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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. Smeet, I'm out now 4 weeks and i don't have that gassy feeling never have, i don't belch out like a rude man either, actually my burps have become very dainty. . .i don't have to use any antacids at all, never have. . . well if your getting married in march, when are you planning to have the surgery? depends on that don't you think? If your worrying about that, maybe wait til after the wedding. . .I have never felt nauseated or never have vomited. . . i can tolerated every thing except plain Water, so i flavor it with crystal light, now i can drink all my fluids as well. . . you have to do your research my dear, i did research on this for 1 1/2 years, went to a seminar, and then decided. . don't just jump into it. . .maybe like they mentioned on this thread, talk to a counselor first. . . good luck but the decision is yours to make. . .
  2. thinoneday

    Looking for Texas Sleevers???

    Welcome Kelly, you'll be really happy you got the sleeve. . . good luck to you!
  3. I had mine at Foundations Surgical Hospital of San Antonio. . . very nice experience, the hospital is new (2 years old) I really enjoyed my experience, how about you?

  4. thinoneday

    The noises

    Wow, thats crazy. . . i can't relate because all my noises have rather become petite and i'm so much more of a lady now. . . even my burps are dainty, i love it. . .
  5. I chose the sleeve along with DH, we chose together. . .i had researched all the different wls and the sleeve seemed the most safest, economical and ideal. . . I really like the idea that once your healed you can literally eat whatever (within reason of course) and still lose weight. . . sorta like eat and go. . . with RNY (bypass) you have your plumbing rearranged and then have to watch everything going into your mouth or you pay the painful price of dumping syndrome. . . with the band, you spend money with fills/unfills, risk infections at the port site, and possibly end up in the hospital with slippages and so on. . . the sleeve to me is the way to go. . . the choice is yours and good luck with you decisions
  6. thinoneday

    3 days on the Loser side

    I'm glad it went away, but did you mention it to your doctor? Did you ever find out what it was?
  7. Listen really closely when you go to the seminar. . . the band is expensive! If you think about it, the fills, unfills, the possible infections at the port, the readmissions to the hospitals because of possible slippages. . . no thank you! with the sleeve you are in the hospital 3 days tops, go home sipping on fluids and eating popsicles for a bit, then train yourself to eat slowly and chew foods, get full on 4 oz. . . then after a while (mine is the 6th month) you can go on a regular diet. . . then you eat whatever (within reason of course) and know your eating like a thin person. . losing weight and being happy about it. . . the sleeve is the way to go! Good luck on your decision as well. . . :thumbup1:
  8. Good article, but i've told everyone who would listen except my mom. . .she is too dramatic and would have me in my grave already! hehehe. . . when i was thinking about it, i didn't tell anyone, but now (4 weeks out) i tell anyone who asks. . . and the response has been really positive, when the folks at work found out and after i came back to work, a lot of them came to me and yes told me they didn't think i had needed the surgery but after gently explaining that yes i did, they asked tons of questions and were so interested, a few of the ladies are actually thinking about getting it done themselves. . . they have become much more friendlier now as well . . .no negatives at all. . .
  9. Hi, i was really going to get the band too . . but my hubbie was dead against that. . i asked him to come to a seminar which he did with reluctance, but he came. . .after the seminar, i asked him what he thought, he told me that he will never support me with the band but would support me 100% with the sleeve. . i nearly fell over. . well on Dec 29th (about 4 weeks ago) i was sleeved and for $15,500 USD (self pay) had my surgery here in San Antonio, TX which also included a 3 day stay in the hospital and yes that is plenty of time to recover. . you feel good by day 3, sore but good. . . your price as you can see is good compared to the US. . I have never looked back with regret about getting the sleeve, it's a permanent thing and you don't have to worry about getting fills and unfills (that is expensive!) you don't have to worry about erosion like with the band, don't have to worry about slippage as with the band! Girl it shouldn't take someone to push you over to the sleeve side, it only makes sense. . . Good luck in your decision!
  10. thinoneday

    Changes with Taste Post Op - Newbie Here! :)

    i personally would not do that right now. . i'd wait til your sleeved. . . your not going to need all that right away anyhow. . . you'll be on broth, water, sf jello, and popsicles the first week. . . then at your 1 week dr appt you can talk with the nutritionist and together you can figure it out. . . i was lucky, my taste to foods was not affected, however, it was to water. . . tastes very very metallic, so i add crystal light to my water and it's ok now. . but don't waste your money right now. . .
  11. thinoneday

    3 days on the Loser side

    I've been sleeved about 4 weeks now, my incisions still let me know they are there from time to time. . they don't hurt, but sting and every now and then might "pull" . . . but thats the healing process i'm assuming. . . my breast reduction was done in 2000 and i had over 220 stitches, the incision line from that still irratates me from time to time as well. . . keep your chin up. . . this too shall pass. . .
  12. thinoneday

    Questions about Pre-OP Tests

    Ekg - electrocardiogram . . they only put some pads on your chest, arms and legs to see what your heart is doing . . . no running . . . chest xray, bras come off, sports bra and all. . . good luck
  13. thinoneday

    did you know....

    Well if that ever happens to me, at least i'll die thin and won't need 100 pallbears to carry my coffin down the aisle . . . thanks for the info
  14. thinoneday

    Protein Ideas......

    I love the bariatric advantage protein powder in vanilla. . . it mixes well with anything. . it contains 27 grams and i love to have it mootopia milk in the morning. . . also i mix 1/2 a scoop BA protein powder with orange fit N light yogurt and it taste just like a creamcycle (sp). . . yummy. . .
  15. I find i get tired easy. . . usually in the bed by 9pm during the weekday and at about 10:30 pm on weekends . . . energy level? i guess it's about the same as before
  16. thinoneday

    What was your energy level?

    I'm about 4 weeks out now, and for the first time today did some major work. . i went out on the lawn and hand pulled all the weeds, yes, bending down, not sitting. . . wow it took me 2 1/2 hours and when i was done, i had a great looking weed free brown lawn and was very very exhausted, thought i was going to pass out, my legs didnt want to move and my eyes kept glassing over, got myself into the house and right away laid down on the couch slept for 3 hours straight, the phone woke me up, if it wasn't for that i'd never woke up! But after i got up i felt so good, i felt accomplished, sore back and legs but accomplished!
  17. thinoneday

    First Procedure

    Yup me too Chancie, the stomach is definately going to have to go, having been stretched out with 2 pregnancies and then alot of weight, then lose weight and gain weight, the poor skin on my stomach is really stretched out. . . so once i've lost all the weight and maintained for about 6 - 8 months without gaining, I'll look into getting that loose skin removed. . .
  18. thinoneday


    You betcha! the gas pain was interesting to say the least. . right in my left shoulder and under the clavicle. . . i was told by the nurses to put a heating pad on the area when resting, and increase walking and stretching my shoulder a bit. . . you could try the hugging thing to stretch, hug yourself and bend forward a bit at the waist . . hope it helps
  19. Well, I bought my vitamins and supplements from my doctor and they write what to take on the bottles, so it's easy for me. . . I take 2 calcium, 2 vitaband, 2 sublingual B12, and 1 iron daily. . . if it's a multivitamin, then it's 3 calcium, 3 multivitamins, 2 sublingual B12 and 1 iron. . . hope this helps
  20. thinoneday

    Week out

    hehehe . . . you guys are so cute. . . licked one of the fries. . . that is good. . . the week after my surgery i soooo badly wanted vegatables (go figure) that i almost crunched on a green pepper, but then i thought how much pain this little piece of pepper would give me and decided against it. . . now about 4 weeks out my cravings have left and i don't have the head hunger as much anymore either. . . now it's good. . . it'll happen to you soon too. . good luck
  21. thinoneday

    feeling down and doubtful...

    I'm so proud of you! You'll be so happy you chose this route. . good for you! Good luck and chat soon again
  22. thinoneday

    I am sleeved!!!!

    I promise the frustation DOES go away . . . the first couple of weeks post op for me were horrible, I was "hungry" and had cravings and wanted everything, but i stood fast and continued to do my liquid diet. . . i think the first couple weeks is a carb detoxification and you go a little nuts. . . just hang in there, it does get better. . . remember it's only temporary while your new tummy heals ok? good luck!
  23. thinoneday

    low calorie intake...bad?

    Hi I'm with Midwest Girl I used to love to gulp water all day long! I'd get over 100 oz down a day, then i got sleeved and guess what? Can't even get down the blinkin' 64 oz now. . . like Midwest, I add sf crystal light or SF welshes blended berry mix to the water. . . it's much better now and as long as i sip small amounts i do really well. . . i'm now at almost 60 oz at it's taken me about 3 1/2 weeks. . . keep trying it'll get better, I promise. . .I'm definately NOT allowed oatmeal or potatoes at all during the first 6 months . . doctor told me it would slow down the weight loss because of the amount of carbs. . . maybe don't eat those and substitute with something else. . I'm still on high protein foods, fatfree cottage cheese, fatfree ricotta cheese, fatfree string cheese, fatfree refried Beans, sf puddings, fatfree yogurt, fatfree mootopia milk, Protein shakes, very mushy tunafish and so on. . Next week i get to try extra lean ground hamburger meat and extra lean ground turkey, we'll see about that! Good luck, I hope it all settles down and you can carry on with your journey. . .
  24. thinoneday

    Confession Time

    Thanks for your understanding Chancie. . .I've always told my mom that i would MUCH rather has 1000 PMS teenage girls then 1 stupid boy. . .I also believe this little saying "A daughter is a daughter for life, a son only til he takes a wife" You seem in the same boat as me too, only I don't give him money, NEVER, because that would mean the "wife" and her illegitamit child from another marriage (who he claims as his now) :svengo:would benefit from it as well. . also cause he spends foolishly . . . would rather have tons of fun and forget all the bills and other things that are important, unfortunately we have scratched him off our will and my daughter inherits everything (lucky girl) we will leave him something so he can't contest the will, but it will be very small as per our lawyer. . . I really really don't like the boy! :mad: Thanks again for listening . . . It's really hard when your doing it alone. . .wow you are a very strong woman! I tip my hat to you my friend. . .together we'll get through this stupidness with our sons and together we'll battle our fat devils too. . . at least that is a fight we know we can win!:crying:
  25. thinoneday

    Confession Time

    Thanks Midwest, but this has been going on since forever, I just get really really irked when he pulls stunts like this. . . just a bunch of criminal mind games to try to get his way. . . . thanks and yes, I am a very strong woman! cheers!

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