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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    Pre Op Diet Heacache!

    Hi Barbara, yes you can get a headache from cutting back on carbs. . . your body is used to sugars and when you suddenly take them away, bang you get this headache. . . same with caffeinated products. . .take them away and there goes your head. . . hang in there, this too shall pass. . . the post op diet is nutty too, but just remember that this is only temporary and not a permanent thing. . . you can do it. . .
  2. thinoneday

    Consult With Surgeon Tomorrow!

    Hi Girl! All i did was ask the questions of interest that i learned from the forum and made sure that the doctor was going to do them . . . if not i'd ask why? I'd ask how many surgeries he had done, how many of his surgeries had complications, how many assistants did he have and how long have they been doing these surgeries with him? How long the hospital stay would be, how long i'd be on clear liquids after surgery, I asked what size boughie he would be using. . and so on. . . I really grilled my physician. . . don't get shy on the doctor, this is not the time. . . good luck hope all goes well! keep us posted
  3. thinoneday

    Soft Solids

    Hi longhorn, well i'm out 7 days today and still on clear liquids, I'm like getting so weird now. . .my head feels spinny all the time, like as if i'm on codeine or something. . . but everything still makes sense. . .I even dream about food now. . .I woke up this morning laughing because i had dreamt that i was in india and me and this little boy were cooking up dahl puree, rice, and curry ( I love indian food-major staple of mine, or was) and there was this random man who wanted my plate of food, what like no way, i fought him with all i had and escaped down a tunnel, plate in hand! My Goodness! If I can't eat it in real, might as well dream about it huh??????
  4. Megan, how are you feeling today? Probably really sorry you did this huh? But I promise honey, as long as you start your walking and sipping you'll be ok. . . the pain will be gone within the week . . . I was sleeved on 12/29 and today is 01/05/10 I can cough and sneeze without worry now. . . it's so much easier, the not having anything to eat except for clear liquids is a killer right now, I'm even dreaming that I'm in India with this little boy making dahl puree rice with curry and this random man is wanting it so I fight the man with all i have. . . This dud is NOT getting my curry! hope this brought a smile to your face! i promise it gets better!
  5. Good luck Hope! Let us know. . . we're here for you and will send prayers your way. . .
  6. My DH was really against me getting the band. . . i wanted that thing so badly, i researched it for 2 years or so and finally after 1 1/2 years got him to come to a seminar. . well after the seminar, where they explained all 3 surgeries, band, sleeve, and RNY, i didn't want to dash all hopes so i didn't say anything til we got to the car. . . then i carefully asked "so what do you think". . . he said "I'm not supporting you for the band" I was so angry that i could have screamed my head off at him, but instead i contained myself, sat down in the car and asked "how come" . . . he looked at me and said. . " I'll never support you with the band, but I definately will support you 100% with the sleeve, you can get that if you want". . . i nearly fell out of the car. . . I hadn't even thought about the sleeve at this point. . . so i said "ok thanks hon" drove home, ate supper without a word, got onto the computer and started investigating this sleeve. . . well now I'm sleeved as of 12/29/09 and have been doing ok so far. . . haven't lost anything 7 days out because of really bad swelling . . . .but whatever, it will come off, how can't it, i'm living on stupid popsicles, sf jello, broth, and flavored water! hahahaha. . . it takes time, but that is ok. . . I have all my life to wait too . . .
  7. Thank you! How are you feeling today? I'm doing pretty well considering. . . still look as pregnant as ever with the swelling and such, still on liquids but just til thursday. . . I have NEVER eatten so much SF jello, popsicles, broth, and crystal lite water in my whole life! With all the jello and popsicles consumption, I could easily turn into a kid again! hahahaha. . . take care and the keep up the fantastic work!

  8. First off, let me welcome you! You'll find this forum major helpful. . . secondly, honey why are you on solids? You're not supposed to be yet. . not at 4 weeks out. . . I'm out now 7 days and still on Clear liquids until Thursday, then I get to introduce those Protein soft foods. . sf puddings, fat free refried Beans moistened with broth, fat free string cheese, fat free cottage cheese, then in week 3, i can add very moist ground turkey, extra lean hamburger meat along with week 2 stuff. . . that is it for about 5 months, and on month 5 then i can resume a regular diet. . . are you chewing/sipping well? are you taking your time eating? if your doing all that and still feel sick then maybe you need to check for leaks? just thinking here, another good thing maybe to go back to square one with the clear liquids for a week or so. . . good luck hon! keep us posted
  9. thinoneday

    How did you stock your fridge/pantry with for post op?

    Hi there! I like anything and everything except water which is totally not agreeing with me. . .only for me, the broth you buy is sorta yucky so my DH took it and made a soup for himself with the broth adding stuff to it like, potatoes, scallions, celery, carrots and beans to it, boiled it til the vegatables where soft, no pepper, or other seasonings. . . then he put the broth through a strainer and gave me the strained broth. . . now there is broth! but i'm on clear until thursday, surgery was on the 29th. . . i've eatten so many sf popsicles and sf jello to make me a kid again! hahahahaha. . . but it's only temporary, soon i'll be having other stuff and in 5 months i'm back on a regular diet. . . can't wait.
  10. Hi ! i can only tell you about my doctor. . . Dr. Ramiro Cavazos, here in San Antonio. . .if your self pay, you go to the ultra private hospital (very nice) private room, own bathroom with shower, even a living room where your family member can stay overnight on a pull out, daughter stayed with me all 3 days and was very comfortable. . . . . Dr. Cavazos is a very nice physician, he listens and to me that is important. . . he wants to know all your concerns and all the questions you may have. . . he wants to be sure you are prepared for this surgery and doesn't just cut on you because your self pay. . . you still have to go through the seminar, office visit, nutrition class, and psych evaluation. . . then after all that you are given an appointment (actually you pick the appt) and then still have to go back to talk with him to make sure you don't have questions. . . blood work is done on that day as well at the hospital. . . then that's it . . . surgery day, he makes sure he is there to greet you, you meet everyone, anesthesia, etc. . . after your awake and in your room, everyone comes to see you, Respiratory therapist, nurses, director of nurses, social work, etc. etc. by that evening your up to wander around a bit, later on it's into the hallway. . . you have to do to help yourself though, they make sure you have lots of pain meds so that your basically comfortable. . . my experience was good, I see Dr. Cavazos again on Thursday along with nutrition class and exercise class, sign up for support group which are held once a month. . . get labs drawn to make sure i'm ok. . . . who ever you chose, make sure you research them though and your going to have a good experience too. . . .good luck!
  11. thinoneday

    Problem with Protein

    Bless your heart! I'm out 6 days, the only thing i'm having problems with is water. . . doesn't taste right. . . but i drink it anyhow. . .the thing that i'm having problems with is smells. . . there are smells that used to be fine, but now "oh my gosh its horrible" I went to HEB yesterday and just walking through the fish market near made me gag. . . i can't stand the smell of plastic or onions, when i used to drive past the car detailing place and they were doing something with resin, i would roll down my window and inhale that resin smell, i loved it. . . now shoot, i nearly vomit. . . can't imagine what else is going to send me into fits. . . hehehehe. . . i hope you'll be ok soon, this might just be a phase in your journey. . . keep going and the best of luck to you honey
  12. thinoneday

    WHY do i still feel fat???

    lmao, that fairy thing was great! But sweetie I checked out your pictures and you look great! Do you exercise enough? Drink your Water? Don't worry, it'll come off, you'll never go back to how you where, your doing wonderfully, just keep it up. . . your expecting too much of yourself. . . it's going to happen. . . . :biggrin0:
  13. thinoneday

    New Here

    Welcome Marci! Your going to find this forum alot of fun , great folks and tons of advice! I have just been sleeved 6 days ago and other then the normal sores and ouchies I feel great. . . as long as you follow doctors orders and don't feel sorry for yourself, your going to do great! the biggest rule to follow is walk, walk, walk, and after your back home, remember to follow the rules and you'll be fine! Good luck to you and keep posting. . .
  14. i am so glad your feeling so good hon! Me too! Now i am learning about my new tummy. . . very interesting. . .
  15. thinoneday


    You really look good! Keep up the great work. . . you look much younger then the preop days. . . do you feel good?
  16. thinoneday

    One more mandatory appointment

    Welcome NewMe! It is exciting and scary all in one. . .the surgery is a surgery so expect to feel like you've been operated on. . . sore, cranky, sleepy, not feeling to slick, but as long as you get up the day of surgery (later that night of course) and wander about abit and really try to get better for your own good, you'll do great. . . i felt like shiote but i got up wandered about a bit after surgery then again later that night, by the next day i made sure i did 6 lengths of the hall, cause after all my legs didn't hurt right? then i increased it til i was doing 12 lengths of the hall. . .nurses made fun of me saying one of their patients wouldn't walk, one (me) walked too much. . . when i left 3 days later i felt ok, not great, ok, i was really swollen, looked major pregnant, but then that is expected right? I am doing EXACTLY what the doctor wants me to do, I am not deviating from the rules at all. . . 6 days out now and still faithfully on clear liquids. . tuesday I start mushies and protein drinks. . . mushies such as string cheese, refried beans, yougurt, eggs, pudding, all fat free of course. . . have a little track sheet to follow. . . well, as long as your following doctors orders you'll be ok. . . put your trust into your physician and your surgery will go smoothly. . . . good luck
  17. Me too Joy, live in san antonio, just been sleeved on the 29th and no problems thus far! Very uneventful surgery other then the stupid IV (but I'm a very hard IV stick ended up with a central line) so far so good. . . a little weird to get used to the tummy reaction to things. . . when my doctor told me it would feel "different" I didn't quite understand what to expect. . . well all i can say it definately is "different" like a pressure or something that makes you stop and think about it. . . don't know how else to explain it. . . good luck when is your surgery?
  18. I just noticed your post Tiff, how sweet your are! Thanks for having thought of us on our special day. . . you are a very caring person. . . thanks so much for the thoughtfulness. . . .
  19. thinoneday

    Who was sleeved on 12-29-09?

    Hi all, was sleeved on the 29th as well, of course regretted doing it the first few days, but now being 6 days out feel better except for one annoying incision which really bugs me when i cough or sneeze, but that too shall pass. . . it's not infected just sore. . . still on clear liquids until Tuesday, then start mushies (can't wait), no nausea here at all. . . only problem was REALLY swollen belly. . . looked major pregnant! That was not attractive at all . . .
  20. thinoneday

    WHY do i still feel fat???

    Just a question here, when you took on this surgery what where your expectations? Where you expecting to be firm, beautiful, and a runway model type? Or where you expecting to be more healthier, and having a better quality of life type? That could be your problem here . . . your expectations could have been a bit strewed. . . what do you think? cause having lost 83 lbs with realistic expectations you should be happy. . . have you thought about going to support group or counseling? Sorry if this sounds prickly, not intended to, but at your weight loss and your not seeing it, there is a bit of a problem. . .
  21. Hi barbann, today is a better day for me. . .still majorly swollen though, look really pregnant! but that is expected! How are you feeling? Are you getting those fluids in a bit better today? Don't worry about the pooping, remember you really don't have anything in the tummy. . . did the contrast not give you the trots really badly? I'm still going 3-4 times a day since Wednesday. . .are you walking lots? Has the shoulder pain gone away, mine is slowly going, the sleeping thing is a bit of a challenge, but it will soon go away. . . i'm just glad i'm off work for the next 2 weeks! Keep me posted honey and take care of yourself. . .

  22. thinoneday

    A few NSV's!

    Good for you Stoongal! By the way you look FANTASTIC!!!!! Beautiful picture of you! At this time I don't love my sleeve yet, still really sore but doing much better, walking alot, burping, pooping and sipping alot are doing me good. . . very swollen though, look like a starved ethiopian at this minute, one person even asked me when the baby was due! Now there is a real NSV huh???? hehehehehe. . . anyhow this too shall pass. . . but as of this morning i've lost 5 lbs swelling and all. . . .
  23. thinoneday

    Worst pre-op diet ever!!!

    Wow you got to eat all that! I was lucky I didn't have to follow a diet but the one he had was 2-3 Protein shakes and 1 very small protein meal consisting of 1-2 oz meat and 1-2 oz vegatables. . . . thats it! Now that would have driven me crazy. . . hang in there it's almost over and you've come this far you'll finish the race. . . you can do it! You want want is easiest for your doctor so he can do a safe job!
  24. Poor Barbann, did the contrast not make you poop like a wild thing? I'm still pooping that stuff out sometimes 3 times a day for the past 4 days now. . . I don't know but don't you call your doctor on Monday? Ask at that time what they suggest. . . remember you don't have anything in the tiny tummy now expect for Clear liquids. . . are you passing gas at least. . . that is a good thing. . .
  25. thinoneday

    Half-Ton Mom!!?!!

    Oh yeah, I saw that show. . . i ask myself everytime why do we do that to ourselves? I am 5 days out and guess what? I went shopping! Not far just to HEB for week 2 stuff doctor told me to get. . . loves my doctor, i get to eat string cheese next week and fat free yogurt! much better then popsicles Water, Jello, and tea. . . freeze to death. . . the pain isn't bad anymore, you have to really put your confidence into the doctors. . . this was my 18th surgery and yes I was all freaked and everything too but it's normal. . on the day of the surgery i just waltzed in and got it done. . . other then they couldn't start the IV and had to start a central line every thing went great! I was up and about the next day. . . yes, i felt like a freight train hit me, but i had to do what doctor told me and that was walk, walk, walk, . . . i couldn't tolerate liquids at all, but he said at that point it was ok, i had IV fluids going. . . then on day 3 i showered, washed hair, got all the tubes, staples, and IV's out and that afternoon went home. . . you'll be ok. . . it's not easy, its a major surgery and you feel really gross. . . I was saying that I wished there could be a trial test to see if you'd like the sleeve or not? Thats wishful thinking huh?????? But after a week, you'll feel good. . . your going to learn what tiny tummy is saying. . . it'll be ok! Good luck you'll be fine!

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