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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. Well girls and guys I'm done! I'm a sleeve sister . Why didn't someone say how incredible this surgery hurts! The JP drain is a killer, the gas is a killer, the doctor was nice enough to put a mirocaine ball to help with the other cuts. . this hurts about if not more than my c/sections. . . . but I'm done and Im on the loser side now and I'm one my journay. . . . I'm walking ALOT! can't tolerate water though, they gave me some broth, jello, and a popsicle, the only thing that tasted good was the popsicle (I didn't even like popsicle in my old life, sure do now) but could only "eat" the tip, gas pains got me, had to go walk. . . am burping somewhat, past one good gas down below . . . I'm on my road to recovery. . . doctor said everything went great yeasterday, no fatty liver or nothing. . . so that made me happy. . . .so I guess my New Years resolution this year may work and it'll happen! I'm starting to feel a bit blue but that too shall pass. . . . just like the gas! hahaha. . . . thanks everyone, will really need your support now. . . . Erykah
  2. Hello! My surgery will be in January! I am so happy and excited. . I will finally be able to achieve what I always thought was only a dream. . .yahoo!!!! I'll keep everyone posted when it occurs! Good luck to you all!!:svengo:
  3. thinoneday

    I'm one of y'all

    must remember that this too shall pass!
  4. home today, really feel icky! but i guess it too shall pass. . . doctor sent me home with darvocet pills hope these will work ok. . . . my shoulder is on fire too. . . having really wild diarrhea from the contrast though. . . i never had morphine because i'm allergic but did have diloided. . . it was given though my central line. . . very hard iv stick to needed a central line. . . i know all this shall pass and we'll be happy later, but right now it's pretty gross and painful. . .

  5. thinoneday

    I'm one of y'all

    did anyone else get major diarrhea with the contrast? Wow, today I thought for sure that my butt exploded after the leak test. . . im home now and am doing ok. . . gas in the shoulder, but that should pass. . . rec'd darvocet for pain, he felt ok to give me pills. . . wow it's so weird when your tummy says stop, it actually really hurts with the pressure! But then it slowly goes down. . . .weird. . . I've done fairly well with liquids today, I used to hate popsicles, but now think they are the best. . . broth? Well that is somewhat to be desired. . . but i drink it, so for today i've had 2 cups of broth, 3 popsicles and some propel water. . . . and contrast! That was soooooooooo nasty! hehehe . . . this too shall pass. . . . oh, my favorite drink rum and coke, the smell is very gross. . . don't even want to see it. . . my hubbie is enjoying a news years eve drink and it really stinks. . . . just wanted to share! Thanks for listening. . .
  6. hi barbann, do you feel like crap too? the pain is amazing huh? I don't like it. . . today was a "I regret this surgery" day, but i kept going. . . drinking stuff is my challenge. . . i can' t tolerate it very well. . . tonight is better, boy you really can't drink fast with this thingy can you? And it does feel different. . . wow amazing. . . anyhow chat more later as i'm feeling rather "run down" my birthday is March 24, 62. . . .

  7. wow tiff, your doing fabulously, keep up the great work! Same is going to happen for me soon. . . .
  8. thinoneday

    I'm one of y'all

    Thanks gals for your support and "love", loser, no I had surgery with Dr. Cavazos and he uses a miricaine ball, diloided, phenergen, and lortab elixer . . . these work very well! Only the pain creeps up faster then the meds are given! tomorrow i get my contast to check for leaks. . .don't know how i'll do that cause i can hardly tolerate liquids . . . i've been lucky to get down 1/2 bottle of water today, but i did eat 1 popsicle. . . anyhow group i'm feeling icky so i'll chat more later. . . thanks for being there with me. . .
  9. thinoneday

    My Journey

    Yes, I agree, I am really happy that i found this forum too. . .heavens knows i am going to need all of you to help me with my journey. . . love you all
  10. Thank you DeeDee and Fab. . . I need all the prayers, hugs, cheers, whatever to come my way. . .Fab good luck to you and have a safe flight and a great surgery outcome! My prayers will be with you too. . . chat soon again~
  11. thinoneday

    nausea has taken over!

    I'm so glad you called the doctor! I'm glad nothing too serious! Keep up the good work, and good luck with all you do!
  12. thinoneday

    nausea has taken over!

    Girl, your a walking dollar sign to the doctor, so you shouldn't worry about bothering the good ole doc on a sunday, heavens that is what he is being paid for ! What if you are having a little leak or something. . .this is why they are there. . . they chose the career and know what comes with the territory. . .call the doctor hope. . . it could be serious
  13. DeeDee, send vibes to me too. . . I start the clear liquids tomorrow, work 1/2 day then am off for the rest of the day . . . then thats it, tuesday is the day guys and girls!
  14. thinoneday

    Do I really look "sick"?

    OOOOOOOh, sounds more like a bit of jealousy going on there huh? You look fab tiff so you just keep doing what you do. . . .
  15. thinoneday

    My Journey

    Wow DeeDee you look great! You've come a far way! You go girl! Keep up the excellant work!
  16. thinoneday

    Smooth meat?

    smooth meat? sounds like baby food meats, liver sausage (but that is very high in fat so don't do that) some of the baby food meats may be good? Idk
  17. Ok, this may be wrong and I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but these threads sound like they are the same person writing it, but just changing the names. . . whoever writes these sound like "they" are very, very angry for whatever reason and are trying to discourage anyone else and/or are trying to destroy another person's life. . . if they are horrible they will eventually destroy their own lives, I am very sorry if these are indeed genuine people who have had a bad turn with their surgeries. . . but it was after all you who chose this hospital and this physician . . . they didn't pick you . . . sorry your surgeries didn't work, or you were waiting for a miracle and it wasn't want you expected . . . but maybe a bit more research would have been needed on your part. . . always check out your physician and the hospital beforehand. . . .
  18. thinoneday

    Do I really look "sick"?

    Tiff, I think all moms think their kids look sickly if they don't have enough "meat" on them for their liking. . . goodness my mom would have a total cardiac stroke if she even knew i was having this surgery on tuesday! She thinks fat people are healthy happy people, boy is she ever wrong. . . you look absolutely lovely, you don't look 'gaunt' or sickly. . . goodness. . . you look fantastic. . . mom's are paranoid i think, sometimes so are husbands
  19. thinoneday

    I'm scared

    joyfuljoy, if it helps any, i am being sleeved on tuesday and am just a bit freaked out. . . this is very natural, this is my 18th major surgery and I've made it every time. . . i know what i need and what the doc's need to do, they listen and do for me as i request. . . but i freak a bit at each surgery. . . i think it would be really worrisome if some one was like "one yeah, this is cool, I'm not scared" . . . your just being normal sweetie. . . you'll be ok, it'll soon be over and then you'll be on your way back home and onto your journey toward thinness. . . . isn't that exciting? Best of luck to you and keep us infomed. . . .
  20. thinoneday

    Staying Hydrated in a Hot Climate

    gosh, can't wait to be cold! It'll be such a great NSV for me!
  21. thinoneday

    Pre-op diet difficulties!!

    I really do well with EAS chocolate fudge from Costco. . . the only problem with them is they taste like watered down soy milk and seem to be never ending. . . 17oz lasts forever. . . (I'm not even sleeved yet) I really like soy milk, so this doesn't bother me, only it's like too watered down. . . tastes not too bad, and when you burp it's not bad either . . . it has 42g protein and 300 calories. . . so 2 shakes should do you and then the small protein meal at the end of the day. . .
  22. thinoneday

    My Christmas VSG Wish Came TRUE!!!!

    Congratulations to you! You can do this, you've come this far just a bit further and you'll have it made!
  23. Happy birthday and a i hope that you have a fantastic day! Merry christmas and a very blessed new year!

  24. Happy birthday! Hope your day is wonderful and that you have a wonderful merry christmas and a very blessed new year!

  25. thinoneday

    Loose skin

    Thank you! My girlfriend in Houston is banded as well and she has lost 60lb in 2 years. . .she is happy with her band too and says she has some issues with her loose skin and saggy parts. . . but then that must be something we're all going to have to deal with right? I'm 6'0 tall and hopefully will look lean and tall like you too. . . maybe I'll be brave enough to wear a cute bathing suit too! Inlaws live in Jamaica and all they have seen me in has been those fat girl one piece bathing suits. . . soooooo it'll be interesting. . :cursing:

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