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About tnewton8351

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 10/22/1970
  1. Happy 42nd Birthday tnewton8351!

  2. 2 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 2nd Anniversary tnewton8351!

  3. You've come to the right place to get answers! I wish I had come here first so I would have been better prepared! I had lap band surgery on the 26th of August and I would definitely say it is worth it. The first week or so is/was pretty miserable but after that I was pretty well feeling great. I have lost around 25 lbs now and feel sooooo much better about myself. I still have a long way to go but I do believe it is possible to get rid of this weight where as before I really felt trapped and hopeless. I've had one fill so far and right now I can pretty much eat anything. I believe I need another fill because I don't feel much restriction and can eat more than I believe I should. You should take the time to read both the positives and the negatives about lap band and make an informed decision. It is a lifestyle change but for me it has been totally worth it so far. I am so thankful I have the band. It has given me hope! Honestly I haven't found any negatives for me. I am probably going to have scars on my tummy but I do not care. I desperately need and want to get healthy. Scars may be a negative for some but it isn't a factor for me. Some people do have trouble with some foods but again that hasn't been a problem for me yet. Good luck and if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask! Take care and God bless, T
  4. tnewton8351

    I am miserable

    I can't say anything really different than the others have said but I felt really bad the first week or two as well. I honestly thought I had made a big mistake and regretted having the surgery. Someone told me to walk and keep walking. Trust me I did not want to...didn't feel up to it...didn't think I could...etc. etc. etc. but I made myself do it anyway. It was slow going and at first I didn't think it would help but lo and behold it did. I started feeling better and better. After the first two weeks I began to feel like myself again. Hon, it does get better just hang in there. You can do it! Take care and God bless. T
  5. I do the exact same thing and I know I shouldn't but just as soon as I get up it is the first thing I do...step on the scale! I don't know if there is a cure other than get rid of the scale!
  6. tnewton8351

    What does hungry feel like?

    For me, when I am hungry my stomach starts growling and it is a totally different feeling/sound than the digestion noises after eating. I also sometimes get sort of a burning sensation at the back of my throat. Not sure how to describe and it doesn't hurt...just kind of uncomfortable. When I don't have those stomach growling noises or the burning in my throat, then I know it is just me "wanting" food rather than "needing" it. I was on a diet once that you could only eat when you truly felt physically hungry (the sounds, feelings, etc.) and so I started learning how to really listen to my body. I did lose weight however over time I went back to my old habits of eating whether I was hungry or not and here I am! T
  7. I was banded Aug. 26th and feeling really great! I've lost 25 lbs since surgery and had my first fill on 9/24. I still get hungry so I am not sure if I really feel much in the way of restriction. I've been tracking my food intake online and that has been extremely helpful to me. It helps me to see what I am eating, how much Protein I am getting in, etc. So far I am extremely happy with the band and the results I am getting. I am sure the weight loss will plateau at some point but right now I am just enjoying the ride. Take care and God bless, T
  8. tnewton8351

    Walk of shame

    Been there, done that. I posted about it just a few days ago. I felt like crap! Seems like it happens to most of us on here. Tomorrow's another day so just get back on the "band" wagon and you'll be fine. Take care and God bless. T
  9. tnewton8351

    Emotional Wrekage!!!

    No I can't say that I have but it sounds to me like you were going through some difficult times prior to surgery. After the surgery, your body was trying to adjust and heal so it was weakened...add in those difficulties and it's no wonder you had a breakdown at work! I would think anyone would, given the right the circumstances! I hope things have settled down for you now. :tongue2: Hang in there and you'll do great. Take care and God bless, T
  10. tnewton8351

    OMG! A Yummy Snack:)

    I hope not because I eat them!
  11. tnewton8351

    I feel like I blew it....

    Thank you all! I feel much better today. I even got on the scales this morning figuring that might also get me motivated or punish me further I didn't know! I lost another pound would you believe? Shocking I know. I do feel better today and started off the morning in the right direction. I'm back in the saddle again! Take care and God Bless, T
  12. tnewton8351

    Outpatient vs. Inpatient

    I wasn't given a choice. My surgery was bright and early in the morning at 7:30 am and I think I was home by 1:00 pm. I didn't really need to stay any longer than that in my opinion. I was more comfortable at home anyway. :seeya:
  13. tnewton8351

    I feel like I blew it....

    The pound of Snow Crab Legs at Red Lobster come in the shell. The pound includes the shell. I looked up on redlobster.com to see what the nutritional value and calories are for what I ate. I was actually surprised. The pound of crab legs has 160 calories and 1 fat gram. Now the butter has 230 calories and 25 fat grams!! Thank God I didn't use the whole little cup! The cheddar bay biscuit I ate had 150 calories and 8 fat grams. I guess I could have done alot worse!! Still it was a lot more than I have been eating normally. Again, thanks for the encouraging words. It helps to know I am not the only who has fell off the wagon. There's hope for me yet! T.
  14. tnewton8351

    I feel like I blew it....

    I have had one 4 cc fill. Thanks for your encouragement. Hopefully by tomorrow I'll be in a better frame of mind.
  15. Since I got the band (8/26/09), I have been so proud of myself for making good food choices, eating slowly, chewing, drinking the Water, etc. etc. Following all the "rules" like a good lil bandster should. Well today after church we went to Red Lobster for lunch. Ugh!! I don't know what happened but I ate one of the cheddar bay biscuits...I was just going to have a small bite and the next thing I knew I ate the whole thing! Then I had a little bit of salad...with a little bit of dressing on the side...that was good. Then I ate an entire POUND of Snow Crab Legs...WITH butter! :seeya: I have felt so guilty ever since and really wanted to throw up so I would feel better. I mean I didn't have any pain or anything stuck. You know what I mean...feel better emotionally. Why did I eat that much?? I wasn't starving. I just wanted it and didn't stop myself! I am so angry with myself or maybe more disappointed. :blushing: I am so scared I am falling into back into bad habits. Overeating just like I did pre-band. So scared this is not going to work for me. Another failure just like all the other diets and crap I have tried. T

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