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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by kiki-nj

  1. I would just like to thank everyone that responded to my post. You all seem so kind and supportive. This is a big decision for me (as I'm sure it is for everyone), and I just want to make the best one possible. Right now, I'm leaning toward postponing the surgery for a few months to see how I do just following the diet on my own.

    I'm going to be optomistic and hope that if I get my emotional issues under control, then maybe I can loose weight and keep it off on my own...if not, then I am grateful that the band is there to help me reach my ultimate goal.

    Thank you again for your supportive words, and wish you all the best of luck on your new journeys.


  2. I am in the process of getting approved by my insurance for the Lap Band Surgery. I have met with the psychologist and dietician...I have already recieved the "after surgery" diet plan. What I am wondering is, has anyone tried to follow the diet without actually having the surgery (ie drinking lots of Water, Protein shakes, 3 small balanced meals, etc) and been able to loose weight successfully? Admittedly, I have NEVER tried to follow such and extreme diet (mainly weight watchers int he past).

    I have an 18 month old daughter, and my husband passed away 3 weeks after she was born (and she was 14 weeks premature), so i am all that she has. I want to be healthy for myself and my daughter, and the prospect of surgery (especially since the day is getting closer) is suddenly making me very nervous.

    I've gained about 50 lbs since my husband passed away and my daughter was born (I'm an emotional eater), but plan to start going to therapy to learn a more productive way to work out my feelings.

    I'm just wondering if following the diet is worth a try before going through surgery? I know it would be VERY hard to follow, so I was wondering what other peoples experiences have been.

    Any and all infor that anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

    PS - I am 5'9 and weigh 270 lbs., and would like to loose about 100 lbs over the next year. (I also was NOT required to do the 6 month diet by my insurance - Amerihealth).

  3. I am new to this site and was reading through posts and I just wanted to offer a little advise to the people that are recovering from surgery.

    Please do not spend too much time sitting in recliner chairs, especially if you are not getting up every hour and walking around. My husband had a simple surgery on his dislocated ankle. He was not told that he should not sit in his recliner chair, and ended up developing deep vein thrombosis (a blood clot) which went to his lungs and killed him.

    He was only 37 years old, and otherwise, very healthy and physically fit. It wasn't until after everything happened that the doctor in the ER said "was he sitting in a recliner chair?"

    Everything happened in a matter of 15 minutes...he went from being out of breath (I called 911 right away) and he went into cardiac arrest int he ambulance on the way to the hospital. they could not revive him (we also only live 10 minutes from the hospital).

    I don't want to scare anyone, I just want to STRESS that it is VERY IMPORTANT to walk around every hour, and not sit in recliner for large part of the day.

    (ALso, just a quick note, my husband was up and about all day, with a brace on his ankle...it was only a few hours in the evening when he would sit in the recliner chair with his legs up).

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