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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by LarraineM

  1. I too had to wait 6 MONTHS! to proceed with my insurance directives. Hindsight being 20-20 I am glad that I had to go through all the steps to get approved. It gave me time too fully understand and think about what I was about to commit to. I was PISSED and confused and mad at the world and especially at BCBS for making me do it. Just chill and comply don't let them say no to your opportunity to leave the obese world behind you. You will have no regrets..........remember good things come to those who wait or something like that ..........GOOD LUCK!

  2. My research lead me to the banding option. Firstly I am a winnie when it comes to surgical proceedures I just know the Bypass was too extreme for me. I have never met a person with a Bypass that did'nt have multiple complications. Lap band has issues but it is possiable to reverse or remove if need be. Recent studies on outcomes with Bypass are scary. The instances of heart attack and death are extremely high one yr out from surgery. They attribute this to nutrition no longer being asorbed by your body .........eek. This is not something anybody should want for themselves.

  3. I believe the whole thing is being bown out of wack by media sources.Considering that they have so far raised $18,000 dollars I am not too worried about it. Any guess at how many millions they will have to raise to accomplish their goal ? I do not invision it happening for decades.I do truely believe in freedom of worship the Community Center has been a fixture there for many yrs. Realize this too,many muslims also died in the 9/11 attacks also.

  4. I am not going to be harsh with the honesty you just shared. I felt how painful that was to say about one self. As tuff has the responces have been they are basically true. You have not acknowledged that there are no magic bullets available for you or anybody who battle weight issues. Try with all your might to regroup and start fresh with your band again. If not seek professional counseling to asssit you in your journey..............find out the WHYS.......before you jump to another method,that really is the issue........ ( Tool+ Your comittment= Sucess)

  5. Everybody in here have different instructions concerning diet. I am ten months out and my Dr still insist that 4oz or a half a cup per meal should be my norm.(Focus on protien) It works I am allowed to lightly snack between meals. My physical activity has to be in place 3x weekly,30 mins walking in the pool. You can do this !

    Talk with Dr or Nutrinist about tweeking your diet

  6. Patty there are still many christians @lap band,we just choose to engage our hearts and minds in just living for the day and the moment. We view God world as a diverce place full of wonderful creatures of all types and live in peace.The judgements are not for us to make,hrs apon hrs of pointless anger ,and damnation will not change anyone world view.I ve only been on this site 10 months but each time I recieved something with your name attached to it I'd just dumped it,never never read it I wish you peace................

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