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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    New from British Columbia

    Wow! I'm glad you got your surgery date! That is a horrible long time to wait. . .Good luck and best to you on your journey
  2. thinoneday

    1 Step Forward, 5 Steps Backward

    Steph, thanks for your story, its sad, but like you say that part of your life is over now and you are so much more wiser now. . . I can relate to your story, it's funny how we turn to jackets and such for protection isn't it? As far as the guys well after my sleeve, it's my turn . . . that is all I have to say about that. . . I'm glad you are better and your weight loss is fantastic. . . your only 3 months out and have lost a bit more than 10lbs a month! That is fantastic! they say slow and steady wins the race! You keep going, you may self sabatoge yourself, but i bet its not as bad as before the sleeve huh? Good for you! Your doing wonderfully and you will win! Take care and keep happy!
  3. thinoneday

    strange Question

    So will they be removing the cut off stomach part? Earlier I read they leave it there? Gross, can you imagine a piece of something just there????? Ewwwwww
  4. thinoneday

    empowering elements

    Wow, what a wonderful and inspirational story that is . . . keep going Ange, I can see this is definately going to work for you! I'm so happy to hear you have become "friends" with yourself. . . that is the most important part in life, to like yourself. . . if you like yourself then everything seems much brighter and your so much more happy and can accomplish anything you want to . . . .I can't wait for January. . . I just wish it was here now. . . .you know when you want something really bad, the time just drags. . . well it's doing that for me . . . I want to be a success story too, just like all the folks on this forum and just like you! Good luck and God Bless !:scared0:
  5. thinoneday

    Recently sleeved

    how do ya'll get that ticker thingy on? Where do you go?
  6. Hi , I haven't heard from you in a bit, are you ok?

  7. You are so dedicated to your sleeve Cajun! That is so nice to see. . once I get mine, I'll probably be like that too. . . I only take lasix and amiloride at this time and of course a ton of Ibuprophen (800mg x 3 per day) for all the pain I have caused by obesity (ugh) I have a gut of steel been doing the Ibuprophen for over 2 years now religiously! :scared0: I hope it's still there when surgery day comes! :lol0: hopefully I'll be able to ditch those meds soon! Keep up the good work cajun!
  8. thinoneday

    Whatcha' Eating?

    Well, you fell off the wagon. . . it's over, get up, get back on the wagon and keep going. . . you'll be ok, your human.
  9. thinoneday

    NSV shout outs

    I always thought it stood for Womens. . . OMG ah heck, yeah I know I'm wide! hehehe but soon I won't be. . .:thumbup:
  10. Wow, what a neat story! Good luck to everyone! I think everyone who feels down and out or just needs a push should read Mark's story! That is so wonderful! Good for him!
  11. thinoneday


    You know what? I just noticed your weight loss progress. . . WOW you are doing fantastic! 30 lbs in a month! that is 1 lb a day! What a fantastic progress! I know you wanted it all gone yesterday! remember Rome wasn't built in a day. . . but before your surgery, could you have lost 1 lb a day for 30 days! WOW now here is progress! :thumbup1: How are you feeling today?
  12. Happy Birthday Helen!

  13. thinoneday

    I'm Fixin' To Be Sleeved!!!!!

    Such a great attitude and tons of patience. . . it'll all pay off in the end! Yes, I've been like this for about 30 years too and the good part is basically the same weight for about 29 years. . . and before we know it, it'll be our turn and we'll be beautiful! or at least not hurt!
  14. thinoneday


    NO, NO, Baby, that is only TOM talking. . .you know very well that this is for you and you know that it's working! TOM is evil. . makes you weird and nutty every month. . .poor thing! Just keep doing what you do and about 7 - 10 days after TOM disappears weigh yourself. . . don't weigh everyday, that'll drive you absolutely crazy. . . good luck!
  15. thinoneday

    Recently sleeved

    Welcome W8in! No more waitin for you huh? :smilielol5: That is so nice to hear. . glad all went well and that you'll be up and about soon. . .yeah, that the one thing about this surgery, it's not really anyones business. . . I'm just going to tell folks when they ask about my weight loss and what am I doing "I'm just eating less and exercising" it's not a lie. . . .have a good day and see you more often!
  16. thinoneday

    1 Step Forward, 5 Steps Backward

    I feel your crying. . .how heartbreaking your story is. . . I'm so sorry for you. . .it's so hard especially when you feel so down and out. . . but you have come so far don't sabatoge yourself now. . .you are a worthy person, you deserve this for yourself. . . you did it for yourself not for anyone else. . . it's hard to get back onto the wagon once you fall off, but you can do it. . . you want to be the best, you can be the best but honey only you can do that. . . I don't want to sound sappy or anything but you have to do it for yourself. . . your marriage suxs but so does mine. . .but I hang in there and go on, I love my hubbie and he has his faults but heck I have many more. . .he is my best friend and lots of times we don't agree (I'm amazed he hasn't left me cause I can be a real boot most times). . no one ever said life was a bed of roses, thorns yes, roses no. . . good luck hope you get back onto the wagon for yourself. . . just cut out a little at a time, not all of it all at once, just one bad carb, get used to that, then another. . . til you are ok. . .
  17. thinoneday

    Decisions , Decisions

    Well here is exactly what I did . . . SELFPAY. . . I don't have time to be a monkey for insurance and jump through their hoops and do this stupid thing and that stupid thing just so they can say they hold my life in their hands. . . I took out a personal loan for the whole amount at 3% interest payback. NOW I HAVE CONTROL over what I want and when I want it. One thing I can't stand is someone (insurance companies) telling me what to do. . .alot of the folks have had great luck with Mexicali surgeon Dr Aceves who is cheaper too. . . that might be a good route for you. . I'm getting mine done here in San Antonio, expensive I know but have no choice on that one. . hope this helps!
  18. thinoneday


    I love that! Go to battle my brave child!!! :smilielol5: Even without my sleeve, I yo yo all the time at least between 3-5 lbs. . .and I don't even own TOM anymore!:001_tt2::hurray: Got rid of that bugger A LONG time ago!!!! but I guess your body does what it wants to whenever it feels like it huh? I guess everything has moods! Stubborn thing! :laugh0:
  19. thinoneday

    That went well.......NOT (long)

    I know mine hubbie is silly, yup he'd rather spend tons of money then see me go to Mexicali for the surgery, go figure. . . but it's fine with me. . . close to home, no plane ride or airport waits etc. . . whatever makes him happy makes me happy. . . as long as I get the surgery if he wanted me to get it in timbucktoo I would. . . hehehe
  20. thinoneday

    desperate and afraid

    My dear Cat. . .if fear could only be abolished life would be so grand. . it's a normal feeling to feel fear and hesitation in everyone of us. Did you not have a slight fear when you were getting married? Having your first child? We have so many hurdles to cross in our path of life. . we don't know what lays ahead of us. . . the future is very scary. But my dear friend, what is more scary, worrying of dying in surgery or really dying from your obesity? You know the risks of surgery, do you know the risks of obesity. . sweetie you could die tomorrow? I have not been sleeved yet, but will be in January. . . this surgery will be my 18th major surgery. . . I have not died (obviously) from the other 17. . . I have those fears each time I go though a surgery, but I put my faith in my surgeons, anesthesiologist, and God. . . if God says "your time is up" then it will be no matter where you are, in surgery or feeding your family. . . without walking our path, we will NEVER know what lies ahead. . . you are the one who must make the decision, make that one step, but remember you ARE the only one who can overcome your hesitance as well. . . good luck my friend and let us know what you decide.
  21. Hi, well from what I understood from the seminar I attended Doctor stated that if you don't leak within the first week, your not going to. . . so that might be reassuring, I know it was for me. . . .but I would still be careful not to over stretch my new tummy (just in case)
  22. thinoneday

    3 Days post op and super happy.

    CharityM - I know your probably in the holding room right now getting ready to go. . .don't be afraid, God is with you. . .we are all with you, thinking about your journey. . . when you wake up you'll feel weird, but you'll be fine! Best of luck to you and email us when your ready! I definately want to hear all about it!!!!!
  23. thinoneday

    100+ Pound Club

    Wow, that is amazing. . . only 50lbs to go. . . after that great big hurdle (100lbs) 50 seems like such a small amount. . . it's tough, but you'll do it, you have the tool and you DEFINATELY know how to do it. . . don't give up. . my daughter is in college studying to be a Respiratory Therapist and she studys like crazy sometimes til 3:30 in the morning only to get up and go to class for 9am. . .she says she wants to be on the Deans List and with all that studying her lowest mark is 86. . she says "its so hard mom, I feel like I'm in prison" I tell her to take a break, she says "no I can't I have to keep going, I have a goal, I want to be the best, I want the best". . . good luck chancie my friend!
  24. Hi Chancie! thanks for adding me as a friend! Yes, I can't wait to get this surgery done! It's been a long time coming! I wonder why we wait til we are older? Maybe it was because we were too busy with raising kids, husbands, work, etc, maybe it wasn't well known or there was only the major invasive one. . .I don't know, but instead of struggling for so very long, I wish I would have known/done this a long time ago. . . oh well, they say "with age comes wisdom" Have a great day!!!

  25. I agree with Chancie, people are always looking for that "magic pill" I know I sure was! Heck I tried everything from A to Z. . .some things worked, most did not. . .I'm not telling anyone either, if they ask what I'm doing my answer won't be a lie "I'm eating less and exercising" . . . plain and simple. . . I don't want to go into educating anyone about something they won't do anyhow. . . they will just whisper nasties behind my back. . . I educate people all day long at work, do they listen??? heck no, and I just think "huh, they don't listen, come back, and I have job security" . . . good for me!

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