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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    i need a buddy

    tromero, hi I was sleeved on Dec 29th . . . I've done pretty good so far. . . you might want to try what i do . . I only weigh myself when i go to the doctor appts. . . i've gotten rid of my scale at home and definately don't use the one at work. . . i lost 32 lbs the first 2 weeks after surgery and have not weighed myself since. . . my next doctors appt is Feb 16, i'll be weighed then. . . i refuse to become a slave of the scales . . i judge my weight loss through my clothes and how they fit, and compliments from people. . . are you still eating semi soft foods high on protein? Or are you eating whatever? How about exercise?
  2. thinoneday

    I cheated... i feel so horrible

    We are all human and make mistakes, that is why we are here on earth to learn from our mistakes. . . don't feel bad, but maybe you could try "cheating" on healthier snack, sunchips, nuts, dried fruit, gatoraid, etc. . . it's better cheating with healthier Snacks then downright bad snacks. . . just a suggestion. . . good luck
  3. Bambi, welcome to the losers side! So glad your home and doing well. . . and you know things are only going to get better from here on out! Good luck!
  4. thinoneday

    Spicy foods??

    Hi Andrea, I too love spicy foods, but (and don't listen to me, it's what my doctor told me to do so I'm just sharing) when i was sleeved i was told not to eat anything else other then mild salsa and only 1 tsp of it. .this is because a sleeved tummy gets ulcers quicker then a normal stomach. . .soooooo, i still eat my curry, masalas, and chili powders in my foods, but not habeneros or jalepenos . . .
  5. Good for you Jenn, what a great accomplishment! You've worked hard and you should celebrate (but not with food, like in the olden days!) Keep up the great job!
  6. thinoneday

    I have been sleeved!

    Hooray for loosing! Welcome to the losers side! i'm glad to hear your feeling ok, venturing to the post office is good. . . better then not venturing anywhere and just staying stationary. . you don't want that. . well again, congratulations on being sleeved, you'll find the journey interesting i'm sure. . . i've been out now about 5 weeks. . at first i didn't like it AT ALL, now i'm so happy i did this, I really love it. . . go for my 1st month follow up on Feb 16th, then i'll post again how much i lost. . .only weigh at my doctors appt so i'm not dissappointed. . . good luck!
  7. thinoneday

    abrupt appetite change?

    That exact thing happened to me at about 3 weeks out, I'm now about 5 weeks out. . . i just plugged along with what i could. . and did the best i could . . . it went away after about 2 weeks and now i'm back to normal. . . i guess these are some things we are going to experience while we're on our journey . . .you'll be ok!
  8. thinoneday

    NSV shout outs

    Sarita, that is not a pathetic NSV, that is a great NSV! Good for you. . you now fit the normal cuff! Good for you !!! Keep up the great work!
  9. Good for you twobluecats! My next doctor appt is Feb 16th and that is when i weigh in. . i haven't weighed in since my 1st week followup . . so this should be interesting. . . I'll be able to add fruits and veggies too! I'm so excited. . . this has been a good journey so far, and i'm so happy i did this!
  10. You will love the sleeve and you will definately HATE the band, Tiffy can tell you about her experience with the band and it wasn't pleasant. . . my girlfriend got the band and is not happy either, she is finding that it is very expensive due to the fills/unfills, and problems with slippage. . . your really going to love your sleeve. . . it's permanent and won't let you over eat ever again. . . in the beginning i had doubts about my surgery, but that was because i needed to get used to the weird feeling when eating and drinking. . now i'm 4 1/2 weeks out and wouldn't give it up for anything. . would i do it again. . YOU BETCHA!!!!! today we had a luncheon at work, and i took my 1/2 c of tunafish . . . i was eating my tuna, and watching others and was amazed how much people really eat. . . i couldn't believe that all that food on some of those folks plates really fit into their tummies. . . it's amazing. . .it took me about 40 minutes to finish my tuna while some folks were working on their 2nd plates. . . amazing. . . your going to love the sleeve!
  11. thinoneday

    New And In Classes For The Sleeve

    Honey get your sleeve! You are going to love it. . . don't be scared, i know it's scary, and you wouldn't be normal if you were loving the idea of partial stomach removal. . . this surgery was my 18th major surgery. . i'm here to tell you about it. . the surgery for me was pretty easy . . . i was up and walking around the same day as the surgery, after all it was my stomach that got worked on and not my legs. . . soooo since walking helps with recovery, up i went and walked like a wild woman! The only problem i had for a bit was getting used to the weird feeling of the sleeve. . . but it's good now, I'm out 4 1/2 weeks and feel wonderful. . . i've gotten the hang of this eating things and am very happy how it's going. . . i now look at people eat and wonder "how in the world can y'all eat all that" it's amazing. . .don't become scale obsessed either, i only weigh once a month at my doctor appts . . I go again on Feb 16 and then the ticker will move . . . hope this helps and welcome to the forum. . . we are here for you when you need us ok?
  12. thinoneday

    On my way to the airport!

    Mini Me! Welcome to the loser side honey! I'm glad everything went well with your surgery . . . our prayers and thoughts are always with everyone who goes through this surgery, we know what your going through from nervousness to successes. . . you'll do so well and be successful with your weight loss. . . good luck and keep in touch!
  13. Welcome Phatmanwalking . . . I was just reading your screen name and said to myself it's amazing how we see ourselves isn't it. . . i'm so happy that you have rec'd your date for WLS, your going to be really happy with it. . . i'm 4 weeks out and at first thought i did the wrong thing, but now am so happy i did this . . . i don't miss food at all anymore, i just go along with what my doctor wants me to do and i'm just fine . . . this is a great forum, we are fun and supportive, we answer all and any questions there are . . . never think a question is stupid, cause the only stupid question is the one not asked. . . we are here for you whenever you need us. . . welcome again and hope to hear from you soon!
  14. thinoneday


    I'm so glad everything went well. . . just do the best you can with the water, broth, and protein. . . concentrate on healing now. . . but walk, and sip as much as possible. . . good luck and welcome to the losing side
  15. thinoneday

    Can I Ever Eat Bread Again?

    Midwest, don't listen to me. . . my doctor, I've noticed, is very strict when it comes to this healing process and wants me to go very slowly with everything, so i just say what he says. . doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't. . . don't worry honey, you do what you do . . . I'm glad we have this forum to help us out in different areas. . . good luck!
  16. thinoneday

    Confession Time

    Thanks Lan2k, but you know at one time, yes there was a lot of hurt, but with all the years that this has gone on, I have grown very numb to it. . I'm the type that if he deserves it, I have no problem throwing his butt into prision myself. . .I'm really not your typical mom I think, I'm ex military and have learned how to be really tough throughout my life, along with being pestered and hurt as a youngester growing up . . . I've learned how to become very numb to many things. . I'd give examples of things, but then everyone would think of me as a monster. . . sorry to say, but after a while people get like that (not all, but some). . . but thanks for your heartfelt warmth and caring. . . always
  17. thinoneday

    Am I doing Ok?

    Yup, y'all were right, i'm having a cold right now. Started this afternoon, thanks ladies . . . Gloria how you doing?
  18. no lauramomof3, your not stupid, don't say that, your human. . . it's what makes us who we are. . you are a great person whose lost 53 lbs already in 6 short weeks! How wonderful is that. . i could suggest this for you, it's just head hunger, when you feel like eating something, stop and listen to your tummy. . . are you really hungry? No. . then drink something pleasant like flavored water, gatoraid, milk, coffee, tea, fuze slenderize (those are soooo good and only something like 10 calories) our bodies can't tell the difference between hunger and thirst, most times it's thirst and not hunger but we as humans mistaken it as hunger and eat. . . so next time you reach for that cracker or chip, think first if maybe your poor body isn't just thirsty and enjoy a drink of something. . . good luck. . .
  19. Hi, I'm 4 weeks out now and this is my progression diet. . . Breakfast 8 oz fat free mootopia milk (or soy fat free) 1 scoop vanilla BA Protein powder lunch 1/4 c. tuna with mustard or FatFree mayo 1 stick string cheese or 1/4 c. cooked ground turkey 1/4 c. refried Beans dinner 1/4 c. cottage cheese 4 oz sugar free Jello or 1/2 c. extra lean hamburger meat Snack 4 oz yogurt 1/2 scoop BA vanilla Protein Powder (mixed together) I have fat free cottage cheese, string cheese, ricotta cheeses, yogurt Dannon Fit N Light, tuna in Water, extra lean hamburger meat, extra lean ground turkey, sugar free jello, sugar free pudding, popsicles, eggs, soft sugar free fruits, mushy beans and lentils, broth, creamy Soups and lots of Vitamins and supplements. I only have 1/2 c only of any 1 food. . or mix and match 1/4 c + 1/4 c = 1/2 cup. . . . does this make sense? I am on this for about 5 months and then progress to a regular diet. . hope this helps
  20. loser, you've done this for 2.5 weeks! good for you man! good for you! only have what 1/2 week left! You can do this. . . the good smells and sights of food can drive you crazy, but honey this is what made you overweight in the first place right? You've come this far, you can continue. . . your going to be a lean, mean, fighting machine! your going to win the fight against obesity! You don't need all that food, you are stronger than your stomach. . . fight it, your going to come out winning! Good luck! Read my signature, its so true!
  21. thinoneday

    Can I Ever Eat Bread Again?

    Hi Pennie! I was told no breads, pastas, rice, or potatoes until i'm 5-6 months out. . for now the reason is that those carbs grow in your stomach and will stretch out your sleeve. . . i don't think you want that . . i know i sure don't. . . so i'll just wait, it's not worth the hassle. . .thanks hopes this helps.
  22. thinoneday

    Food obsession?

    That happened to me too, so don't worry, it does go away at the about the 3rd week. . . I was so obsessed it was stupid:angry:. . I'd fix my family these great meals and think "wow, I wonder if i could just taste a bit" but my good side always won, I never tasted anything. . . then after a while it was like "whatever" and I concentrated on myself. . . now I get the urge every now and then but ignore it and sip my Water instead and tell myself that I am not going to let fat possess me ever again. . . I am stronger than that and damn it, it's not going to win again! and I carry on day after day, it does get better, but you have to be willing to change it. . . good luck!:smile:
  23. thinoneday

    She Lurks No More

    Hi and welcome, first off make sure that "cocky" young doctor of yours has done at least 300 of these sleeves and what is his leak % . . . if he can't answer these 2 questions, maybe you need to look elsewhere. . .good for you doing your research on everything. . . even toothbrushes!:smile: Keep us updated and keep posting. . .
  24. thinoneday


    Bless your heart! I know though what your talking about missing Texas, I've lived here now for 15 years and have travelled everywhere in the US . . I am always so happy to come back "home" . . . I wouldn't give up TX for nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing. . . . something about the great state that makes it unique and loving :smile:
  25. thinoneday

    streching the sleeve

    Hi there, no you have to follow doctors orders with the sleeve or you could hurt yourself during the healing process. . . after you start your regular diet, which is at 5 or 6 months out, you need to watch what you putting into your mouth. . . i'm sure you can stretch it out, but why after so much would you want to do that? That has never made sense to me. . . good luck and best wishes to you. . .

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