I'm doing the turbo jam dvds, beachbody.com sells them but they're much easier than P90x. I have problems with my knees and ankles, so I didn't want to do too much jumping around until I got stronger. I read a while back that if you have knee pain, you should strengthen your quads and that's the best advice I've ever gotten. The turbo jam sculpt dvd has worked miracles. My goal is to do the P90x after I've mastered turbo jam.
I also go to the gym and do the elliptical trainer. I do intervals where I go at an easy pace for 4 minutes and then minute 5, I sprint as fast as I can. I've been slacking on the elliptical for years but I really get a good workout this way.
I want to incorporate yoga at some point, but I haven't figured out how to fit it in yet.
Exercise has really helped me out alot because I was so depressed after getting banded in Sept and not really getting results and even gaining weight back. Even after I started working out, I didn't lose any weight, but I felt soooo much better about myself. Now I've finally got some restriction and I'm toned, my cellulite is going away, I feel muscles, I'm stronger, I have more energy and now I'm losing weight.
In a way I'm happy I struggled so much because I think I was waiting for the band to do everything for me, especially since I paid all this money for it. But now that I am working so hard along with the band, I feel like I'm earning every pound lost and I have a real since of accomplishment.