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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    Hi There!

    My dog thought he was a person through and through. . . he would have to eat with me right there scratching his back, he would give me his paws to wipe if it had rained, he would howl and carry on for a bandaid if he hurt himself, if he fell down he'd come crying and get a hug, kiss on his nose and off he'd go like a dummy. . . all this and there he was 120lb giant german shepherd. . . unconditional love just like Chancies dogs, and yup treated me better then my own kids. . . he was a great buddy!
  2. thinoneday

    NSV bra

    Thanks for that explaination! I had totally no clue either. . . I really hate acronyms. . . they drive me CrZy. . . hehehe:lol0:
  3. thinoneday

    I'm Baaack from Mexico, OLE!

    Wow, your experience sounds great! Yes stitches can be a bit of a challenge if you've not done them before! It's great to know that they (Mexico) do other things as well. . . ummm, after my sleeve and weight lose, if I have tons of loose skin, I may just head over there to be fixed! Thanks for that enlightenment. . . I think antibiotics can distort the taste buds a bit!. . .good luck, hope you find your new journey enjoyable. . . keep us posted on your losses.. . .
  4. thinoneday

    Hi There!

    being from Canada, we have kilos there, so when you said what you weighed before I just multiplied it by 2.2. . . figure that will help the same way. . . around that anyhow. . . wow, you are lucky to have horses and dogs and sheep and chickens. . . (I love baby chicks, they just follow you everywhere). . .I think animals just love people to give them love and care and they give love back 10 fold. . . they are so cute! Well let us know how you did when you weigh! Walking is excellant exercise. . . keep it up and you'll be so happy you did. . .
  5. Hi Charity, haven't heard from you in forever, how are you doing? Are you feeling ok? let us know, we worry

  6. thinoneday

    Sexuality and the sleeve

    HA! HelenUk, you are sooo funny!!!
  7. thinoneday

    H1N1 vaccine?

    Well, I'm not an expert on the situation but my strong belief is "if it's not broke, don't fix it" . . I'm not a believer in vaccines like the flu shot or the swine shot, I'd rather have natural immunity. . . all I can say is that this vaccine is still considered an experiemental vaccine. . . the choice is yours. . but it's good you talked to Dr. Aceves. . . he'll guide you in the right direction. . . good luck. . .
  8. thinoneday

    Hi There!

    Hi Haley and welcome! Don't be scared to weigh, you might be pleasantly surprised! But don't weigh everyday. . . i love animals too. . . all sorts. . well welcome to the forum and you'll find lots of really nice folks here and tons of tips and help if you need us. . .
  9. thinoneday

    Sexuality and the sleeve

    oh tiffykins don't brag! hehehe . . . it's normal to feel weirded out when it comes to having intimacy when your hugh. . .I hate it. . . I have a normal sized husband too who (I think) never outgrew his teenage years in that way? (But then you know what they say about island men) anyhow, I hate the fact there he is and there I am. Clucky and sweaty and ugly. . . but he loves me as I am, and will even when I'm thin. . . his thing is he wants me around for a long time and not die from this obesity. . he is so sweet!
  10. thinoneday

    Whatcha' Eating?

    Susan, you are doing so well. . . if it was me I wouldn't be worrying about not being hungry. . . actually I am so going to embrace that. . . not eat, not feel hungry, lose weight, not be hugh anymore. . . how wonderful is that! Watch it all backfire on me. . . :sad0: Your doing great! Keep up the good work. . . you have lost a lot of weight already!:001_tongue:
  11. thinoneday

    NSV bra

    How wonderful is that! I used to wear a hefty 58FF!!:001_tongue: Yup just call me well endowed! Then I got a breast reduction (wonder why?) they took 14 lbs off EACH boob. . .now I'm down to a tiny 42DD!:laugh0: And guess what they actually stay up and I don't need a bra! Except mine look funny, the surgeon had tons to work with so the result didn't come out quite pretty, but who cares, they aren't "throw over your shoulder" boobs anymore! After I get sleeved, I hope to lose a bit more in that area! Congratulations
  12. thinoneday

    the gas is....

    Ahhh my dear, just think of it as payback to your hubbie! :laugh0:
  13. thinoneday


    How very exciting! I think all I can really say about advice is be happy and get ready for the big change! Don't worry too much (thats easier said then done) I was told that with the sleeve your changes aren't too hard to do, just think about what your doing and the rest will come to you. . . best of luck! You'll do just fine!
  14. Wow MountainLover you must be the most patient person I know. . . this is why I refuse to do the insurance route. . .I don't like someone holding my decisions and life in their hands and make me jump through tons of hoops. . .I wish you all the luck and hope all comes out good for you. . .we know how hard it is to wait. . .
  15. Hey everyone, after surgery does this irratating, hideous sweating ever stop? I could be living in an igloo and be sweating to death. . . I mean sweating all the time! It's not menopausal (had that checked) so it's just from being obese and too hot. . . gosh, tell me it stops!
  16. thinoneday

    Weird question/situation

    Wow that is really weird Tiffykins! I've read alot of the posts before and never heard of this one. . .
  17. thinoneday


    That is funny, from yacht to titanic!
  18. thinoneday

    Does it Ever Stop

    Tiffykins! Your so funny. . . thanks for sharing, that was a great story!
  19. thinoneday

    Does it Ever Stop

    Thank you ladies! Maybe it's just cause I'm so heavy right now. . . can't wait to lose it and freeze a bit! Carolyn - yes I live in toasty San Antonio, Texas, but this sweating thing is not new. . . I've been sweaty forever. . . as long as I have been heavy. . . hopefully it'll stop. . .it causes alot of problems between hubbie and me. . . i'll be sweating like a crazy woman and he's freezing, he'll tell me to turn off the A/C cause he is so cold, I just give him covers. . . he hates it. . . but should be used to it. . . last night was fantastic! It went down to 48F, I had those windows wide open and slept naked out of the sheet. . . it was fantastic, poor hubbie had on his pj's, socks, sheet, and quilt! Then woke up with a sore throat . . . hehehe. . . poor thing
  20. thinoneday

    unusual question

    Awwww come on Tiffykins! You couldn't do the Beef 'N' Farina! or the Beef 'N Liver. . . awww our kiddos did good on it. . . hehehehe. . . isn't it funny how the kids did it but for us NO WAY!!!! That is like me and Boost or Ensure, there is no way on this green earth that I'll ever drink this stuff cause to me Boost and Ensure = old people in nursing homes. . . . nope not me! Actually I was thinking about baby foods too after my surgery and like the posts say "why not put baby food into our baby tummies?"
  21. thinoneday


    EEEEKKKKK! My makeup is all tattooed on! If it changes I'll be a real sight! Only kidding, I dont think it'll do anything, just eyeliner top and bottom and eyebrows. .
  22. thinoneday

    1 month out - feels like day 5 again...

    you may want to go and check for a stricture problem. . i don't think it would be leak this far along. . . or you may just have the flu or something since it's that season. Good luck and keep us posted. . .
  23. Wow Tiffy, look at you go! You rock girl!!!!:thumbup:
  24. Hi Pete from Boston! Actually you are the only one who can make that decision, but remember this, your doctor said you will probably gain the weight back. Where you happy with 100 lbs more on your body before? Do your really want this for yourself and go back how it was? The surgical route isn't too compromised if your asking for advice. . .so if I were you, I would really think about researching this aspect. . . so many folks have had great luck with the sleeve, I changed my mind from the band to the sleeve and am just waiting for surgery. . . but good luck and like I said the choice and decision is yours. . . you are in full control of your own destiny.
  25. thinoneday

    Surgery date!!

    MONA, well doesn't your story sound all too familiar. . .I think the majority of the husbands, including mine, are so worried about the skinny us going off to find someone else. . . it's just the insecurity issues they have. . . maybe a bit jealous cause now men will be actually looking at us and maybe talking to us. . . men are nutty that way. . as far as mine goes I just laugh at him and carry on doing what I am doing. . . he is weird that way (I haven't even been sleeved yet, but we are 19 years apart, he's older) we have been married 30 years I always tell him why in the world would I go out, get someone new to re-train, that is way too much work. . . heavens be! Mine supports me because he is worried about my health, he says he wants me around for some time. . he is so funny gotta love him! Good luck Mona! You'll be so cute and your hubbie will love you tons!

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