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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by stacielynntate

  1. stacielynntate

    How much time off work?

    My dr says 4 weeks but I can return after 1 week if I feel up to it since I have a desk job. Plus I have the benefit if being able to work from home so if I'm feeling tired etc I can just stay home that day. My boss and co-workers are great and flexible so I'll see when the time comes.
  2. stacielynntate

    Revision, anyone?

    Thanks. We have a few more weeks left.
  3. HI there I go to South San Fran Kaiser and I'm having my revision surgery on 6/18 to the sleeve. I only have to pay my $20 copay for my surgery as well. I was banded in 2008, had a baby in 2011 and since then nothing but issues any time we try to fill my band. It has taken me 3 years to say yes to revision based on my own worries but after putting back on most of my weight I know it's time. We did document everything we did, new upper GI, fill/unfill band, went on the pre op diet and still had issues and I believe because of the issues I was able to get approved so quickly (decided on 4/29/14 and got my date that same day for surgery).
  4. stacielynntate

    Here again?! Need advice!

    Wish you all the best tomorrow.
  5. stacielynntate

    Revision, anyone?

    I am also nervous on the risk for revision but like you feel the benefits outweigh them. I'm just praying my dr can do the surgery all in one and I dint require 2 depending in what he finds out from the band once he gets in there.
  6. stacielynntate

    Any 2014 June Sleevers

    Can you all believe June is just around the corner? Time for us all to start the next chapter in our lives. Can't wait 3 weeks left till surgery for me.
  7. stacielynntate

    Revision, anyone?

    Some of my issues is horrible 24/7 acid reflux. Anytime I have more then 2cc's it flares up. And since I have so much acid I can't eat as there is no room for the food to go so back up it comes (and this includes liquids). My dr and I did a year of trying to empty the band and wait a few months then refill. Did a few upper GIs to make sure no blockage. After all that he have the ok fir surgery and once my band is empty I have no acid reflux at all. The many reason we did things to try and work it out was so we can document it so there would be no question for insurance to cover it. I wish you luck.
  8. stacielynntate

    Any 2014 June Sleevers

    I'm excited that I'm one day closer to my surgery date.
  9. stacielynntate

    Lap band removal or revision

    I've been banded since 2008 and on 6/18 I'm getting revision to the sleeve. I'm lucky my Dr and insurance do this but I did have to go through a few months of trying to work out issues with my band. After trying things and doing test I was able to get it covered no problems. Maybe reach out to the Dr.'s in your area that you know do revision and see what they say and what can be done. You never know till you try.
  10. stacielynntate

    Revision, anyone?

    I am one also surgery is set for 6/18. I'm ready for the switch and to get this weight loss jump started again.
  11. Hi there I was banded in 2008 and had my second son in 2011. I went back to my dr when he was almost a year old but each time the would fill my band I got horridly acid reflux and could not get any food down. We would empty the band wait a few months and try again. Well needless to say after 3 years if this I'm getting revision surgery to the sleeve on 6/18. My dr did say he may need to do it in 2 surgeries depending on scar tissue but hopes he can do it all at once. I would recommend you ask your dr apt doing revision since you do have issues with the band now.
  12. stacielynntate

    Conversion from Lap-Band to VSG

    I'm also in the process my surgery date is 6/18. I got my band in 2008 but after having my second son in Jan 2011 I have had so many issues any time we tightened the band. So my dr opened my band completely in Oct last year and I've put on 20 lbs. I finally said it's time for change and can't wait.
  13. stacielynntate

    Any 2014 June Sleevers

    I'm scheduled for band removal to sleeve on 6/18. I've started sampling different vitamins and protein shakes so I'll be ready. The closer my date gets here the more nervous I'm getting.
  14. stacielynntate

    under 4 now!!!

    Way to go ????
  15. Hi there I was banded in August 2008 and lost 120lbs before getting pregnant in 2010. Since having my son in 2011 I have had any issues with acid reflux and not being able to get food down. I have had my bad filled/unfilled so many times and when it is empty no reflux issue but still food issues. Well finally a few weeks ago the surgeon has agreed to do the revision to sleeve if I want. The only thing that has be worried is he said my risk goes from less then 1% (never having WLS) to a 20% chance if leaking with a revision. Soy question for those that have gone through this have you had any issues with leakage? If so would you still do the surgery if you had to all over again? Thanks for taking the time to read and reply and best if luck to all of you.
  16. stacielynntate

    maybe lap band removal????

    I was banded in 2008 and lost 125 lbs before getting pregnant in 2010. Since having my son in 2011 I've had nothing it issues. I actually hand. 14cc band and can't have more then 1cc before the acid reflux kicks in 24/7, can't eat solids and have issues with keeping liquids down. My surgeon finally agreed he would do the revision to the sleeve. So now I'm doing my research I joined vertical sleeve talk and they are very helpful over there. What has your dr said about everything?
  17. Thanks everyone. I've had to go thru pretty much 2 years if up and downs and fills and unfills before the surgeon would agree to the revision. My normal guy I see is a Physicians assistant he would have done it earlier but of course is no surgeon. With my insurance I only have this one place to go to. I am starting to think after talking to you all and my good friend that is a RN for a surgeon in FL I am going to go for. But will put it off till next year because I can't afford extra time off right now with a huge project I'm working in with work. I will be putting a call to my PA and surgeon to get more info in his stats.
  18. stacielynntate

    I don't even know what to think...

    Wow this is just crazy. Any update? I sure hope the insurance company comes around.
  19. Hi Tracie I am kind of in the same spot as you, I got banded in August of 2008 lost 120 lbs then got pregnant. I had my son in Jan of 2011 and the last 2 1/2 years have been a difficult. Acid reflux like crazy (only goes away when I have less then 1cc in my band) and trouble eating. After many fills/unfills, getting upper GI's done my Dr has finally agreed to do the revision if I want to go with it. I am now trying to gather information and see what others have to say that did the revision themselves. I'm leaning towards doing it but one of my hold ups is the recovery time, my dr said I could be out of work almost 3 weeks and this is not the time for me to take that much time off. Hopefully you can get some answers to help with your decision.
  20. stacielynntate

    1000-1200 Calorie Diet

    I'm getting back in the saddle as they would say, and starting over after having a baby and issues the last few years. My Dr. told me on Friday he wants me to stay between 1000-1200 calories a day. Well I've never had to count my calories before and I'm not really sure where to start. So I'm wondering if you can point me in the right directions, websites, any good recipes, meal planning. I'm not a picky eater the only thing I don't like is seafood (I can do tuna and that is about it). Thanks in advance for the help
  21. stacielynntate

    Starting over.... Again

    What is this 5 day pouch test? I've haven't heard if this before.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
