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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. Gosh! I can't wait for my surgery! 10 lbs a month is great! I can do that! Pretty soon I'll have my ticker just going!
  2. Hi Kelly, yes I agree with Ky.Hen, just keep reading all the posts and you'll learn. . . trust me you WILL learn. . . I'm not even sleeved yet (January) and I already know what NOT to do and what to do, and what size the sleeves are and how not to get constipated and so on. . . just read and you'll learn lots! these folks are the best teachers!:crying:
  3. thinoneday

    Hi There!

    Hi Haley! Good for you! 22 lbs in 16 days is an excellant job! That is about 1.37 lbs a day, more than what a package of butter weighs! Wow your doing really well! See you didn't have anything to worry about. . when are you going to finally get up onto that horse instead of walking it around?
  4. thinoneday

    Exercise help here, please!

    Oh, the motivation! I never am motivated, but i MAKE myself go. . .I think you've all read about my exercise routine. . .I do the after work to the gym thing. . . can't even get up to get ready for work, never mind to exercise! :crying:
  5. Here I go again, I'm sorry, but where you not happy and excited when you got your date for the surgery? Where you not happy that at last you'd lose the weight? Where you not proud when you got the surgery done? Didn't you think "Wow, finally it's my turn? Finally I can do something just for me!" What happened? Like my saying states "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit"
  6. jmgsearch, your not screwed up or pathetic or a lost cause. . . my question is why did you take that first taste of milkyway and the other candies at the airport? Why not some water or soup? Just a question. Sometimes we think that the surgery will be the magic answer and we can eat whatever we want and poof we'll be thin and beautiful, but this surgery does require work, the doctor did his part by giving you the tool, now it's your turn to help yourself. . . please don't get me wrong, but I wonder if maybe there is an underlying problem? Have you tried group sessions? If it's an addiction, could you go to a food addicts group? I'm just throwing ideas out there. . . hope you don't take offense. . .
  7. Hey Everyone! I'm from San Antonio, getting sleeved in January. . .wanted the band first, but went to a seminar and had my mind changed pretty fast. . . hubbie wasn't up to the band, but told me he would support me with the sleeve. . . i'm so excited! I can wait for January. . . I see my doctors for nutrition, psych, and inital visit on the 20th of this month! Yup, I'm on my road toward my journey!
  8. thinoneday

    Vsg 2 1/2 years ago

    Thank you so much for posting! I always wondered how folks did that were out longer than 1 1/2 years. . . . it's so nice to hear you maintain a good weight and continue to be happy! congratulations with your weight loss, 75 lbs is alot of weight for someone who is 5' 7" !
  9. thinoneday

    Exercise help here, please!

    WOW YOU GUYS! Does it not get better! I thought for sure if I loose the weight, the exercise gets easier! UGH!!!
  10. thinoneday

    NSV at Old Navy!

  11. Welcome Kzol! I'm not sleeved yet either, am having that done in January 2010! Can't wait. . . I'm staying here though, too chicken to go to Mexico! hehehe. . . I have my initial visits on the 20th. . . yahoo!!!
  12. thinoneday

    first time barfing...

    Ewwwwww .. . . that sounds horrid! Slow traveling barf! Makes me want to go throw up right now! I love this forum, like my daughter once said "I'm glad I was born last, makes me know what NOT to do" . . . I'm glad I joined this forum before surgery, makes me know what NOT to do!
  13. thinoneday

    pseudotumor cerebri

    Thanks, but now watch I'll pass the doctor visit, pass the nutritionist visit but fail the shrink cause he'll/she'll think I'm nuttier then they are! :w00t: hehehe. . . . shrinks have a way of making people incompetant even if they are normal. . . (but then what is normal?):glare:
  14. thinoneday

    pseudotumor cerebri

    Yes, you have no idea what a big relief that was to hear! I even did the victory dance in my office! :w00t:
  15. thinoneday

    It is official

    Judy, I'm so sorry to hear this isn't going well for you. . . try walking for at least 30 minutes everyday. . .it may help. . . I know, tons of advice and whatcha should does, I'm sorry. . . but I guess that is just second nature to help friends and "family". . . good luck!
  16. thinoneday

    pseudotumor cerebri

    Tiffy, you are so funny! Pseudotumor Cerebri isn't a big word! :mad: It's a pain in the derriere what it is ! I'm glad there is another person around who "checks it out" when you don't know what something is. . . I did that with the kids when they were growing up. . . they'd ask me "mom what does ??? mean" I'd tell them to go get Webster and find it, then read it to me and tell me, cause I didn't know. . . pretty soon it when they'd ask "Mom what does ???? mean", they'd answer themselves, "go get Webster, because I don't know". . . hehehehe:lol0:
  17. thinoneday

    pseudotumor cerebri

    Hey guys! I got my answer back from Dr. and he says after talking to a neurosurgeon, I'm still a go. . . he'll still do the surgery regardless of this shunt being in place. . . I was so happy to hear this. . . my appt to visit with him, the nutritionist and the shrink is on the 20th. . . can't wait! Chat laterz!
  18. thinoneday

    Huge disapointment

    How horrible is that! I'm so sorry this happened to you, but like you said, there is a reason everything. . . keep your chin up, it will all work out in the end!
  19. thinoneday

    Exercise help here, please!

    Thank you carolyn. . .I don't know if I can really say I'd look fab. . remember I'll have alot of loose skin (which I wish wouldn't happen), but thank you, you are so sweet to say that! How is your gym venture going? 5 min on the bike is better than no minutes at all. . . imagine you are doing 5 minutes of exercise that you were not doing before! Good for you. . . keep up the great work. . .have you tried walking on the treadmill? Maybe start at 2.5 mph for about 15 minutes. . . get a good sweat going. . . you'll be sore, but feel so good
  20. thinoneday

    Has anyone chickened out?

    best of luck with your surgery today Norma! Let us know when you get home!
  21. thinoneday

    Has anyone chickened out?

    Bless your heart Wishinghoping. . .if this helps any, I have had 17 major surgeries and this one will be my 18th. . . every time I go, I am really afraid, but I know that if I didn't do it I could risk the chance of dying. . . with this surgery too, i know that if i don't do it, I will die from my obesity. . .i don't want that. . .i want to live and see my daughter graduate from college, get married, have grandkids and die an old lady (a thin old lady) it is natural to be afraid and have anxiety when we journey into the unknown, but without this surgery how would you do? We die regardless (eventually) but don't let obesity run your life forever. . . now that is really scary!
  22. thinoneday

    Love my VSG 15 months after!

    shanda, isn't that body thingy very hot? Sounds very uncomfortable for now. . how are you doing? are you feeling better?
  23. thinoneday

    Exercise help here, please!

    I totally HATE exercise. . would rather have a root canal, but i know i have to do it. . i'm not sleeved yet, but don't want to be sick. . . what i do everyday (except for Sat and Sun) is include my workout as part of my job. . . I leave my job at 5pm and drive home, but on the way I turn the other way (about 10 miles from my house) and go straight to the gym. . . cursing all the way of course you know. . . i do my treadmill at 3.2 mph for 45 minutes and my random hill stationary bike on level 9 for 15 minutes and go home! I literally run out of the gym! But the next day i do it again. . . i've been doing this for quite some time now and must have the best BP on the earth. . . last doctor appt (last week) was 110/64 HR 69 . . . not too shabby. . . guess it pays off. .
  24. thinoneday

    NSV bra

    Good Lord that picture totally cracked me up! I burst out laughing and near scared my hubbie to death! He was peacefully watching FoxNews and jumped. . . that made me laugh more! Thanks for sharing that! That made my day!
  25. Hi! I'm glad to see you back in here! It seems all is going well for you! I'm so happy. . . Bathtub? I have the most beautiful garden tub and can't fit into it and if I do dare sit into it, forget about getting out! My poor hubbie has to come and haul and pull the monster out. . .it's so embarrassing :thumbup1:. . . can't wait!

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