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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    Home Sweet Home!

    Yes, yes! Please tell us all about it. . . I'm new to this forum (Hi Everyone) and want to know all about the sleeve, I was told that you don't feel hungry and have to remind yourself to eat???? that is amazing. . . I'm having my surgery probably in January (hubbie is hesitant, but at least he is supportive!)
  2. Good Morning! Well having had my seminar last night I can share my decision with you. . . I started off as wanting the band and that was it! So I joined that lapbandtalk forum and was totally convinced of the band. . go to the seminar and find out that it's not as great as i figured. there are those fills (cost $$) and then the risk of port failure (more $$) and the risk of slippage ($$) and then you may only lose about 50% of your weight, and it could erode into you stomach or leak ($$) on and on, (could end up costing alot more then you expected). . . then the gastric bypass is just a bit too invasive for me, I don't want my plumbing rearranged (don't do it with my furniture why my inners?:001_tt2:) but the sleeve seems more economical (in a sense) because only a portion of the stomach is cut away and your left with a sliver of stomach, you still absorb food (you can't eat much cause you have a small sliver of a stomach) you don't have to take Vitamins and minerals but it is totally recommended. . .there is no gagit in you to get infected or filled, or removed in case you don't like it. The risk is of course its surgery (laproscopic) they go through your belly button, minimal scarring (Ya!) and there is a risk of leakage! (no you won't die from it) but if you don't leak within 1-2 weeks you are rest assured you never will. . . and you don't have to worry about fills and so on. . . when you have it you have it. . . hope this helps a bit. . . as for me, I'm just elated to be getting it in January!
  3. thinoneday

    my first dr appointment is tomorrow

    Good morning Erica! So at your seminar, what do they discuss? Is it hyped enough to convince any die hard person? I really need a hyped seminar to convince hubbie. . I'll know for sure if I get the surgery after tonight? ????:tongue2:
  4. thinoneday

    my first dr appointment is tomorrow

    :tongue2: Ha! We could start the Erikka, Erica, Erykah, Erika, Ericka, and so on thread! hehehe. . . Wow that is good about your insurance! When is your surgery? Have you been to your seminar?
  5. YUCK!!!! :w00t: 59 calories for those piddly little things! Might as well had a couple of spoons of pure sugar! I didn't even realize that they had so much calories! That is amazing and I love those things. . . ha, hence the 330 lbs i carry! hehehe. . . thanks for sharing that tidbit of information, i'll never eat those again. . .i'm not banded yet, but will be soon (I hope) and I'm learning very quickly whats good and whats not! Have a great day all!!!
  6. Bless your heart! I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I've been with my hubbie 31 years and have been with him since I've been 17. Not only are we 19 years apart, we are of a different culture too. . .it is very hard to keep a marriage together (heavens dont I know that!) but we literally "raised" each other, we've had our ups and downs big time, and there was a period we did "take a break" from each other, but we kept "seeing" each other, no one had another partner. . this went on for about 1 year. . . we worked it out and again got together. . . we have 2 grown kids together, we've put each other through college, put 1 kid to college (the other refused) and in our now times we have come to realize that we are each other's best friend. . .we're not incredibly romantic mind you, but after 31 years who wants to hop into the sack every two seconds anyhow. . . we are best friends, we sit outside on the weekend morning with nothing to say, we are just together eating Breakfast and drinking coffee for about 2 - 3 hours. . .then we do whatever, he goes does his thing, I do mine, but we are always there for each other. Decisions are never made alone, we do it together. . we always know each others plans, just so we know whats happening with the other person. . . I support him, he supports me (except with this band thing, he is scared I'll die, but we're getting there) he has been a great dad to the kids, and a good providing husband, he is my best friend and should something ever happen to him (God forbid) I would be lonely and miss him terribly, but I would never marry again. . . after thinking about it, there isn't a man on this earth that could fill his shoes and it would be very unfair to that person cause I would always be comparing them to my best friend. . .and not only that, but would I really want someone coming into my life and telling me what to do, how to do it, when to do it? NO NEVER AGAIN. . . hope this helps a bit. . . always remember what made you fall in love with him in the first place and then ask would it really be worth it? Good luck and may all that motivate you be with you during this difficult time. . .
  7. thinoneday

    my first dr appointment is tomorrow

    Morning Erikka! We have the same name, only spelled different! Congrats on getting your surgery date. . . yes, I agree with the previous posts, some of us are actually blessed to not have complications, we carry on about the silliest of things, but you stay upbeat. . . your a blessing to all of us. . .I'll keep you in my prayers and good luck on your post op diet! I go for my seminar tomorrow, then inital doctor appt on Oct 2 and after that we'll see what happens! Are you self pay or insurance?
  8. thinoneday

    sleep apnea?

    I've had a couple of tests for sleep apnea done over the course of my lifetime. . I've tested postive and it had been recommended once to put me on a Cpap, but of course I think that is dumb and said no. . . if you've had the test, you'll see why its dumb, who in the world could sleep with that gaget on! :biggrin: Good luck!
  9. thinoneday

    Financing question

    I guess I'm one of the very few lucky ones, I was completely financed through my bank with a personal loan, I just put up one of the cars up for collateral. . .and I got the amount for 3% payback. . so it's not bad. . . good luck to you.
  10. thinoneday

    Where is everyone from????

    San Antonio, TEXAS
  11. thinoneday

    I'm here to help...

    At least it was only a dream and not a reality!:biggrin: I don't like food dreams at all. . . my dreams are usually about the one day to be skinny me . . . i'm always dressed up so nice with heels and beautiful clothes . . . dreams are always nice. . . but then you wake up :biggrin:
  12. thinoneday

    Has anyone asked you if your on drugs?

    I'll probably get in trouble again for telling you something, but honey does it really matter WHAT other people think? This is for you to make you feel better, who cares what the others think? People are just a bunch of weirdos that wander around trying to gossip about everything and anything they can. . so when you get your band and you start losing, just know you have us here on this forum who all are going through something or another, and can give support and kindness. . whereas those "others" out there are just there . . . so ignore the "others" and be happy and healthy! Good luck, I've not been banded yet either, and have had tons of negativity given towards me by the "others" but you know my feelings on that huh???? :blushing:
  13. thinoneday


    I don't think that feeling ever goes away. . . i've had 17 major surgeries in my life time. . . and every time i go I have that feeling of the "last" time. . . but I wake up each time and am here to repeat yet another surgery. . . it's very scary but it will be ok, it's human nature to be scared, i don't think it would be normal for someone to say, "Oh I'm just dandy, i'm not even nervous" that would not be right, so your feelings are very very normal. . . I hope that helps abit. . .
  14. thinoneday

    What can't you eat??

    :biggrin: Wow, so what DO you eat? I can't pulverize food in my mouth by chewing it to death. . .i tried that several times and ended up spitting it out or vomiting. . AND I DON'T EVEN HAVE MY BAND YET! I guess I'll be livin on baby foods and Water for the rest of my life huh????? BEEF & FARINA by Gerber! ewwww:w00t:
  15. thinoneday

    How do you feel after your fills?

    First off, let me tell you I TOTALLY ADORE your screen name! That is so cute! I'm sorry that your having these problems. . . you know guys the more I read about what really goes on with this band thing the more I am worried about getting it done. . . I'm not talking myself out of it yet, still going to the seminar and inital doctors visit, only now I'm getting a bit more leary about it. . is this normal? Did anyone else read and get involved with this site BEFORE they got their band and feel this way? What did you do????? HELP :biggrin:
  16. Hey all, it's me again. . . I was wondering, after you have the band put in, other then restrictions, PBing, etc, can you actually tell if the band is on you? Is there a sensation that there is an object attached to you? Just wondering. . thanks bunches! Everyone is great!
  17. thinoneday

    Surgery Postponed

    I'm so sorry to hear about your husband and your surgery. But honey remember for every bump in the path there is a reason. Something could have happened if it would have gone the way it was supposed to. Life has a funny way of telling us not to do something at that moment and "moves" it for us. . ever been driving somewhere and the route you usually take, your inner voice says not to go that way this time. . so you go another way and find out later something bad happened on that route? Be happy this all happened how it did, heartbreaking yes, but it could have been worse. . . at least you still have your husband and a surgery date right!
  18. thinoneday

    Breast reduction with Cigna

    Ha hahahaha! a small child! that is too funny. . . yup now at least my poor hubbie doesn't have to worry about being suffocated during the night when I rolled over! Or give him a concusion! Poor thing. . . call the texas dept first to make sure there aren't any restrictions like you have to be a resident of the state or some stupid thing like that before you fly over. . . no i haven't been banded yet, i'm just now doing the seminar (next wednesday) and the initial doctor appt is october 2 at 10am. . . i have to lose about 160 lbs.. I'm 6'0 tall and weight 330lbs right now. . . wish me luck!
  19. thinoneday

    Do you douche?

    As a RN nursing supervisor for the STD/HIV dept, douching is a big topic in our dept. Not only is this a horrible thing to do, it rids the vagina of beneficial bacteria and leaves it open for many other problems. It especially opens the area for Bacterial Vaginosis. This happens when all the beneficial bacteria are gone and the body tries really hard to replace it by making an over abundance of bacteria. . . too much = nasty odors that don't go away. . . hence of course you need a good 500 mg of flagyl for 7 days. . . NEVER DOUCHE. . . its not good. . . use FDS instead, just a little goes a long way!
  20. thinoneday

    had 2nd fill today didn't follow diet

    Oh my Cindy, I don't even know you, but I read your post and felt so bad for you, I even got a lump in my throat. . . I'm so sorry this happened to you. . . I don't know why we do the things we do. . .
  21. thinoneday

    Breast reduction with Cigna

    Texas Dept of assistive and rehabilitive services. There should be one of this dept in every state . . . hope this helps
  22. thinoneday

    Breast reduction with Cigna

    Hi, it was the State of Texas Division of Rehabilition Services. I don't know really what it was based off of. . breast size or what. . couldn't have been my job because I'm a Registered Nurse and was working as the Nursing Director for the City of Plainview, TX at that time. . .but come to think about, when I went into the office to ask for help, the first thing she (counselor) told me to do was remove my top. She looked at my shoulders and saw the bleeding and scarring, saw that the bra bearly fit, and then just said "oh yes" you definately need these off. . . next thing I know I had my surgery date with a plastic surgeon of their choice and they removed 14 lbs from EACH boob and 220 stitches later. . I feel so much better now and my doctor says it probably saved me from getting breast cancer. . . good luck, I hope there is a division of rehabilitation services where you are. Chat soon
  23. Hooray!:tt1: Can't wait to get my date! Am at the seminar stage right now. . .
  24. That was funny! :thumbup: Love Gomer Pyle! I hate that when people watch everything you do. . . Heck, the next time anyone does that while you have your food in hand pop it into your mouth, chew, swallow (all the while looking at them right in the eye) and say, "You know I just might take that into consideration! Golly I'm sooooooooo fortunate to have you as my keeper!" Smile and pop another food into you mouth staring at them chewing. . . :tt1:
  25. Good for you! I know exactly what your talking about. . . I'm 6 foot tall, female, and weigh 330 lbs. . .but you know "I'm not that fat" I have problems putting my socks on, but you know "you look just fine, why would you do that?" I can hardly fit into the airplane seat and need an extension, but "Oh your just big boned". . . yeah I understand totally. . . I'm waiting for my surgery, right now I'm at seminar stage, inital doctor visit on Oct. 2nd at 10am . . . then the crazy doctor and the nutritionist and we'll take it from there.

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