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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    Confession Time

    ERRRR!!!AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! (SCREAMING) Dont you just HATE kids! (this is going to be long!) my son is 28 year old man and has screwed up his life major, kicked out of the military, in and out of jail, ran away for days as a kid, disrespectful of us his parents, calls his sister the F word and B word all the time, then hooked up with this VERY nasty woman who tells him how he needs to treat us (which by the way is that we should give up our home so that they can move into it, give them our vehicles, and the cash in the accounts) and he has been with "it" for the past 4 years without seeing us (not that it matters at this point), then gets married without us knowing to the same ugly undesirable person. All this and all we've ever tried to do is have the best for him, after graduating high school we let him start college, he never attended a single class, smoked weed, did meth, cocaine, and everything else, got kicked out, we paid the costs, military put him in jail, we went to get him,(from texas to Pendelton, CA) wore out our account pretty drastically, found him a job, gets fired for showing up drunk, he is just plain bad. . last year he beat up on the "wife" and she put him to jail and bonded him out (stupid) he was put with a patrol officer, but what does the dumbass do? Moves to another county and because he is a Jr of my husbands name, uses our address, phone number, and hubbie name. . . guess who gets into trouble? They realize my hubbie is the wrong person, well cops catch up to dear sonny on christmas eve, arrest him because there is a warrant out for his arrest now from the previous domestic violence thingy. . . he is bonded out about 3 weeks later and now calls his sister and tells her he wants nothing to do with us cause he and she both think we should have bonded him out and found the lawyer!!!!! Can y'all believe that! He is a grown man and the "wife" should be the one to pay for him now. . . how many of you call mommy to bond out baby? God this is irratating! He is so major useless (yes, I am a tough love mom and will continue so) Sorry just had to vent cause this really, really, really, po'd me. . . . . thanks for listening
  2. thinoneday

    I am sleeved!!!!

    Yippee! Your one of us now! just remember the walking and sipping, you'll do great. . .good job and congratulations
  3. thinoneday

    Week out

    Don't do it! Don't, don't, don't.:scared0: . . it's all in your head, it's your fat devil telling you to do it. . beat it girl! I had head hunger so badly my first and 2nd week out, it's better now. . . i would have loved to eat everything! But i told myself i paid way too much for this surgery to mess up. . . i did it for a reason and that was to get away from the fat demon. . . hopefully you did it for the same reasons. . . don't do it, drink Water and when the cravings come back drink more water! Just don't sabatoge yourself girl! Don't do it. . .
  4. thinoneday

    Wasting Food!

    Hey, i congratulate you for having lost the 60 lbs. . . good for you! But why did you get the sleeve? was it to loose weight or because it may have been a quick fix for you? We all wish for a miracle when it comes to weight loss, but as with anything you want, you have to work at it. . .if you want to loose that gained 10 lbs, i'm sure you know what to do. . . as for the leftovers, put them up and eat them later. . as adults we know how to salvage leftovers, but in the fridge not in the stomach! good luck
  5. thinoneday

    I need help!

    JageK, I'm sorry your having these problems, but you hit the nail right on the head with your own words "I did this for a reason, I need to get healthy! I went thorough so much to get to this point and I don't want to put it to waste! " If you know all these things then you should be able to put down the rules and do it. . . that was an awful amount of money we spend on this surgery and then to sabotage ourselves??????? :001_smile: only you can fix it honey. . . good luck
  6. thinoneday

    Self pay from Tx!Cheap Dr.?

    Hi KrystL, I'm from Tx as well and was sleeved on 12/29/09. . i was self pay and used Dr. Cavazos in San Antonio, his cost was $15,500 for everything, including 3 day stay at the hospital (private hospital) all follow up visits for 1 year, couseling, etc. . . I took out a loan from my bank at 3.37% interest rate which isn't bad. . good luck in chosing your physician, just remember do your research, make sure the doctor you chose has done over 300 of these sleeves before you pick him. . .
  7. thinoneday

    I am 64 and have lost 100 pounds

    Wow Suzanne, you are a total inspiration . . . i'm so proud of you, I read somewhere here on the threads that one of our sleeve sisters/brothers, are eating ice cream cause "it goes down so good" that makes me so sad. . you spend a small fortune on this tool and then don't even help yourself. . you are right, you must help yourself in order for this to work. . . keep up the excellent work :001_smile:
  8. I totally loved my 2 1/2 weeks away from work! It was great. . . I got alot of chores done, ran errands, did some crocheting, watched tv (I don't do that alot, so it was a treat) I enjoyed myself alot. . . you get what you make of it. . . enjoy!
  9. Welcome to our side sleeve sister! How do you feel today? Probably all groggy. . . just remember once your grogginess passes, walk, walk, walk, and sip that water! Congratulations!!!
  10. thinoneday

    I have less than 24 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Best of luck honey, you'll do great, don't know of any one who wouldn't be nervous, it's a normal response! Even I was as nervous as a june bug the day of my surgery and this was my 18th major surgery! You'd think i was used to it huh? Nope not at all. . .but before it began it was over and I'm 3 weeks out now and have lost 32 lbs. . You'll be ok honey, we are all here for you if you need us. . . Godspeed and God's blessing to you!
  11. thinoneday

    feeling down and doubtful...

    Rgodinez, may i say a thing or two. . i was sleeved on Dec 29, 2009 (about 3 weeks ago) and it was the best surgery i have ever had (I've had 18 major surgeries) I didn't have nausea, no vomiting, was up and about that same evening of surgery and other then pain, felt great. . yes i had some issues mentally for a minute there and voiced those issued here on the forum under the confession thread, but i don't regret getting sleeved at all. . . i have found it's all in our heads. . . as far as dying that is wrong, because the sleeve has only been out there about 2 1/2 years. . it's a new procedure. . . pooping yourself to death is wrong too, you don't, I think that your uncles are thinking about the RNY and dumping syndrome. . . i only had the trots in the beginning because of the contrast dye they use to check for leaks, but after that i was fine. As far as the intimate part, honey your getting you stomach worked on not your hoohoo, the man probably had diabetes or something and probably was on tons of medications or he just plain lost interest . . you get your sleeve honey, I can't tell you enough how many people I have known who have rec'd the band and are so very unhappy with it, and how many have converted to the sleeve. . . my girlfriend in Houston had the band done 2 years ago and has lost only 60 lbs, I have been sleeved only 3 weeks and have lost about 32 lbs so far. . . it's your body and your choice. . . you have to live with you decision every day of your life, you must make the right choice now, but i'll tell you one thing, I'm glad I chose the sleeve . . . good luck
  12. Well since my last confession, I now have no regrets, I'm like DeeDee though, wish i could eat a few more bites here and there but can't which makes me mad. . . when my family is enjoying their mashed potatoes and pot roast, there i am with my 4 oz of cottage cheese. . . oh well it was the potatoes and pot roast that made me the way i was anyhow right???? Soooooo, I will just grin and bear it . . . more power to me. . .
  13. thinoneday

    Swelling of the legs

    I had tons of swelling in my legs after my surgery, but it was due to the IV solution and not being able to pee right away, the swelling did go down after about 3 weeks or so, I still get swelling in the evening, but then that has always been a problem for me because of my extreme weight, I'm sure it will all go away, I do suggest that you mention all this to the doctor when you go for your checkup though, just so that they can monitor it. . .
  14. Wow that is amazing, thanks for sharing that. . . so cool!
  15. thinoneday

    Huge NSV Success

    Now I have a NSV myself. . .got into my hubbies truck to go with him and guess what? The seatbelt fit!!! It really fit, with space! I have never been able to put the seatbelt on, and used to just hold it in place to look as if it was on, but it fit all, it really did!!!!!! woot woot
  16. thinoneday

    Huge NSV Success

    Wow, that is awesome! Congratulations to you! It's amazing what we can do when we set our minds to it huh? I'm very proud of you!!! Keep up the excellant work!
  17. I was sleeved on Dec 29th and other then a rough day or two where i was having a pity party with myself, i'm doing very well. . . i was up and about the 2nd day after surgery and walking the halls 12 times back and forth on that day as well. . .the 3rd i was released. . . been doing great ever since, no nausea, sliming episodes, or anything. . . the restriction is weird though and takes getting used to, but i'm slowly learning. . . never eat fast, it feels like you've swallowed a major huge chunk of unchewed tough meat and it's taking it's sweet time going down. . . just chew a lot and take your time also, drink your water, very important. . . i'd love to keep in touch with you as well. . . chat soon again. . and the best of luck to you. . .
  18. thinoneday

    My Last Supper... And Emotions...

    Yup, I'm on the emotional rollercoaster ride right now . . . I really regretted the sleeve because i could only choke down 2 - 4 oz of 1 food, and it was really boring. . . i had a real pity party with myself and even voiced my unhappiness right here on this forum under the confessions section . . . but alas today is a better day and back to normal. . . we must all face our demons eventually and once we do we must take it back and win . . we are here for you whenever you need us and together we can do this . . . we didn't get fat overnight, and we sure as heck won't get thinner overnight either, it's a process and we have to work at it in order for it to work . . . good luck and chat soon again.
  19. thinoneday

    Food for thought

    Almonds? Are you allowed that? doesn't that hurt? the tuna went really good, just take really small amounts and chew like nobody's business. . . took me about 20 minutes or so, but did it ever sit good. . . . kept me full for 6 hours too. . . loved it. . .
  20. Welcome Sarah, you'll love this forum, we're really a neat bunch of folks and are here for you whenever you need us. . . we laugh, cry, and talk together like good friends. . some even met in different places. . . i noticed your in SA as well, me too. . . who is doing your surgery? Mine was Dr. Ramiro "Sonny" Cavazos from NE Baptist. . . chat more soon! P.S. I'm an RN as well. . . .
  21. thinoneday


    Yes, at least your not gaining, i think that is very important. . . and maybe your body thinks your starving and is holding onto all the calories, like they say here in this thread, try upping your caloric intake and see what happens. . . good luck
  22. Lets keep all our fellow sleevers who are getting surgery on Tuesday, the 19th in our prayers and thoughts as they go through their surgeries. . . GloGarza, good luck honey, i'll be praying for you . . . and in a few hours you will be on the losers bench along with us. . . Godspeed to you all. . . .
  23. thinoneday

    Anyone Else feel Stupid?

    Good for you Bigdd, getting meds cut away is a great sign isn't it??? I'm proud of you! Wow, you've done really well with your weight loss too. . . keep up the great work. . .
  24. thinoneday

    Food for thought

    Hooray for me girls! I had tuna!!! and it didn't even hurt me. . . went down really well. . .I left some of the water in it and mixed some yellow mustard with it, 2oz took me about 20 minutes to eat and 1 stick of string cheese. . . wow it was amazing! Sorry just a little victory thingy here for me. . . sounds stupid i know. . . but at least i know tuna isn't going to kill me. . . hehehehehe
  25. thinoneday

    Feeling tired & Sleepy

    Jab, are you taking a B12 sublingual Vitamin as well, we are supposed to take 4 supplements, multivitamin, Calcium, B12, and Iron. . . are you taking those? If not, get onto them and see if you feel better after a few days ok. . good luck!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
