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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. congrats how is it going? hope all goes well for you!
  2. thinoneday

    Think I'm Going Crazy

    I remember when I first had my surgery, I would have wild dreams of killing people cause they were taking my plate of curry. . . ! I would run, hit them with steel pipes, grab my plate back and disappear down a slide. . . now if that's not crazy i don't know what is . . . life changes are weird overall. . .just hug, kiss, reassure and love each and those other feeling will pass. . . love is much stronger then anything else. . . good luck!
  3. thinoneday


    Well unlike Sleeve of Steel, I do not throw up "big slimy balls of mucousy slime". . . Mine are more like when you have a sinus infection and it causes you to spit a lot. . and the cause is like she said, eating too fast, too much, or not chewing well enough. . .I'm out 3 years and still get it when i do any of the above. . . well we just told you how it happens, so how to avoid it would be the opposite right? good luck
  4. Well at least you got up and ran back to that "run away" wagon and got back on. . . we all do that I'm so sure of it, cause if we didn't we'd walk on water. . .
  5. I've been maintaining between 210 - 215 for the past year. . . I'm in year 3
  6. If your pregnancy was given to you as positive by a doctor, then why are you still taking home preg tests? These may be expired or old and some just don't work right. . . if you haven't confirmed your preg with a doctor, well maybe it would be a good idea . . just my thoughts
  7. thinoneday

    I Need Advice!

    TRSJ2012, well lets put it this way, I have lost 150 lbs and all of my health problems have disappeared ESPECIALLY the sleep apnea. I'm into my 3rd year post surgery now and maintaining beautifully . . you are the only one who can make the decision of whether you want/need the surgery. . . that is up to you, but you can see for yourself all these folks how good it's been for them and how much happier they really are for it. . . good luck
  8. thinoneday

    Replying To Posts

    Looked like it didn't work for Rodney King either
  9. thinoneday

    A Few Years Out

    well lets see, i'm going into my 3rd year and i'd say i eat anywhere from 1000- 1400 calories per day. For example: Breakfast : 1 - 2 slices of toast and butter and coffee (always coffee); Lunch: kids hormel complete ready to eat meal (6 oz) ; dinner: spa lean cuisine; snacks: whatever the heck strikes me that day, be it M*M's; wheat thins; fruit; whatever. . . of course I still drink my alcohol every weekend; eat the occasional bakery goodie (i'm not into bakery goodies too much though) whatever. . . I reached my doctors goal and even surpassed it by 12 lbs. . . i've been maintaining my weight between 210 - 215lb ever since and at 6' tall it looks pretty healthy on me. . . . good luck and I hope this helped a bit
  10. thinoneday

    Replying To Posts

    wow, what a crazy topic going on here. . . good luck folks!
  11. thinoneday

    Ask The Person Below A Question, Answer The One Above.

    my life for sure is 100% better. had i remained at home after 16, i would have turned out to be just a factory worker with no education, probably married to a deadbeat man (I had dropped out of school already with parental ok) my family life was a disaster (violence) but thank god i met the love of my life during this time who totally INSISTED i return to school. he paid for it and with his help, i put myself through GED and past, then through a clerk typist course (remember those jobs?) worked at that for a while (17 years) then became a CNA (4 years), during that time started taking pre-req's at the university (on probabation of course until I pasted with a C+) for nursing, then nursing school, then MSN, and here i am, married to the same wonderful man for the past 34 years, wouldn't change anything with him. . have 2 kids born on the same day 10 years apart! Try that! am a 1st time granny, and am living a good life right now! Question to the next poster: Tell us about yourself?
  12. thinoneday


    yup, I had my first drink after my 3rd month of surgery and it's been every friday and saturday evening thereafter, I'm going into my 3rd year and am lovin my life!
  13. thinoneday

    How Long To Eat Lettuce?

    well, sorry to throw a wrench into your cog, (but then it may not happen to you) but I'm out going into my 3rd year and can't eat lettuce AT ALL. . . it gives me such great pain. . and i mean "call me an ambulance" pain, not just a ouch pain. . . so be careful when you start back on your lettuce
  14. Well I'm a hater of the scale and when i got home from the hospital from surgery, i threw it out. . . I only weighed at the doctors appts and this is how that went, first 2 weeks 25lbs gone, 7th week 53lbs gone, 1 year out 150 lbs gone. . .I never had to witness a stall in the first year and was very very happy with my fabulous results. . I refused to be a slave to the scale. . . now I'm 3 years out now and lovin it. . . good luck!
  15. my bougie is 28/32F and at 3 years out I still can only eat about 6 - 7 oz of food, drink 1/2 glass of liquid at one time, then i have to stop and wait. . . if i eat just one more bite of anything, forget it, here comes the slimes and that "I've overeatten feeling at thanksgiving" . . so I really guess it depends on bougie size here.
  16. thinoneday

    Exercise Poll

    It's not that i don't exercise per se, but what qualifies exercise? I don't go and jump around at the gym at all if that what you mean by exercise. . . i do however park my vehicle 1/4 mile away from work and walk back and forth every day! that gives me a 1/2 mile forced walk. . . i also pick up my mail every day, my mailbox is way down a steep graded hill about 1/3 mile so that's another walk (and climb). . . i work in my yard, do housework, and everything else a woman does in the house. . .so does that count?
  17. thinoneday

    I Wish Someone Had Told Me....

    Oh yeah, and before I forget, the constent sliming that still to this day goes on if I even have 1 bite too many.
  18. thinoneday

    I Wish Someone Had Told Me....

    at going on 3 years out, i think back and wish i would have known the following things; the fatigue, the weakness, the severe hairloss, malabsorption, and the occasional swelling where you can't fit anything in all day except liquids. But you know what, I'd much rather have all those complications and be thin and happy, then be fat and unhappy. Now just to come off track a bit, i heard yesterday on the radio that more and more men are becoming "chubby chasers" That made me even happier because i now know that maybe there won't be the chance of getting "hit on" as much. . . I realllyyyy , realllllyyyyy hate that!
  19. thinoneday

    At 8 Months Out I Ate...

    Well it depends on bougie size I'm assuming. . . my doctor made mine 28/32F (really small) and at 3 years out i'm still having a LOT of restriction.
  20. thinoneday

    No Pre Op Diet?

    I didn't have to follow a pre op diet either. My doctor said it's because I was on the lighter side with BMI. . . gosh go figure that one out. . . but i didn't so i was happy. I did have to follow a severely strict diet regimen the day before surgery to make sure my colon was clean. . . but that is all. . . no problem here.
  21. thinoneday

    At 8 Months Out I Ate...

    I know and here i am going into my 3rd year and can bearly finish a kids hormel completes dinner. . . or a whole lean cuisine. It was too funny, I went for breakfast with my daughter on saturday to IHOP and just wanted something "small" (yeah right) so I ordered from the fit and healthy menu. . .1 omelette and fruit. . less then 400 calories. . should be good huh? Surrrreeee, here it came and looked like they had put 4 eggs into the omelet. . . of course I only could eat 1/4 of that and some of the fruit. . . poor waiter thought I hated the food. . . it was too funny. . . . .
  22. let me inlighten you with some interesting news. . .it's only temporary. . it doesn't last forever honey! go with the flow and do what your doctor says, you'll be happier in the end. . . but of course the choice is yours. . . as far as the depression, maybe seek out the help of a doctor. . . if you suffered from this before and you are noticing it coming back, this is not the time to play the "lets see what happens" game. . . if it's only from the "help I can't handle the shakes" then that will pass. good for you walking, at least your helping with the constipation. . . I'm out 3 years and still have those alien grumbles in my non existing tummy. . . good luck!
  23. thinoneday

    Transition Trouble

    good morning, i'm out 3 years now and still have a problem with that. do that best you can is all i can say. make sure you always start your meal with the protein and make sure it's dense protein. then inbetween throw in a protein shake as well as before bed time. Good luck!
  24. Yup totally agree here, i wasn't allowed anything but clear fluids for 2 weeks post surgery then i could add the yogurt and soft mushies. . . i actually had to go to a class before starting mushies with a nutritionist in order to start. . . . wasn't allowed at all til we did that nutrition class. . . same with transitioning to solids, class first, then solids. . . (I loved my doctor) I'm out going onto year 3 now and am really surprised how quickly newbies get to eat. . . good luck all! Yes, head hunger is a real b----ch . . . .

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