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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by djh04

  1. Hello to all: Let me start out by telling you about myself. I am a 29 year old female from Ohio, single mother of a 5 year old who works full time. I was banded 4/2007. I first started out weighing 283 and got down to 225, I went from a size 26 down to an 18. I was the happiest I ever been in a long time, felt confident and great about myself. I lost all that weight without having a fill. When I finally got a fill I still haven't lost. Well this year I have gained most of my weight back. I'm back up to 270, gained about 45 pounds back-- 13 pounds from my surgery weight. I basically lost control of my eating habits and exercising. I have exercise equipment and everything and have not used it hardly at all. I know I just need some sort of push or support to get me going again. I don't have time to go to support meetings here due to getting off work and cooking dinner and homework with my son. I am asking that someone please be my support buddy to give me that push to keep me on track with my eating and exercise habits and to get back on the journey of being happy about myself again. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Take care and God Bless!
  2. djh04

    Need Support Please

    I wanted to thank you all for leaving me with some encouraging words. I have an appointment 12/3/09 set to get a fill, this will be like my 4th fill. This time it has been almost 9 months since I had been from embarrassment of my doc seeing that I was gaining weight. I shouldn't have let that hold me back, because now I have gained back entirely too much...but I hope I can change it around, just really depressed and down and trying to get out of this rut. I do appreciate your support and again thank you.
  3. Hello to all:Let me start out by telling you about myself. I am a 29 year old female from Ohio, single mother of a 5 year old who works full time.I was banded 4/2007. I first started out weighing 283 and got down to 225, I went from a size 26 down to an 18. I was the happiest I ever been in a long time, felt confident and great about myself. I lost all that weight without having a fill. When I finally got a fill I still haven't lost. Well this year I have gained most of my weight back. I'm back up to 270, gained about 45 pounds back-- 13 pounds from my surgery weight. I basically lost control of my eating habits and exercising. I have exercise equipment and everything and have not used it hardly at all. I know I just need some sort of push or support to get me going again. I don't have time to go to support meetings here due to getting off work and cooking dinner and homework with my son. I am asking that someone please be my support buddy to give me that push to keep me on track with my eating and exercise habits and to get back on the journey of being happy about myself again. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Take care and God Bless!
  4. djh04

    No caption

    From the album: After Pics

  5. djh04

    After Pics

  6. djh04

    207942837125 0 0

    From the album: After Pics

  7. djh04

    No caption

    From the album: Before Pics 2007

  8. djh04

    No caption

    From the album: Before Pics 2007

  9. djh04

    No caption

    From the album: Before Pics 2007

  10. djh04

    Before Pics 2007

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
