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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Evanescent_Soul

  1. Oh haha cool :) mine are going next to my eyes. :D && it was free? Awesome! && get used to the belly piercing lol.

  2. Sorry, things with the family have been mad hetic. However, I have amazeing news. I have found a doctor to do the surgery, and im going for my first app. sometime in March, and then I have to do some 6 month evaluation thingy. xD Ehh, its a big step closer though right? Anyways how are you doing?

  3. Oh well that sucks lol. Eh, people don't bother me anymore, especially rude ones. Your the customer, they have to be nice, or you can say, "Hrm, im pretty sure the website has a reveiw about the service here, and im not to sure im very pleased. The other customes don't look to pleased either" then they pretty much treat you like royalty. Hrm, how big do they go up to?

  4. Well thats good that you have no more nausea. Wow that sucks. Oh ive leaned that lesson trust me, (about the walmart cheap jewlery.) Yeah, thats where I go, and also bodycandy.com, is a good website. =.] My sister is an artist, so we made a tattoo gun and I was her first customer, and shes pretty amazing at it. =.] Yeah lol, ehh, I can take the pain but watching someone else, it gives me a weird feeling. xD Iono why though. Coolie, yeah I bet its alot of money, im not to into the sleeve thing, but it would probabaly look awesome on you. Good advice lol. I know the wii fit only works for people who weigh like 200lbs and down, so it wont work for me but if you put a blanket under it it tricks it to work, but the results are false. Ive never heard of wii active, but ima look it up. =.]

  5. (Sorry for the delay on the reply, ive been busy with midtearms. =.[)


    Coolie, im hopeing to do a 3 mile walk soon. I know its not much but its a start right? Yeah I want my licence so bad lol, and a car. I haven't evn aken my 5 hour course yet, but I do have my permit so, im getting there. Good luck, though, ima be so jelous when you get yours lol. Your school sounds much better than mine lol, id love to join you, then id have a walkin buddy =.] lol.


    But in other news, I went to see my Dietition/ Nutritionist yesterday, and she set me up with a diet, im on a 1,200 calorie diet, and im set up to have to eat everything like I would as if I had the band. So if I follow through on this diet for I think its like, 3 months, then my insurance will most likely approve me. So im excited. =.]

  6. Hi Aerial, Im Tonya. Welcome to the site. I have found it very useful, and I hope you do too. Its always nice to met new people. Are you banded yet?

  7. Wow. Mine is In NYC, they have an Adolecent Bariatric Center. They were the only ones we could find to do it for me. It is around 5 hours away from my house. xD


    I understand. I hope mine approves me. xD Im kinda worried about that. Yeah, I would want a good insurance too, it would suck to pay for an insurance that doesn't do anything. Well that sucks, maybe you need to change it? Trust me I don't wanna go to school tomorrow either, and im not even banded lol. xD But I miss alot of school cause of fam. issues and doc. appt. Haha yeah, I know, but I never understood the no drinking thing lol.

  8. Yeah. Eh im just kinda nervous and anxious and excited all at once, its craxy lol. Yeah insurances are weird like that I have Excellus BCBS, and iono what they are gonna say but the hospital said 6 months.

  9. Yeah, and im glad im not alone. I feel like im the odd ball out all the sime because of my size. Im the only on in my classes that is bigger. & its like I can't do some things the other girls can. Guys don't look at me the same either, then I try to ignore it, but it gets to me in the end. I hate it. =./

    Yeah it does, im sick of being sick. =./

  10. Oh, and im not sure about my ugw yet. Im going for anywhere between 145-160. How about you?

  11. Lol, Those are good ideas, I will try them out. Im getting my licence soon, so Im hopeing I can drive into town and walk around for a couple hours with some friends, like I used to. I live a while from town. xD Yeah my school is strange, its just that they favor the sports players, if you play sports you've got it set, but id you don't, it pretty much sucks to be you.

  12. Yeah lol. It probably is going to be like that, but in the end its going to be all worth the ups and downs. I totally understand how you feel. Im also a dreamer, we have a thing in common as well lol, I love to sing, but im more solo, I love to write songs and preform, im also a KJ, (Karaoke Jocky) so I know what its like to want. People tell me I should go on american idol, or america's got talent, but I know they look at people who are overweight like its a joke, and I don't have the confidence to go through the dissapointment. But its still a big dream of mine to go big. I think if we stay positive that we have the will power to make more opportunities for ourselves, and we will do the things we thought we couldn't before cause of our weight, then the breaking down won't hurt us too bad ya know. Its all in the mind power. Lol <-- look at me ramble. xD

  13. Oh I see, I don't have it, but I guess I might because alot of people who got the band got acid reflux, so, im probably going to too. That sucks that you have to change your doctor, I won't have to because my doctor is a kid and grown up doctor, my mom goes to him too. So far I haven't had much luck finding one. =./ but im still searching. Yeah, but lately were tight on money so I don't know whats going to happen, but he might be getting bigger projects soon so its a possiblity. Yeah, her and I are not close, but at least I can talk to her is I need to. lol, eh. I really don't want to wait, even my doc said it would be very healthy for me to do it now. They did alot of test on you, wow. Eh, im going to hate going through all of that, hospitals freak me out, but this is something I really want. And im really nervous about going under, but I think I will be fine lol.

  14. Yeah, thanks. Im haveing my friend toutor me in Economics. I hope it will help. xD Ive been trying that actually.Eh, ive been doing horrible with my diet right now. Im so stressed, and theres so much happening in my family right know I can't even think straight. Im pretty depressed lately and my OCD has gotten worse because of my anexiety level increaseing. I keep telling myself I shouldn't eat this, or that. Or I should work out now, or I should make sure to write this down, but ive been do drained lately. Ive barely gotten 3 hours of sleep a night in the last 2 weeks. xD My body's like freaking out. I know i need to get myself staight though, but im not sure on how im going to do it.


    {Sorry for venting, im just loseing my mind. =.[ }

  15. Yup, an ehh, good luck lol. Wowness, they don't do that to me, but I used to smoke them, it was kind of an peer thing cause my whole family smokes, and everyone I was and kinda am around does, so I was a loser and followed. But then I got sick and noticed that im just not the smokein type so I stopped. =.] Yeah I guess lol, and ofcourse you do. Yeah I bet lol, and yup I know. =.]


    Yeah, your more than likely right. Its just alot of work. Eh, I need to start excersiseing, and getting more sleep, but its not happeneing very well. =./ Ive been pretty good with my diet, but I highly doubt that ima lose anything. =./

  16. Awe. I can't tell you I know what you mean, or how you feel. Ive never lost anyone I was close to. I lost my biological grandmother, but about the time she decided she wanted to be apart of our lives, it was to late, she died 2 years after we met. We only saw her a couple times durring them 2 years, for like easter and some family gaterings. But thats nice to think about, seeing him in your dreams. =.]


    I will, eventually, im not very curious, but I tryed on a pair of my jeans yesterday, and I could never wear them, because they were so tight and uncomfortable, and now they fit just fine. I was so suprized. Oh that does sound fun, I wish we had something like that around me.

  17. Thats cool, its like all your likeings in one. Lol, yeah that happens. When I write a book if I try to be unorignal it turns out over playe but if im not really trying and it justgoes it always is weird and seems like no one would ever wanna know about it lol.

  18. Oh that sucks. Oh Happy belater Birthday. =.] Lol when I get colds I just get the stuffyness, and the scratchy throat. Yeah I know. I tried a google search already and all that pops up are article of teens who have got it and discusing it. =./ I turn up with nothing. Yeah same here about the PS. Lol thanks, I know I am deffinitly getting it, even If I do have to wait 2 more years, praying not to. Oh I have a question, tomorrow im getting my tongue pierced, and im wondering, if I have a clear plastic on in, will they let me have it during surgery or do I have to take them all out. My ears I don't mind cause I had them for a while, but my tongue I do, and Id hate to have to re pierce both of my tonuge pierceings.

  19. Lol, awesome. Thats cool, I understand what you mean, but ive got to have the courage to go on my own. I like rock music too, but im solo that way I guess, lol. A band would be cool, and different, but it can be stressful. I totaly agree. Im makeing a demo tape of myself, or going to attempt it, and see how far I get. However, ive never had much self confidence lol. So its probably not going to go to well.

  20. Lol. =.]

    Oh, yeah my sister did that too, now shes a size 9, along with my size 4 mother. =./ Im pretty much the only big one in my emediate family. Lol good luck. =.]

    Haha, I hope it turns out like that. =.]

  21. Hey Erin, I haven't heard from you in a while, but I did want to stop by and see how you are doing? Also to tell you that I finally got insurance, and am on my way to soon start my journey. =.]

  22. Haha. xD Uhm, i'm not sure about the gym membership deal. xD Working out infront of people makes me nervous lol. I don't really know why, even though they are there for the same reason, it still gets to me lol. And yeah we will succeed. :D


    Haha, him and I were friends for a couple of years before, and one night we were hanging out and he just asked me out, it was like something out of a book. I never suspected it coming. I liked him, but I never thought he'd like me lol. I don't have confidence when it comes to guys either. Ohh, I see, well that's still cool. We don't do anything like that around here, but most people around here don't have much anichitive to get up and do a walk xD. Thanks, and me too. :D

  23. Im very glad to hear your doing fine. What changed your mind about not getting it removed? Thanks, im so excited, im not sure, but my mom is fighting like hell for me to get it on x-mas break like we planned. I hope it comes threw lol.

  24. Yeah.


    Yeah I guess lol. Not really, well that I know of. But im going to ask my friend Katie, her mother is all into them things to see if I can find something. =.]


    So how about you been?

  25. Im trying not to. =.] I agree they should have looked into it more, especially with all of the pain you were in, but honetly acid reflux does not sound correct, but I could be wrong. Well I do know that the appendix is n the right side. And I know that it is very very painful. Yeah lol. Coolie, send me your link and I will add you, I don't have any videos, I had one on my friends account but I think it got deleted. Also I have a doctors appointment on Monday to get everything started, im pretty excited and hopeful, so wish me luck lol. =.]

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