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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. I had my gallbladder removed in 1996 and it was the best thing ever. . . they do it laproscopically as well and as an outpatient. . .you have a bit of ouchy here and there and thats it, i was off work for maybe 2-3 days. . if you ignore it, the pain gets worse and worse until you can't stand it anymore, my mom tried that and she fainted. . . she lives alone and after she came too, she herself called the ambulance . . . so if i were you I'd get 'er done . . . (mom is doing great by the way):smile:
  2. thinoneday


    Hey WingRider, I'm originally from Plainview, TX about 60 miles south of Amarillo, closer to Lubbock! Yes, we didn't know about HEB either, only United SuperMarket. . . isn't it a small world? Yes, I love HEB now. . . has almost everything. . . enjoy your shake tomorrow, it tastes like instant carnation breakfast. . .
  3. sorry to ask, but are you worrying? i don't mean to sound prickly or stupid. that was actually a question i asked my doctor, if he had any patients who go too thin that made him worry, he said no . . but doesn't mean it can't happen. . . i only want to be 170, anything less and i'll start to stress. . .
  4. Thanks Tiff, what an horrid experience that must have been! I was just wondering because if I ever get a leak, what it would feel like. . . thanks again. . .
  5. :scared0:Wow what a horrible thing to get! Stacie, I'm so sorry you are going through this . . . my prayers and thoughts will be with you . . . Tiff, can I ask a question which may seem bizzare to you, but what exactly does a leak feel like? How does a person know they have one?
  6. thinoneday

    Has this happened to anyone?

    Wow, that sounds like something you could fight! I'm so sorry that happened to you. . .I was self pay, so I really can't answer that question, but you really need to look into that.
  7. thinoneday

    Confession Time

    Tiff, that was my concern which i brought up to the doctor . . . has anyone ever had complications with maintaining and just kept loosing. . . he couldn't answer me, because he hadn't seen it with any of his patients, but he "assumed" it could happen. . .I don't want to go beyond 170 lbs because at 200 lbs i wear size 12/14. . . can you imagine me going beyond 170?????? I'd look like a spider with long spindly arms and bent legs, like something out of a horror movie! Ewwwwww. . .so i guess you do what you have to in order to prevent loosing too much weight and becoming ugly looking. . . yay cake!
  8. thinoneday


    Hi, I was told after my first week post op checkup from my nutritionist, that I am only allowed Mootopia fat free milk. I got it and love it especially with the protein powder. . .the Mootopia Milk has less calories and more protein in it then regular milk. . . you need lots of protein right now. . . so if you can get that. . . good luck
  9. my stomach feels clamped down most of the time, but that is ok, like Tiff, i drink something warm wait 15 minutes then eat something. . . wait 30 minutes and drink warm again. . . then in about 1 hour it clamps down again. . . then i just sip and continue to sip til the next meal. . .I've just come to except that is how it's going to be until i can start my regular diet. . .
  10. Hey don't sweat it, it's simple. . . i don't know how your psych does it, but with mine it was sooooo easy. . . we had to fill out bubble test of about 400 questions. . . very boring, but don't get lazy over it, some are trick questions. . .then after you were done, she called me in and asked some of the same questions on the test, and that was it. . . don't worry about answering wrong, just don't say yes to " do you feel like harming yourself" or "do you feel like harming others". . . that would make you fail for sure! Just have fun. . .I ended up asking the psych question and she answering them instead of the other way around. . .it was easy paced and fun! Hope your experience is just as enjoyable. . . good luck
  11. wow that is amazing! Thanks for sharing that, however, even with the stretch out you still can't eat as you used to . . .
  12. Do the best you can. . . that is the best i can tell you . . . we can tell you this and that, but just do what you can without going absolutely nutty. . . good luck~ and congratulations on your sleeve date!
  13. Hey Coopersmom, who in san antonio did your surgery? I had Dr. Ramiro "sonny" cavazos. . .
  14. thinoneday

    Lentil Soup

    I love every thing called a bean, lentils especially. . . i love yellow split peas the most and boil them down to a mush too. . . i do that to my pinto beans too, add pinto bean seasoning and call it "refried beans" its so good. . . and fat free too cause i don't add anything into them except for the pinto bean seasoning and some salt and mrs dash. . . yummy. . . . I make enough for the week and enjoy it 1/4 cup with whatever else 1/4 cup of
  15. best of luck to you, your going to do great! keep us posted!
  16. YES! and if you mix your protein mix (vanilla flavor) with Fit N Light Orange yogurt, it tastes like a creamsicle, very yum . . . my protein powder is very good, it's Bariatric Advantage Vanilla, i love it. . . might try the chocolate or strawberry next time. . . are you taking your B12? and the other Vitamins and supplements? this could be playing a factor too
  17. thinoneday

    Picture update

    lol . . thanks for sharing. . I'm pretty proud of 1 think about myself too, I'm 2 years away from 50 and don't have a wrinkle in my face to talk about. . . it comes from my native american heritage and my grandma. . . she didn't have a wrinkle in her face at 90! Way to go grandma. . . But yes, i will probably go ahead and fix the tummy later on. . . doctor says he can make it so that insurance will pay for it . . . so that is a plus . . .
  18. thinoneday

    I can't take it.....

    sipping is the best, i haven't had this problem but i drink lots of water and watery foods, good luck. . .
  19. thinoneday

    3 days on the Loser side

    Yes, i think that would be a good idea to mention it when you go for your follow up! keep us posted
  20. thinoneday

    Tomorrow is my day!

    You'll be ok, it's a normal reaction. . . this surgery was my 18th major surgery and with each and every one of them i was so nervous and scared. . . but as you can see, i'm still here and doing very, very, well! Your going to do really well too. . . it's not a bad surgery at all. . . you are going to be up and about the next day or like me the same day of surgery once i woke up. . . I really needed to get out of bed when i woke up. . . after all my legs didn't hurt did they now. . . so i walked out into the hallway and 1/2 way down and went back to bed, the next day thou, i walk 8 lengths of the hallway and by the evening was walking 12 lengths . . . felt really good. . . by the 3 day i was so ready to go home, and on the 5th day had no pains at all. . . you'll do great! just sip your fluids, do your walking, and think positive, be happy, you are starting a great journey now that can take you to much better things in life. . . good luck and i'll be thinking of you tomorrow! keep us posted! Mini-Me, this post goes for you too! You'll go great too. . . just walk and sip ok? Cheers
  21. thinoneday

    Picture update

    Tiffy, by the way, your new hairstyle is beautiful. . . now, the way you explain yourself up there is weird, the way you look is fabulous, but i guess the loose skin comes with the territory huh? I don't really care either about how i will deal with the loose skin, expect the tummy, i have always had a huge pannus from pregnancy (gained 100 lbs with each kid, there are 2) so that i might get rid of, i don't know yet. . . Tiff, if you don't mind my asking, how much did you weigh before the sleeve?
  22. thinoneday

    Feeling rather alone and confused....

    This might sound really really stupid, but you know what i've been doing this past 4 weeks out? I trick my body with little games, one day, i'll eat about 350 - 400 calories, then the next 530, then stay with 530 for 2 days and drop down to 400 then down to 350 again, I 've never hit a stall (knock on wood) yet. . . the growling "pains" I can't explain really but when that happens i drink alot of water, or gatoraids (low carb ones) that works and sometimes if it keeps going, i think what is wrong and usually find that i'm really tired and need some rest, so i take a tylenol and go to bed. . . the tylenol fills the gap and fixes any other pains you may have during the night. . . good luck
  23. instead of eating those M&M's why not eat an extra protein? Don't sabatoge yourself, you did this for a reason and that reason was not by eating M&Ms. . . eat an extra string cheese, or another 1/4 cup tuna, hamburger meat, or something. . . something with sustanence but not so many carbs. . . . good luck
  24. thinoneday


    mine are still noticable but i don't care, it's my battle wounds and my success scars. . but i had my gallbladder taken out in 1996 under laproscopic procedure and they are so faded you really really have to look closely, i'm thinking this is what will happen to these too. . . however if you smoke or have diabetes then the scars will take longer to heal and may look different . . .
  25. yeah, soup and small appetizer would be great and if your questioned just let them know you started a diet a while back and don't want to destroy it right now, but want to have tons of fun! that might work. . . if they insist you eat, eat, eat, just smile and say no. . .good luck

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