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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MKress

  1. MKress

    10/8/09 The Band Goes On Vacation

    Dear Groupie: So glad you are back. I am new to lap band talk, I did not find the site until a month or two after my surgery. I have say that I found your blog so funny that I went back and read everything from the beginning of your journey. You are an inspiration to us all. I was banded on 5/22/09 and have lost 44 pounds. My starting weight was 265 and I am now at 221. I am hoping that I will hit onederland by New Years. I will be a very happy camper. I have had 4 fills and I think that I have pretty good restriction now but I have to listen to my band. I grew up being told to "clean my plate" so it is very hard not to eat everything although I am full. I am learning though. Thanks again for all your wonderful posts. I enjoy get my laugh for the day. Melanie

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