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LAP-BAND Patients
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About luvs2laff

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 12/10/1963

About Me

  • Interests
    Traveling, sailing, swimming, painting, driving my children & their friends to the ends of earth and back!
  • Occupation
    Full Time Mom
  • State
    Upstate NY

Single Status Update

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  1. Hey it's going good, i had my 2 week post-op appt today and i'm down 15lbs which is great! i'm allowed to have one mushie and 2 liquid meals for the next two weeks until i move to all mushie. So amazing being able to have really mushie chicken salad lol! anyway yea the gym i can start Monday because it will be exactly two weeks from my surgery! i cant wait to get that muscle feeling yay for you!!! how did the fill go? i'm seeing my doctor again in 2 weeks and he may do it then, i think he wants to see how much more i can lose with the band empty. but congrats to u on ur accomplishments! :) i'm going to add pictures up, idk if i can see a difference but today he told me i should take them every two weeks...and i got my steri strip off yay! lol glad things are looking good for the both of us

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