . . ugh. . . i can't win for losing!
  17. thinoneday

    I Hate The Scale

    Well ma'am, you tell your family just like that " the 6 past months have been great, but I want to leave". As far as feeling the pressure, your the only one who can fix that. When I had my surgery, I returned to work 2 weeks later and one of my co-workers came into my office and said "oh I thought when you came back you would be thin, what happened? Didn't it work?" I told her very sarcastically "no it didn't unfortunately" and she left me alone. The scale is your worst enemy, as you probably know already anyhow. But I guess until you leave your dad rules. Or you could just tell him that weighing yourself everyday is sabatoging your progress cause your a girl that has flucuating hormones causing weight gain and losses. When people ask how much have you lost, you can just very cheerfully say "I don't know, I haven't been to the doctor yet, but I'll remember to let you know next time i weigh! After all without you this wouldn't be possible" Good luck!
  18. awwww I love big dogs. . .had a 120 lbs giant german shepherd. he loved us so much and just stuck around us like glue. he didn't jump up or anything either, so i just carried on carrying for him. took him for his walks and so on. it wasn't bad at all. actually it helped me alot. . gosh i really miss him, it's been 2 1/2 years since he died but I can't bear to get another. . . good luck and enjoy your baby! They are so much fun!
  19. thinoneday

    Dill Pickles For A Snack Wth?

    Flagstaffian, I can not tolerate any type of leafy lettuce or raw spinach. I don't eat veggie salads at all. I'll have veggies on the side, like tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, etc. . only not mixed up together and definately NOT the leafy things. Cooked spinach is ok.
  20. My biggest surprise was when I went to my 7 week Drs appt and had lost 53lbs. I don't believe in weighing myself every day, so the day I got home from the hospital, I threw away my scale. I only weighed in at the doctor appts. And let me tell you, that made me so very happy. I didn't notice any stalls during the first year at all and only had perfect weightloss results. The other surprise was when i would "think" the clothes should fit, when infact I had "missed" the size and they were way too big. . .that was way cool. . . You will love your little surprises too! good luck
  21. my psych eval was over 4 hours long. A million repetitive questions and then after all that, a hour "chat" with the psychologist. Mine went great, are you trying to get your surgery through insurance or are you self pay? I was self pay so I guess they just past me anyhow regardless. I had the psychologist answering a lot of my questions as well.
  22. Me too, I thought that was too funny, but then was really expecting someone to start in on it! Mushies are funny, what i did was tried different things, scrambled eggs, refried beans with a bit of shredded cheese, tuna mix (without the chunky stuff that normally goes in there) cottage cheese, yogurts, cream cheeses, sour cream, mashed potatoes, really well cooked hamburger meat (put through the blender), ground turkey, and chicken (put through the blender) shurbet, jello, sugar free of course, sugar free puddings, Your protein shakes, the protein powder can be mixed into the yogurts, and the puddings too. . . give you a bit more variety. Good luck
  23. thinoneday

    Dill Pickles For A Snack Wth?

    Pickles are a great snack! I ate pickles after my 3rd month, but couldn't eat apples without peeling them. The only thing i still can't eat is lettuce, the pain is so bad, so I stay FAR AWAY from lettuce. Oh and into my 3rd year, i've developed lactose intolerance. . .nearly died from 1 glass of fat free skim milk! go figure! hubbie nearly called the ambulance the pain was so bad. . . sooooooooooo no milk products for this person! Isn't it neat how we are all so autonomous
  24. How exciting! Congratulations! Keep up the great work! I was just like you in the beginning too and loved it! I loved the idea when I would go to put on a piece of clothing and had "missed" the size and it fell off me. . . that was fun. . . not so much fun when I had to go somewhere where I needed to dress up and had nothing to wear! That was uncool, especially since I HATE shopping more then anything in the whole world! Still do! ugh. . . now i pick stuff out of my 22 year old daughter's closet. hehehehe, can you see me? at 51 year old wearing 22 year old clothes! i am definately a "cool" mom!
  25. I'm going into my 3rd year and still get yuck feelings if i eat 1 bite too many. For example, I know i can finish 3/4 of a taco, but like a dummy, I like to :"finish" it, man do I ever get the slimes after that and that "I've eatten a whole turkey dinner" feeling to boot. . .then i have to wander around for about 15-20 minutes til it passes. . . ugh why do we do that to ourselves???? silly people! :boxing_smiley:

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