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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    Tattoos to choose

    You know what, I think that after I lose all my weight, I may just do that, go get a butterfly tattoo . . . my daughter wants a tattoo too, so this may be a good time to do it . . sorta like a mother / daughter thing. . . . like pedicures and manicures. . .
  2. From what I have heard it really constipates very badly. . . it may not happen to you but some of the folks have said that cheese is very binding. . . just a thought. . .
  3. Me too, as long as I could follow the post op diet, I would do like a baby and head out!
  4. thinoneday

    I am getting discouraged...

    Good luck Hope, I sincerely hope all works out for you in the end. . . and what ever happens, happens. . things have a funny way of working out in the end. . .
  5. Ha! hair in strange places!:biggrin0: Thats a good one! My worry is that darn sweating. . . I sweat like no ones' business right now! :001_smile: Wow, don't tell me this will continue. . . hopefully it'll do the opposite after I have the surgery and lose the weight! Won't that be nice!
  6. thinoneday

    NSV shout outs

    I can TOTALLY relate with the contortionist wiping the butt business. . . do you know HOW MANY times I have literally pulled my back doing this trick? :biggrin0: Nearly totally impossible sometimes, and then break out into a horrible sweat that you need yet another shower! . . so I make sure I constipate myself so that I don't go but 2 x per week. . . horrible mess! Dumb I know but when you're fat you do anything to compensate. . . don't care bout the U touches, hoo hoo's, jammies falling off etc. . . just about this darn hygiene! Can't stand being dirty:angry: (as a little kid, I used to smell everything to make sure it didn't stink, including rocks if I was going to sit on it :laugh0:). . . will be nice though if hubbie can actually hug me all the way around and take up 2 miles and 1/2! Poor thing! ugh
  7. From what I understand reading the forums, your right on target - 600 - 800 calories a day and 50 - 70 grams of protein. . . water is very important (stay away from cheese!) walking and exercise is as important too! Keep up the great work, your doing good so far!!!!
  8. I've been sorta lucky, I get one or two at a time, I don't get scarring though, I just leave them alone to do their own thing. . . the bad thing is that since there is a bacteria in there called strepalacocci orius (spelling), when they burst another starts where the S. Orius touched. . . it's nasty. and painful! Can't imagine 7 at once. . . OUCH!!!:001_smile:
  9. Hi Piglet! Don't worry about the spelling, half of us can't spell anyhow, so it doesn't matter. . . by the way, I heard the brain can read anything as long as the first and last letter are in the prpoepr place . . . see. . . I'm glad to hear your loving your sleeve, I get mine hopefully in January. . . maybe sooner, we'll see. . . I've been on here since Sept and have come to love this site. . . lots of information, funny stories, sad stories and so on. . . if someone doesn't come on after a while we all get worried and start asking about one another. . . it's really interesting. . . anyhow welcome and please join us. . . I think you'll like it! Congratulations on the great weight loss! Keep up the good work. . . it's hard, but together we can all do it!
  10. thinoneday

    can't get a grip

    I just wanted to drop in and say 'I'm so sorry this is happening to you" It must be very painful emotionally. . . it's good that you are seeking a counselor though, hopefully they will be able to help a bit . . . poor you, I can't understand what your going through nor can I say I know what your feeling, cause I don't, I just feel so bad for you and your helplessness. . .hopefully you'll get the help soon and be able to feel better . . .
  11. thinoneday

    Self Pay VSG and income tax return

    Do you mean like get it back through income tax? You can claim medical, I'm wondering if we can claim this surgery. . . I'll ask my accountant. . . by the way Shanda, you look amazing! Keep up the good work!
  12. Don't feel wobbly! Scared is normal. . how would it sound if you said "Yeah, I'm getting surgery" . . . honey, it is normal to feel scared, this will be my 18th major surgery, and after the last 17, I'm still here! Each and every time I have surgery I do the "what ifs" and guess what, I'm still here to keep wondering about the "what ifs" . . . your not the first patient your doctor is doing this surgery on, he/she is not new to the surgery, they will take care of you and I'm very confident that they have done this hundreds of times. . .your given relaxing meds before surgery and if your like me and are allergic to every narcotic on this world including the relaxation meds, then they can give you this really nice IV med call Benadryl 50mg IV. . . I love benadryl, makes your eyes go funny and you feel silly and REALLY sleepy! sleep for hours after surgery so that when you wake up you are past the nausea feelings and feel good. . . they use that on me all the time. . . but don't worry so much, you'll give yourself an ulcer! Put your faith and trust into the doctor, they know what they are doing. . .
  13. Wow, I was wondering how he would have reacted the first time! You two look so great! You have inspired me and I hope that I do as well as you have done! Keep up the great work!

  14. That is awesome! I wondered how he would have reacted! You two look great! i'm so proud of you Tiffy, you actually inspire me! Hope I can do just as great as you have done!

  15. The tribe I'm from Objibwe, do not have that much hair. I don't have to shave my legs or my underarms. I don't have facial hairs, don't have eyebrows (had to tattoo those in) and dont have much hair where the sun doesn't shine. . . my dad couldn't grow a mustache if his life depended on it, didn't have to shave often, didn't have chest or back hair. . . soooooo in my opinion no native americans don't have lots of hair to content with. . . I love it. . . .watch with my luck, i'll get all hairy with weight loss
  16. thinoneday

    Mixed feelings

    You'll be ok Jenn, it's normal to have the jitters! Heavens this surgery will be my 18th major surgery, I'm still here. . . had the "what if's" at each surgery! hehehe. . . hubbie just tells me I'm to awnery for any "what if's" . . . i'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. . . fill us in when you get out!
  17. I find that i have a lot of "boils" not hair growth (I'm 1/2 Native American, no hair here hehehe) but those darn boils are enough to drive me nutty. . . no acne or oily skin either
  18. gosh, I would love to go to Dr Aceves, but hubbie won't let me. . .THATS OK THOUGH, because it took me 1 1/2 years just to get him to come to a seminar and then i wanted the band and he said no, I won't support you with the band, but I will with the sleeve! Go figure?????? So if he want's me to spend 15,500. . .so be it I guess! but I would love to go over there. . . talked to him about it extremely briefly and he said "then I would have to go there first to check out the place and the doctor" Gosh that would take another 1 - 2 years! hehehe. . . here is ok. . .too close right now. . .
  19. I have United Health Care and some folks state that they have it paid by the insurance, however, mine does not pay for it and the reason is that my employer opted not to have it included . . . so it has alot to do with the employers input too. . .doesn't that suck?
  20. thinoneday

    Exercise help here, please!

    YOU RUN 10 kms! Wow that is excellant! And boot camp for fun???? Now that is nutty! I was in the military and let me tell you I won't ever do boot camp for fun! You make me laugh at your statement "Lungewalking round two basketball courts, followed by sprinting it immediately after - well, that really hurts!". . . I'm seriously allergic to pain! But keep up the great work! Definately is paying off for you sweetie! :crying:
  21. thinoneday

    Stomach question

    Six slices of pizza?????? That is a lot of pizza! I'm not sleeved yet, and just the thought of 6 slices of pizza makes me what to puke! I can't even eat 3. . . (have you guessed I don't fancy pizza)
  22. thinoneday

    Pumpkin Spice Latte & Pumpkin Pudding

    Wow, that sounds soooooo good. . . I'm going to try it this weekend!
  23. thinoneday

    9 Months Lab results are in!

    Good for you Chancie! You'll do it, you'll lower that cholesterol, it's been high for a long time right, can't expect it to dissappear overnight. . . just like Rome, it wasn't built in a day. It'll happen for you! I totally relate with the exercise part! Sorta like the barfing business, creeps up slowly and is irratating, but never really goes away. . . hehehe
  24. thinoneday

    Hi There!

    Oh, well I guess better safe then sorry right??? Good luck and keep up the wonderful work!
  25. Water, water, water, and more water, fiber sources, like vegatables, NOT CHEESE (it binds) and of course, walking and exercise. I think someone even mentioned that fiber stuff you dissolve in water and it's colorless, odorless, and tasteless. . .there have been several posts about really bad constipation and it makes me hurt just to read them. . . eeekkkkk Go to the complications section and read about the fiber posts. . . you'll see what i mean!

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