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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by trueblue247

  1. I did it, I made my consultation appt. 9/10/09. I am nervous but looking forward to it. I know it onlly the consult but it is a small step to a big movement. I am just wondering how other peoples consults went?
  2. Hello all! I am someone is considering having the LapBand. I am scared about only one thing. I never have eaten veggies. Is it a crucial part of this or will supplements help me with this aspect? I have tried to force myself eat salads and other veggies with no sucess..... I just don't want this to be the reason why I don't do this procedure.... Thanks for any responses in advance.... Matt
  3. trueblue247

    Vitamins Vs. Veggies

    Thanks for your reply! It helped me a lot!!
  4. trueblue247

    Just Me

    Just Me
  5. trueblue247

    Look its Me!!!!

    From the album: Just Me

  6. trueblue247

    Me again at the bowling alley

    From the album: Just Me

  7. trueblue247

    n580817991 1190004 4107

    Congrats! I hope for similar sucess!!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
