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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. I had a stall last 7 MONTHS. . it just moved by itself suddenly, lost 10 lbs and then for the next year nothing. . . so I'm assuming i am now in maintence stage. . .(PS: I did loose 150lbs the first year though) this is going into year 3
  2. thinoneday

    I Just Don't Know What I Want

    yup at 33 years old I that puppy removed! Too many fibroids and bad pap smear results. But i've never looked back. . . don't miss it at all. . . yup good old pepperoni, cheese and tea. . . love tea with lemon. . .
  3. thinoneday

    I Just Don't Know What I Want

    Wow Globetrotter, that sounds EXACTLY like me most days. . . so I just drink water, diet coke, and coffee. . . ugh. . how I know that terrible feeling. . . then there are days where it's like "yuck I hate food and I still just do the coffee, water and coke. . . someone asked me what I would like for my b/day meal. . I told them whatever, cause I no longer have favorite foods or care about anything like meals. . . today is a "I hate food day". . . I brought a pear along and a MRE for lunch (just in case) but will probably take it back home. . . I don't even have TOM's anymore since 33 years old (51 now) so I know it's not that. . .
  4. Janiadurl, best of luck to you! My father in law always said that being poor is a sin. Hope something comes together for you one day!
  5. thinoneday

    Head Hunger Vs. Me

    How I empathize with you all. . . I am the exact same way. There was a question earlier somewhere on this forum, in which the person asked for questions to ask at her informational seminar. . . I guess one of those should be how to deal with the horrible head hunger. I too suffer from this monster, but I guess the best thing we can do is just fight it. . . it's so hard, when i give into it, however, I make sure that it's only a little of whatever I'm craving. . . most times my cravings are meat, so it's protein with no carbs (thank goodness). . . but i so understand head hunger, I too would love to lose about 30 more lbs, but don't see that anytime soon either. . . ugh. . good luck ladies! Together we will overcome (one day )
  6. What fun that must of been! Congratulations, those NSV's are always great!
  7. I lost 150lbs in 1 year. tiffykins! girl how the heck are you! How is the baby? bet you've been really busy with her huh? Fill me in on how things are going. . . sorry I didn't PM you, but everytime i click onto that icon it brings me to something else, like a lily slim page with tons of atheletic cartoons. . hahaha. . . hope to hear from you soon!
  8. thinoneday

    I Find The Operation Stupid

    Are we being played into yet another stupid game? It's the "lets get the forum riled up so my topic can become hot game". All of us who have success with this surgery know the real truth behind the surgery, we don't need to fall into this game to try to convince anyone. . . good luck to you so called "medical student". . . eat and drink all the sh. . . t you want !
  9. thinoneday

    So Tell The Truth . . .

    Oh yes, the doctor is the surgeon who did my WLS. It was all in the package deal that I got consistent care as long as needed, no extra charge. And this includes any complications related to the surgery. . . thank goodness so far it's only been malabsorption. . . So this being my 3rd year, I go faithfully as he askes. Your daughter is looking down at ya'll and she is smiling those big happy smiles over and over again! Bless you all and I'll keep you in our prayers!
  10. thinoneday

    So Tell The Truth . . .

    cscake, I am so sorry to hear about your daughter. What a tragedy for a family to bear. Again, I am so very sorry for your loss. Oh my, I just came back from the doctor this past monday and have developed Iron deficency, which shouldn't be cause I had a hysterectomy years ago and at my last blood donation (2 months ago) didn't have low iron, and severe malabsorption of Vit D, B12, Calcium, potassium, and sodium as well. The doctor is worried about possible ulcers as well and started me on RX Nexium as well. . .I have another appt within the next month to follow up on the blood work and such. . .ugh
  11. thinoneday

    Nsvs At Reastaurants!

    When I go out, I order my food and a take out box right away. Then when the food comes I already know what I can eat, so I automatically put the "rest" into the take out box. . . simple, looks like you ate everything. . . you can even leave a bit over. . . LOL
  12. thinoneday

    So Tell The Truth . . .

    No, not so much really. I really haven't changed much from 350lbs with the vanity thing. I haven't changed my hair, nor do i wear makeup, don't shop for new clothes (use my daughters clothes that don't fit her anymore) haven't changed really. . . I am very grateful for the surgery and the incredible results (150 lbs gone) and i'm REALLY happy with all the things I can do which I couldn't do before, ie: ride horses, sit comfortably in a plane seat, cross my legs, bound up a flight of stairs without thinking I need an oxygen tank! etc. . . .I still hate picture taking though, don't do that much. One day. . .
  13. thinoneday

    B12 Vitamin

    Yes, unless of course, you want to feel sluggish, tired, depressed, and miserable. B12 really keeps you going. But this is just from someone who is suffering from severe malabsorption and is really sorry that she stopped taking her vitamins for over a year!
  14. thinoneday

    Do I Have To?

    Unless, of course, your levels are REALLY low like mine are and you need the RX ones. Don't let it get to that point MALK5, just take them like your supposed to. I am now back on track and hopefully will start to feel the benefits soon. Rootman, yes you pee them out and this and that. . . but just as a car, you need gas to make it run and the gas leaves the car just the same. . . the body, as I'm very sure you are aware, is a well tuned "creation" needing care, maintanence and fuel and if it passes through so be it, but it's needed to make it work properly.
  15. thinoneday

    Almost Died Fm Vsg Surgery.

    I could have eaten a frozen dog. lol LMAO!!!!! This is so funny! I can just see this frozen dog and someone gnawing on it's leg! You just made my day! :lol: At least its carb free!!!! Excellent choice!
  16. I'm going into my 3rd year and let me tell you, if i've stretched this puppy out any I would be amazed. I have a 28/30F bougie and i still can only fit in 6 - 7 oz of food at one time. Anymore and the pain stops me dead in my tracks. . .like right now, I just had my lunch a salami sandwich which is just sitting there right now. . . i would love to drink something to help it down faster but the tightness is so bad that if i do drink anything I'll probably puke. . .
  17. thinoneday

    Do I Have To?

    No, you can do what you want. . .I sure as heck did. . .stopped taking those damn vitamins for the past year. . . but guess what? Went to my annual check up and have malabsorption out of the a$$$. . . ferratin gone, Vit D gone, B12 gone, start of ulcers, potassium, calcium, and sodium very low. . doctor was amazed i was still able to stand. . . I had to start taking not only RX vitamins now, but nexium as well. . . so if you want to stop the vitamins go ahead, but be prepared to suffer the consequences. . . just a thought. . .
  18. thinoneday

    Almost Died Fm Vsg Surgery.

    Kim, I can totally relate with you and how some of the folks on here go totally beserk with anything that they don't understand or scares them. I've been the victim of "lets pick on her" many times because I say what I mean. I tell the truth and so many don't like it and so they start to pick. . . called bullying I think. . .I was told by someone on this forum to totally ignore people like that because they are miserable and just want to project that misery unto others. . .so with that, i wish you all the best and hope you get well soon. there really isn't an easy answer to what happened to you, i believe it did however. . . again good luck. . .
  19. thinoneday

    Just Stop It Already

    Mostly everyone is wonderful and supportive on this forum, however, there is always one or two who feel they have to belittle others who's views doesn't "sit" in their gullet very well. Those folks know who they are and those folks will probably leave a "condesending" comment as well. . . just look. . .
  20. thinoneday

    I Can't Sleep..... :(

    Well, the way I look at it is like this, outwardly your fine, but inwardly your wound up tighter then a clock. . women are like that (I am) . . . but just think how much better you'll sleep once this is all over with! Good luck and welcome to the losers side!
  21. thinoneday

    Album Making

    How the heck do you guys upload pictures from different sources and put them into an album? I would like to post picture of before and now but can't figure it out. . . . :svengo:I'm so dumb
  22. Starlet, thanks for posting, sure sounds like a "sales" ad for Dr. Aceves business. . . but if not, i'm glad your experience was so great. . .
  23. wondering1, this is not easy . . . this is tough, . . we HAVE to teach ourselves to eat right and do the right things within the first year. If we don't, then it becomes really really hard. . . you can get back on track, it sounds like your just bored. . . busy yourself with many things . . . I find that if i do that I don't overeat (actually I forget to eat) and when you do eat, start with dense proteins first, then veggies, and then starches. Make yourself NOT eat fattening goodies. . . think of them as pure evil. . . you don't have to jump up and down at the gym, just get out and walk around, park as far away from the store as possible and walk. . . walk everywhere. . . try really hard, and like i said this isn't easy. . . we all knew that from the get go. . . . good luck, I know you can do this!
  24. thinoneday

    My Update!

    Yes, and for those of you who had surgery else where and don't know how to follow a bariatric diet or when to progress go to THE CORNELL DIET. This will help you out with that problem as well. . . good luck all!

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