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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    Can You Feel The Band?

    Perfect, that is what I wanted to know. . . thanks and by the way I LOVE your screen name! Makes me smile every time!:tt1:
  2. thinoneday

    Did I do the right thing???Help!

    Yes, and having been a surgical RN you should hear how horrible they talk about that poor unconcious patient laying there! It would make your skin crawl to realize how mean they really are. . . Each time I have gone for surgery, I especially request to speak to the anesthetia and the doctor just to request that they don't speak ill of me while I'm unconscious. . . isn't that sad, they usually look at me with a surprise, and when i tell i used to work in surgery, they look embarrassed. . .
  3. thinoneday

    Breast reduction with Cigna

    First, let me congratulate you on your weight loss! that is fantastic. . . i went through breast reduction surgery but went through Texas Rehab. It's a place that helps with surgeries like this and pay 100%. I don't know where you are but maybe you could check into something like that. . .all I had to do was go and get an approval from the Texas Rehab folks doctor that I needed that breast reduction and it was taken care of . . . I went from 58F to 44DD (I don't have my band yet) I was REALLY sore for a couple of weeks and did keloid a bit. had 220 stitches overall, and some pretty good scarring, but I'll never regret having it done. . I'm not model material anyhow so it doesn't matter to me. . . good luck in getting approved and i know you'll love it. .
  4. thinoneday

    LB Names?

    In the beginning it's a little heartbreaking to see your beloved pup yelp at the shock, but after a while they get used to it and behave themselves, especially in public. . . nothing is more annoying then a barking dog when your in a park or at a football game and the dog is barking at everything in site. . . mine just kept "smiling" everywhere when he wore it and people thought he was the most friendliest dog around (120 lb giant german shepherd) Friendly, my eye!
  5. thinoneday

    LB Names?

    HA! My poor dog would cringe at that! He wears one every now and then!
  6. thinoneday

    Disney World Vacation

    Heck yeah! It's the only way we do vacations. . .it's so easy, just call the travel agent. . .the nice thing is that by the time your ready to go, everything is paid already and you up and go! We do this with all overseas trips and it works wonderfully. . .
  7. thinoneday

    Miss my band

    Wow! I didn't know that. . about having a hard time replacing the band. . . that blows my mind. . . did you have complications with your band? I'm so sorry that happened to you. . . or do you still have yours? I'm so silly in the mornings?
  8. thinoneday

    BCBS Cruel Game

    HI Ed, yes sometimes I wonder that myself. . .not only for job security, but also to say "well I talked to another statistic today" I really don't have much nice things to say about some physicians, and like i posted on another thread just now, I've worked with tons of physicians in alot of different areas of the medical field and even though the majority of them are good, there are quite a few which can be truly labeled "pumpas asses". . . they are such errogant idiots. . . have you been banded yet? Have you ever thought of maybe going through self pay? I'm going that route and got a great loan through my bank for the whole amount at 3% interest. . . can't get any better than that. . . just a thought.
  9. thinoneday

    Did I do the right thing???Help!

    Ha! you sound like me when I get going about something that ruffles my feathers! But you are sooooo very right, no physician (unless they are looking for a law suit) should be bullying a patient. . this was our decision not theirs, they are there to PROVIDE a service and not degrade us. . . I hate physicians who do that. . . I have worked with tons of physicians in every area of the medical field and the majority are good, however, there are several who can be truly considered "pumpas asses" . . . to be gentle in term. . . :sad: you are not a chicken, you know your body and know how you feel good, keep up the good work, and together we will all succeed!
  10. thinoneday

    Having my surgery tomorrow...

    Your probably in surgery by now and I'll be praying for you. . .best of luck and hope you do very well. . let us know how it's going when you get back either today or tomorrow!
  11. thinoneday

    BCBS Cruel Game

    Isn't it cruel how they are. . . first the doctors and insurance companies complain how obese America has become and how something must be done now. . . then when we try to help ourselves with the band, RNY, sleeve, or something they are the first to say "oh no, you have to do it this way and that way" Good Lord, they hold your life in their hand and they know it. . . very cruel and mean. . . PS: I love the doctor who sits in front of us and preaches how fat we are and how we should lose weight blah blah blah, and all the time he is the fattest thing a person has ever seen!
  12. thinoneday

    Miss my band

    Hi I don't want to sound stupid or anything, but have you thought about self pay? I took out a bank personal loan for the full amount and have to pay back at only 3%. . .if you have good credit and such this may be the way to go. . . just a thought:rolleyes2:
  13. thinoneday

    Anyone else NOT a fitness overachiever?!

    Hi JuneAct2! I haven't been banded yet, I'm going for my seminar next Wednesday 23rd, then off to my initial dr visit on October 2nd. . I exercise like a devil (with griping) because I have to, I hate hurting in my back (I'm 6'0 tall and weigh 330) and legs. . .it helps my heart too. . .I'm nervous about getting the surgery but I know it'll help me alot (I hope) :mad2:
  14. thinoneday

    Anyone else NOT a fitness overachiever?!

    Ahhhhh good old exercise. . . I not only am "metabolically challenged" but I hate exercise. . . the only reason I do it EVERYDAY is because I don't want to hurt so much. . .I have to keep my muscles going or else I totally suffer! So I gripe as I leave work all the way to Golds, then I gripe more from the parking lot to the entrance of the gym, then even more louder griping to the dressing room and to the treadmill, then I really gripe and try to talk myself out of my 45 minute walk at 3.2mph, but i keep going grumbling to myself. . .after the 45 minutes i get up on the bike at peddle at random hills at level 9 for 10 minutes, (griping of course) then off to the sit up machine for 5 sets of 10 at 90lbs. . . off i run to my car and go home. . . i've done that for the past 1 year religiously EVERYDAY. . . errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I am truly the queen of gripe!!!!!
  15. thinoneday

    Stop Calling it Socialized Medicine!

    OMG, I nearly pee'd on myself reading your post! I loved it! I was born and semi raised in Canada (Wpg) and I know first hand about "socialized" medicine. . . unfortunately I had 2 aunts who died from being on a waiting list for radiation treatments. . . i myself would have died had i stayed in canada because i had 24/7 "migraines" and went to the doctor after doctor who didn't do much other than give me some pills, some tests, then when they couldn't "find" the problem blamed me for it and told me that a good psychotherapist might be in order. . . when i moved to the US, it was found I had a tumor behind my left eye and a shunt had to be placed right away because the pressures had built up so high that a hemmoragh could happen any day. . . I was so lucky. . . no more headaches. . . . I think I would rather hear about Jean Cretian strangling a heckler than stupid Michelle and her stupid ugly self. . . now there is a real 1st family (1st ugly family ever) . . . oh well truth hurts. . . :thumbup:
  16. Wow Chele, what I wouldn't give for a miracle! to all of a sudden wake up out of surgery and "poof" I was skinny. . . that would be soooo incredibly cool. . . anyhow now back to reality. . . you didn't get fat overnight and you won't get thin overnight. . . you got fat by over eating and not exercising, now you need to do the opposite, stop overeating and start exercising. . . whats really stopping you Chele? Are you unhappy? Sad? depressed? is food your comfort? Maybe (and don't get me wrong) but maybe you need some counseling? It's amazing how we find what is really the "under lying" cause of overeating. . . heavens girl! why cheetos? Those are so nasty! slice carrots and pretend they are cheetos! Carrots taste SSSSOOOOOOOOOOOO much better! The salt content in cheetos is sicking. . . you spent all that money for a band to eat cheetos? I'm sorry if I sound brash and all, but you know it's the truth. . . I hope all goes well for you and you will be in my thoughts. . . bless. . .
  17. thinoneday

    Manitoba anyone?

    My goodness it is sooooooooooooo very nice to see Wpg MB and all the other provinces as well on here. . . i'm originally from Wpg and moved to TX about 13 years ago. . . been back once. . .near froze myself to death! Came at christmas. . hehehehe. . . . anyhow good luck to you all. . . best wishes and god bless!
  18. Hi Amy, How I feel your pain and anguish, but the band is only a tool, you still have to do the work. . . and it's the hardest thing ever. . .when I was researching the band and saw that it wasn't a fix but only a tool, i wondered if it was for me. . after all it does cost the same price as a small car. . . a total investment. . . but an investment in me and my health. . . i thought it would be very worth it. . . you have the tool Amy, use it to your benefit. . . you are worth it, you are a person with great abilities. . you can do this, you can Amy, hard and all. . . just take it in small amounts. . be happy to lose about 10 pounds a month like brockbabe82 suggested. . i do that and it's fantastic when at the end of the month you weigh and have lost alot more than 10 lbs. . . don't weigh every day either, i weigh once a month and will continue to do that. . . good luck hon. . . i wish you the best as you walk your path. . .
  19. thinoneday

    Does the wii work??

    I LOVE the Wii, but only to play games. . .my sister in law and I played the sports one (bowling) and had such a blast. . personally, I perfer the gym treadmill, bike, and sit up machines for some serious exercise. . . but the Wii is alot of fun for entertainment!
  20. thinoneday

    Gastric bypass or Lap Band???

    Thank you Damomb. . . it surely wasn't meant to be nasty, but it was taken out of text of course. . .yes, I've seen first class the amounts of hospitalizations infection from RNY has caused as well as death. . . but as i said those are personal choices and those folks who chose either is a choice they have to live with. . personally after doing MY RESEARCH and getting the "FACTS" I have chosen lap band. . .have a great week all and an even better evening!!!!
  21. thinoneday

    Hi, I'm Kelsey.

    Yes, from what I understand if you need to be "unfilled" the sensation is very uncomfortable. . . so maybe having a doc around in case that happens would be a good idea!
  22. thinoneday

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    "Jumpin' Jehosephate!" hahahaha. . . I haven't heard that for a really long time. . . my stepdad (RIP) used to say that. . . I heard him once more through you and it brought back some cool memories!
  23. Of course you are! It's surgery. . .I don't know of anyone who isn't at least anxious before surgeries. . . I've had 17 major surgeries (my doctor asked one day "what's left?") and am always nervous even though I know what to expect. . . but really, it'll be ok, being nervous is awareness. . . good luck and my prayers will be you as well as with all others on this site.
  24. thinoneday

    Gastric bypass or Lap Band???

    First, congratulations on being lucky enough to have insurance pay for either procedure. . .secondly, the choice is strictly yours. The band or gastric bypass is a personal choice. . .however, i've seen a lot of folks have a lot of problems with the RNY. . .infections causing tons of hospitalization, increased depression (hope your insurance can pay this if it should happen) higher mobidity rates (one person I know died 2 weeks after having it from complications - sorry) But again, the choice is definately yours to make, your the one who has to live with it. . . Good luck and the best to you!
  25. thinoneday

    How to pay without insurance?

    Hi, I just applied for a personal loan through the bank for the whole amount. I was approved over the phone at a rate of 3%. . . I would rather pay back the bank any day then credit cards at those horrible percentage rates!

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