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Great Pond

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Great Pond

  1. I have had my band for over 2 years, and usually I could eat something, like a yogurt or a piece of fruit. Well in the last 2 months, since my last fill, I can't eat anything.

    I am barfing everything..I even barfed Water.

    I feel like passing out a lot, and I am really tired. I don't know what to do, I was thinking about getting my band removed, because I used to eat way too much, and now I am struggling to drink Water.

    I also have the worst heartburn that I have had in a long time, I wake up and try to drink water, and get this horrible heartburn, and I have to barf the water back up. I have taken Prilosec, and Tums for my heartburn, and the Prilosec seems to make me barf everything, and Tums only work for a few minutes.

    I am going back to my Dr. soon, but he seems to have this "everything is fine" attitude.

    Maybe I just need to be slightly unfilled?

    I just want to be able to eat something again. I have some Protein shake stuff (disgusting) and it seems to go down ok if I pace myself.

    Anyone ever experience this? any ideas on how to stop this heartburn?

    The same thing happen to me the only thing is that I have not a fill in about 6months and I've been vomiting and can't keep anything down. I've had my lapbank approx 2yrs. I'm now doing only liquids and waiting before seeing the Dr. Any suggestions?

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