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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. Wow, and to think I was so set on having a lapband done. . . maybe hubbie had a premonition and that is why he refused to support me in that. . . I'm glad he told me to have the sleeve. . .
  2. thinoneday

    1 week post op question

    Hi bigdd, are you from Canada? Detected the accent (eh). . . hehehe. . .apparently yes diarrhea is a normal thing with this surgery. . . and like Tiffy said, liquid in, liquid out. . . that is a really good way to describe it. .
  3. thinoneday

    100+ Pound Club

    I know Jenn, I have 165 lbs to lose, and I haven't even started yet! I'm still waiting for surgery. . . but to me that sounds absolutely unattainable. . . but you know what, I did lose 100 lbs a long time ago on phentermine (never again) and it went so quickly, I just did it in 10 lb increments. . . when you look at it in little goals like 10lbs, you'd be amazed how fast that goes, cause if you plan 10 lbs each month x 10 months that is 100 lbs! Less then a year. . . . so that is attainable. . . good luck you will reach your goal!
  4. I'm so sorry to hear you went through so much. . .but we are never given more than we can carry. . . apparently you can carry alot! I'm new to the forums (since Sept) so haven't had the opportunity to "meet" you! Hi! Did the lapband cause you this problem or VSG?
  5. thinoneday

    My tummy actually growled ! ! !

    Isn't it weird, when we were fat, (I still am, but i digress), did our tummys ever growl or were we so full all the time and kept feeding ourselves that we didn't know true hunger? It's funny how you say you scared yourself with a tummy growl and then still didn't feel all that hungry. . . that is so amazing!
  6. thinoneday

    Hubby gone

    Life can be so unfair sometimes, but you beat it by not gorging yourself. . . just think how beautiful you will look when he comes back! He won't know what to do with himself! We are here for you when you need us! Bless your heart! Just remember, God gives us our cross to burden, but he will never give us more than we can handle. . . it's tough now, but it's yet another test of life no doubt.
  7. Good luck ML. . . let us know how everything turns out for you!
  8. thinoneday

    I am in the hosptial

    Hope your up and about soon! I had mine out a while back too, it's not so bad, it was done as out patient surgery. . . in at 7:30 am and out at 3:30 pm . . . went home with some tylenol and did well. . . little sore, but manageable. . . good luck hope all goes well for you!
  9. thinoneday

    Fitness Goals

    What an EXCELLANT suggestion! Swimming, I don't know why i didn't think of that. . . I love swimming and water aerobics. . . I think I'll do that! Thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much for that idea! :thumbup:
  10. thinoneday

    My OUT OF CONTROL moment

    Thank you Carolyn for sharing your story! It made me laugh. . . i could just see you with your lobster! I LOVE lobster! i'd be right up there with you with the swollen ankles! hehehe. . .
  11. thinoneday

    ONEderland at last!!

    CONGRATULATIONS! Doesn't if feel good to be in the one hundreds? I have never been in the 100's, well yeah when I was born. . . hehehe. . . can't wait til that happens to me. . . at 198.8 I would feel soooooooooooooo skinny! I would be on top of the world! One day! Once again, congratulations and keep going!
  12. thinoneday

    My OUT OF CONTROL moment

    Hahaha! You guys are funny! I love you all. . . we are all in the same boat! I've not been sleeved yet, but boy oh boy have I ever had some weird days. . . like renebeau, I've eatten the whole cake, and like gingin, l've put weirdness on a rice cake! But my most wildest ever is eating 6 fried plantains by myself and over 3 pounds of seafood! My weakness is seafood. . . I could eat hordes of that, but curried, not breaded or fried either, not dipped or cooked in butter neither, just curried and steamed! YUMMMMMMMY. . . I'm going to have to find self control when i get sleeved not to go hog wild on seafood. . . last night I eat too much shrimp and octopus! I felt like and octopus!!! hehehe
  13. thinoneday

    Fitness Goals

    Oh my. . . this is not good news. . . I've been treadmilling now EVERY day for 4-5 months at 3.2 mph for 30 minutes and then stationary bicyle on random hills at level 9 for 15 minutes . . . I have contracted plantar facititis. . . it is very very painful! Podiatrist put me on a medrol pack for 7 days, took the pain away until all the steriods were done then the pain came back double. . . it is sooooo painful. . . doctor thinks it's because of the treadmill. . . surgery is OUT of the question and definately not an option. . . I've taken the steriods already. . . I wear good shoes (new balance for walking) and change them out about every 6 months or so, I take Ibuprofen 800 mg x 4 times per day (yes I have a cast iron stomach!) and I ice my foot. . . does anyone have any other suggestions as to how to get rid of this horrible pain! Any suggestions will help. . . hope that once I have my surgery it'll help too!
  14. thinoneday

    Officially lost 100lbs

    WOO HOO!!!!!!! YOU GO TIFFY! That is totally exciting!:thumbup:
  15. thinoneday

    Depression After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

    I want a increased sex drive!!!!
  16. Good for you! You'll just need to keep us posted on your progresses!
  17. Congratulations to you! I'm so happy you feel better about your decisions. . .the disney trip will be done and you'll be relaxed and off to bigger and better things! How exciting it must be. . . I have my doctor appt's next friday and will try to see if I can't get the surgery scheduled for the end of December instead of January . . . keep you fingers crossed. . . .
  18. thinoneday

    Depression After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

    Wow, that is wild. . . depressed cuz you miss food? I have never found food a comfort, more of a bloating experience. . . I don't have any favorite foods, nor do I have craving for it. . . guys I finally understand what you all mean by Head Hunger though. . . one evening after dinner, I was sitting there and said, ummm i would like something to eat, but what? I asked myself if I was truly hungry, no I wasn't, I said out loud. . .this must be head hunger. . . so I just got some Water and was happy. . .Sweetie, can you focus on something different, like if you start feeling depressed because of food, can you go shop or for a walk or read, drink water, get a pedicure. . . something just to divert your mind from those thoughts? I hope this didn't come across as being mean. . . the internet doesn't show concern very well does it???? Good luck!
  19. OMG, next friday is the 20th of November already! It's my inital doctor visit, shrink visit, and nutritionist visit. . . . I've been on here trying to calm down those who were having the jitters by telling them this will be my 18th major surgery, so guess what? Yup, I have butterflies going wild and it's only for the doctor visits! Golly! I'm going to see if he can't do it for the end of December instead of January, if not that is ok, January will do. . . I'll let you all know about the visits. . . . . :scared0::scared0: Didn't realize just how fast the time flies by. . . I already started Christmas shopping, bought 2 gifts so far. . . . my goodness!!!!
  20. Good for you! I'm glad you made the right decision, after all it's for YOU not your family members, except for your cute baby who is going to need a slim mommy to chase him all over the place in a bit. . . hehehe. . . glad to hear your feeling well and are up and about. . . hope to hear more of your experiences and weight loss soon! Good luck
  21. I can TOTALLY empathize with you, I hated those 12 hour shifts! I hate them , hate them, did i say hate them . . . won't ever do them again. . .now i took a cut in pay and work monday to friday 8-5 no weekends and no holidays. . .much better! It's the hardest thing to exercise when you work these weirdo hours. . . I don't know what to tell you other then when you come home instead of driving home, go straight to the gym and work out for about 30 minutes. . . if your like me that won't work, but i just wanted to put in my 2 cents. . . sorry. . .
  22. thinoneday

    another newbie :)

    I was going to get the lapband too. . .I finally convinced hubbie to come to a seminar with me after 1 1/2 years . . and when the seminar was over we were walking to the car and I asked him what he thought? he said "I won't support you with the band" I was so crushed and wanted to yell at him and tell him i didn't care i was going to get it anyhow. . .but i asked him why . . his answer nearly knocked me to the ground. . . "I won't support you with the band, but I will support you with the sleeve 100%" . . . wow, i asked why he said it was going to be cheaper in the end. . .with all the fills and complications that could happen, the sleeve was permanent and after it was done it was done. . . no fills no nothing and the seminar doctor said that if you don't get a leak after 2 weeks you won't get a leak and it sounded safer to hubbie. . . I was so happy. . . then i asked about going to Mexico cause it was cheaper. . . he just said NO! You're staying here and that's it. . . ok, ok, I'm not arguing. . . he said we could go on vacation another time. . . . eek
  23. Oh honey, you've come to the right site! Nearly everyone here went to Mexico and they have had some wonderful experiences! Good luck to you and you journey! I would go in a heart beat (for the vacation) but hubbie won't let me go get the sleeve done in Mexico. . . sigh. . . and I wanted the vacation, never been to Mexico. . . oh well
  24. you don't need to leave, come and share your experiences with us. . .i'm sure you'll want to talk at times and we'll be here when you need us. . .
  25. thinoneday

    can't get a grip

    We are all human and we make mistakes, this is what makes us human. . . if we were perfect, we would be divine and would certainly not be on this earth. . .

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
