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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. Let me tell you sweetie, the hunger issue is there. . .you will know that you are hunger, slimes??? I'm still wondering about those myself, haven't had any yet and i'm 3 weeks out . . mistakes? honey we all make them, that is what makes us human. . . you won't gulp anymore , that's for sure, you can't, you will chew your food, because if you don't you'll never forget after you feel how horrible that feels. . .it feels like a major piece of unchewed meat got caught in the esophygus and is travelling VERY slowly down. . it hurts and is very uncomfortable. . . gasy? I don't find myself gasy. . . actually now i burp like a lady, small and daintie burps, not these big man burps anymore. . . the only regret i have had is that you can't eat how you did before (but that is why I ended up at 332 lbs right) but to only be able to eat 2 - 4 oz, that doesn't leave for alot of variety, it's on 1 food only, and that gets REALLY boring, but they assure me that at 5 months out i'll be able to eat a regular diet again. . . that will be interesting. . . i like the weight loss thing, you really lose weight fast, but you tend to feel funny cause your not consuming any more then 565 - 600 calories a day. . . but i guess we are so used to eating hordes of food, that it seems ridiculous to only eat such a small amount. . . all i can say is be really sure you want this surgery, trust your surgeon, and have a support group to help you out with this, you are the only one who can decide if you want this or not. . . good luck with your decision and keep us posted. . .
  2. Good luck, hope you find your person!
  3. thinoneday


    yuppers, i agree with jsaturday, call your doctor and see. . . won't hurt a thing
  4. thinoneday

    Another food for thought moment

    thanks for sharing tiff, today i'm not interested in eating anything. . . everything is sooo incredibly gross looking to me, i'll have a cup of tea . . . don't even want the vitamins, hopefully this will pass. . . this is the first time . . . anyone else ever had this happen at about 3 weeks out?
  5. thinoneday

    NSV shout outs

    Chancie, I'm sure you looked beautiful because first off you are a very pretty lady and with a red jacket you must have looked stunning! Keep up the great work!
  6. Where we supposed to be on a heartburn med or was this a doctor decision? I have never experienced heartburn with this surgery? Just a question. . .
  7. thinoneday

    At the hospital

    Yippy Ready2BHealthy, 3 more days and you'll be on our side!
  8. thinoneday

    Weary from Dieting

    Wow, at this time I can not even imagine eating 1000 calories let alone 2,000 - 3,000. . that to me is unimaginable. . I'm lucky to get in 600 calories a day! My calorie count daily is anywhere from 539 to 595 . . .
  9. thinoneday

    NSV shout outs

    I had my first post op surgery NSV today! It was so neat. . . i moved my daughter into her dorms today and then we needed to go purchase some text books. . . well the book store is about 3 stories up with stairs only, by the time we got up there and looking around, my poor daughter was sweating up a storm, me. . .usually i'd be there sweating like nobody's business right along with her, but there I was freezing and bundled up in my sweater. . . she asked if i wasn't hot, nope i was actually very very cold. . . yippy no more sweating like a sauna
  10. thinoneday

    Weary from Dieting

    TeacherToni, I totally understand your comment, I too have always been watching and counting and so on, until . . . I started taking phentermine (big mistake never do that) and then i would eat whatever i wanted but in moderation and i lost 100 + lbs within 10 months, of course, exercise fit in there too. . . but i firmly believe moderation is the key. . no i didn't go wild on sweets or pastries, but stuck to 3 meals a day of whatever i wanted, no snacking and lots of water. . it worked and once i heal from this surgery and can eat normally again, i will definately go back to my routine, because this time I have to eat in moderation if not less. . . but i don't think counting calories will be in my agenda this time. . . carbs yes, calories no. . . good luck you're going to do great!!
  11. thinoneday

    Confession Time

    Thanks G. i think i may just do that too. . .yes you are very right my friend, it's hard to let go of habits and behaviors we have gotten so used to over the years is it? My friend you only have 3 more days before your surgery! You are going to do so well. . . your going to love our surgeons and the hospital. . everyone is really really nice. . . I'll pray for you and your recovery, you'll need to let us know how your doing ok? You've done sooooo incredibly well on your pre-op diet, your amazing. . chat soon again!
  12. thinoneday

    Anyone Else feel Stupid?

    Yes, the tuna scares me A LOT ! I mean, refried beans feel like and anchor in my chest. . and that is chewed up and watery, eggs go down great so does cottage cheese and string cheese. . I still do jellos, and puddings, they really go down great! I haven't tried pureed soups yet, I think that isn't until week 7 or something like that. . . for now i'm just following the dietician's guidelines for me. . . it's boring but better than choking right?
  13. thinoneday

    Counting cals, fat, carbs??

    Yes, I agree with Tracy, i was told that i'm supposed to concentrate on protein and fluid intake right now, but i still don't get alot of calories in maybe 630 if that on a good day, and about 73grams protein. . . today was really bad, i helped my daughter move back into her dorm so didn't eat or drink properly, couldn't eat my dinner either, just about 2 oz, but at least it was something huh?
  14. thinoneday


    hahaha, Tiff your funny! In 2001 I had a major breast reduction the girls were huge, I wore a 58FF bra (custom made) they removed 14lbs off one and 12lbs off the other. . .now i wear a 42DD very comfortably, however, since the surgery I've lost a bit and noticed that the 42DD is very loose (literally) I can imagine I'll end up with biscuits for boobs, but that is ok with me. . . i've never been a fan of boobs. . .
  15. thinoneday

    I feel so blessed.

    I started feeling pretty normal 4 days out, and completely fine physically in 2 weeks. I can't wait to go back to work on tuesday though . . .
  16. thinoneday

    At the hospital

    Hooray!! JeepChick is on our side now. . . good job! Congratulations to you honey! Now comes the fun stuff. . . just remember to walk, walk, walk, and to drink your fluids!
  17. thinoneday

    Need some opinions - New Hairstyle

    Definately A. . . it's the most cutest. . . plus that is more that shape of your face, so it would look really nice on you.
  18. thinoneday


    Yes, I was told the same as Mini-Me. . .it could cause damage to the healing tummy.
  19. thinoneday

    Confession Time

    thanks ladies for your support, i know it'll get better one day, it's just a feel sorry for me day today i think. . .Oregon, you CAN be happy without a man around, you are a independant, beautiful woman, my daughter loves men, but she had found that with going to university they cause too much drama in her life, so she said she is not going to bother with boyfriends at this time until she is done university and has a stable job. . .then she'll look. . . she is a beautiful woman too and it makes me so proud to know that she wants to do for herself first. . . she has put herself front and center and is enjoying her life right now. . she attends parties and goes shopping without a man asking where, what, or why. . . she has male friends but that is as far as it goes. . .she is happy and you can be too. . . Judy, have you tried to tell him what you enjoy? I used to have a no skills hubbie, until i took my self and told him what i really wanted him to do . . in the beginning i thought i could never do that, what would he think of me. . . well turned out he had some fantasy things himself. . . so after talking it out, there's no stopping him now . . . try it, you might like it????
  20. thinoneday

    Chest Pain???

    I had gas trapped in my left shoulder for 1 week, it really hurt, the best thing to do is walk and do shoulder stretches, a heating pad worked along with pain meds. . . hope this helps
  21. thinoneday

    Confession Time

    Thanks for understanding Tiff. . . I asked DH if i can only eat 4 oz i wonder if i'd ever be able to eat 2 or more different foods. . .like hamburger, tacos, fajitas, chinese, or just a sandwich, daughter dear chimed in saying "well you signed up for this" DH just replied with "that's right, you wanted this" . . . that hurt so badly, all i wanted was some reassurance or something. . . but thanks for understanding. . . and sharing your feelings too. . .
  22. thanks mini me your sweet! I'm just having a really blah day today. a pitty party day if you like. i didn't realize food played such an important role in my life the sleeve sounded so good, i was going to finally lose some weight, well hell, sure wish they had a trial thing first, had i known that the withdrawl and the hunger pangs was so bad then i might have reconsidered. but its done and there is no turning back . i'm losing the weight, but am hearing so much about these stalls i'm freaked about stalls because during my diet days those are what made me eat again and just regain everything. I guess the 1 1/2 years of research about WLS didn't really open my eyes too much or maybe this just a phase lets hope so. Everyone makes it seem so easy and like it's no problem, but i guess i should realize they may of had lots of problems too maybe when i go back to work it'll be better. . . . thanks for listening to me . . . I feel like a fool for standing here and venting my stupidness.

  23. thinoneday

    Confession Time

    I think i'm just having one of those pitty party days. . . i'm just feeling sorry for myself today. . . i don't want to discourage anyone from getting their surgery, it's a good surgery and will help anyone who needs it. . . but i didn't realize that food is used for so many things. .as a comfort tool and that i snacked so much before. . i always thought i had it under control . . . now that i can't even get as much as 4 oz in, and only of 1 thing, well i'm feeling sorry for myself. . . i'll get over it, probably just "withdrawal" sorta like an alcoholic i guess. . . have to go to a support class which falls on the 21st. . . the eye opened yesterday when daughter and i came home from getting her stitches out from her surgery. . . usually we would go to our favorite restaurant and have have a nice Mexican dinner. . .El Saboritos . . . this time all i could do is take her to sonic and watch. . . . but i did good, i hung in there with my stupid cottage cheese and Jello . . . yummmy . . . then of course i still have to cook for my family, well today is pot roast, mashed potatoes and corn. . . me, well yogurt and Protein powder, yummmmy. . . . i know this will pass one day but in the mean time i'm just feeling under the weather i guess. . . . thanks for listening!
  24. thinoneday

    Confession Time

    I confess that i think i made a big mistake with this surgery. . . can't explain it, but don't feel right. .
  25. thinoneday

    belly button issues

    Like Tracy suggested, i to would use a bit of alcohol on it daily until the redness goes away. . . could be contact dermatitis. . . if it doesn't go away with the alcohol and antibiotic ointment, i'd contact the doctor. . good luck

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