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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    Loose skin

    Hi all. . . is anyone out there very upset with their new look? I mean, you lost alot of weight and now you hate how you look? Loose skin, funky looking shape, very unhappy with the outcome?
  2. thinoneday

    New to VSG, Old to WLS

    Hi Donna, this has nothing to do with WLS, I just want to tell you that as a child growing up I lived in a town called Churchbridge, Saskatchewan. . . it's near Yorkton. . . we lived there for about 5 years then moved to Winnipeg. . where i lived til 1995 then moved over here to SA. . . just felt like sharing my story . . . :cursing:
  3. thinoneday

    New to VSG, Old to WLS

    Wow, you've been through it haven't you! hopefully this will be your last wls and you'll be happier . . . did you lose weight with the other procedures? How much. . .
  4. thinoneday

    Loose skin

    Wow that is great Tiff, I will have quite a bit of loose skin but like the doc said, I drink alot of water so it shouldn't be too bad. . . I agree, I'll probably look better in clothes, and thank goodness, will be able to fit into a plane seat! That will be so amazing, no more extensions for me! We are going to go see my mother in law and family next Christmas, they only know me a huge, what a surprise they will have huh?
  5. ladylee! You are doing great! You know the saying "Slow and steady wins the race", well your winning the race! look how dang far you have come! From 400 - 202! That is amazing! You go Girl! Keep up the fantastic work!
  6. Thanks for sharing that article!
  7. thinoneday

    NSV shout outs

    You go girl! I don't think I have ever worn a 10. . . well maybe when I was born! Keep up the excellant work!
  8. Hi Barbann! I'm being sleeved on the 29th as well, down the road from you in San Antonio! Good luck with your procedure! I'm sure we will both do great!
  9. You are doing wonderfully! Keep up the excellent work! I had to laugh at you "8 zillion cookies" phrase! I love that . . . can see you working like a wild woman, flour flying, apron around your neck. . hair askew! hehehe. . Yes, you are very blessed, I too am doing alot of what if's right now. . (my surgery is on tuesday) . . but this is my 18th major surgery and I know that i'll be ok, but if the Lord wants me to come home, so be it, I've lived a great life and my daughter is set . . .i wouldn't worry about her, hubbie now is a different story, might need daughter to teach him how to properly balance the check book!:thumbup: . . . but in all reality, this isn't a easy surgery but I have put all my trust in my physician, anestheologist, and God. . . let the journey begin! Merry Christmas and may you and yours have a very Blessed New Year!
  10. thinoneday


    Congratulations on your engagement! You will definately look stunning in your wedding dress and the new skinny you! How exciting! 5 days before my surgery!
  11. thinoneday

    Monday Morning Weigh In

    Wow, you guys are all doing so tremendously well! Keep up the great work! I'll be able to cheer my NSV's pretty darn soon! Surgery is next tuesday!
  12. thinoneday

    New Name Submitted!

    That is sooooo cute!
  13. thinoneday

    Tastebuds? ? ?

    A very Merry Christmas to y'all and a very blessed New Year!
  14. So are these hungry feeling with the growlies and all? You know like how it used to be? You'd get so hungry that you could puke? Tell me no, because that is not good. . I've not been sleeved yet, but every bit of news helps me. . .
  15. thinoneday

    I passed my pre-op appt.

    Congratulations to you! I bet your excited! I was too in the beginning. . . it's always fun to know your date! Good luck and keep us posted!
  16. Good luck Kermit! You'll do great. . . my surgery is next tuesday! Getting a pedicure done on Saturday and then buying my stuff on Sunday! Gotta drink good old magnesium citrate on Monday, poop myself to death, and then I'll join the rest of y'all. . . .
  17. thinoneday

    Very Sad, Please Read

    I hope all is ok with daughterinlaw's motherinlaw. . . we've not heard from her in a bit. .
  18. thinoneday

    Hair Loss post-op

    I've not had my surgery yet but I have always had hair loss, I have really long hair (to my butt) and with each brushing out comes a big wad, not just a few hairs. . . so for me this is normal. . . watch my hair do the opposite at 3 months! Wouldn't that be weird!
  19. You two look great! I love the tiny hinny comment! Showed daughter and she said! Wow, she looks great, he is "pretty". . . gosh my daughter!
  20. I just have to diet the day before the surgery, on that day I do the following, eat a light fatfree Breakfast, then drink only Clear liquids for the rest of the day, at 2pm do a bowel prep with mag citrate (a real poopy situation here) and continue with clear liquids until midnight, then nothing until after the surgery. . .
  21. thinoneday

    A little farther along.

    Your family would be, as you say "out of luck" if something happened to you even if you didn't opt for the surgery. . . either way they would suffer if you died. . . so now you have a choice, have the surgery and come out of it perfect (must trust your doctor and do your research) and be thin and healthy to enjoy your life with the wife and kids, or remain selfish and don't do anything and possibly suffer a stroke, diabetes, or worse a disability where you could not help yourself and needed someone to feed you, dress you, clean you, bath you, etc. . . . . the chosing is yours. . .
  22. thinoneday

    A little farther along.

    My experience with my psych was great, I actually had HER answering my questions. . . it was neat. . . mine too encouraged my decision for the sleeve. . .
  23. thinoneday

    A little farther along.

    Hi Dan, I personnelly would NOT rely on the advise of a psychologist. They believe they know everything and try to convince people of what they want them to believe. . . so don't believe her. . . the lap band is her version of what she wants you to have, it'll set you up for failure and make her diagnoses correct. . .go with your gut feeling. . . if it says VSG then bygum go for it. . . it's your life and definately NOT HERS. . . psychologists love to pry on peoples feelings especially if they see a little weakness or a gate to poke on. . . so don't even worry about her comment about you being depressed. . . if you feel pretty good, then good for you! Only you know if your depressed or not. . . and only you can get yourself undepressed too. . . Sorry about getting onto the soapbox but that is a bunch of "poppycock" and "phewy" :crying:
  24. Thank you! Sorry it's been so long since I answered but I didn't realize I had these notifications! How are you feeling? I saw my doctor today for the last time before the surgery and am nervous! But like you say I'll be ok and yes, I can do this! Thanks for caring!


  25. Guys and girls, just wanted everyone to know that the preop diet starts today! Agh!!!! Please wish me luck, I've had such hard times in the past staying on any kind of diet. . . this one is 2 EAS protein shakes and then my last meal consists of 2 oz protein and 1/2 cup of a vegatable. . . in between "meals" water. . . . I am telling myself "its temporary" and we're all in this together. . . together we can do this. . . God help me not be grumpy during this Christmas season! I started taking Sam-e to help with the moods this might cause! Thanks for listening all! I've my pre-op labs and such on the 17th! I'll post more later. . . thinks I may need you guys ALOT now. . . . love ya bunches!

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